"If you are just a top emperor, you dare to attack and kill the invincible emperor. It's really money and wealth that moves people's hearts."

Although transparent figures can play an invincible emperor's strength, their own breath is only the top emperor level.

Of course, if you change to other invincible emperors, you really have no choice but to escape. After all, this is the mausoleum of Water God. You can beat each other, but you can't consume them.

But Li Fuchen is no other invincible emperor.

The eyes of the sword God are activated, and the invisible eyes are like swords, which are submerged in the transparent human figure's body.


The transparent figure screamed and the breath became confused.

"What are you doing

Transparent figures, startled, angry and frightened.

He felt that his holy spirit was about to split, and he couldn't carry it for a few more times.

"That can kill you."

The original eye of the sword God can only hurt the spirit of the top emperor at most. However, if it falls on Li Fuchen's hand, it can hurt the spirit of the invincible emperor, and even tear the spirit of the top emperor.

At the same time, Li Fuchen continued to activate the eye of sword God.

"No, don't do it. I'll give up and I'll go right away."

The transparent figure has a headache and exposed the camouflage of water channel. He is a small old man.


The sharp spirit of the sword, severely cut in the spirit of the little old man.


The spirit of the little old man was torn apart.

Once the Holy Spirit is torn, it is almost impossible to recover by itself, unless there is a universal treasure dedicated to repairing the Holy Spirit.

Without the hindrance of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual sword began to cut the soul of the little old man.

This is the difference between soul way and spirit knowledge.

The secret law of the soul focuses on the soul. The Holy Spirit does not play a very important role, but can only offset some of its power.

The spirit secret method needs to tear the Holy Spirit first, then attack the soul, and its power is not as powerful as the soul way secret method.

"Die together."

The little old man knew that he was bound to die, and the Holy Spirit was torn, which made him extremely extreme. He did not know what secret method he had applied. His body began to expand with a bang. The blood mist accompanied by the water wave roared in all directions. Its power was more than a thousand times stronger than his previous attack. Even Li Fuchen, or the dark king, was far less powerful It is estimated that only the presence of the top ten monarchs in the list of emperors can have such terrifying power.

Li Fuchen's arms crossed, and the whole person was blown upside down and hit the golden round water cover hard. With a click, the golden round water cover was broken.

"What a force!"

Rubbing his feet on the ground, Li Fuchen had been sliding out for several miles before stopping.

If not, Li Fuchen will definitely be severely damaged by the other party's self explosion.

As for being killed by the explosion, it's impossible. The little old man looks down on the invincible emperor.

"Unfortunately, the other party's space ring has exploded into powder."

It's a pity that Li Fuchen didn't get the other party's space ring.

The space ring is not indestructible. In front of absolute power, it will be destroyed. Once the space ring is destroyed, the resources and treasures inside will flow into the turbulent flow of time and space, and no one can find it.

However, the little old man also left one thing, that is, the golden water ball, the secret treasure of trapping.

It took a little time for Li to remove the imprint in the golden water ball.

"It's a secret treasure that can trap the emperor at the top of the mountain. It's similar to the sword that locks heaven and earth, but here is the mausoleum of water god, which is enough to trap the invincible emperor."

For Li Fuchen, the golden water ball is not a good thing, but in places like the water god mausoleum, it can work wonders.

The short old man's sneak attack is just a small episode. Li Fuchen continues to explore the shuishen mausoleum.



Endless torrential rain poured down from the sky.

Through the endless rain.


The energy layer on the shadow's surface broke down and heavy rain hit the figure.

According to the power of the rainstorm in shuishen mausoleum, the body of the invincible emperor can't carry it. However, this figure can ignore the rainstorm and continue to run in the rain.

"Well? There is a palace ahead. "

In the distance, Li Fuchen saw a palace.

The power of soul swept past, Li Fuchen found three figures in the palace.

Among the three figures, two are invincible emperors, and the other is the peak emperor. However, the peak emperor is obviously the water channel emperor, and his strength is the strongest, which oppresses the two invincible emperors.

The reason for the fighting was that on the table at the end of the palace, there was a small boat one meter long and shaped like a whale. The surface of the boat was covered with countless black scales.

"The secret of flying, and the breath of this secret treasure is ten times and a hundred times stronger than all the treasures I have seen."Li Fuchen's eyes brightened. If he guessed it well, this flying treasure is definitely the top-notch top-notch secret treasure.


Speed up, Li Fuzhen almost into a sharp arrow, close to the ground to shoot at the palace.

In the palace, the fighting was fierce.

"Kill Daojun, Dujiao Daozu. You two can't fight with me. Don't leave quickly."

"Blue rain emperor, you also occupy it. Here is the water god mausoleum. Outside, we have already destroyed you."

"Hum, I'll take it. It's the water god mausoleum. If you two don't go, I'll kill you."

"If you want to be able to kill a lot, you really think we are invincible emperors, and we are good friends."

Crazy fighting, spread throughout the palace interior, but the black scale boat has a layer of black light shield protection, motionless.

"No, someone's coming."

When the three were fighting, a figure rushed in outside the palace.

I thought that this figure would stop for a little while to observe the situation inside the palace. Who knows, the speed of this figure is not decreasing, and it even wants to pass through the three people. The intention is self-evident.

"Looking for death."

The three men were furious and attacked the figure crazily.

Bang Bang Bang

How terrible the three men's attacks are, especially the blue rain emperor, whose attack has reached the level far beyond the ordinary invincible emperor with the increase of the origin of the waterway.

To the shock of the three, their attack fell on Li Fuzhen, as if the rain hit a banana. In addition to a series of crackling sounds, Li Fuchen was not hurt at all.

Between the electric light and the flint, Li Fuchen has come to the front of the case. Covered with the right hand of the robber, he goes through the black mask and grabs the black scale boat. The next moment, the black scale boat is put away.



"Looking for death."

The three men are surprised and angry, and attack Li Fuchen with common hatred.

It is also a top secret treasure, and there are grades.

For example, the first-class supreme secret treasure can only play the role of ordinary emperors, the second-class can play the role of higher emperors. The third level corresponds to the top emperor, the fourth level corresponds to the peak emperor, the fifth level corresponds to the ordinary invincible emperor, the sixth level corresponds to the powerful and invincible emperor, and the seventh level corresponds to the peak invincible emperor.

The three people can be sure that the black scale boat is at least the sixth level best secret treasure, and even may be the seventh level supreme secret treasure.

These treasures can be called priceless treasures, not inferior to the ordinary universal treasures.

In the face of the three people's siege, Li Fuchen was not afraid, and the sword God's eye instantly launched.


First of all, the emperor is not the emperor's peak.

Of course, it's not good to exterminate Daojun and Dujiao Daojun.

"How could there be such a powerful psionic secret."

Exterminate Dao Jun and Du Jiao Dao Jun don't understand.

There are seven levels of the supreme secret treasure, but I haven't heard of it. It's also divided into seven levels.

Generally speaking, if you can hurt the top emperor, you can't hurt the invincible emperor.

Only the extremely terrifying soul way secret method can hurt the invincible emperor.

Although the Holy Spirit was wounded, the three men still fought to death, but when they found that no matter how much they attacked Li Fuchen, they could not hurt li Fuchen at all. They were in despair.

In fact, the three want Li Fuchen to die, and Li Fuchen also wants them to die.

It takes a lot of spiritual knowledge to activate the eye of sword God. The Holy Spirit of the emperor is so strong that it is basically hard to be shaken. This is why no one practices the esoteric method of spiritual knowledge. However, Li Fuchen's spirit level has long surpassed that of the emperor. Neither quality nor quantity can be compared.

Finally, the spirit of the blue rain emperor was torn, he wanted to escape, but Li Fuchen pursued him.


Seeing that Li Fuchen can't do anything, exterminating Daojun and Dujiao Daojun, they want to retreat. Now they don't retreat. When Li Fuchen has cleaned up the blue rain emperor, he will certainly come to clean them up. It will be difficult to leave at that time.

With the extinction of Daojun and Dujiao Daojun, the pressure of blue rain emperor is even greater.

In the water god mausoleum, although his speed is extremely fast, faster than ordinary invincible emperors, but Li Fuchen's speed is not slower than him at all, and the other party's spirit attack makes his attention less and less focused, and his speed will inevitably be affected.

"Spare my life. I am the elder of rain god family. If you kill me, you will not be spared."

Blue rain emperor was afraid, he never thought that in the water god mausoleum, he would be killed by an invincible emperor, otherwise, he would not enter the water god mausoleum.

"Rain God family?"

Li Fuchen has heard of this family. Like the fire god Zhu family, the rain god family is also a super power, with a semi God Rain God."Yes, the strength of the rain god ancestor is not what you can imagine. You can't stop the rain god's one move even if you have ten." The blue rain emperor felt that he had grasped the life-saving straw, even busy way.

Li Fuchen a smile, "Rain God is rain god, you are you, so, die!"

The spirit of the blue rain emperor was cut into pieces and pieces, and the soul of the other side was gradually thinning.


Under the blue rain emperor's roaring curse, his spirit completely disintegrates, and his soul also scatters.

"The eye of the sword God is used to deal with the invincible emperor. If you are sure, it will be difficult to deal with the invincible emperor."

The spirit of the invincible emperor is too strong. Maybe Li Fuchen's spirit is exhausted, and the other's spirit has not collapsed.

Of course, we have to fight before we know. Now we are just guessing.

Kill the blue rain emperor, Li Fuchen reached out and sucked, the space ring on the blue rain emperor's finger was sucked by him.

Erase the mark on it, and Li Fuchen opens it.

"Good fellow."

Li Fuchen eyebrows a pick, blue rain emperor's wealth, is not ordinary peak emperor can compare, inside is only the best spirit stone, there are hundreds of trillion, all kinds of resources and treasures add up, it is estimated that there are hundreds of trillion, even some younger invincible emperors, are not so rich!

However, Li Fuchen can also imagine why the other party has so much wealth. First, the other party is the peak emperor, and he has a lot of wealth. Second, in the water god mausoleum, he is basically invincible. If you kill an invincible emperor, you can make more money.

Unfortunately, it's all cheaper now, Li Fuchen.

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