Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 288 - Chaotic Mages

A rising sense of frustration bubbled within Masami; caution began to scrunch up on Aniela's face while Darcel became intently focused. 

Among the trio, Darcel had instantly realized what they actually needed to do. He for sure knows this will allow them to breakthrough to Mages. But it certainly will be painful, challenging, and even quite risky. 

As he thought of this, he also quickly work his mind to quell the girl's frustration since he felt it rising up within them.

"Ah! Enough! We can't fail here! One more push and at full power!"

Masami apparently had enough. She was beginning to release her bloodline powers, thinking this should be the solution.

But right as she was about to let her rage boil over, Aniela suddenly grasped her shoulders. A sliver of Light Energy formed on her palm as she touched Masami's shoulder. 

Then a small stream of Light Energy smoothly coursed through Masami's body, causing her rage to simmer down.

Aniela had then matched her gaze with Masami, who was giving her a slightly confused furrowed brow look. 

Keeping her same cautious expression, Aniela began telling her, "I don't think our bloodline will be the best method for this. Who knows how well Magic and cultivation mixed together. Rather, I'm starting to believe it's our Chaotic Shards that should do the work. And this worries me."

"Worries you?" Masami's expression only became more puzzled. "Why should it? I mean….from everything we experience by this power, it can break the rules and logic to its whims. It's not like this will destroy our bodies, right?"

"The thing is, Masami, we never really use an abundance of Chaotic Energy before. It's always either for instinctive protection or just for an attack boost." Darcel suddenly decided to join in the conversation at this time.

Immediately Aniela and Masami snapped their attention over to him. Even before Darcel thoroughly explained it, Aniela saw where this was going while Masami remained a bit skeptical. 

Although, neither girl spoke up, intending to let Darcel continue his explanation. 

"I've realized it after this recent failure. No matter if we keep trying a thousand times, we will never fully reach Mage hood. We need to stimulate Chaotic Energy on our own and to a higher degree than we ever used before. I'm positively assured that's why our Chaotic Energy keeps reacting on its own to Magical Energy."

Darcel laid out his whole thinking. 

The skepticism on Masami's face continued to grow as she then asked, "I guess you're right. But….isn't this also a bit contradictory? I mean, what about the cultivators who can become Mages? They obviously didn't have Chaotic Energy. If they did, I'm sure they would've ruled this whole continent already."

"Hmmm….I think something strange is up with those Mages. They possibly have certain stipulations with them before becoming Mages. Plus, it was said all cultivator's Mages just have this horrid Magical Talent."

Aniela said as she recalled the very little information there is about Mage cultivators. 

Both Aniela and Masami's words rummaged within Darcel's mind for a moment.

He could see it was certainly strange that they needed the boost of Chaotic Energy to breakthrough. Especially considering the fact that their comprehension abilities shouldn't lose out to anyone.

However, no matter how odd this situation was, it was their only option. 

Pushing down any suspicions or questions he had, Darcel told the girls, "We can save the questions for later. For now, we must push through with Chaotic Energy. I see no other way, and it's a quick route. Above all, I'm sure we can become extremely powerful Mages from this method."

Aniela and Masami took a moment to think over Darcel's words before responding. Although, they didn't need to think for long. For as everything Darcel had just said wasn't wrong at all.

Everything they needed was in their Chaotic Shards and the Royal Orb. No matter others' strange circumstances, all that matters right now is them. 

Moreover, Aniela and Masami could admit that they felt it would be exhilarating to become powerful mages.

To see those outrageously arrogant Mages be humbled by a lot would be quite pleasing in their eyes. 

"Understood, Darcy/Let's just go already." Aniela and Masami's voices overlapped with each other.

With their determination at its peak, Darcel finally turned back over to the Royal Orb. 

Throughout their entire discussion, that rainbow color orb made no trace of pulsating with any Magical Energy.

Right then, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami swiftly made it back over to the Royal Orb. They crouched down and reached out their hands, nearly touching it. 

But right before they made contact, the trio simultaneously stimulated their Chaotic Shards.

Immediately, an incredible stream of energy, far more powerful than their bloodline powers, coursed throughout their entire bodies. This feeling of power made the trio feel like they were on top of the whole world!

However, after only a second passing, the trio felt the heavy wave of exhaustion rapidly nearing them. 

Without any hesitation, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami hurriedly smacked their palms upon the Royal Orb.

This time, the Royal Orb immediately radiated in a bright rainbow glow. 

And at the same time, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt their Chaotic Shards pulsate even more. Then, in just merely five seconds, the trio felt the Mental Block to become Mages resurface.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't hesitate, attempting to push through with the Chaotic Energy coursing in their bodies. 

On natural instinct, the trio directed streams of Chaotic Energy specifically towards their brains.

All at once, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's comprehension abilities reached a level never seen before. And with a thought, they tried pushing right through the Magical Mental Block!

But, despite Chaotic Energy tremendously boosting their abilities, the trio still couldn't shatter this Magical Barrier. 

They felt they were only a fine line away from obtaining an overflow of a new incredible power but needed just one big push.

At this moment, Darcel steeled his mind. 

'Use even more Chaotic Energy!' He suddenly called out in both Aniela and Masami's minds. 

Both Aniela and Masami didn't become surprised, heeding Darcel's words like it was an instinctive reaction.

Right then, at the same time, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami pulled even more Chaotic Energy from their Soul's Core. As a result, within each of their Soul's spaces, a bright green shine engulfed the entire space.

Because the Royal Orb was actively stimulating their Chaotic Shards, the trio, in turn, could pull out even more Chaotic Energy than what they could normally achieve. 


At that moment, neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Masami could suppress a groan from the sudden influx of tremendous pain!

They felt as if their whole bodies were getting split open, piece by piece, with a rusted sword. Long gray cracks started to break Darcel, Aniela, and Masam's skins. 

From the gray cracks, a strange gray substance could be seen bubbling within.

Under this extreme state, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt like hours passed. Each of them felt delirious, on the verge of passing out. 

However, out of sheer determination and their powerful Wills, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami stubbornly persisted.

In actuality, only five seconds passed since this process started. But, right as only a single second passed, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami finally heard it. 


It was like several explosions went off in their minds all at once.

At that moment, the impenetrable Magical Mental Block preventing Darcel, Aniela, and Masami from breakingthrough shattered into millions of pieces! 

From this breakthrough, it was like a dam burst around them.

Massive streams of Magical Energy soared straight into Darcel, Aniela, and Masami like moths to a flame. 

Within each of their Soul and Dantian's spaces, their once half-formed Magical Seeds quickly morphed into a fully formed small gray seed!

Then, after only a second, their Magical Seeds burst open, releasing an unending stream of Magical Energy within the trio. And upon their Magical Seeds bursting open, the small gray seed quickly morphed into a new form.

In just a few short moments, the once tiny gray seed shifted into the shape of a small gray insect. 

This small gray insect is Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's Magical Insect Cores!

With their Magical Insect Cores fully formed, this signifies that Darcel, Aniela, and Masami finally broke through and became Mages! 

Although, as monumental this achievement was, the trio couldn't properly bask in it. Not when upon breakingthrough, each of them suddenly gained this head-splitting headache. 

Chaotic Energy immediately dispersed from their brains, causing the trio to deal with the after-effects of using too much of that energy.

While the trio was forced to deal with this tremendous headache, a massive crack split across the center of the Royal Orb. 

Then, in just a second, the Royal Orb pulsated with the highest amount of power it could possibly achieve!


In a beautiful rainbow color light show, the Royal Orb exploded in pure Magical Energy. And the Royal Orb's Magical Energy split into three different streams and drilled into Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's bodies.

The Royal Orb's Magical Energy not only quickly cleared up their headache but had also soared straight into their Magical Insect Cores, strengthening it to unprecedented levels.

After several seconds, the rainbow glow dispersed from the Ice Temple. The frantic streams of Magical Energy halted, causing the area to fall back to calm silence. 

At the same time, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami collapsed to their knees.

Each of them was huffing and panting, obviously nearly out of their bodily stamina. 

But none of them showcased any fatigue expressions. On the contrary, each of them looked insanely elated.

They all could sense it, a new powerful form of energy permanently nestling within their Soul and Dantian's spaces. 

This was pure Magical Energy! 

And right then, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously flung their eyes open, not even realizing they had closed it before.

For a brief moment, within each of their eyes, a blinding bright rainbow color light spewed out like dazzling sun rays.

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