Ying Chong

Chapter 210: Patriarch

The ancestral priests outside (7)

"I didn't expect San Ye to come and drink the little girl's wedding drink.

Meng Hu greeted him personally.

In addition to him, there are several church masters. This welcome posture can be regarded as the best guest. As the wedding is approaching, Hutou Mountain is also very lively. In the eyes, you can see that the red silk is hung on the red silk.

There are also some guests who have come from afar. They have arrived early today. From time to time, someone drives them in, and after some courtesies, they are led in.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many people. When I heard that this person was Rong Sanye, everyone's eyes became a little strange.

"The Lord Meng Gang is polite." Zong Duo nodded slightly, not even aware of the sight on the side.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, hurry, please in Sanye."

After entering, we arrived at Huyutang.

After some polite conversations, Meng Hu ordered a banquet.

He didn't seem to see that Zongduo was a little uncomfortable, and had a taciturn attitude. He was extremely passionate.

Knowing that Rong Sanye is not good at alcohol, this meal ate a bit of a weed, after all, no wine is not enough.

Seeing Zongduo put down his chopsticks, Meng Hu laughed and said, "Thanks to all my colleagues who gave me face, came to drink the little girl's wedding, tomorrow is the day, and the three masters should be tired from the long journey. How about Grandpa taking a break? "

"Then thank you for your hospitality."

Until the courtyard for rest, Zong Duo did not find a suitable opportunity to raise a rumor about Rongge. Meng Hu seemed to avoid everything about Rongge and Zong Duo.

In fact, I can also imagine that if he is a father, his daughter is always with a man, and there are so many gossips outside, he probably ca n’t do it like Meng Hu. of.

Night fell quickly.

The residence that Meng Hu arranged for Zong Duo was still quiet, and he knew that his status was not ordinary. Therefore, the entire courtyard was arranged for Zong Duo and accompanying persons to live there.

There are moons in the sky, cold and cold, especially on the top of the mountain.

Zong Duo stood under the porch for a few months, called Jin Zhong, and ordered a few words in his ear.

Jin Zhong glanced at him in surprise, but didn't dare to say anything, so he arranged for it.

Before the night fell, Ru Ge heard the news that Rong Sanye was also drinking wine.

After hearing it, I do n’t need to say that, but I ’m not so surprised.

This is his character, isn't it?

He never chooses people, even if it's for her sake, he will show up at the wedding, so that he can clarify the rumors outside, and prevent her future husband from misunderstanding her, so that he will be born out of it.

It is precisely because of Zong Duo's "thoughtfulness" that Ru Ge is both angry and indignant, and feels an inexplicable sorrow. The things in the house can't be smashed, but you can only breathe with pillows.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, Patriarch ..."

"Miss ---"

Ru Ge stopped beating the pillow and asked, "What's the matter?"

Beyond the door, the girl could feel that the young lady was unhappy and whispered: "Supper is here."

Ru Ge froze her hair, threw the pillow on the bed, and went out.

"come in."

Supper Ru Ge didn't eat much, just moved two chopsticks. In fact, she didn't want to eat at all now, but she didn't want to make people feel that Rong Sanye came, she was out of order.

With a meal, she changed her clothes and went to the yard to practice the knife.

The girl-in-law advised: "Miss, tomorrow is the day, so let's rest earlier tonight."

"You go down."

The girl-in-law went on busy.

Generally speaking, when practicing knives, outsiders are not allowed to be present.

After practicing for an hour, Ru Ge finally felt much better.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and was ready to go back to the house to cleanse and fall asleep. Then there was a movement on the roof.


She strode back to the courtyard in a few strides, her gaze hitting the sounding place—the roof.

In the cold moonlight, a man in a rainy and sunny robe stood there.

He has a dusty face, a long body, and a wide-sleeve robe giving him a sense of fluttering. In addition to his slightly unstable footsteps, his standing posture was too cautious, which added a little funnyness to him.

"As a song." Zong Duo called with a smile.

Ru Ge blinked her eyes several times in surprise: "Sanye, how are you ..." Before she finished speaking, she immediately changed the tone: "How come you!"

This is obviously not waiting to see yourself. Zong Duo smiled bitterly in his heart, wondering why he came, and also did such a thing of breaking through a wall at night?

Because he was not capable of martial arts, he could only seek the help of his best martial arts guards. Who knew that as soon as he got on the roof, he was discovered by Ruge.

In order to maintain his face, Zong Duo was too busy driving away the guards, so that he could not move forward and back. He might move a little and slip down.

"I'll take a look at you." That's it, he still maintains the grace he deserves.

Ru Ge turned her eyes: "What's so beautiful ?! Doesn't San Ye know what Ru Ge looks like?"


"I have something to tell you."

Jin Zhong, who was outside the courtyard, almost wanted to cover his face. He was really uneasy, so he followed, and it was not a bad trip to see the master who has always been stable and self-made.

But what he cares about now is not this, but--

"... Will it fall, if ..."

The vague words were covered, and the guard told him not to speak. After all, if the song would be martial arts, she could hear the movements that ordinary people could not hear. If the Lord was messed up, they would not have to go back to Beijing.

"What can Sanye say to Ru Ge? It won't be some remarks? Ru Ge is no longer young, and he will become a man tomorrow without the trouble of San Ye."

Ru Ge also realized that her words were too blunt, and turned around and said, "The night is dark. Since the third master is here for weddings, he still returns to the box room, so as not to alarm others. The room is up. "

After that, she walked into the room.

Before I got to the door, I heard a noise on the tiles, and my heart was tense, and I flew away.

When she stood still on the roof, she realized that the scene in front of her was different from her imagination. Zongduo didn't stumble or slip, and stood half-bently and steadily. Tiles.

In other words, the sound of the tile just falling off was actually made intentionally by him.


If the song was so angry that he turned and wanted to leave.

Just turned around and a series of noises came from behind.

It was Zong Duo who wanted to stop him when he was in a hurry, but forgot that he was standing on the roof.

Ru Ge busy reached out to pull him, and before the man fell down, he hanged him.

"Thank you very much." Zong Duo used her strength to make herself stand and smiled.

"What the **** do you want to do ?!" Ru Ge wanted to reach out and push him away, but he was afraid he would fall. After all, he was not good and could not use force, but could only yell with some collapse.

auzw.com "I just want to talk to you." He smiled warmly, and his expression was as pure as an uninformed child.

Ru Ge was defeated by him in the end, and half of his eyes fell down in frustration: "If you want to say something, just say it, and go away when you are finished."

"I just want to say, you, can you not marry tomorrow and run away with me?"

He seemed a little stunned and frustrated: "I wanted to wait for me to finish things and tell you about it. After all, what I wanted to do was dangerous, and I didn't even have the confidence to get out. I want to wait until everything is settled before telling you about it. I never thought you would be married suddenly. "

Ru Ge was shocked and her hands were loose, or Zong Duo took the initiative to pull back her hand and stabilize her body.

"You mean, you mean ..."


"You still don't have to laugh and laugh, I can't make a fool of anyone!" The expression of sadness and joy suddenly closed, and like a song, she waved her hands and wanted to leave, but was tightly held.

"I didn't want you to be a concubine, Ming Ming was marrying, and Bajiao Carry was brought home to be his wife ..."

She turned to look at him.

His eyes were serious, never serious.

Ru Ge's tears came out suddenly, she turned her head to try to avoid, but was stretched her hands to support her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier, but these days are too busy, and for a while I can't figure out my thoughts. I didn't know until I heard you were going to marry someone ...

"I have always lived in the expectations of others throughout my life. I never knew what I wanted ... even when I came to the coast, it was only the father who wanted me to come, and I should come ...

"... After I came out, I found that the outside world is very wide. There are so many difficult things in the world. Even if I am not able to do this ... I gradually have ideas, goals, and ambitions. ...

"... I want to do something beneficial to the Jiangshan Society. After all, my surname Zong, can't live up to this surname, nor can I live up to the expectations of my father ... I want to take my mother out of the cold palace, after all, she gave birth to me How could I bear to see her insane in her life ...

"I thought that my goal in life was just these two things. As long as they can be completed, even if I die immediately, there is no regret, but I suddenly found that there is one more thing, that is to marry you."

Zong Duo paused and continued with a bitter smile: "This idea has only recently arisen. I know it may be a bit late. After all, tomorrow is the day when you are married, and I don't know if you will agree, I just ... I don't want to regret it ... I don't want to ... "

Perhaps Ru Ge's eyes are too direct, or it may be that he has never said this kind of innocence. When it comes to the last priest's speech speed is getting slower and slower, and even gradually calm down.

"My origin, would your family agree with us?"

Ru Ge's sudden interrogation interrupted Zong Duo and even some incoherent words. He hesitated for a moment and replied, "My emperor grandmother and father emperor have always hoped that I can get married as soon as possible. As for identity, after doing this, I may be a lazy prince in the future, and I will not live long Beijing, it does n’t matter what your status is. ”

"I have a bad temper and martial arts are still high. You can't beat me. If you accept the future, I may beat you to find your teeth and rattle."

This is what Ru Ge should say.

Zong Duo smiled bitterly: "I never intended to accept, otherwise I would not have no family for years. I hope to find a woman of my own love to marry, this is my thought for a long time, one person in one lifetime No more wives and wives fight ... "

Suddenly, Ru Ge wrapped around his waist and flew down, interrupting the words below him.

"You, what do you do ..."

"Fleeing marriage!"


Those figures had disappeared at the end of the line of sight, on the second floor of a pavilion somewhere, and Meng Hu looked at the scene with his back on his back, without saying a word.

"Brother, just let them run away, then tomorrow?" Seeing Meng Hu's face calm, Feng Baozi realized that there was something wrong with this remark, and he changed his mouth: "This is also the third Lord Rong, and such an identity has to work out such a wait. Events, seduce good women to run with them at night. "

But this is not very good. Meng Hu glanced at him and said, "Okay, when I can't hear you talking for Ru Ge!"

Feng Baozi laughed twice.

Meng Hu turned and left.

He busily said, "Brother, are you?"

"Go kill someone to stop them, otherwise the bride and groom will not have tomorrow, how can they get married ?!"

Feng Baozi suddenly realized it.

Mind: Ginger is still old and spicy.

Obviously, the young lady of the Tigers and the young dart head of Jufeng Dart Bureau got married, but the groom suddenly changed to Rong Sanye.

Even the guests who came for a drink were surprised.

But both sides looked as if nothing had happened. What was even more surprising was that the Zhao family even sent someone to drink the wedding wine. They didn't feel that the groom of the younger family had been snatched. What was wrong.

So what can passersby say?

Can only drink wedding.

Of course, in the back of the ground, some people secretly guess the inside story, all kinds of love, hatred, and even the drama of Zhao Yihan laughing out of the two are out, and some people guess that all of this may be a play played by Meng Hu and the Zhao family. In order to force Rong Sanye to marry his daughter.

I have to say that this is the truth, and it is also the pity of the parents in the world.

In the new house, Ru Ge is in a wedding dress, Emei is swept away, and the hibiscus is extraordinarily charming. After Zong Duo returned from toasting from the outside, the two sat on the bed and looked at each other for a long while, and they couldn't help laughing.

"My father is too."

To be honest, last night I was planning to run away but was stopped, but Ru Ge was also very surprised, but I was still surprised. She didn't know the specific process. All she knew was that Zong Duo went to see his father, and decided that the bride and groom would be married today.

But now that things have happened, she knows what happened.

"Father-in-law is also painstaking, but he is also thankful for his painstaking effort." Otherwise Zongduo did not know when he could see his heart clearly.

"He didn't think, if you don't come, how will it end then?" Ru Ge complained a little.

Zongduo stuffed.

However, he knew that if he didn't come, it would be impossible for Meng Hu's character to have no second hand, and then maybe Ruyi would really marry Zhao Yi.

But he did not intend to say this, so as not to be disappointed.

"I became a pro in such a hurry, I wonder if it would be in your house ..." Ru Ge glanced at him with a little anxiety.

In the final analysis, it is not that they are not worried. After all, the identity of the two is too wide. For the royal family and even the Forbidden City of Beijing, Ru Ge naturally has a sense of fear.

Zong Duo grabbed her hand: "Don't worry, the queen mother is a very kind person, and her father is also very open-minded."

"Then your mother ..."

In fact, Ru Ge wants to talk about the queen mother, you can think of the identity of the other party.

"You are talking about the post-Su mother? She is actually a very good person and a good personality. I am afraid you do n’t know that she is actually a very interesting person. I have written several popular sayings anonymously and sold them in the workshops. Those books ... that she wrote ... "

Speaking of this, but also due to too little literacy.

Meng Hu doesn't know much about words, let alone be like a song, but being a daughter is better than being a dad and can still recognize a few words.

In order to ignite the enthusiasm for literacy, such as song, Zong Duo had found several popular books for her. Not to mention, in order to understand the story inside, Ru Ge had been struggling for a long time.

Those words were found by Zong Duo in his own study, and the stories in it have been stunned so far. There are those who capture the head to match the heroine, and the master who matches the prince. The queen Su especially likes to write the heroine as the protagonist, and seems to like the heroine.

"So she will definitely like you very much. If I don't have any problems in the palace, you can ask her to help you ..."

"What is it like in the palace?"

"In the palace, it is the most solemn and magnificent place in the world, and the most complicated place in the world. There are many stories ..."

The author has something to say: Xi Zongduo's extravagance is finally over, and it feels like he has written another story, especially burning brain cells. I also burned the enthusiasm of my children and children, so I wo n’t write about Wan and Fu's fans. Anyway, I read the comments and everyone seemed to reject this pair.

The next fan is a male and female owner, the short girl Xiaopaner x swaggers to deceive the ‘Ghost’ uncle Zong Ai.

A story about guardianship. Already changed, changed, changed, everyone recollected new, new m .. new computer version ..

After you collect it, you will open it in the new one.

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