Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 298 - Unable To Accept

"There's no issue at all with this." Darcel unashamedly told Siren Blade. 

Even though their actions didn't outwardly give away their relationship, they had no reason to hide it anyways. 

In fact, Darcel could even detect a faint trace of happiness, mainly from Masami over publicly saying their relationship.

Out of the three of them, she does like to show off the most. And their relationship is most certainly something she's highly proud of it. 

Thinking of this, Darcel found it a bit amusing. To think when he first met her, she was prone to getting embarrassed far easier.

Now, she's highly competitive with Aniela to gain more of his attention, no matter the sensual act. 

Pushing down his entertaining thoughts, Darcel held his crimson badge towards the door, interjecting a trace of Magical Energy in it.

A faint red flash lit up both the badge and the door. Immediately the door flung open automatically. Siren Blade took a step to the side, allowing the trio the first look into the room.

As Darcel's group stepped in, Siren Blade told them, "While Elder Yang didn't explain before, there's really isn't any need for explanation. Everything you want to know about our organization will be on the shelves here. Farewell for now."

Without giving the trio a chance to react, Siren Blade promptly took off in another direction. He smoothly navigated through the silent corridor, quickly vanishing from Darcel's group sights.

"Hmph. Was that guy so pressure by us?" Masami couldn't stop herself from snorting.

The way Siren Blade so hastily retreated almost made it seem like she, Darcel, and Aniela were some kind of genuine monsters.


Aniela briefly trailed her eyes to where Siren Blade left, a strange light swirling within them. But almost immediately afterward, she focused back on their now open door, saying,

"Well, what we do was certainly mind-boggling. But, enough about him. Cmon, let's check out our new place." 

On her words, Aniela, Masami, and Darcel strolled right into their room.

After stepping in, the door had automatically shut closed behind them. Finally, alone and out of sight from anyone, the trio took off their masks, revealing their gorgeous faces.

Their eyes then roamed the room, taking particular note of the distinct differences in detail Mages have. 

For their room, it is large, spacious, and nicely design. The crimson paint here seemed to have a shinier coat than any other previous areas. Compared to the outside, the Magical Energy here was also of a purer quality.

From only seconds of standing in the room, the trio could quickly tell absorbing Magical Energy here would yield greater results.

There were other little necessities liter around the whole room, but what really got Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's attention was the shelf. 

Upon the shelf sat various Magical Arts books and Siren Blood Mage books. The Siren Blood Mage book's cover detailed everything they needed to know.

While the Magical Arts books looked more intriguing. They all had unique color designs and specific markings informing whatever reader of their ranks. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's eyes practically lit up with intrigue.

Strolling over to the bookshelf, Masami was the first to ask, "So what should we start with first? I'm thinking of diving right into these Magical Arts."

"Hm, before that, how about we read up on the structure of this place first? We'll need to know that since we'll be here for quite some time." Aniela expressed her opinion next.

Neither girl wanted to take even a second of rest. Even though they've been constantly at it non-stop, Aniela and Masami only have the drive to grow even stronger. 

The girls wanted to keep this momentum rolling, especially after experiencing several deep thoughts during their Magical Marks breakthrough. 

Furthermore, they both simply had a high intrigue in all things relating to Mages.

Without even needing to hear their thought process, Darcel could practically see it through their subtle actions. 

And, of course, he was on the same boat as keeping their momentum rolling. 

After thinking about it for a moment, he arrived at a swift conclusion on how they should divide their time. Running his hands along the books, Darcel told the girls,

"Let's do it like this. Aniela, you can pick out the important parts we must read in the structure book while Masami can see which Magical Art would be most suited for us. I'll also do the same with the Magical Arts books."

"Sounds good." Aniela promptly when to work, grabbing hold of the Siren Mage book. 

"Let's see if all this talk is worth it." Masami similarly dived straight into one of the Magical Arts books. 

Darcel soon joined with them, picking up one of the Magical Arts books at the highest point of the shelf.


Hours quickly flew by. 

What was once an originally typical, calm day for the Siren Blood Mage organization now turned into a chaotic sight. 

Within the main lounge, hundreds of Siren Mages gathered around. And everyone there was in utter disarray. 

Shocking news and rumors were getting passed around, and the Siren Mages who weren't there to see it was having a difficult time believing anything.

Of course, the discussion in question came in the form of Darcel, Aniela, and Masami. 

"I just don't understand this. How can merely three cultivators get everyone so worked up? Scew those rumors that say their Magical Aura has great potential. A bunch of bullshit!"

"Yea, there's just no way they all can have talent even better than High Mages. I'll eat shit if they do. Like seriously, it's biologically impossible!" 

"Heh! Who knows, maybe they actually failed, putting up a front and silently left our place with their tails tucked in between legs. I mean, nobody has seen a trace of them for hours."

As the news of Darcel's group spread around, naturally, many Siren Mages wanted to see just how powerful these cultivators are. 

However, despite discussion going around for a couple of hours now, there still wasn't any word about them.

More curiously for the Siren Mages was the fact that Siren Blade hasn't been seen for hours as well. 

Most obviously, the Siren Mages could tell something happened to the trio cultivators. And the anticipation of knowing was legitimately eating away at some Siren Mage's minds. 

At the same time all of this chaos was occurring, the Siren Mages who had experienced Darcel's group might at first hand chose to stay silent.

Even at this point, they all hoped what happened earlier was just some sort of cheap trick. 

Looking back on the event, those Siren Mages know something like Magical Aura is impossible to fake.

However, their delusions was still strongly prevalent. After all, it's an immensely tough pill to swallow that people who logically shouldn't be able to do it are now performing the impossible. 

Right then, as fervent discussion ranged on, one lone figure stepped into the main lobby. 

This single person caused all conversation to die down as the Siren Mages poured their attention on him.

The person standing calmly against all gazes was Siren Blade. The one everyone was wondering what on earth happened to him. 

And now that he was here, questions began to spring into everyone's mind.

However, before anyone could utter even a squeak, Siren Blad raised his hand, shushing them all. Keeping his face completely indifferent, he then spoke in a placid, even tone.

"You all are wondering about the cultivators, I presume? Well, to answer your questions, they indeed became Siren Mages. But not just regular Siren Mages; they're actually Spirit Rank Siren Mages. And….I'm sure everyone here knows what this means."

Siren Blade's voice loudly bounced off the walls, drilling into everyone's eardrums. However, despite clearly being heard, no one was able to react. 

For a brief moment, a suffocating silence wrapped the lobby.

Everyone was trying to fully process Siren Blade's words. Did they hear that right? Three cultivators suddenly reached the Spirit Mage realm and additionally became Spirit Rank Siren Mages?!

All at once within just hours?! 

"Th-this just can't be right!!" 

Once one Siren Mage couldn't hold it in anymore, the rest of the Siren Mages followed in his footsteps. 

Chaotic uproars was unleashed all at once!

After all, how could something like that even be possible? Even for the highest of talent Mages, it would be impossible to achieve the great Spirit Mage realm in just mere hours.

Most Mages can't even achieve the Gold Mage realm!

No matter what, many Siren Mages were convinced that something had to be wrong here. 

All the while, the Siren Mages who were already aware of Darcel's group latent Magical Aura, started to uncontrollably tremble.

So what they sensed at that time wasn't a fluke! These Siren Mages stayed rooted to their spots, unable to speak up about anything. 

Right then, amidst the loud bustling, one powerful voice loudly spoke out above all others.

"Siren Blade, this has to be some sort of mistake within the Magical Marks, no? Surely, if something as critical as this would immediately be broadcasted across the entire organization than letting us sit in the dark."

Immediately all eyes gathered on the who spoke. 

It was a refined-looking handsome man that spoke, and he is currently strolling towards the center of the lobby.

The gazes landing on this man was filled with nothing but respect. An equal amount of respect as Siren Blade. 

This man was Siren Star, a Mage completely equal to Siren Blade in terms of prowess and status.

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