Ying Chong

Chapter 12: 12th


After Paner heard Aunt Qing's words, he couldn't react for a moment.

Not only her, but also Aunt Qing is a little dazed.

She knew that the nobles in the palace were not as good as the people in the market imagined.

Eating a chicken is not enough.

Fortunately, she has a calm personality and shows no clue in front of outsiders. Only in front of Pan'er did she show some disbelief.

As for Pan'er, she actually knew this, but she had a difficult life in the previous life, and she didn't focus on these things outside of her. By the time she started to pay more attention, she was already a concubine and didn't care about it. She just listened to Aunt Qing saying, “I have n’t eaten a chicken yet, I have to spend money.” I feel a little embarrassed.

She, the Empress Dowager, had to eat silver to eat chicken.

Obviously this ‘no chicken has been eaten, it ’s necessary to spend money’. It affects more than one Pan. Even Cattail and Qingdai looked at Paner with sympathy.

Cattail thoughtfully said, "What does the Lord want for lunch? It doesn't matter, they don't give it, the slaves take the silver to try."

Pan Er thought about it, hesitated, "Well, just come?"

Spooky chicken!

Except for Baizhu Baizhu Xiaodezi Odako, the other three people all agreed, and they were filled with indignation.

Then come a chicken!

Cattails washed their hands, took some silver into their arms, and called the little virtue, and the two went to the dining room for lunch. Bai Shu was silent, and continued to bring Qing Dai to change the screen.

At the end of spring and early summer, the window paper of the Forbidden City was changed from paper to window screen. Before this yard was unoccupied, the window veil had not been changed, and there was a veil in the case that was sent. The Qingdai and Cattail had not been done, and Baizhu took them.

After changing the window screen, it was really bright in the room, and it was especially refreshing.

Pan'er asked them to wash their hands and rest for a while, and then work in the afternoon, but was thinking about a problem. The money that Pei Yongchang gave, she thought of saving some money for five or six years. Maybe it won't take that long at all.

She was used to the days of pampering herself, and she could endure for a while because of the situation, but she could not endure it for the sake of saving money. There must be ice in summer and charcoal in winter. Black charcoal is not used, and only the best red charcoal is used. But aunt Qing just told her that there is no ice in her case and no red charcoal. Only black carbon.

Black coal has smoke!

There is no ice in the summer, and she lives in the West Chamber.

Paner suddenly felt that she was thinking a little too simple. She thought that after entering the palace, as long as she stayed away from the concubine, she lived her life in a low-key manner, and when she was born, she completed half of her tasks.

Now think about it, she is still struggling on the edge of survival.

I didn't think about it for a long time because Cattail came back with the chicken she ordered.

In addition to chicken, there are two small stir-fried, fried fungus shredded pork and fried three kinds, and there is also a rice noodle with a powdered noodle, and a wood spinach dish. The chicken was braised, with large oils and watercress, and the broth was red and gorgeous, with thick yam.

Pan'er was very suspicious that the table last night and the breakfast this morning were specially prepared by the dining room for the new couple. Sure enough, Cattail told her when she set the meal, and said that a little **** named Zhang, who was in the dining room, said that the previous two meals were entered by He Xinren. Now that the order has come down, the meal will be arranged according to the order.

In fact, the **** with the surname Zhang also said something stinging, but as soon as the cattail silver was plugged, he became dumb, and immediately turned his yin and yang face into a big smile. He also ordered cattail and little virtue, and in fact, someone could eat more It is not necessary to give the dining room money for things other than the share.

When I said this, it happened that the maid of the house next to Hu Liangzhang went to raise food.

The little **** who was in charge of feeding her, that stubborn look, was simply unsightly. The dining room made a lot of dishes at that time, and was still stuffed into the food box before leaving.

Cattail was uncomfortable at the time, but she didn't say anything. She had suffered a lot in childhood. She knew that there was something she could say and something she couldn't say.

But she understands, does not mean that Vicky also understands.

Vicky waited for Zhao Xiyue, and the big girl next to the family girls was not worse than going out of ordinary rich households. When was someone thrown away because of a bowl of food?

She ordered, and the little **** who was in charge of feeding her said no, and stabbed her a few words.

Vicky was immediately annoyed and started to make noise in the dining room.

Vicky was still noisy there when Cattail was gone, and no one paid attention to her. Noon was at her best when the dining room was busy. However, this incident also passed on to Ji Detang. In the afternoon, the prince sent an old lady. Without saying anything else, she taught Yu Ping and Yu Xia the rules.

This incident also involved Typha and Qingdai, because the next day I went to Ji Detang to invite Princess Anshi to speak. They were brought in from outside the palace, and I wanted to teach them together, lest I do n’t understand the rules of regeneration.

Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue didn't dare to say anything, what did they say, who was ignorant?


The old woman's surname is Li. It is said that she used to be a girl from a small palace.

The rules are particularly strict and the hands are particularly dark.

After being taught by her for a few days like this, cattails and others were suffering, and every day they came back with injuries.

That's all, there is a great impact on this matter-the people in the East Palace are increasingly not looking at the people in this courtyard, and it is embodied in the dining room and Jidetang.

The dining room is a place to deal with every day. At first I looked at the silver, and others still have a smile. Now the smile is gone, and I always want to find something more silver.

On the side of Ji Detang, Pan Er, as a waiter, went to plead for the concubine every day. People who serve in Jidetang, because they are serving the princess and are particularly superior, so they usually look at Paner's stubborn attitude and are not cold.

In fact, there are still differences. Some of them are polite, others are polite, and others are treated as air.

auzw.com Now Pan'er and Zhao Xiyue are the air. It has been more days for anyone to tell them to enter the door. Not only did the prince have no Linxing, they also let the prince down.

In this palace, the prince and concubine are the vane.

Before that, Pan'er was still wondering what kind of face the Crown Prince would face her and Zhao Xiyue. After all, from the perspective of identity, the three belong to the same camp, but in terms of feelings, the princess is forced to carry the two into the palace, and it will definitely feel unsightly.

However, it never occurred to them that it was neither wooing nor suppressing, but using the maid to make a raft, to lose their face, not only hit the two, and told them who is the master in the back house of the East Palace, and temporarily broke With their arms, they also demonstrated their fairness and justice.

Three birds with one stone!


Cattails and Qingdai are temporarily unavailable. Baizhu, Baizhu and two eunuchs are inevitably used by Pan'er.

Originally, a few people were still hesitant to fight for favor with the elderly because they had just arrived. They never rushed to fight for anything, and they were kicked off the shelves.

At the same time, Paner had some understanding of them.

It's just like this idiot. She has a little silly personality. According to her own opinion, she has been in the palace for several years, but she is still a little silly.

She seemed to be very afraid of Li Yan. When she saw Li Yan coming to this yard, she detoured, and fell for it, with a light nose, a swollen face, and a funny look.

According to herself, when she first entered the palace as a little concubine, she was crossed by Li Yan, all with shadows.

That Li Min still remembers her, calling her a fat girl, and later Bai Min was frank. When she first entered the palace, she was a bit fat, and she was especially able to eat. It may be that she had not been full at home before. Enough, she can eat five in one meal.

You must know that the white-faced **** in the palace that serves the eunuchs of the palace is larger than a man's fist.

Pan'er thought to himself that this white sister-in-law should not be a princess, and the princess would not send such a puppet.

There is a little virtue.

Unlike Odako, Kotoko will come especially, just as he had a relationship with Cattail earlier than Odako. In order to strengthen this relationship, Cattail and Qingdai came back with bruises every day these days. For this reason, he deliberately volunteered to find medicine for both of them.

It really made him come, it is said that he got it from the Royal Pharmacy.

He didn't spend any money, but afterwards Paner rewarded him with a silver mule.

This is showing its value! There are so many minions in the palace that can be assigned to the master to serve. There are people who do not come up. This is not a small virtue, at least compared with Odako.

And Xiaodezi's news is quite well-informed, and from time to time, he can give Paner some news.

For example, Grandpa has n’t been in the backyard for a few days, so she sat in Jidetang before. These days, it should have been He Liangyuan and Liu Chenghui. Because Grandpa did n’t come to the backyard, Liu Chenghui is fine. She has always been transparent. Human, He Liangyuan can't be held back.

Why is it said that you are not angry, and is still known?

Because He Liangyuan's anger is not the same as others. Other masters' anger is either sulking or spitting on the minions. This is good for He Liangyuan. As long as she is unhappy, she must touch the piano in the middle of the night.

The courtyard where He Liangyuan lived and Pan'er were not in the same direction, so there was nothing to hear here. It was said that Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, who lived in the same direction as her, were noisy these days.

This is said to be Paner's own observation.

Because even a few days in the morning, Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui hung a pair of black eye circles, which were not covered with fragrant powder. They were not in good spirits and were scratching their heads.

Everyone looked in the eyes, the Princess didn't speak, and no one else could say anything, but the Princess was angry this morning.

"You're too ridiculous! What is upsetting?"

For the first time, He Liangyuan was so embarrassed, sitting there, crying with a veil covering her face.

"You still cry, Grandpa is busy in the day, and you do n’t often come to the backyard. This is a well-known thing. Are you so arrogant to say that my princess is unfair, or do you accuse my grandpa of not going to your yard?" The princess, I do n’t know what to do today, the anger is quite big, and the words are especially ruthless.

This hat is too big, He Liangyuan dare not wear it.

She was soft, slipped off her chair, and knelt on the ground.

"Usually no matter what you do, I open my eyes and close my eyes in private, but do n’t go too far! Prince Edward Nai Chu, how many people look outside this palace? Let others know What will you say after you say that Grandpa Prince is not strict in managing his family! Other times, let alone, if anyone has affected Grandpa Prince's reputation, I will be the first to spare her. "

After finishing speaking, the princess waved her hands impatiently, "Well, let's all step back, He Liangyuan thought for half a month behind closed doors, copied the female ring ten times, and handed it to me after lifting the ban."

The others stood up and saluted again, and Fang Yu came out. He Liangyuan was also taken away by the imperial palace son-in-law.

After everyone left, the princess was still shameful.

Chen Huan whispered: "Don't be angry too, lest you hurt your body."

"I don't want to be angry, but that Princess Chu ran into me today at the queen mother, not because she was pregnant with her," said the Princess, rubbing her brows.

To put it bluntly, He Liangyuan was also implicated today. The prince and concubine had no son but it wasn't hard at the waist, and she was in a row in front of her too much. No wonder she was so angry.

"This matter can't be anxious. You've been here for almost half a month this little day. Would you like to ask Tai Wu to come and see?"

The princess still frowned, but could not help but rub her lower abdomen.

"Wait a few more days." She paused, and she said, "This will be the next day to sleep next month, I'm afraid it will be lively again at that time. Aren't those two sitting and staying in advance? The news let them know that after the previous events and this time, I don't believe they are still sitting. "

Then, the prince concubine sneered.

The author has something to say: I found out that there is a rival play involving Prince Anxi and Pan'er.

In fact, at this time can not be anxious, at this time Paner's emergence is the shot of the bird.

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