At night.

Until it was time to eat, I didn’t see Haibara mourn come back.

If it weren’t for Qiuxing Qiye equipping her with a mobile phone when she visited the mall yesterday, I’m afraid that even with the protection of magic fragments, Akemi Miyano would have worried for half a day.

“It seems that my sister made good friends on the first day.”

Serve the food on the table, look at the text message on your phone, saying that you are going to have dinner with a friend in a very kind old man’s house, and may come back later.

Akemi Miyano couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“Isn’t this exactly what you want to see?”

Qiuxing Qiye greeted: “So, there is no need to worry about her side, let’s eat first.” ”

“I’ve already contacted the small building designer and made it downsized using the same building materials as the real house.”

“I am going to build a mountain resort, the house does not need to be too much, one or two buildings are enough, mainly the various landscape design around the house.”

“After dinner, we have to look up the information together.”

“If you have any buildings you want to build, hand them over to do it when the time comes.”

“That’s true, too.” Akemi Miyano put down her phone and sat down at the table.

The meal she prepared tonight was still very hearty, a platter of several fruits, braised rabbit meat and a few marinated chicken legs in terms of meat dishes, and a plate of six large lobsters in terms of seafood.

There are not many of them, but the price is still very expensive, and each large lobster is very large.

There are four vegetarian dishes, all of which are relatively easy to make home-cooked dishes, braised curd bamboo, tomato eggs:

In addition to egg sweet soup.

The two of them must not be able to finish eating!

Originally, this was not the amount that the two could eat, making so many good things, and Akemi Miyano also wanted her sister to eat better.


Haibara mourned that he didn’t even go home to eat tonight.

Had dinner.

After clearing the table, putting a lot of unfinished meals in the refrigerator, and preparing to warm it up tomorrow at noon, Akihoshi Nanaya and Miyano Akemi came to his bedroom together.

The computers of this era are the kind of white boxy boxes that look like antique TVs, even if they are the top devices at this stage, the functions, content, etc., are not very much.

The main thing is still expensive!

Not many families have computers.

After the popularization of computers, the content will gradually be enriched.

I believe it won’t take a year or two, with the weird timeline of Conan’s world, smartphones, laptops, these things will be there.

The interior design of the resort is ready to be handed over to others, especially furniture such as sofas and refrigerators, which can also be reduced by narrowing the tunnel, and even the mini version does not need to be made.

In terms of architectural drawings, Qiu Xing Seven Nights is ready to design himself, although he is not professional in this regard, but itself, the mini version of the building, does not need to emphasize too professional, good-looking, beautiful is enough.

Even the foundation does not need to be hit, the house is built and put there, as long as the stability of the house itself is not a problem, there is no need to worry about the house will fall and other things.

The problem of house living is the holiday villa of Autumn Star Seven Nights, and Akemi Miyano dismissed her original plan to build a beautiful castle.

Prepare to swap the building for a water playground.

It just so happened that Qiu Xing Qiye originally had such an idea, so the two divided up their work and cooperated, one designed a villa, and by the way, they looked for suitable materials on the Internet.

One is to search for some well-known playgrounds for reference.

The scenery near the resort, the seven nights of autumn stars are ready to learn from the farmhouse, and leave some places around to grow a variety of vegetables.

There are also areas for breeding animals.

The outer area is set up as a jungle, and another day to find an opportunity to get a group of not very aggressive animals from the wild, and after shrinking, throw them inside to live and reproduce.

In the jungle, all kinds of large and small rivers are interspersed, and naturally there can be no less.

It can be said that if these settings of the seven nights of autumn stars are perfected, then in the end, this resort will form a miniature version of the new ecological area sooner or later.

It’s okay to say it’s a small world.

In fact, this is also a movie in the previous life of Qiu Xing Seven Nights, which gave him a certain inspiration, in that movie, the whole world is equivalent to such a mini sandbox.

God stands outside the sandbox and observes this miniature world.

It’s quite an interesting movie.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

After dinner and playing for a while, Dr. Agasa was ready to send the children home one by one.

“I don’t have to send a doctor.”

After breaking away from the football game, I thought that Xiaolan seemed to be in a bad health today, and Conan, who felt that he was going to suffer, quickly ran out.

“Doctor, you can send Ayumi to them, my house is not far away.”

Watching Conan’s departure with a strange gaze, Haibara didn’t wait for Dr. Agasa to find the car keys there, grabbed his school bag and prepared to leave.

“Huh? Wait, Xiao Wei, where is your home? Dr. Agasa quickly asked.

Haibara paused and replied, “2-chome, 29-chome.” ”

“It’s really not far away, if memory serves, the owner of that house seems to be called… Autumn Star. Dr. Agasa scratched his bare head.

His home is 22 plots.

29 is just two small corners from his house.

It’s just that if I’m not mistaken, the owner of the previous house seems to have moved abroad, but now it seems that he has moved back?

Autumn Star:

Gray Plains:

These two completely different surnames, I think they should be relatives or something.

“Be careful on the way.” After knowing the address of Haihara’s house, Dr. Agasa was relieved.

This distance.

Much closer than Conan to the Maori detective office.

“Unexpectedly, Mourning-chan’s home is near the doctor’s house.”

After seeing her leave, Ayumi Yoshida’s eyes flashed: “Then another day, you must visit it.” ”

“Great, Haibara classmates are around here, and it will be much more convenient for us to find her to come out and play with in the future.” Mitsuhiko Marutani’s small eyes flashed with a strange look.

Kojima Motota, who couldn’t hear the other meaning in his words at all, nodded, and said in an urn voice: “Yes, now it will be much easier for our juvenile detective team to act together in the future.” ”

“Let’s go.” At this time, Dr. Agasa, who found the car keys and put on his coat, came to them with a smile.



Before they could set off on this side, Gray Plain, who had turned two small corners over there, had already returned to the door.

If anyone was with her, it would definitely be a shock.

Because Haihara had just arrived at the door of the house, and without doing anything, the dark heavy iron door had already opened inside.

“Thank you, Sister Wind ..”

Obviously unable to see anything, Haihara still thanked the surroundings.

Feeling the breeze on her cheeks, the little girl entered the villa in a very good mood.

Behind him, the thick iron door closes automatically.

The lock on the top is like a decoration, so casually hung there and not locked.

This situation can only happen when Autumn Star is at home for seven nights!

The magic of the wind brand wraps the entire villa, in terms of safety, naturally there is no need to worry about anything, the wind brand sister will solve it.

And with her guard, there can be wind in the villa, but there will be no dust at all.

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