Ying Chong

Chapter 43:


When it came to Tongzhou, it was really dark.

Tongzhou is the gateway to the capital and the end of the canal. Here merchants gather, thousands of boats gather, and the bustling life is no less than the capital. Not only the halls in various places, but also the post office of the court and the Sifang hall that hosts foreign envoys.

The southern patrol team settled down in the post hall, where everything has been prepared for the pick-up. @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

It wasn't clear outside, everything was perfect in the place arranged for the prince anyway, even her little Fengyi, who was with her, was in a good house.

The dinner was used casually. When Paner was about to fall asleep, the prince came over.

I was tired for a day, and didn't do anything else.

Paner got up very early the next day, but didn't set out until the next hour. The process was tedious and I will not go into details. Anyway, Paner was tired for the prince.

It's already afternoon in the afternoon to board the ship from Tongzhou Pier.


Pan Er had wanted to push in the door and stopped when he heard the reprimand inside.

Zhang Laishun saw her, and stepped on the cat steps to invite her to the side, and then whispered, "Feng Yi came to find the master? The master is angry now."

It is rare to make the prince angry. When Zhang Laishun told her a rough story, Paner knew what had happened.

It turns out that Tongzhou is the end of the canal. Every day, tens of thousands of ships will come here, but from the day before yesterday, because of the sailing of the southern patrol team, ordinary merchant ships were banned from passing through the Tonghui River. Merchant ships are now stopped in Tianjin waiting for the ban, which has caused river congestion, and the people complained.

The Prince did not know about this. It was the Southern Cruiser who met Gao Yi, the Henan cloth administration official who reported to Beijing. When Gao Yi saw the Royal Ship, it was not that he avoided it far away because of his grade. In particular, he and the prince were old and had taught him the priesthood when he was a child.

The prince learned of this from his mouth, and Gao Yi also casually said that if it was not the official ship he was sitting on, and his own flag, I'm afraid it would not be allowed to pass. Many ships are now blocked outside Tianjin .

No, Gao Yi walked on his front foot, and the prince on the hind foot called the accompanying Taifu Temple Master Shaoqing Shu.

"Since Your Highness has official duties, I'll go back first."

"Don't ..." Zhang Laishun was in a hurry. He almost didn't go up and hugged Pan's legs. He laughed with a smile and pleased him: "Master Fengyi, don't leave, Your Highness said before If Feng Yi comes, you can just take it in, you are still on the side, and so on. The minions will take you to sit, which is the work of drinking tea. "

How could Pan'er not know what Zhang Laishun was thinking? The prince was so angry that when Master Shu was gone, he didn't know what would happen. She had a block in it, and they couldn't find anything on them anyway.

A group of tricky minions!

However, Pan'er did not refuse, after all, she was also worried about the prince. She followed Zhang Laishun and sat down next to a feast facing the water. There was a row of sill windows in this room. At this time, the sill windows were wide open, giving an unobstructed view of the river.

In the study, at this time Tai Ping Temple Shao Qing Shu Ping came to cold sweat, and was full of grievances.

But he also knew that the prince was angry and could not tolerate his refusal. After the prince went to the book case and sat down with a calm face, he began to whisper to explain what the custom was like, and it was for the safety of the driver.

The Prince's anger subsided at this moment, and he knew that he was angry and had a long history of malpractices. It's really no wonder that he was not a young priest in Taipu Temple.

But from the Beijing area, from the Tongzhou Post House to the trip to sail, all the tedious roads made him tireless.

He was born in the palace and grew up in the palace. He also knew that the royal rules were cumbersome. Some things were unnecessary steps for outsiders to see, but since it has existed for so many years, it must have his reason. But what he didn't expect was that he had already left Beijing, or was it like this, was that every time he went to the place, the local officials greeted each other with great fanfare?

The prince thought of only four words.

The prince was not a ruleless man, and he did not continue to attack, but just let Shu Pinglai submit a next itinerary and arrangements for the place before tomorrow, then let him back down.

This is hard to come by Shu Ping, because before the departure of the southern tour team, the ceremony department listed a series of regulations. For example, arriving in Tianjin in a few days, traveling through Texas, Qingjiang, and other places, these are all set in advance.

It stands to reason that the details should be shown to the Prince, but because the southern patrol team started too suddenly and how busy things were, they temporarily forgot about it.

So he didn't leave, and spoke to the prince roughly.

"That is to say, the court will not force local officials to take over?"

Shu Ping nodded: "It's roughly like this, but you have to know that it is rare to have a royal tour of the south. Those local officials have hardly witnessed a holy face, and they will definitely take the effort to take it. In fact, your highness need not worry. It's both human and customary. Those local government drill camps have been in the official field for many years, and they can't go too far. "

The other party did not finish the remaining words, but the prince knew the meaning.

This kind of thing is not bad for him.

The crown prince is both the face of the imperial court and the indispensable for the stability of the Jiangshan community. With the prince, it is not easy to cause trouble for the reserve, and the courtiers ’hearts will not be chaotic. Tipping.

Although today's situation has such a tendency, in the end there is his long-held Prince, the courtiers who are eager to move are afraid to act lightly, and other people naturally can't make any waves.


But what exactly is Prince?

Many times it is a sign. With this sign, it means that the birth is orthodox, and it is the son of heaven. But what about the people behind the sign of Prince Edward, those courtiers did not know. Therefore, the prince entered the dynasty not only to train the prince to be familiar with courtiers and court administration, and to lay the foundation for the future succession of the throne, but also to make the courtiers have a specific impression of this great heir.

Due to Cheng Andi's inner bias, he has been blocked from entering the DPRK. He finally managed to sacrifice the heaven by Cheng Andi and wanted to win the power of the state.

Seems to be set aside, in fact, this is exactly his opportunity. Don't you want to get more familiar with the courtiers? But don't take the local officials seriously. It is precisely this local official who occupies more than half of the entire court, which is the real cornerstone of the court.

The prince calmed down.

He glanced at Shu Ping, and thought that Tai Qing Si Shaoqing was a little bit interesting. He thought that Cheng Andi had arranged Shu Ping as the attendant minister of this southern tour. This man would have to find him something to trouble the moth, but he did not expect that he would mention him.

The Prince soon understood why this was so.

What is justified? Why does everyone like Prince Edward think? It is precisely this name that is right. The courtiers regarded him as orthodox because his name was right, and what he thought was actually a subconscious act for these people.

Everyone from Longzhi Gong thinks that instead of following others, why not choose his most orthodox prince?

This may be the real reason why Cheng Andi tried his best to prevent him from entering the DPRK.

The prince eased his expression and said, "Master Shu, you must know that the Tonghui River is the only channel to the Jingshi Canal. Because of the southern tour, all the ships to the merchants were blocked. □□ The emperor's original purpose of the southern tour violated. This is the first time that Gu ’s trip to Beijing. As the chief minister attending this side, Gu has high hopes for you and hopes that you can solve the people ’s difficulties The so-called custom is popular, and everything must be based on not working and damaging the wealth. The fleet is about to arrive in Tianjin. Tianjin has always been the gateway to the capital, and because of the southern cruise fleet, more civilian and commercial ships are blocked here. But never again. "

Shu Ping came to hear this, and seemed very moved. After the worship, he shouted: "Prince Daxian! Xiaguan here thank the Prince Xiande for the people. His Highness rest assured, Xiaguan went down to come up with specific regulations, and then Local officials in Tianjin discussed as much as possible not to work for the people and hurt their wealth, and not to disrupt the daily trip of the people because of the southern patrol team. "

After Shu Ping came back, the prince sat alone for a while, Fang stood up and went out.

Pan'er was sitting at the window, watching the scenery on the river.

She suddenly remembered that when she entered Beijing, she also passed through the Tonghui River. The sight of thousands of sails that day was dazzling, but she couldn't help but sigh the prosperity here. Now the river is calm, but she can't recognize it. .

"What are you thinking?" @Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"I was thinking that when I first entered Beijing, I was also on the Tonghui River. At that time, there were many boats on the river. I stopped and stopped all the way because I used commercial ships to make way for the official ships passing by. It's kind of calm, but it's unrecognizable. "

Perhaps this is the benefit of power, but at the same time it is accompanied by high altitudes.

The prince really doubted that he was going all the way south. Can he really observe the people?

What you hear and see are all arranged in advance, and who knows how much is true under this scene.

Originally, the Prince's plan was not to follow the southern patrol team. He split his troops in two ways on the halfway. It was also a micro-service private tour. When he used the southern patrol to attract courtiers, he also wanted to see what the future Jiangshan would be. However, just before Shu Ping came, he hesitated again.

The prince has learned the Confucianism, the art of the emperor, the book, the words of the saints, and even the people around him, even his teacher and master, who told him that he should be the monarch, and it is necessary to save the people first, the people, and the king. But what he saw in his eyes told him that these words were false.

When he was very young, he told himself that in the future, when he became an emperor, he had to be a good emperor and a good uncle, but it was discovered only when something really happened. The uncle could easily abandon his original intention for his own benefit.

"You said that someone wants to do one thing, but before he can do it, he must do something that is contrary to his original intention. So, what does he want to do still be meaningful?"

@Finity 好 文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The prince did not consciously speak his own voice, and Paner came over in surprise.

But she reacted quickly, blinking blindly pretending not to understand, and asked, "How important is this person's attempt to do? Compared with those things that made him go against his original intentions?"

The prince had some regrets after speaking, but in the face of Paner's alternative approach, he didn't answer the questions and instead he became interested.

He thought about it seriously and said, "He must do these things that are contrary to his original intention, in order to successfully complete the thing he wants to do. After he finishes the thing he wants to do, he can destroy these let He had the disadvantages of violating his original intentions ... the end. "The last word" political "was replaced by the word" end "by his brainstorm.

But even if he did what he wanted to do, he would not be able to destroy those unpleasant ills. Paner thought silently.

As a person who sees both generations, she finally understands why the former Emperor Jianping was so diligent in court administration. He could be buried in the Imperial Palace of Qianqing Palace every day, and only came to the harem a few times a month for his administration. ; He can be exhausted, even if the dragon body embraces and does not forget to see the discounts, all for his political affairs.

But even if he exhausted all he could, he still had some things he could not accomplish even as the monarch of a country.

Pan'er thought of it a lot. He thought about the past life, he spent all his energy and energy on the salt and politics of Lianghuai, but it took him fifty years to solve it, and the coastal area ...

Some of this is what she knows from his occasional words and some is from her eldest son Zong Xi. There are always some difficult situations in this world. You will face choices, weigh the pros and cons, and then slowly slow down your thinking. Go past the pace.

But Paner couldn't say all that, she could only smile and said, "Wait a second, then the so-called sharpen the woodworker by mistake. Is that the reason?"

Yeah, he can wait again, one day to clean up these hidden dirt and abuse.

With his eyes in one, the Prince's gaze turned firm, and he looked down at the woman sitting at the window. From his point of view, her black hair is black and black, her skin tone is getting whiter and her nose is straighter, which adds a touch of beauty to her beautiful face. Her lips are pale pink and look like The petals of Xifu Begonia are very attractive.

He lowered his head and printed it.

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