"The God of blood, the God of riot and war, the God of waterfall and rain sword."

The God of golden light easily recognized the three.

Blood god, one of the vice presidents of the dark Council, is a top demigod with a top demigod.

Riot God of war, one of the Deputy tower owners of the Ares tower, is also a top demigod with a top demigod.

The God of waterfall rain sword, one of the vice leaders of the sword alliance, is the most powerful among the three. He has a top semi divine tool, waterfall rain sword.

For the same force, the demigods are all independent. For example, the triangle demon comes from the dark Council, and he has never met the God of blood. So is the God of wind, fire and war from the God of War Tower.

After all, there is no comity in front of the opportunity. Even the same force will fight for it.


All of a sudden, three top demigods appeared. Li Fuchen couldn't even think about it. After all, he couldn't cope with a golden God.

Unfortunately, Li Fuchen retreated quickly, and the blood god intercepted faster.

The vice president of the Council is not only the God of blood, but also the God of blood.

In this regard, Li Fuchen has long had a way to deal with it. He has a clay figurine in his hand, and his strength is poured into it.


The next moment, countless Li floating dust appeared, just like the boundless tide, rushing to the deep blue plane.

Magic clay figurine, the treasure of the lower universe, can perfectly simulate a person's breath and reproduce it in large quantities.

Li Fuchen was also a bit careless before. He was suppressed by the God of the golden bell. If he wanted to escape, the God of the golden bell could not suppress him.


The blood god was a little surprised.

At this moment, he couldn't tell which one was Li Fuchen's noumenon. Of course, given him some time, he could find the other party's noumenon, but this time was enough for him to escape back to the dark blue plane.

"Blood Sea universe!"

The God of blood suddenly drank, and a bloody universe shrouded in the sky of Li floating dust.

"So fast."

Before Li Fuchen was close to the dark blue plane, he was shrouded in the bloody universe, and all his separate bodies were shattered, which made him deeply depressed.

Li Fuchen doesn't know that the Daoist universe of the demigod is different from that of the emperor. In terms of realm, the two may be equivalent. However, in terms of power, the Daoist universe of demigod is beyond the real universe, and no one can escape from it.

For example, the gods of Yinlin, fenghuozhan and Jinzhong did not master the universe at all, mainly because they were a little lower.


With all his efforts to trigger the power of the original bracelet, Li Fuchen blasted into the blood sea universe.


The universe of blood, boundless, Li Fuchen's original bracelet, it is difficult to break through at once.

"Beyond our means."

Li, a hand to the blood god.

"God of blood, let go."

Seeing that the God of blood was about to capture Li Fuchen, other people were not happy. The God of war, like a fierce beast, rushed straight into the blood sea universe, tearing his hands, nearly tearing the blood sea universe in two.

In terms of realm, the rioting God of war may be a little lower, so he can't master the universe. But in terms of power, the God of war is definitely the first of the four. This is mainly because the top demigods he got are power demigods, which can make him ignore most of the top demigods of the universe.

"Golden land of God!"

The terrible golden light diffused, not only dispelling the blood god's blood sea universe, but also made the riot God of war pause for a moment.

The God of the golden light, as the top demigod of the protoss, his divine realm is, to a certain extent, more domineering, more exclusive than the great universe.

In the realm of golden light, the speed of the God of golden light is more than ten times faster than before. In the twinkling moment, the God of golden light appears in the sky above Li Fushun.

"Waterfall rain!"

The sword light, like the rain, pierced through the golden light God domain and splashed toward the God of golden light.

A frown, the God of golden light quickly dodged.

The waterfall rain sword of the God of waterfall rain sword has infinite power. He is not sure that he can resist it, even if he still wears an ordinary semi divine golden armor.

None of the four wanted to capture Li Fuchen alone.

But it gave Li a chance to breathe.

"What to do, do you want to use that ring of time and space?"

The ring of time and space in Li Fuchen's mouth was given to him by a masked cow named Chou Niu when he was in the power of the Lord. Of course, the ring of time and space was not from ugly cow, but from ugly cow's teacher. We can know from each other's words that Chou Niu's teacher is extremely powerful. After all, it is not easy to surpass this universe, even if it is a demigod It is the real transcendence of the universe. Only the Legendary God is the real transcendence.

Chou Niu's strength is very strong. At that time, Li Fuchen thought that the other side was just an ordinary emperor. Now it seems that it should be the emperor. As for the strength of Chou Niu's teacher, he is at least a demigod, maybe a peak demigod.Taking out the ring of time and space, Li Fuchen takes a look at it.

The space-time crystal on the ring of time and space is indeed very precious, which belongs to the treasure of the lower universe. However, Li Fuchen knows that the real special place of the space-time ring lies in the power it contains, which should come from the teacher of Chou Niu.

"No, it's too risky."

Li Fuchen didn't want to give his fate to a stranger. Besides, he was not at the end of his tether. Before he came out to fight, he had already thought of several ways to retreat.

the original bracelet, as the treasure of the high universe, is not so simple. As with the chaotic lotus, Li Fuchen can burst out several times of the original essence within a moment, but the difference is that the chaotic lotus is only the intermediate universe treasure, even if the Li floating dust erupts ten times and twenty times the original essence of the fire path.

, unlike the original bracelets, broke out two times the original source of the essence. Li Fuchen would be attacked and burst more than two times the original essence of the yuan.

The main reason is that this kind of phagocytosis is extremely terrible, and Li Fuchen would not do so unless he had to.

The four fought endlessly. If it had not been for the protection of the armour clothes of the Yuan Dynasty, Li Fuchen would have been seriously damaged.

"That's the only way."

can't be lost. While four people are relaxed and alert to him, Li Fu dust erupted four times from the original bracelet to the deep blue position.


the aftermath of the four World War and the hidden hand behind it were instantly bombed. In the chaos void, there was a passage from the source of the original essence.

Entering the Yuanshi channel, Li Fuchen approached the deep blue plane very quickly.


"Looking for death."

Seeing this, the four men immediately chased Li Fuchen. The God of golden light and the God of blood covered the original channel with their own golden light God domain and Blood Sea universe.

It's too short to shake the universe.

"Break it for me!"

The riot God of war became billions of times larger, and his right arm became a thousand times longer than his body, and a slap swept to the original passage.


There were numerous cracks in the original passage.

"Not good."

Li Fuchen had bleeding from his mouth.

has erupted four times the original essence of the yuan, which has already given him a considerable bite.

"Eight times."

Li floating dust broke out more Yuan Yuan essence into the initial channel, so that the original channel was doubled again.


With a wave of the blood god's hand, a bloody claw mark falls on the channel of Yuanshi, leaving a deep claw mark on it.


The spear of golden light in the hand of the God of golden light has infinite power. When a spear is pierced out, a small hole is pierced out of the original channel. Fortunately, it is only a small hole, which can not break down the whole original channel.

This series of actions seems complicated, but in fact, time has not even passed a thought.

"Waterfall rain sword God, why don't you do it?"

The blood god looked back and hesitated to see the God of the waterfall rain sword.

Just at this moment, if the God of waterfall and rain sword hands, the original channel will be broken.

"I can't do anything. What can I do for you?"

At the critical moment, the God of waterfall rain sword decided to let Li Fuchen a horse.

It's not that he is afraid of the swordsman guild, but because there are four people here. Even if he stops Li Fuchen, it's hard for him to get a high-level cosmic treasure. It's better to sell his personal feelings to each other.

Three people are not stupid, immediately understand the meaning of waterfall rain sword God, angry, continue to attack the original channel.

After an idea passed, Li Fuchen finally entered the dark blue plane, and the attack of the three fell on the face barrier, rippling the starting point ripple.

If you want to break through the plane barrier, even if it is God, it is difficult to do it.

Three people's facial expressions are extremely ugly, this time really is the sewer capsized.

However, it is not their fault. As the top demigods, they did not think that Li Fuchen could escape, even if the other party had a high-level cosmic treasure.

It can only be said that they underestimated Li Fuchen and the high-level universe treasure.

"Emperor Yuanji, you think it's useful to escape into the dark blue plane. I'll kill all the people outside who are related to you." The blood god threatened.

"Emperor Yuanji, as long as you hand over the high-level universe treasure, I can guarantee that I will not settle accounts with you after autumn."

The God of golden light didn't speak, but he looked colder.

Li Fuchen said: "you three top demigods, specially deal with me an emperor, is not too fussy." He didn't mention the God of the waterfall rain sword. He knew that the God of the waterfall rain sword absolutely let him go. Otherwise, whether he could escape into the dark blue plane was still unknown.

As for the threat of the God of blood and the God of war, Li Fuchen did not pay any attention to it. The people he really valued were all in the dark blue plane. As long as these people were not threatened, he had nothing to worry about. For those outside, he could only say sorry. He was not great enough to sacrifice himself for those who did not attach much importance to.The only thing he could do was to continue to shut up on the dark blue plane and avenge these people.

As long as they can't stand the blood, they will not be affected by the blood

The voice of the God of blood was cold and loud, which seemed to be heard by Li Fuchen.

"Blood prison?"

Li Fuchen's face changed.

If the blood prison can really affect the weak willed people on the dark blue plane, it is indeed a disaster. After all, the more powerful emperor can leave the plane alone. At that time, Li Fuchen can't stop him or stare at them all the time.

Of course, Li Fuchen doesn't think that the effect of blood prison is so powerful that it can affect the whole plane through the plane barrier, but as long as it can affect a part of it, it is also very terrible and has to be prevented.

"Look again."

Li Fuchen plans to observe the changes first. It will definitely take time for the blood prison to be successfully arranged. If this period of time is long enough, he may have become the strongest emperor. By then, relying on the original bracelet, it will not be without a lot of strength.

The blood God began to lay out the blood prison. With his half god's power, there were crisscross blood lines around the dark blue plane. Inside these blood lines, there were blood colored skeletons. These blood colored skeletons were roaring, cursing and crazy.


Suddenly, a sword light shines, lighting up the large area around the dark blue plane.

The next moment, crisscross the blood line, instantly disintegrated.

"God of blood, God of golden light, God of riot, do you think my swordsman guild is too easy to bully?" A swordsman, stepping out of the chaos and emptiness, looks indifferent.

"The God of stabbing Heaven Sword!"

The pupil of the God of waterfall rain sword shrinks.

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