Ying Chong

Chapter 2: 2nd


Text / Mask Feast


Pan Er stubbornly drank a bowl of medicine, instead of suppressing vomiting, he even wanted to vomit.

Cattails are also clever. They are busy picking up a salted plum from a few small dishes and stuffed it into Paner's mouth.

That ‘presumptuous’ sentence was so stiffly plugged back.

The Empress Dowager Jinan Zunyugui, the **** of the palace served her, who was not pure hand aromatherapy, for fear of pickling the master, but now it is better, was actually pickled by a stupid girl.


She knew, however, that in these days, it was the two and a half girls who were dedicated to serving her and feeding her daily medicine.

The Empress Dowager Zhao An could not remember whether there was such a scene in that year. After all, these memories are too long. She faintly remembered that she really did get sick on the way into Beijing, but she was not so sick.

What has changed? Is it because she returned to work?

Paner bit the plum in her mouth tastelessly, and the intense sourness irritated her mouth, causing the saliva to overflow uncontrollably.

Until now Paner still couldn't figure out, she was Zhuang Zhouxiaomeng. After she woke up, she was still the queen emperor and respected, and she really lived again.

She hadn't figured it out for a few days, but she knew there was no time for her to think about it.

Because of this sudden illness, Pei Yongchang asked the doctor to let her go to the shore to see her. The pulse had passed, and she had taken a lot of medicine, but her illness still did not improve, and it was nothing. Severe illness is that you can't get out of bed because you feel weak and weak.

Seeing that it was only a few days away from Beijing, if her illness was not good, she would face no doubt whatsoever. After all, what Pei Yongchang bought her for, no one knew better than her.

So she had to get herself better.

Distracted, Qingdai had cleaned Pan'er's face, wiped her hands and neck, and put her on the bed.

Pan'er tried to make use of it, which has been much better than the previous few days. Although still weak and weak, but not a little strength.

She pursed her lips and said, "Cattail, go get some hot water and give me a hot compress massage as I did yesterday. I feel much better than the previous two days, and maybe just a few more times."

Although Pan'er didn't understand medicine, she could feel that this situation would be good for a while, but now she just lacks time, so she can only help her with her.

Cattails answered.

After a while, he walked in with a young man carrying hot water.

It was early in the spring when the sky was still a bit cold, but the charcoal basin was burned in front of the bed, but it did not feel cold.

On the couch, the pan Luo Luo shirt half faded.

The dark green quilt made her skin winnow and her complexion bright.

Cattail eyes are envious, and his movements are gentle, for fear of hurting the girl's good skin.

The two little girls were so busy with sweat that they applied heat first and then massaged. The method of massage was given to them by the girl. I wonder how the girl understood this.

How could they know that Pan's sister-in-law had been changed for a long time? The empress Jinzhuang Yugui's Empress Dowager had never seen anything. She had not had a good time in the palace when she first entered the palace. In order to invite pets, she must maintain a slim body and practice daily More than half an hour.

After finishing the exercises, someone has to help massage and relax the bones and muscles.

After pressing the arms and back, and then the legs and feet, the paner was covered with sweat, and Typha and Qingdai were not too tired.

But the two girls complained without a word, and they were busy clothing Pan'er.

After going through such a scene, Pan'er was too tired and quickly fell asleep.


Everyone thought that Pan'er wasn't afraid that it wouldn't happen. Who knew that her condition was gradually improving, and she could get out of bed and walk a few steps by the time of Tongzhou.

When you arrived in Tongzhou, you were in Beijing. After disembarking for one day, Pei Yongchang saw that Pan'er was still weak, but in the end he was not the same as the sick one, so he didn't delay going to Beijing.

It is only half a day's journey from Tongzhou to Beijing.

The next day it was not bright, and the group set off, hurrying and hurrying to the capital before noon.

The Chen family was heavily respected by the emperor because of Chen Shoufu, and the house was located in the Xitangzi Hutong near Donghuamen. The big mansion in Wujinsanlu is home to a four-bedroom Chen family.

Along the way, Pan'er followed her head down Pei Yongchang, and it wasn't until the second lady lived in Yun Xia Yuan that she looked up at the situation around her.

Five main rooms with auricles, the courtyard is covered with blue brick floor, in the middle is a rockery stacked with Taihu stones. There are flowing water on the rockery, and the exotic flowers and grass on the mountain are blooming. The courtyard corner is planted with holly and pomegranate trees.

In front of the gallery, there were a few girls wearing green armors, and when they saw Pei Yongchang, they called their aunts regularly. A maid wearing a blue jacket greeted quickly and greeted Pei Yongchang and Pan'er kindly.

Cattails and Qingdai were left outside. The two girls had little knowledge, and the momentum and wealth shown by the Chen family had long been afraid of raising the town.

At this time, Pei Yongchang didn't know yet. The Chen family has not been clean recently. His mother-in-law, Mrs. Chen Er, was recently annoyed by the private actions of other houses. For many days, the descendants of Yun Xia Yuan were trembling, for fear that the bad luck would provoke the master's obscurity.

This is not the case. Madam two got angry again today, scolding the three ladies and four ladies for their hypocrisy and shameless shame in the room, and cursing the old lady for being a smiling tiger, jealous of her daughter being a concubine, and tripping her in the back.


Just then, Pei Yongchang came.


Pei Yongchang is the son-in-law of the second house of the Chen family, and is married to the eldest daughter of the second house.

At that time, the Chen family had not yet had a princely concubine, and it was not expensive enough just to be clear. In addition, Master Chen Er is an ambitious man. Although he has a reputation, he is obsessed with painting and painting. Mrs. Chen also knows that it is not possible to count on her husband to be an official. Since the official ca n’t get it, it ’s better to get silver. .

Based on the old Chen brand, the second lady found herself a son-in-law of a salt merchant.

Do n’t look at the salt merchants ’bad names, but they ca n’t stand the money. Pei Yongchang is filial. He never fails in the New Year ’s holidays. He not only fattened the second room, but also filled the Chen family. The Pei family ’s business in Yangzhou naturally went smoothly. , No one dares to make trouble.

Who in the Chen family does not know the fourth aunt (this ranking is based on the total ranking of the Chens' daughters), filial piety, and the second wife, who is a little uncomfortable, is known by the fourth aunt, and all kinds of rare and precious medicinal materials are sent from Yangzhou like no money. The second old man likes all kinds of ancient paintings. Whenever the fourth aunt collects them, he hurries them to Beijing.

Relying on the strength of this dripping stone, Pei Yongchang really has face in Chen's house. Especially in front of the second room, Mrs. Chen almost regarded him as his son-in-law.

For Mrs. Yu, the eldest son-in-law is filial, and now that everyone in the government opposes her, and even her husband is not on her side, the eldest son-in-law naturally becomes a caring person. I heard that Pei Yongchang is here. , Busy people call him to talk.


While Pei Yongchang was talking to the second wife, Pan'er was hug outside in the mansion.

At the time of March in the spring of spring, the flowers in Yunxiayuan's flower garden had already bloomed. Roses, lilacs, and jasmine flowers were shining each other, competing to bloom, and there was a faint floral fragrance in the air, which made people refreshed.

Pan'er was sitting there with her head half-hung, and from time to time there was a girl in and out. They were dressed in blue or green bivalves, and just looking at the general style and dress, they knew that the girl was not an ordinary girl.

Even the previous Pan Er was not as good.

In the end, one of the thin horses of Israel's servants, but the other is the servant girl of everyone. It ’s not that sentence. It ’s better to marry everyone instead of marrying a small girl. If it was a fifteen-year-old Pan'er, being looked at by these needle-like eyes, I'm afraid it's hard to sit still. Fortunately, the sister-in-law in Pan'er has changed, so it's just sitting down.

In the vague memory of Queen Mother An An, it seemed that there was such an event that year.

At that time, she did not know the inside story, suffered such a glance, only if everyone knew her thin horse's identity, and she felt ashamed and shameless in her heart. So much so that she was pinched by the second lady through her humility and demanded her, and she did not dare to resist.

The others gave her a little alms, and she was grateful. The others didn't fake the color, and she didn't dare to add a word. After suffering so much later, she came to her senses.

Just as Pan Erjing was immersed in his memories, there was a man in the yard, the little sister beside the second master.

It was said that the second old man was resting today, and when he heard that the aunt was coming, he asked the aunt to speak in the past.

The second wife is not good enough to stay with Pei Yongchang, and when Pei Yongchang left, she did not take Paner away, apparently left intentionally.

The second lady thought for a while, came to the window, and looked into the oblique side hug.

Looking from her direction, she can only see the woman's soft face. At this moment, Mother Liu sent Pei Yongchang back and the two of them walked together to walk between times.

"Ma'am, what do you think of this woman?" The second lady asked after sitting down.

She is in her forties, but she looks at least in her early thirties. She wore a chubby embroidered melon butterfly pattern, a turquoise horse-faced skirt, and her black hair combed into a horse-riding stable. She wore a scarlet gold-colored head and face and looked very noble.

Willow eyebrow with round face, full body, and a pair of sharp phoenixes that do not match his face.

Mother Liu sighed: "Madam, do you think?"

The second lady rubbed the gemstone ring between her fingers and pursed her lips: "It looks pretty good, but it seems to be a little smaller and too thin, so this sick woman sent in, really can ask Prince's like? "

Mother Liu also gave a glance when she was sent out, and thought that Pan'er's appearance was also very outstanding, especially that Liu Yanhuajiao's delicate and dazzling attitude made people look side by side, and she could not help but feel pity for her.

As for why the second lady said so, I am afraid that this woman's face violated his wife's taboo. The second lady usually hates this fragile woman who waited for me to see her, but this old thing, only the old people in the house know, where will the aunt know.

If the second wife's personal likes and dislikes are left aside, this woman is really suitable.

Thinking about sending auntie to her to talk to her before, Ms. Liu hesitated and bypassed the topic smartly.

"Madam knows what a thin horse is?"

The second lady came from the earl's house and naturally knew what it was. The left was nothing more than the cheap embryos of Israel's servants, something she even said was dirty.

"Skinny horses are people who like them. Women who are specially used to serve men. Our women and men have different perspectives. Maybe we don't think it's eye-catching. They can do what they like. And such people It's better than the first lady and the third lady they came to. If there is a relationship, how can our girl get hold of it? You can't hold people in your hands, but you can also send people to the Prince. It is undoubtedly ours. The girl ’s pet, such a person is the best. She is of low birth and lives in our hands. We do n’t just do what she asks. ”

The second lady understands these truths, but her daughter, which is related to her heart, cannot tolerate her carelessly.

Thinking of her daughter-in-law, the second lady was both proud and annoyed, "It was also the time when I was anxious to please the old lady and send the researcher to her knees to support her. She became a proud character. She just gritted her teeth and said nothing. When we did n’t know how the **** of the screwdriver blocked her, and watched her daughter suffer, it really dug me into being a mother. ”

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, I didn't expect to sneak a essay, and there are so many little fairies coming to support. Hahaha, smirking.


Thanks to the little angels for giving me the overlord ticket ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 cycyseesea, 1 bean rice, 1 old autumn garden

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 bean rice

Thank you little angels for irrigating me ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Shi37 bottle, Peter Pan 15 bottle, Moon Face 10 bottle, Cat Song 10 bottle, Shrimp shrimp 5 bottle, Nothing to read 2 bottles, Sunny-maple 1 bottle, Jiang Mingxu 1 bottle, Zhao 1 bottle of Yuling evil, 1 bottle of Elle_zj19791, 1 bottle of reed, 1 bottle of Hua Shao, 1 bottle of feather

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! ^ _ ^

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