Ying Chong

Chapter 10: the 10th


The prince frowned.

Pan'er was agitated in his heart, and at the same time returned to reality, he dropped his eyes and raised the tea to be flush with his eyebrows.

"His Royal Highness?" The Crown Prince felt abnormal, and asked with a flank.

The prince squeezed the string on his wrist into his hand before reaching out his palm.

The tea cup was taken away, only slightly stained with thin lips, and placed on a tray held by Flow.

"Get up."

Pan'er got up quickly and took a step back.

The crown prince said with a smile: "Zhao Fengyi and Su Fengyi arrived when they first arrived. After that, I asked many of my sisters who didn't understand, or came to the palace. Wanger and others would do her best to serve her Highness and open up her early leaves. . "


The prince stood up.

Everyone followed.

The prince crossed the bracelet on his wrist and left without giving a gesture.

The prince was too taciturn. This is the voice of Zhao Xiyue.

The old people in the East Palace have long been used to it. The prince is not taciturn, but he does not like to say extra words. He is a gentle temper, but because of this habit, it always feels faint.

Everything is faint.

When the Prince's back disappeared at the end of her eyes, the Princess's voice broke the silence.

"Today, Zhao Fengyi and Su Fengyi first arrived. Everyone knows each other. Wanger and others can live in harmony in the future."

Pan Er then raised his head, looking at some of the memories that were impressive, but some had long been blurred.

Sitting on the right throne at the top of the head, it is the prince Chen.

She wore a red velvet silk butterfly love flower makeup gardenia, eight indigo blue Xiang skirts, skirts rolled with a woven gold skirt, a comb on the sun, and wearing a seven-phoenix tassel and red-gold ruby ​​phoenix. She is not much superior, but her features are dignified and magnificent, her back is very straight, and she is very magnificent.

The first on the left is Hu Liangyu, who will also be Hu Guifei in the future.

This female looks very charming, like a begonia in full bloom. Today she wore a begonia-colored gold-plated peony-scented peony, combed with a cloud, and wore a set of red-gold dots and heads.

Is a charming but noble beauty!

Sitting opposite Hu Liangzhang was Xu Liangyuan. Compared with Hu Liangzhang, Xu Liangyuan's appearance was slightly tougher, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his nose and lips were lip-skinned. Looking at each other was a beautiful personality.

Xu Liangyuan's head was He Liangyuan. She was born with willow eyebrows, with a temperamental appearance, wearing a lilac-colored blue silk silk robe, and a snow-forged moire skirt. It looked a bit arrogant. Others were deliberately or unintentionally looking at Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue, and she appeared to forget her.

Then there is Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, both of whom are not very good-looking, they can only be regarded as middle-low.

One is a round face, looking at Fuxiang, and the other is Guazi's face, slightly thin. Both were very low-key, and so were their outfits. One wore autumn-scented mules, one wore bamboo-blue mules, and they were old-fashioned. They sat down at the bottom with their heads down, and they were easily ignored.

The concubine of the East Palace can have one prince, two Liangzhu, six Liangyuan, ten Chenghui, sixteen Zhaoxun, and twenty-four Fengyi.

However, the prince always does not value women, and without the two newcomers who just entered the door yesterday, it is only five chambers. Maybe the five uncles are already very much for ordinary people, but compared to a few dozen or twenty people in the backyard of several adult princes, the prince can be regarded as unmotivated.

In these five chambers, except for Hu Liangzhang's gift from the queen, the Prince of the Great Zhou system has no concubine. Liangzhu is the concubine. In addition, Hu Liangzhen gave birth to the third daughter of the prince. Very favored.

Then there was Xu Liangyuan.

Xu Liangyuan is the daughter of a military general. She has a bold personality and a carefree attitude. She always takes the princess as the head of the horse, and she also gave birth to the eldest daughter after passing through the door. It is also very decent.

Except for two people, He Liangyuan has a cold personality and has no favors. Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui are the oldest people around the Prince. The two are unremarkable. The Prince rarely visits once a year and is almost invisible in the East Palace.

This is the current situation in the East Palace.

Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue, as the later generations, have the lowest courtesy, so they have to pay respects to others.

Hu Liangzhang said to the princess with a smile, "The two sisters look so good. The princess's family is indeed a place of beauty, each of them is so tender."

This remark was a bit ironic. Zhao Xiyue and Pan'er were not stupid. Naturally, they didn't dare to speak rashly, but lowered their heads and shyly.


The princess gave her a glance at her with a smile: "Sister Hu is ridiculously praised, there is the heavenly beauty of sister Hu, who dares to be more beautiful."

"That's the same, it's just that I can't compare to a young girl, especially since I've got a body, my face is not as bright as before, thanks to the queen maiden's gift of snow cream and jade powder, so my sister dare to go out See you. "Hu Liangzhang caressed the slightly raised abdomen carelessly.

For a moment, everyone's gaze fell on her lower abdomen.

Pan'er also looked at it, didn't know for a long time that she really didn't notice Hu Liangzheng who was so beautifully dressed, but she was still pregnant.

Depending on the size of the belly, it should be more than four months.

The crown prince did not speak, and she smiled most, but her eyes were a little cold.

At this time Xu Liangyuan spoke.

"This Xuerong cream and Yurong powder are tributes. Our East Palace also received a copy of it, and then gave it to Sister Hu. Now the queen mother has given Sister Hu a share. Her Royal Highness has always loved her sister, and the Queen Madam and Crown Princess also value Sister Hu very much, which is really enviable. "

It was envious, but the expression on her face was not so expressive.

Sure enough, her voice turned again and again: "No, the princess is sympathetic to Sister Hu, who is pregnant with inconvenience, and I am afraid she can't serve her Highness, so I found two younger sisters, which is also a worry for Sister Hu."

This remark was extremely disturbing, but it also happened to return to Hu Liang's sarcasm before.

The smirk on Hu Liangzheng's face could not be maintained, showing his anger: "You--"

Xu Liangyuan raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Why, isn't my sister right?"

"Okay, you two are not afraid of jokes. They are both elderly people. They don't know what to say." The princess seemed to be a little angry and frowned.

Xu Liangyuan smiled and begged for mercy: "The princess still doesn't know the nature of her body, her body is used to not cover her mouth, she offends people unconsciously, and she is also used to making trouble with sister Hu, but sister Hu never blame me, oh?" She looked at Hu Liangyu.

Hu Liangzhang smirked: "I don't care about my sister."

The crown prince shook her head helplessly: "Well, a group of uneasy people, you don't have to stay with them, they are all gone."

The crowd stood up and bent their knees to salute, and Fangyu kept coming out.

Taking advantage of the gap when turning out, Pan'er looked back.

I saw the princess sitting at the top of her head, her face was very cold, and she felt tired between her brows, but a strange light bloomed in her eyes.

She didn't dare to look at it any more and looked down.

After everyone was gone, Chen Ye helped the Princess and went to sit on the floor, and said, "Why don't you let the two Princesses talk?"

The crown prince Liu Mei frowned first, then stretched out: "No rush."

Chen Yan wanted to stop talking.

The princess looked at her and said, "These two are here when they first arrive, so let's look at their temperament for a few days before talking."

Chen Zheng nodded, thinking of the presumptuousness of Hu Liangsun, who was just now, and he could not help complaining: "This Hu Liangzhen is getting more and more daring. He dare to embarrass you in public, and it ’s really embarrassing to have a piece of meat in his stomach."

But it's not that Hu Liangzhang dare to fight against the princess, not only relying on the meat in the belly, but also by the queen mother behind her back.

Thinking of this, the princess's face inevitably felt a bitterness: "My mother had complaints in my heart and felt that I had been married to the East Palace for many years, but I have not been able to give birth to a sister-in-law. I originally pointed her to entry, not just for the sake of Let her oppose me, and now that she is pregnant again, her mother has lifted her up, and it is no wonder that she will be so arrogant. "

"The queen mother really didn't know how to be considerate, so she took the pain of exposing her son. Now that King Wang Chu of the Qi Dynasty is flourishing in the dynasty, he has also crushed the crown prince, not because the exile was born before the exile, Now you have to eat this bitterness again and lift up that little fairy.

"Fortunately, Prince Edward knows how to be compassionate, no matter how embarrassing you will never be, or let other people pass you. Look at the newcomer yesterday, the Prince did not step back in the morning, came over to accompany you early in the morning. Breakfast is not just to make you a face, to tell those **** that your position is as stable as Mount Tai. Let the old man say, you can just rest assured and keep your body, and give the prince a bitch, we will not be afraid of anything. . "

"Yeah, I'm not afraid of anything." The princess looked happy and sad, and said that sadness was mixed with some sweetness, but if it was sweet, it was difficult to hide the bitterness.

Leaning on the pillow, she stroked her abdomen unconsciously: "I'm not in a hurry, as long as this time ..." Thinking of her mind, her hands gradually tightened.

The author has something to say: This chapter is a little bit, I count the number of words on the list. These days are adjusting the rest time, try to fix the update time as much as possible, sweat, get up too early in the morning, go to bed and make a meal at noon, and the update time is over


Thanks to the little angels for giving me the overlord ticket ~

Thanks for the angel who cast [mine]: My name is Gao Shang, 4 zcm plums, 1 okyoyocoo

Thank you little angels for irrigating me ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of leopard print, 10 bottles of Echo, 10 bottles of Xiaoxiao xht10, 10 bottles of Lulu Lulu, Yuanyuan Yuanyuan Yuan 10 bottles, Qian Yu 10 bottles, Nama Amei 5 bottles, JaneWu5 Bottle, 5 bottles of tears, 5 bottles of Zhaoyu Lingxie, 2 bottles of MaMa3 of core core, 2 bottles of hannalxh, 2 bottles of who loves and bears love, 2 bottles of teasing, 2 bottles of Jun Xia, 193008912 bottles, Wei 1 bottle of baby, 1 bottle of Jiang Chen's cute, 1 bottle of Xiao Su Zhe'er, 1 bottle of mine, 1 bottle of water, 1 bottle of 248283061, 1 bottle of fat orange, 1 bottle of sweetie, small fairy 1 bottle, 1 bottle of Hua Shao, 1 bottle of litchi meat, 1 bottle of smirking flowers, 1 bottle of late night, 1 bottle of fat cub, 1 bottle of Jiang Mingxu

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