Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 293 - Breakthroughs (1)

After a few minutes of silently walking, Siren Blade eventually led Darcel, Aniela, and Masami towards the ritual room. 

When coming down to this room, it already piqued the trio's interest.

For whatever reason these Mages had, the room was located to the far end of the hall, absolutely isolated from anyone else. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami had even tried seeking somebody else here with their two variant Senses.

However, besides them and Siren Blade, they couldn't detect a single other souls. Naturally, with something so far out and isolated, the trio had their expectations raised. 

And when they finally enter the room, Darcel, Aniela and Masami weren't disappointed.

"Hm. Certainly, if you want to go all mystical and mysterious, this is an over job. Just what are those markings?" 

After not speaking for a while now, Masami was the one to promptly speak up once entering the room.

Although her curiosity couldn't be blamed. Both Darcel and Aniela had similar rising questions as they stared directly at the center of the room. 

Covering and expanding nearly the whole floor was uniquely designed markings inscribed on the floor.

The trio didn't even pay attention to anything else, setting their focus squarely on these markings. The pattern almost reminded them of some rare exotic beast that was never seen before.

Additionally, the pure crimson color gave the markings a distinct magnetic feel. If it was anyone else first time seeing these markings, they too would have their attention immediately stolen by it.

While Darcel, Aniela, and Masami stared intently at the floor, Siren Blade was crossing his gazes between the trio and the floor. 

After only a few moments, he curled his eyebrows. A certain glint sparked within his eyes for only a brief moment, going entirely unnoticed by the trio. 

Then, in an indifferent tone, Siren Blade told the trio, "These markings are called Magical Marks. These are used for a variety of things, such as Formations, Deployment spells or various rituals."

Hearing new information piqued Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's interest even further. Since they are on the Magehood path now, they do need all the information they can get.

Turning his gaze off from the floor first, Darcel focuses his sights on Siren Blade, further inquiring, "I'm assuming there's nothing of this sort on the cultivation side of things, right? And can just anyone create these Magical Marks?"

"You are correct on the first part. Magical Marks are exclusive to only us. No matter how high a cultivator realm is or the powerful Laws they comprehend, they don't have anything equivalent to this. As for your second question, no, these can't be done by just anyone. It takes only immensely high talented Mages with superb comprehension abilities to form Magical Marks." Siren Blade continued to explain.

At that point, Aniela and Masami finally perked up their sights. The girls tossed their gazes at Siren Blade simultaneously, and Masami asked, 

"So this probably something for us to study later, eh? Alright then, enough about pre-information. How will this process work exactly?"

Not minding Masami's sudden abruptness, Siren Blade pointed precisely towards the center of the floor. 

"Simply stand there and circulate just a bit of your latent Magical Aura. Once you do so, don't resist any energy flowing into you."

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami traded glances with each other. Then, before Darcel and Masami could even take a moment to ponder, Aniela was quick to tell them, 

"The order should be Sami, me then you Darcy. Well, the order doesn't exactly matter, but either way, we'll get to see the distinct differences in our talent."

Masami and Darcel only took a moment to think it over before almost immediately agreeing. 

"So I will be up first! Let's see if this process will be up to snuff." Masami promptly strolled to the center of the room in a confident stride.

As she stood directly in the center of the Magical Marks, Darcel, Aniela, and Siren Blade all watched on in intent curiosity. 

Inside Siren Blade's mind, he was quickly processing his next move after this. If things go a certain way that he's expecting, something significant will affect his entire organization. 

While Darcel and Aniela wanted to see how distinctly their Magical Talents differ from each other.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami know by now, there are some apparent differences within their cultivation talent. Even if it's only slightly within their current realm, those differences could possibly grow in the future.

And now, they could get a vague grasp on how much of a line is separating their Magical Talents. 

By studying this, the trio knows they could get a firm grasp on their teamwork abilities, having a border understanding of how they should strategize their combat and organize their cultivation time. 

Right then, only an anticipating silence engulfed the entire room. 

Masami calmed herself a bit, closing her eyes to achieve complete focus. She then stimulated her Inset Magical Core, gushing forth her latent Magical Aura.

Waves of Magica Energy started to stream from Masami's body like a waterfall. At the same time, the Magical Marks began to shimmer a harsh crimson glow. 

Masami's latent Magical Aura quickly interjected into Magical Marks at a vacuum-like pace.

'I should be expecting this but still, so fast?' Siren Blade's eyes couldn't help but light up. 

The response Masami caused the Magical Marks was, of course, near-instantaneous. But no matter if he was expecting it, this was still quite a shock to see. 

When comparing it to himself, Siren Blade knows that he would need to wait at least thirty minutes to make even a faint dim light glow from the Magical Marks.

And Siren Blade's Magical Talent wasn't low at all. On the contrary, he's known to have high hopes to reach the Grand Mage realm, which is already higher than ninety percent of the regular Siren Mages!

Ninety percent wasn't just for show at all. As there are at least tens of thousands of regular Siren Mages in this organization.

Despite this achievement, Siren Blade couldn't suppress this bubbling feeling of inadequacy. 

And Siren Blade wouldn't even get a chance to try to fight against this feeling. 

For as only a few seconds after Masami began the ritual, the Magical Marks entirely transformed!

In just a flash, every Magical Mark within the room radiated a blinding crimson glow! 

Magical Energy and a powerful Qi energy started to gush out from Masami like a chaotic tidal wave.

'What is this?!' 

Darcel, Aniela, and Siren Blade all had similar thoughts. Each of them forcefully shut their enhanced, powerful eyes, unable to resist the flash growing from the Magical Marks.

At the same time, complete surprise warped Masami's whole expression. 

Without her even prompting it, Magical and Qi Energy was rapidly soaring into her dantian and soul's space, inscribing her with an overflow of power!

In that instance, Masami's bloodline rumbled and erupted like a wild volcano. As if it had a mind on its own, her blue flaming fox aura engulfed her entire body. 

Then a stunning change that would make her entire Ice Nine Tail sect quiver with utter shock occurred.

Typically when Masami releases her bloodline powers, a foxtail made up entirely out of flames appears. While this fake foxtail wasn't permanent, it did significantly enhance her combat prowess.

The thing was, this fake foxtail would be vastly weaker than if Masami simply had a natural third foxtail. 

A third foxtail would indicate that Masami's bloodline was undergoing another never before seen evolution.

An evolution that is only known as a myth in her Sect. 

And as of now, that myth was once again coming to life in the form of Masami. In just a few seconds, three natural-born foxtails whipped right out of Masami's waist!


Masami couldn't contain her squeal. When the third foxtail formed, she felt her powers explosively increased to dramatic levels! 

And the increase in strength didn't just end here.

After her third foxtail sprouted, a rush of Heavenly Qi and powerful Magical Energy drilled into Masami's dantian and soul's space. 

Previously, the Energy flowing into Masami was simply natural air energies that weren't particularly powerful.

But now, the Heavenly Qi and powerful Magical Energy soaring into Masami's body was directly changing her! 

Within her dantian space, her nine cracks on her Innate Core was instantly overloaded with Heavenly Qi. Her Innate Core writhed with power until-


Masami's Innate Core completely exploded! And from the explosion, colossal streams of Heavenly Qi stormed through her body and soul.

At the same time, Masami's Insect Magical Core was growing bigger and stronger. This change wasn't as dramatic as her Innate Core. However, it was still a clear sign that Masami's Magical Energy was rapidly reaching a breakthrough point.

This moment was the most critical step in any cultivator's life. Shattering their Innate Core and reaching the Heavenly Transformation realm! 

Typically, this breakthrough would require any cultivator to be in a room suitable for cultivation and complete quiet. Reaching this point would have a cultivator spend a long time circulating their Innate Qi until they reach a comprehension breakthrough. 

Failure during this moment could result in a tremendous loss of cultivation which is why the utmost focus is hugely required.

However, all of these troubles and circumstances matter not to Masami. 

She only felt a weak invisible barrier within her Spirit Sense that was separating her from a Heavenly Spirit Sense.

And without stopping her momentum, Masami brazenly pushed right through, surging forth all of the accumulation of Innate Qi comprehension! 


Immediately, Masami felt and heard a resounding shatter shake her entire being. 

At the same time, a strong wave of both Heavenly Qi and Magical Energy blasted out of her body! 

Her blue fox flames grew intense, dancing wildly as if they were getting swirled by a fierce storm. Her power rose to incredible heights, shocking Darcel, Aniela, and Siren Blade.

"She's breaking through?!" Darcel, Aniela, and Siren Blade simultaneously shouted. 

Even with their eyes closed, they could still perceive the tremendous changes occurring within Masami. And they nearly fell over from the abundance of raw power flowing out of Masami. 

They even felt their breathings get hitched just a little bit. 

It was quite shocking to all three of them. Despite only breaking through to Heavenly Transformation and gaining stronger Magical Energy, Masami's power felt intense.

Far intenser than anything she could release since she encountered the yellow-eyed woman. 

At the same time the others were in shock, Masami was entirely calm.

Her Spirit Senses expanded far beyond her limit; she could fully perceive Heavenly Qi, and her power transformed to unimaginable degrees. 

But, despite these significant changes, Masami was in the process of falling in line with herself.

Her two greatest goals in life, she reflected on them. 

To grow stronger with the people she loves with all of her heart, Darcel, and Aniela. And to prove herself to her entire Sect, mother, father, grandmother, and all of her siblings.

These goals are what drove her to always push forward. They might not be the grandest or ambitious goals in the world, but it's what keeps Masami having a firm mind to never stop moving forward.

As she contemplated this, Masami's Heavenly Spirit Sense fully formed. 

Then, subconsciously, she began pulling Heavenly Qi into her body, undergoing yet another massive transformation.

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