"Just seventh?"

Li Fuchen thinks that if Yuanji sword skill is upgraded to a higher level, the emperor list can enter the top five from the 12th.

It seems that the top ten emperors are not as simple as imagined. It is extremely difficult to upgrade each rank.

"But it's enough."

Some people, breath strong, strength a little bit weaker, some people, breath strong, strength stronger.

Li Fuchen undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

Few invincible emperors can cultivate martial arts to the later stage of star domain level.

"I'm 10000 years old, and it doesn't feel different."

Li Fuchen thought that he would feel a little bit, but now he really can't feel it.

Ten thousand years is not even a moment relative to his life span.


God's grace is the headquarters of the temple.

In the center of Shenen star region, there is an endless white cloud. The scope of this white cloud is estimated to be hundreds of light-years wide. In the center above the cloud, there are towering palaces.

In one of the palaces, there is a long, holy jade table with two sides and two ends, which has 18 positions.

In two of these positions, the God of ice and fire and the Lord of darkness are both there.

The brilliance comes, another position, a slightly transparent, blooming infinite light of the human shadow condensation.

"Lord of light."

The God of ice and fire and the Lord of darkness looked at the past.

"I am in the vestige of eclosion. What can I do for you two?"

The eclosion remains are a very terrible one. They are more dangerous than the mausoleum of the water god. Generally, this kind of remains can not be communicated.

The God of ice and fire talked about Emperor Yuanji in detail.

"Wait for me for a thousand years. After a thousand years, he will fall." The God of light is indifferent.

"Do you want to contact the God King of the demigod realm?" the dark god said

Guangming God King is very strong, but Li Fuchen is not a soft persimmon. He can kill if he says so.

The existence of the seventh emperor list, said to kill, dark god king himself do not believe.

The bright God King was silent for a moment, and said, "you can contact the fire virtue God King."

It is very expensive to contact the God King in the semi divine region. After all, it is difficult to get information from even the top relics, let alone the demigod realm.

However, compared with a low-level treasure of the universe, the price is still worth paying.

There are many kinds of cosmic treasures. In addition to those for cultivation, there are also defense and attack types. Their value is very high. A low-level defense or attack cosmic treasure is comparable to a seventh level supreme treasure, and it does not need to consume too much of its own strength.

Don't underestimate this. In some places where we can't supplement our strength, the universe treasure that doesn't need to consume too much of its own strength can be used as a life-saving existence.

Think about it, your strength has almost dried up, but with the treasure of the universe in hand, your strength has not declined, and you can still play a huge power, and the opponent who relies on his own strength can only die of exhaustion.

Or, from the beginning to the end, you don't spend much of your own strength, but use the power of the universe's treasure itself to fight.

As for an intermediate defense or attack cosmic treasure, its value is beyond any secret treasure, and its efficacy is close to that of a demigod.

Li Fuchen's chaotic fire lotus is actually a multi-functional treasure of the universe. It can be used not only to assist the practitioners of the fire path, but also to attack the enemy. If Li Fuchen is a fire practitioner, he can even absorb the chaotic fire lotus from the chaotic fire lotus. In this way, even in some places where the origin of the universe is scarce, he can quickly supplement the power without any need Fear of exhaustion.

In the end, the highest treasure of the universe is precious to the extreme.

Its value is no less than some ordinary demigods.

It is like the spirit ball of the universe, like the tree of the world, like the heart of plane, like the tree of life.

These are high-level cosmic treasures.

Li Fuchen's fruit of the world is undoubtedly a treasure of the universe, but it is only a fruit of the world tree. Compared with the world tree, it is nothing at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you can get a high-level cosmic treasure, it is not very difficult to become a demigod. If you have a high-level cosmic treasure in your body, your strength is no less than that of some ordinary demigods. It is still a great hope to enter the battlefield of God to find a demigod.

In fact, the precious part of the demigod is that the holder can baptize himself, transform his own power into a demigod force, and use the semi divine force to activate the demigod. The power of the demigod will be turned upside down naturally. Without this, the semi artifact will be similar to the intermediate cosmic treasure, far less than the high-level cosmic treasure.

"Fire de God King?"

The dark god king heard of the name of Huode Shenjun. When he was not the emperor, Huode Shenjun was already the God King of Shenzu. After he became the emperor, Huode Shenjun went to the demigod realm. He didn't expect that countless years later, the other side was still alive, but it didn't seem to be a demigod."His strength?"

The king of ice and fire asked.

If the power of Huode Shenjun and Guangming Shenjun are almost the same, then the grasp of killing Li Fuchen is much more.

And the God of light is one of the strongest gods in the history of the Protoss.

"He got more than half of the artifact fragments, and his strength was stronger than mine," said the Lord

The semi artifact only contains a thin demigod power, which is not enough to baptize the holder's strength. However, it can also greatly enhance some qualities of the holder. For example, some pieces of the demigod can increase the holder's vitality by ten times and a hundred times, which can be regarded as an immortal body. Some pieces of the semi artifact can make the holder's body indestructible, stronger than the supreme invincible body refining emperor, There are also pieces of demigod that are very special and can strengthen the soul.

"It seems that the emperor Yuanji is dead."

Ice fire god king and dark god king looked at each other with a sneer on their faces.


In addition to Yuanji's sword skill reaching the middle level of star level, Li Fuchen has made great progress in kendo universe in the past few thousand years.

If we say that his Kendo universe was not as good as the dark God King's dark god realm in the past. Now, compared with the dark god king, his Kendo universe is only strong but not weak, and his power can catch up with the Taiji Sword ancestor's Taiji Kendo universe.

With the Kendo universe, combined with the sword lock universe secret method of perfect realm, Li Fuchen is confident that he can easily kill an ordinary invincible emperor, and it only takes more time to kill a powerful and invincible emperor.

"The strength is really at the bottleneck this time."

To tell the truth, Li Fuchen has not thought of any way to increase strength in a short period of time.

It is too difficult and difficult to break through the later stage of Xingyu level to reach the perfection of Xingyu level. It is almost impossible without 8.8 million years.

This has little to do with savvy. It mainly depends on accumulation.

You know, the perfect martial arts at star level is already the acme of martial arts. If you go further, it is the realm of God.

If Li Fuchen wants to cultivate the sword technique to the real extreme, he has to see many sword techniques. Only by collecting the advantages of a hundred schools can he really make that step.

As for the skill breakthrough from the middle stage to the later stage, the difficulty is no less than that of the sword technique. It also takes a long time from the later stage to the perfection stage.

In terms of secret method, there may be a stronger secret method, but at most, it can enhance Li Fuchen's strength. The swordsman guild does not have one.

In terms of weapons, Li Fuchen's Yuanji sword is already the best weapon of the seventh level.

Secret treasure, Li Fuchen doesn't need it very much. The strongest secret treasure is close to or equal to the supreme emperor in terms of power.

"Maybe only cosmic treasures and demigods can increase my strength in a short time."

It is not surprising that Li Fuchen, the most precious treasure of the universe, can increase its strength.

for a period of time, he found that the chaotic Lotus can be used as an attack treasure, which leads to the essence of the chaotic fire path, and it can break out the lethality of the emperor beyond the summit.

But chaos fire lotus is the treasure of the intermediate universe, Li Fuchen can not be exposed for the time being, who knows what trouble it will bring to himself.

He doesn't think that in the universe, only he has intermediate cosmic treasures. If there are other invincible emperors who have intermediate cosmic treasures, even if they are not afraid, they will increase a lot of troubles.

Moreover, the universe between the treasures, there is mutual generation and mutual restraint.

If you encounter the universe treasure of restraining chaos fire lotus, no matter how strong you are, you can only recognize it.

"I wonder if this is the tree of life?"

Li Fuchen takes out a sapling with endless vitality from the space ring.

He got this sapling from a wild world in Donglin mainland, which was smaller than it is now. Over the years, Li Fuchen has tried countless ways to make the sapling grow up several times.

"If it's the tree of life, its value, even if it's not as good as the tree of the world, I'm afraid it's almost the same."

The tree of life is recognized as the highest treasure of the universe. According to legend, the tree of life can not only breed life, but also revive life.

In addition, the biggest effect is that the holder can have endless life.

Of course, the premise is a mature tree of life, not a seedling.

"The tree of life likes living things, such as God leaf juice, but the amount of God leaf juice traded with the Blood Axe emperor is too small, unless we can get a whole leaf of the world tree."

Li Fuchen licked his lips. A whole leaf of the world tree can at least make the tree of life grow hundreds of times or thousands of times, but in that case, it would be like turning over with the undead army.

Take out a communication token, Li Fuchen summoned to the Blood Axe emperor, "Blood Axe emperor, how is the preparation of God leaf juice?"

Over there, the Blood Axe emperor replied: "for thousands of years, I have rejected all the people, including some commanders of the undead army. This time, the amount of God leaf juice prepared for you is absolutely enough.""Well, I'll come and get it right away."

As a last resort, Li Fuchen was not willing to tear his face with the undead army.

Now he has offended the temple and the dark Council, and if he offends the undead legion, even with the support of the swordsman guild, the situation will be very bad.

The Blood Axe emperor prepared a lot of God leaf juice this time, many times more than before. It seems that in order not to offend Li Fuchen, the Blood Axe emperor could not wait for the divine leaf juice to permeate himself. After all, a whole leaf of the world tree is bigger than that of a cosmopolitan city. If it is forced to extract, it can be extracted from the past several million years and thousands of years It is not known whether it will damage the leaves of the world tree.

PS: from May to now, from 110 Jin to 82 Jin.

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