Lined up behind them fifty feet away from Darcel, Aniela and Masami were six blue robe men. 

Each of their robes had the same lightning bolts design running down their luxurious made clothes, showcasing they all came from the same Mage group.

The Mages here were all male, and nearly all of them looked unimpressive. 

The only ones who actually caught more of the trio's attention was the blue robe Mage they saw before.

He was standing next to the only other distinct-looking man in the group. 

This man appeared taller than the rest, having a more solid physique that carried a powerful aura around him. With just a look, most people would be disinclined to mess with this man.

Adding on to his distinct appearance was a blue lightning symbol inscribed at the center of his forehead. 

Gazing into this unique-looking symbol, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami could just feel the Magical Power emitting from it.

From only a brief look over, the trio could easily identify this man was the leader within this small group. 

At this moment, several thoughts ran through Darcel's mind.

Going off his Magical Senses, he can perceive that all of these blue robe Mages are exceptionally powerful. Especially the Mage with the blue lightning symbol inscribed on his forehead.

Weighing his options, Darcel made a rough estimate on their assurance of winning and escaping. 

As he did so, he let no change show in his body posture. He kept himself calm and even, speaking in an unhurried voice.

"Yes, we are the Mages. Is there something you need from us?" 

As he spoke, Darcel was finding it increasingly suspicious that these guys knew they would specifically be in this spot.

Of course, he could gather that the Mage they've seen before had played a part in locating them. 

But Darcel was completely sure that nobody had followed them when making it to this ruined Ice temple.

The only explanation Darcel could think of was that either his and the girl's Magehood breakthrough was so powerful that it essentially made them a signal beam.

Or, these Mages simply accidentally stumbled upon them and sensed their cultivation and Magical aura. 

Either way, Darcel already had his guard raised up before any one of the blue robe Mages spoke.

Seeing how calm yet tightly guarded Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were, the lightning tattoo Mage let loose a small amicable smile. 

He began to speak in a seemingly more friendly tone as he then said, "Ah, honestly, we didn't come for any harm. You see, we're from the Lightning Mage group, and all of our interests were captured by you three. After all, you three surely know that your Magehood breakthrough would leave most, if not all, utterly shocked, right?"

"Hmm, yes. That may very well be so. But, what is specifically your business with us." 

Aniela sharply got to the point. Even though these people were trying to appear as non-hostile, she found that the most suspicious. After all, in their violently cruel world, it's quite easy to hide one's true intentions by putting on a smiling face. 

Moreover, Aniela simply didn't want to waste any more words than needed with these suspicious-looking Mages.

"Wanting to get straight down to business? Alright then." 

The lightning tattoo Mage, the leader of his squadron, suddenly got a bit more serious. His expression became calmer as he plainly laid out his thinking to the trio.

"Quite honestly, we've never seen Mage cultivators like you three. The Magical Aura emitting from you is shocking, to say the least. It has more latent potential than even natural-born Mages. And for this, many other non-conforming Mages would definitely either try to enslave or kill you. So why don't you three come with us? I'm assuming you all don't have much information about Mages as a whole."

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami silently took in the leader's words. They all didn't respond for a few moments as various thoughts ran through their minds. 

Although, Darcel didn't need to take a moment longer to think. His guess already got reaffirmed within his mind after this brief exchange. 

He then decided to telepathically communicate his thoughts, informing Aniela and Masami, 'From my rough estimate, they're all not too powerful. At most, each of them should be equal to either first or second-level Heavenly Kings. That tattoo man, he might be more powerful, though. We'll just leave; no point in fighting.'

Darcel didn't need to look back to know what Aniela and Masami were thinking. 

Within his Darkness Soul link, he could perceive Aniela's calmness over his decision, obviously preferring to not take any useless risks.

While with Masami, he could detect some slight unwillingness. With the new power flowing throughout her, she evidently wanted to test how far she could go. Plus, she, in general, never really liked the action of escaping.

But nevertheless, both girls agreed to this decision. 

Darcel could feel two pulsates of their energies within his Darkness Soul link, indicating that they both agreed.

Their entire exchange had really only lasted a few seconds. 

During these few seconds of silence, the Lightning Mages all believed the trio was going to accept. In their eyes, it made the most sense.

The Lightning Mages assumed that Darcel's group was led here astray by other deceiving Mages. No other cultivators would come on this specific route without the intention of becoming Mages.

From this, the Lightning Mages believed they could easily coax these seemingly naive cultivators and pick up extremely powerful talents. 

The leader of their squadron wasn't boasting at all. 

All of them genuinely sensed something special about the Magical Energy slumbering deep within Darcel's group. 

Right then, the leader was about to speak more convincing words to persuade the trio.

However, the following words he heard from Darcel's group left him and his other members just a bit stunned. 

"We appreciate the offer, but we already have a Mage group to go back to. Not sure if you've heard of it, but they're called the Siren Blood Mage group. And in fact, one of their high-ranking members specifically told us to come here. His name is Siren Blade, and he performed a test that allowed him to see into our slumbering Magical Talent, and he knows that we're here. So, if you'll excuse us, we'll be taking our leave."

Darcel told in a firmly confident tone. He spoke so naturally that it truly didn't seem like he was lying about any part. 

Truthfully, Darcel already made his mind up about leaving no matter what.

At this point, he just wanted to cover all of their tracks just in case these Lightning Mages tried to start something or follow. 

With how information gathering works, Darcel leaned on the assumption that these Lightning Mages would know about the Siren Blood Mages.

After all, despite the fact they were far away from them and were a cultivation group, the Snow Angels still had intel on various Mage's groups, including Siren Blade's.

And even if they don't believe him, Darcel was positively confident about escaping unscathed anyways. 

"Oh? I see….so it's the Siren Blood Mages, huh? Alright then. Here, at least take this with you."

The leader didn't hesitate as he pulled out a blue badge and tossed it towards Darcel. As he did so, his other members all gazed at him with expressions filled with shock. 

Each of them looked like they wanted to say something but had somehow managed to hold their tongues. 

Catching the blue-colored badge, Darcel, Aniela and Masami immediately set their gazes on it.

It didn't look like anything overly special. But there was a lightning bolt design running along the center of the badge, looking nearly identical to the art on the Lightning Mages' robes and the leader's forehead.

As they briefly inspected the badge, the leader explained to them, "Just interject some Magical Energy into that badge, and you can call our Lightning Mage group. Consider this as our calling card. Just in case you're ever in need of a second option."

Darcel flashed the Lightning badge into his spatial ring and then gave a seemingly appreciative nod towards the leader. 

Afterward, Darcel whipped his attention back around to Aniela and Masami.

Both girls gave a similarly calm nod though Darcel could feel that they were both eager to get out of here already. 

Then, without any more words, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami took off back into the skies. Without the need for any violence or action, the trio safely made their leave, soaring into the far horizon in just a few seconds. 

Left with only themselves, everyone in the Lightning Mage squadron directed their gazes on their leader again.

The only one who spoke up was the Lightning Mage Darcel's group had previously encountered. His expression was a bit incredulous as he asked, 

"Are we just going to let them leave like that? Wouldn't it just be better to save the future hassle?"

In contrast to his other members' intently curious looks, the leader had a calm smile gracing his lips. He never took his eyes off from where Darcel's group left as said to the others,

"Even looking past their innately talented Magical Auras, those three aren't weak in their cultivation at all. I even felt a bit of danger from them, mostly the only guy in their group. If we tried to force, I have no doubts they would be able to escape."

After he finished talking, the leader turned his sights back on his group. As he saw each of them contemplate his words, he continued on to speak. 

"Furthermore, what if what they said about the Siren Blood Mage group is true? If they were to escape and inform that group about us and our actions, things wouldn't be pretty for any of us. So for now, we'll just slowly foster them before swallowing them to our side."

Hearing that their leader obviously didn't intend to simply let this matter go caused the other Lightning Mage's eyes to light up. 

If they're going to play the waiting game, then that's fine too. None of them had any doubts they would lose out this way. 

The only Lightning Mage with slightly different thoughts was the man who first met with Darcel's group.

He was as confident as everyone else about playing the long game. But, for some reason, he had a strange feeling about the trio. It was like those three were far more special than what they showed.

He had obviously felt when he had first scouted them out through a treasure. But even without the treasure now, he could still feel something distinct about them. 

The Lightning Mage shuffled this to the back of his mind, intending to discuss this more privately with his squad leader.

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