Ying Chong

Chapter 16: 16th


Pan'er knew the three county masters. The previous three county masters were weak and diseased embryos.

Hu Liangzheng always invited the princes through the three county masters. She also knew this, but because she was held in Jidetang at that time, she didn't know the details.

But she knew that the three county masters died later.

It is not this time, it is later than this time, but the specific time has not been remembered. After all, after all these years, especially when she first entered the East Palace, she started to live a turbulent life and was suppressed by the princess. Out of breath.

The reason why she knew it was through the gossip between the slaves of Ji Detang. It is said that Hu Liangzheng was noisy because of the illness of the three counties, and she even intercepted the prince from the princess twice.

The crown prince was not angry (on the surface), but the minions were so angry that Paner heard some broken words.

Before Paner was thinking, maybe the three county masters were not good from this time, then Zhao Xiyue's sleeping dormitory was worrying tonight, maybe the East Palace might not be able to survive in the next few months.

Who knows, the Prince appeared at night and walked the wrong door, even more because of her presumptuous intention to let her sleep. Both people are on the bed, who knows that Hu Liangzhang is here again.

The prince glanced at Pan'er before leaving, and Pan'er returned to the couch and lay down after sending him away.

She was thinking about her mind, but Cattail and Qingdai felt that she was unhappy. After all, people were pulled away from the bed, and no one would be happy.

"This Hu Liangzhang is too much, it was stopped last night, and he came again today!" Cattail exclaimed.

Therefore, everyone has the inferiority of gloating, and when the joke was opposite Dongxiang, he didn't feel that it was his turn to be angry.

"Okay, say a few words, I am afraid the three county masters are really bad." Pan'er said.

"Slave did think that Hu Liangzhang was intentional."

Aunt Qing walked in and just heard the words of Cattail, she reprimanded: "Why did you follow the rules of Li Yan for so long and you did n’t learn to be clever? You can talk about the master? Just talk in this room. Be heard and be careful. "

Aunt Qing had already returned to her dormitory room to rest before. When she heard that the prince had arrived and hurried up, she didn't dare to come in. She waited in the ear room on the side. What happened outside her naturally did not leak.

Cattail was trained and scratched his head: "Aunt, I was wrong."

When Vicky was dragged away, Cattail looked at it, and she now realized that inside and outside the palace were different.

"Well, let's go and rest. I'll rest too. Minger will have to get up early to greet him."

And there is still a battle to fight, just because the prince walked the wrong door tonight, Zhao Xiyue will not let her go tomorrow. However, Pan'er was quite happy at the moment. She felt that the beginning of her and the prince was pretty good. With the intersection in the end, will the prince be holding on to himself?

Although a bit shameful, Paner thinks it will.

Sure enough, please go to the next day. Last night, the prince went to the wrong place and knew everything.

All of his eyes were meaningful, Zhao Xiyue's face was very dark, and it was ugly and scary. His eyes almost did not swallow the plate.

If she had changed before, the princess would definitely have to come forward and say two words that seem to be generous and provocative, but she would not care about it today.

The three county masters are really bad.

I woke up yesterday afternoon, and I was fed some gruel. At night, when I had a high fever and twitched, Hu Liangzhen was so frightened that he knew that the prince had entered the Pan's house for a while, and he was brave enough People call.

It was really panicky.

The princess was also disturbed and passed by then.

I asked the doctor to come over again, and it was acupuncture and irrigating again. It was retreated in the middle of the night. The crown prince did not leave until the middle of the night, and the princess naturally did not go well, so she could only accompany her, so she didn't have the energy to deal with it today.

"It's all gone. Rather than fighting hard and being jealous here, you might as well go and see the three county masters, one by one!"

After being exhorted, everyone was honest. When they went out from Jidetang, they didn't leave immediately, but instead went to see the three county masters.

Because Hu Liangzheng had too many previous medical records, the three counties became ill, and everyone thought she was deliberately invited by the child. This time it was not, and I always went to see it, especially the concubine. Show it to the Prince.

When the appointment was made, the crowd broke up immediately.

After Pan'er returned, he was asked to take silver and go to the Office of Internal Affairs to make a long-life lock.

The small lock piece is engraved with the pattern of Fu Shoulu, and it is neither light nor heavy in his hand. It is about three or two in size, which is suitable for the age of the three county masters.

Of course, the three county masters definitely don't wear it, giving and receiving know each other well, but that's the meaning.

The courtyard where Hu Liangzhang lived seems to be the largest among several small courtyards and the most luxuriously furnished. It is said that the yard opposite her is also so large. The prince can seal two Liangzhus by law. Now there is only one, so the yard opposite is still empty.

Everyone went to see the Lord of the Three Counties, and said some comforting words, and then presented each with a gift. When it was Pan's turn, Hu Liangyi glanced more and said, "You're kind."

There was no smell in this remark, but Pan'er had been in the palace for a long time and naturally knew the way of living in the palace.

Giving gifts in the palace is the most taboo to wear, but on the contrary, she is the safest. The thin piece can't hide any ingenuity in it, and naturally won't fall into the handle or frame it.

Pan'er looked at Hu Liangxuan's tenderness with a little sloppy look, and then looked at the thin, thin body and pale to almost transparent face of the San Junzhu, and it was right to be good when she was right.

She is not good at others, she is the best at self-consolation. After all, if it wasn't for her heart, she would not be able to live in the past thirty years.

Naturally Hu Liangzhang would not keep them for tea, so the party left without leaving much.


The illness of the Lord of the Three Counties shrouded a haze over the East Palace.


The crown prince is struggling. If there are three daughters, if there is one less, the sky will not fall down, but it is also very unpleasant.

For many days, the doctors went in and out in the East Palace.

Even Queen Fu heard about it and sent the ambassador of the Tai Hospital to the ambassador of the hospital. Bao Yuan's medical skills are superb, especially for Cheng Andi, Queen Fu, and Queen Mother. Maybe Bao Yuan can rejuvenate.

Bao Yuan's ambassadors entered and left the Donggong for many days. It is said that even the prescription changed several times, and the illness of the three county masters finally improved. In fact, the three county masters have no major illness, that is, lack of fetal susceptibility to sickness, coupled with the young age, may be a very common cold, which can make her sick.

It is said that the three county masters suddenly became so ill after receiving the cold.

It was said that the nursing mother had not been taken care of well and was discovered by Hu Liangzhang. At that time, Hu Liangzhang was about to stab people in the yard and was stopped by the princess.

As King Qi and King Chu succeeded in succession in recent years, on the contrary, the prince managed to lead an errand, and he still edited the "Cheng'an Ceremony" for Emperor Cheng An.

Emperor Cheng'an has been in power for nearly 20 years, and his martial arts skills have been pretty good. Now that the world is peaceful, he wants to build a time-honored book that collects ancient and modern cultural collections, in order to make it beautiful. After a few years, people will mention him again, not from Qing history. , But seeing this "Cheng'an Ceremony" can think of his prestige.

The "Prince of Cheng'an" has been repaired for nearly five years, and it has been repaired since the wedding. Emperor Cheng An has planned to continue the practice of the prince.

The East Palace is in a bad situation right now. It is just above the limelight. If Hu Liang's scepter stabbed the mother of the three counties, I still don't know what will happen to the outside, and the crown prince naturally wants to stop it.

However, this act seems to offend Hu Liangzhen, and even extended it to the possibility that the mother-in-law was bought by the prince concubine, and then she would start against the master of the three counties.

Of course, these latter ones were guessed by Paner himself, because after the incident, Hu Liang seemed to have some broken pots and broken postures.

At first, the three county masters did not come to ask for help. After the three county masters' symptoms were getting better, they moved their tires to raise their babies and could not come to please them. During the period, she ran to Kunning Palace twice. This posture Where is the fetal breath.

The crown prince could not see the mood on her face, but her face was getting worse every day. However, she was not at all negligent to the three county masters, and sighed warmly every day, even if Hu Liangzheng gave her face, she still did the right thing.

After a few days like this, the princess fainted suddenly one day in Jidetang.

I asked the doctor to ask for a pulse, and it was revealed that the concubine was pregnant.

This happened again earlier than in the previous life. Paner found that many things had changed since she hit her hard work.


The concubine is naturally a happy event.

The news came from the front feet, and the women in the backyard all went like water.

Everyone else has gone, and Pan'er will certainly go.

Xu Liangyuan always had a face in front of the princess, and the whole house heard her talking nonchalantly, and everyone else was behind her.

Hu Liangzhang didn't come. Pan'er didn't believe she didn't receive the news. Maybe she didn't want to come, or she was worried in the yard.

Once the princess is pregnant, this backyard is bound to change.

No one can tell whether the change is good or bad, but it will undoubtedly have the biggest impact on Hu Liangzhang. Relying on this belly, she seemed to want to push down the crown prince, and she was very respected by the queen mother. Now that the princess is pregnant, if she gives birth to a sister-in-law, even if she has a son, the sister-in-law is always lower than the sister-in-law.

Sure enough, Pan'er and others just stood still and said nothing. The Kunning Palace sent someone to deliver something.

The person in front of her face was the faceless maiden Nian Qiu of Queen Fu.

"... Mother-in-law asked you to take care of yourself. If anything, just tell someone to go to Kuning Palace."

The princess was wearing a lotus-colored sister-in-law and sat on the bed. She was a little pale and not very mental, but she behaved well and was not insulted.

"After worrying about my mother, I will worry about it. I will take good care of myself and strive to have a little grandson for my Highness-"

"The slaves will not bother, and they will not disturb the concubine." After Nian Qiu had performed another ceremony, he planned to retire.

"Aunt slowly, Fuchun, you send Aunt Qiu out."

Otherwise, the people in the palace are all good at opening their eyes and talking nonsense. It is clear that there is still such a large group of people standing in this room, but they do n’t seem to see Nian Qiu.

However, the Kunning Palace sent someone to send something false, indicating that the attitude is true.

Queen Fu came from a family of clan. If it wasn't for the princely concubine who had been unable to give birth to the eldest son of the prince, and the daughters of the East Palace were not abundant, why would the queen Fu secretly embarrass the princely concubine? Now that the princess is pregnant, regardless of whether she is pregnant with a man or a woman, Hu Liangzhang has to stand aside, because Queen Fu cannot possibly impede the princess at this time.

Therefore, the women in the palace are capable of flexing and stretching, especially in the high position. Thunder and rain are all gracious. They show no mercy when they ridicule you, and they can also show their posture when they lift you up.

After going through such a scene, Xu Liangyuan's congratulatory words were thrown out without money. Even He Liangyuan, who had always been so cold, stumbled and said two good words.

The concubine was pregnant, so she could not sleep. According to her nature, she now has a hard time turning over, and she must lift people to suppress Hu Liangzhen.

And Hu Liangzhang arrogant that he had always been alone, and was embarrassed by the three princes. The crown prince raised someone, and she must have movements too. The East Palace turmoil is imminent. Whoever can take the lead, who may be the next decent person.

Needless to say, Xu Liangyuan naturally belongs to the princely concubine. He Liangyuan's movement is unknown. As far as she is today, she may fall to the concubine. Not to mention Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, they are already invisible people, so only Paner and Zhao Xiyue are left.

Zhao Xiyue had invested in the Prince before. Although Pan Er was apparently the Prince, the two parties were not very enthusiastic. Pan Er thought that the next day would not be too quiet.

After returning from Ji Detang, Pan'er ordered the people below to speak carefully and cautiously, so as not to cause trouble.

The author has something to say: Hahaha, I think all the comments in the comments are about the sudden braking. This thing is Oolong. Do n’t worry, it wo n’t stop next time.

Each chapter will randomly drop red envelopes, leave a lot of comments.

Thanks to the little angel who threw [mine]: 1 **** sauce, 1 nerd who didn't like reading, 1 pearl jade pear white, 357302131, 1 bead, Chiba 1 Thanks to the little angel who gave [Grenade]: Qing Take a look at 1

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution

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