Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 295 - Future Position

Within Aniela's Dantian and Soul's Space, several profound changes were occurring. 

From the abundance of Innate Qi soaring into her, it was massively shortening the time she needed to advance each level.

The Magical Marks were amplifying the Innate Qi in the air with a tremendously dense quality, causing it to be better than even Earth-Rank resources! 

This was precisely how Masami broke through so quickly.

Unknown to everyone in that room, if an average cultivator were to experience this extraordinary phenomenon with the Magical Marks, they would be able to advance through an entire great realm!

However, because of Masam's unique cultivation foundation modified by her Chaotic Shard, it was only enough to get her to the Heavenly Transformation realm. 

And as for Aniela, it was only pushing her to form more cracks on her Innate Core.

After several seconds, Aniela's Innate Core now had seven large cracks running along, directly skipping over five levels! 

Out from her seven Innate Core cracks flowed powerful streams of Heavenly Qi.

Now, Aniela's Dantian Space resembles a violent typhoon of intense Heavenly Qi. The intensity could easily rival any first-level Heavenly Transformation cultivator.

At the same time this occurred, Aniela's Insect Magical Cores were also transforming. 

Truthfully, Aniela's comprehension was even slightly better than Masami's. So naturally, she as well could easily shatter through several great realms of Magical Energy.

In no time at all, her Insect Magical Core morphed into a Dragon Phantom image Magical Seed! 

Combining this immense power with her breakthrough through the Innate Core realm amplified her prowess tenfold.

At this point, the Magical Mark should've stopped since Aniela already achieved her breakthroughs. 

However, there was still one last change occurring directly within Aniela's bloodline.

Similar to Masami, Aniela's bloodline violently rumbles as if it was attempting to break free from some sort of invisible shackles. 

White Light burst forth from Aniela's bloodline arm, mixing in with the Magical Mark's crimson glow.

Then, when only just a few seconds passed, Aniela's bloodline shattered the invisible shatter attempting to lock her down! 


Aniela's entire body quivers as an overflow of power bursts out of her.

Right then, the feathers on Aniela's bloodline arm intensely writhe until they all exploded into streams of Light Energy. A few moments later and the streams of Light Energy were morphing into a solid image.

Aniela intently concentrated at this moment. 

She could feel slight resistance in forming this image from her bloodstream, almost like she was pushing through tough wood. 

To break through this wall, a thought suddenly reflected into her mind. The power of Angels, it's what Aniela now believes her bloodline to be. 

When contemplating the existence of a fable Angel, even she knows they're depicted as so pure, shrouded by purifying white Light. At least, that's all she knows from various old tales she read in her spare time. 

And after meeting the yellow-eyed woman, Aniela fathoms that supposed pure power is slumbering inside her bloodstreams.

However, instead of trying to conform with the ideas of what a pure Angel is, Aniela focused purely on her own desires. 

Since this power belongs to her, why can't she fully control it?

Who cares about being Angelic, pure or holy. All that matters to her is forging her own way to live completely safely with Darcel and Masami. 

'And if that means soaring to the top of this world, then so be it!'

A loud resounding snap suddenly went off in Aniela's mind. Previous doubts that were trying to creep into her shattered into a million pieces all at once. 

Right then, Aniela tore right through the invisible wall blocking her bloodline from transforming!

A massive surge of power blew out from Aniela. At the same time, the stream of light energy coming from her bloodline arm fully morphed in Light Wing! 

If anyone were to see the Light Wing, they would be in utter awe.

The Light Wing was just slightly bigger than the average eagle wingspan, but it looked like it was crafted by a true divinity. 

There was even a slight ethereal aura exuding from her Light Wing that permeated through the room.

"What the?! I know I said raise hell, but this is crazy!" Masami blurted out her thoughts, still unable to open her eyes.

Her shocked sentiments were shared with both Darcel and Siren Blade.

Though they couldn't open their eyes, the raw power coursing through Aniela was essentially equal to Masami's breakthrough! 

In fact, Darcel couldn't tell if this was an illusion, but Aniela's combined energy of her bloodline, Magic, and Qi felt just slightly stronger than Masami's Heavenly Transformation breakthrough.

Of course, this was just a slight sensation. Unless they fought, Darcel wouldn't be able to genuinely tell whether or not Aniela is slightly stronger. 

Still, stronger or not, Aniela's combat prowess for sure took a quantitative leap. 

Hell, even Siren Blade was beginning to feel slightly frightened by the intense, dense energy of Aniela's breakthrough. 

A few seconds later and the Magical Marks lost their bright luster.

Aniela retracted her powers, causing her Light Wing to vanish before any of them could even see them. 

Simultaneously, everyone flung their eyes open. 

The same amount of smugness started to swell in Aniela as she observed Darcel, Masami, and Siren Blade's gazes.

Just from these gazes alone, Aniela understood why Masami got so incredibly smug. She knew Darcel even longer than Masami, so it was quite satisfying to see him genuinely bewildered. 

Under their shocked silence, Aniela made a direct beeline towards Masami. Her arms elegantly crossed as she tossed a split-second gaze towards Darcel before settling on Masami specifically.

"So? Was that enough hell raised? And you were right; that ritual was more than suitable. My power is similarly amazing." 

The first one to react to Aniela's words was, of course, Masami.

She promptly broke off from her stupor, keeping her head held up high as a competitive spirit rose within her. Then, in a fired-up tone, she said to Aniela, 

"Tch, in the end, it's all just breakthroughs, right? We all can see where we actually lie in true combat!"

"Hmm~? Is that so…." Aniela then settled her sights on Darcel. "Well then, Darcy, you're up to the platter. I'm starting to think we'll need to do what Sami says to actually see our true differences."

Darcel took a brief glance towards Aniela, regarding her with a slight nod. 

At that moment, he took a brief glance over towards Siren Blade. Now, his once indifferent expression was nowhere to be seen.

Just pure utter shock was permanently plastered on his face. And within his eyes, Darcel could gather he was having numerous critical thoughts. 

'If things go like this, we will have a nice time here.' Darcel thought to himself. 

Beyond increasing combat prowess, Darcel also wanted to make sure this opportunity would give them a direct gateway to a high position.

At this point, Darcel had no plans to start at the absolute bottom of any organization. With how much they've been through in just a few days, Darcel knows the last thing he and the girls need is to be some low-level grunts.

If they were to get disrespected any further, Darcel wasn't even sure if Masami would be able to contain herself. 

Although, those thoughts are currently unnecessary.

Even if he doesn't perform well with this ritual, Aniela and Masami did stunningly enough to secure them a spot here. He could tell this just from Siren Blade's gravely contemplating expression.

Then, without wasting another moment, Darcel strolled towards the center of the Magical Marks. 

"Since it's this guy, I honestly won't be surprised if his phenomena is greater than ours. He does it almost too naturally."

Masami remarked with a far more pumped-up tone than she had with Aniela's ritual. 

This incredible feeling of excitement was shared with Aniela as well, also saying out loud, "Ah~. He just naturally exudes that air, doesn't he?" 

And even though Siren Blade was already expecting great results, he felt his interest piqued even further with Aniela and Masami's comments.

This boy's potential couldn't possibly go further beyond amazing, can it? 

Right then, everyone's thoughts were interrupted when the Magical Marks immediately sparked a harsh crimson glow.

Slightly faster than even Aniela and Masami, Darcel already gushed forth his latent Magical Aura into the Magical Marks. His eyes closed shut, falling into a complete cultivation state instantaneously. 

His powerful latent Magical Aura streamed into the Magical Marks, causing an instantaneous change that caused chaos in the entire room. 

Even before the same blinding crimson glow sparked out the Magical Marks, Aniela, Masami, and Siren Blade already felt their breathings hitched.

'Just….what is this?' Aniela and Masami were utterly stunned. 

They experienced Darcel's powers and breakthroughs many times. However, it was only now that they felt a genuine lump in their throat facing Darcel's breakthrough.

While Aniela's Light Wing had a slightly ethereal feel exuding from it, it wasn't much to actually warp the whole room. 

On the other hand, Darcel gave a far intense ethereal feel, making him seem like an otherworldly being.

Aniela and Masami could easily stand on their feet, but Siren Blade was struggling to stand tall. 

Beads of sweat poured down his face; his expression was contorted into utter horror. This boy's latent prowess was immense, no matter if it was Magical or Qi energy! 

And right then, the blinding crimson glow finally flashed out of the Magical Marks, engulfing the whole room, forcing Aniela, Masami, and Siren Blade to shut their eyes tight.

At this time, Darcel stayed unwaveringly firm. Even as his energy shot through the roof, he never let himself go. 

From the time since the Mercenary Exchange Event until now, Darcel intensely practiced his focus control.

He needed to be calm in every situation. For dealing with Aniela and Masami's trauma, finding out where to go, and planning on how they should cultivate, Darcel silently processed everything.

Though the girl's mental state is improving, Darcel knows he needs to be that firm rock in their hearts.

Furthermore, just in general, Darcel realized he needs this perfected calm temperament for his whole long life.

Without it, even worse situations like the yellow-eyed woman can very well happen to them. And in their merciless universe, there are no second chances. Only sink or swim. 

Darcel intended to do neither but instead soar high into the skies, discovering true meaning in his life. 

He already knows he has on the step to finding one meaning in his life, mastering the true abilities of Yin Pleasure. 

Because of the energy granted by the Magical Marks, it allowed Darcel to fall into this sudden enlightenment. 

And from this enlightenment, his Innate Core, Insect Magical Core, and bloodline were all experiencing rapid-fire transformation.

Powerfully dense Qi and Magical Energy burst within and out of Darcel's body, causing intense turbulent airwaves to swirl in the room. 

Then, on Darcel's bloodline arm, his black feathers imploded into streams of powerful Darkness Energy.

Drowning the room in a mix of a crimson, Darkness glow, Darcel's streams of Darkness Energy was quickly morphing into a completed Darkness Wing.

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