Ying Chong

Chapter 113: Chapter 112


This remark immediately made Pan Er a sober spirit.

Why, is this going to make a prince?

Pan'er wasn't surprised that Zong Pu would move to the idea of ​​prince. This old custom has always been the case. The emperor ascended the throne, except to seal the front harem.

After all, Chu Jun is the root of the country. Generally, people who can become emperors are not young, and most of them have sons, and there are more than one. People adore having many sons and blessings, but you can see when you look at the royal family, and sometimes this truth is not all right.

The princes grow up day by day, and there will be more and more vassal people around them. All are tangible, intangible, subconscious, and everyone is betting. Can you keep the family alive for another century? Who doesn't want to last forever?

In the previous life, at first she never dared to think that Zong Pu was able to take the position of emperor. After all, the Prince's status was as stable as Mount Tai. It was only later that she started to see signs, and she found out that Zong Ye had that kind of mind, and she gradually moved her mind.

But before that, even before Zong Pu didn't mention it, she didn't think of it at all. Maybe she subconsciously felt that many things in this life have changed, so she didn't think about it. She felt that Zong Pu was still young, so she didn't need to think about it for the time being. At this time, Zong Pu's words made her wake up immediately.

How to answer it?

Although she is getting better with him now, and they both have such a sweet and intimate meaning, he is also willing to tell her some troublesome things, but these trivial things are not the same as Prince Li.

Prince Li is too sensitive, especially her second son Zong Yi.

So she turned over in his arms and said, "Your Majesty's words are strangely asked. My Majesty has never been a prince. How do you know if it is good or not? Prince? "

"I was a prince before, but long ago, I didn't want to be a prince."

Pan'er was silent, Zong Pu didn't speak, and fell into memories.

Everyone thinks that the prince is more than ten thousand people, and the future of the Ninth Five-Year Plan must be infinitely beautiful and highly valued. As everyone knows, all of these are shackles, which make them exist like thin ice.

Many memory ancestors of the past have never been willing to think about those days when they carried their mother and their own lives, those years when they desperately read books, but on the surface they pretended to be light and light, and those annoyances also pretended to be generous These days, those days that knowingly and with good intentions and smiling, those bright guns and dark arrows, those nerves that must be tightened every day, those who force themselves to have everything intact, those ...

So when Zong Duo was suspected to be walking his old path today, Zong Pu's mood was very complicated.

If he is in good health, he may be relieved in the complex, but he is in bad health, and he has to compete with Zong Pu.

But he can't blame the child, accusing him not to work too hard. As for Zong Ye, it's even more innocent. Is it a mistake to read smartly and be motivated?

Zong Pu can expect that when all the dust is settled, there must be a heated discussion on the court by the prince.

What time is it?

"Brother, don't think about it, after all, those things have passed, and now you are emperor, I remember you didn't tell me that you had a lot of things to do? You have so many important things to do, why not Think of these little things. "

Yeah, he has a lot to do.

I have to say that Pan'er is quite comforting. No, it's a distraction. Zong Pu's attention was quickly transferred to government affairs.

He was lost in thought, stroking her back with one touch on the other, and Paner breathed lightly.


Obviously it was a few cold days, but Queen Chen was very active, and she would inquire about the progress of the repair of Ningshou Palace every day.

In this case, it is the New Year's Day in less than two months. Every year, the maid of fortune on the first day of the year will enter the palace, especially the first year of the new emperor's ascension. The meaning is particularly unusual. Way out from Kuning Palace.

After two consecutive snowfalls, repairs could only be suspended.

Empress Chen was so anxious that she couldn't say anything on the surface. At this time, Zongduo became ill again. Although she was only coughing, it was not good for half a month. It was even worse.

This was followed by the ceremony and the ceremony of the concubine of the East Palace.

After busy with this crop, I have become a well-known mother-in-law. Although I haven't moved the palace yet, a few concubines who are lower in position and cannot be the mainstay of the first palace have all moved carefully and wondered which one to wait for The maiden's palace lives.

Kunning Palace and Jingren Palace naturally do not need to think about, one is where the queen lives, and the other is the residence of Su Guifei. Su Guifei has always been alone, not close to anyone, she is just a favorite, and it is impossible for an individual to go to her own palace to share her favor. Then there is only Hu Shufei and Zhou Xianfei and others.

At first Hu Shufei saw Qian Guiren and other people come home frequently, and wondered why they came? However, she has always been a jealous woman, and she is most disappointed to see the liveliness. If she comes here, she will see it. Anyway, it is nothing to do in the winter. It is not very good to have someone to accompany and speak.

Until Qian Guiren showed a little bit of tone, Hu Shufei's nose was so crooked that she was angry, and a rare fire broke out, taking Qian Qiao away.

Qian Qiao was a little wronged, so he was reluctant to do so. Why is he so angry? Li Ye knew this, and went to make a joke about them.

"If you don't go to Su Guifei and run to Hu Shufei, don't you make it clear that they are not pets, and you still need the two of you to help?"

Qian Qiao realized that they had to go after they realized it, otherwise every house in the East Sixth Palace had a theme. If they were not wanted, or if they were stuffed by Li Qin to the Queen, what would they do?

They went to Xu Xianfei again, Xu Xianfei was very decisive, directly because the five princes have recently been unwell, it is not suitable for someone to come in and refuse.

After these two crops, He Defei was naturally not stupid, so the six counties were a little uncomfortable.

So there were only two places, Li Yan and Zhao Yan.

At this time, Li Ye was so proud. You didn't think I was abandoned and didn't want to live in my palace. What are you doing now? The courtyard door was closed directly, and Zhao Yan was very busy recently.

auzw.com These are Pan'er listening to the people below, just like hearing a book. After listening to it, she poured cold water: "The queen hasn't moved the palace. Where else do you want to move? Is it too early for them to be busy now? "

As a matter of fact, it was proved that Pan'er was right. Until only a few days before the close of the year, Queen Chen finally realized in despair that she would not be able to move the palace this year, and had to live in the East Palace.

It is no need to think about what life woman is Asa, and what is the highest place to be worshipped.

On New Year's Eve, Zong Xi hosted a family banquet in the Palace of Heavenly Purity. There were a lot of people present. In addition to the various lords and relatives, some close relatives, as well as the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, and several women members of the Toffees and the East Palace Men.

The atmosphere is very harmonious, although some may be false, at least to prove that most people have agreed with the reality of the new emperor's ascension.

Before the house banquet is finished, Zong Xi leads everyone to the Yangxin Temple to visit the Emperor.

This New Year's Eve Yangxin Hall is probably the only place in the entire Forbidden City where there is no festive atmosphere. Too much emperor wants to heal and naturally to be quiet. Especially after too much emperor has been sick, he can't talk. Careful and downcast.

The appearance of a crowd wearing jerseys to visit the Emperor was particularly ironic.

But no one dares to pick such a stab, after all, the new emperor can still think about the emperor in the head, it is not easy, even if it is said to be filial piety.

The emperor seemed unusually uneasy, and didn't know what was being said in his mouth, but none of this paid attention.

Only King Qi, through the performance of the Supreme Emperor, made a noise, reprimanding the slaves for not being careful, and there was a hint in it that it seemed that Zong Xi treated the Supreme Emperor as superficial filial piety. Too much emperor, otherwise would the emperor behave like this?

But no one believed what he said, and he didn't say that so many concubines were there, and they would be waiting in line every day. This is the idea that Pan'er gave to Zong Xi. When King Qi was so noisy, it seemed that he was too unreasonable, and at the same time, he showed a faint end to his end.

After all, if he really has a way to take Zong Zong, as for the trivial matter to make trouble by such a little thing? There are a lot of clan relatives present, and each has his own measure.

On the first day, the new emperor worshiped the ancestral temple, and at the Dachao meeting, it was announced that the yuan should be changed, and the name was Jianping.

At the same time, Kunning Palace is also lively.

The orderly women came into the congratulations one by one, with Queen Mother Fu in the middle, Queen Chen in the lower left, Pan Er and other new emperors and concubines standing on both sides.

They are all gorgeous jerseys. It's really hard for the house to catch so many jerseys in a hurry, but this posture is really a new year.

It's not the new year and the new weather. Since the opening of the Xi on the 5th day of the 5th day, Zong Xi has been constantly moving.

Pan'er didn't care about the affairs of the DPRK. He heard that Queen Chen's father had been sealed.

Cheng Enhou, this is an honor only for the relatives of the emperor. Generally, the queen is sealed, and the mother family is shaded, but it is inferior to the previous life. The previous life is a duke.

Queen Chen was very happy and proud. When Pan'er went to ask Anshi, she could see the joy on her face.

However, as a result, Queen Chen was even more anxious to move the palace, and finally managed to pass the first month, and she was concerned about the repairs to the Ningshou Palace.

During this period, the Dongliu Temple was also undergoing a simple renovation. The only major repair was the Jingren Palace, as well as the residences of several princesses and the South Three House where the princes lived.

Just before March, Zong Duo and Zong Ye moved to the South Three Institute. Paner went to see it several times. The paint was freshly painted. The doors and windows were changed. The furniture was new. She also opened it. Treasury added a lot of furnishings to Zong Ye.

In April, the Ningshou Palace was finally repaired.

Empress Chen personally supervised the layout and furnishings inside, waiting for everything to go, and waited another half a month before going to Kunning Palace to ask for peace, carefully mentioning what had been repaired in Tiening Shou Palace.

Pan'er was present at the time, and now she is the concubine of the new emperor.

That's all for the queen. In the end, there is also a queen queen and a queen queen. She can't wait for the concubines to come and settle all day long, so she still gathers at Kunning Palace and asks queen queen to ask for peace. Greetings to the Empress Dowager at Cining Palace.

It's not that Queen Mother Fu is unwilling to go, but the Queen Mother also knows that she is old and frustrates every day. On the 15th day of a month, please ask Ann that she won't say anything, other times She was too noisy to come here, and fewer and fewer people went away over time.

Although Empress Chen was very particular about speaking at that time, not to open the door to see the mountain, but to mention it in the yard where the princesses lived, but Pan'er still saw Queen Mother Fu and Nian Qiu around her.

This action is a little meaningful.

So the queen is really not something ordinary people can do, Paner sighs again.

Not to say that Queen Mother Fu had tasted the hardships of being a queen before, but now she still has to choose Queen Chen. You think the palace is so big, would n’t some actions of Empress Chen be deceived, watching the progress of the Ningshou Palace repairs, and in the good, it ’s filial piety, and in the bad, it ’s anxious to let Fu Fu Moved out of Kuning Palace.

But to say that she is a queen, and she wants to rush into the Kuning Palace.

So the human heart is like this, no one is wrong, but there are countless contradictions inadvertently gathered in daily life.

Fortunately, none of this had anything to do with her, and Pan'er was grateful.

The queen mother Fu did not delay too much, and ordered the slaves to pack up the next day. She has been a queen for many years and has lived in Kuning Palace for decades. There are so many things imaginable.

After hearing about it, Zong Xi also went there specifically and said that Ningshou Palace had just been repaired, and he would wait for the paint inside to move for a while, and he was not in a hurry anyway.

The queen mother did not say anything, just that she slowly moved things over.

But when Zong Xi came out, Nianci told yesterday what he was doing.

Ask why Paner knows?

Because she happened to be sent to the Palace of Heavenly Purity that day, Zong Pu rarely fired in front of her, showing her dissatisfaction with Queen Chen.

He was more and more unavoidable, but Paner was in a hurry. You said that he said the queen was bad in front of her. As a pet concubine, did she persuade or not?

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