"It is indeed the largest forest in the universe - Xinghe forest."

On this day, Li Fuchen came to Xinghe forest, one of the ten wonders of the universe.

Xinghe forest is a forest growing in the starry sky. The forest is boundless. The flowers, plants and trees in it are extremely huge. Even the shortest grass is hundreds of millions of miles high. The higher trees are hundreds of billions of miles high. Even if the largest star giant comes to the Xinghe forest, it is no different from a small insect.

Li Fuchen strolls in the Xinghe forest and enjoys the beautiful scenery.

Along the way to see more, more knowledge, Li Fuchen vaguely aware that his mood has changed a lot.

State of mind is a wonderful thing. It can't be improved by external forces. It doesn't mean that if you have a high level of understanding, your mood will be high. In fact, it is a comprehensive reflection of a person's personality, world outlook, personal experience and all aspects of details.

Therefore, although Li Fuchen has a gold small rune, but his mood, also did not reach a very unreasonable point.


A white light flashed by the side of Li Fuchen, and his speed surprised him.

This kind of fast, a little detached, gives people a kind of detached charm, where they want to go.

In front of the branches, the white light stopped. This is a beautiful species with snow-white body, spiral unicorn on the head, slender body like Tianma, and dreamy eyes like stars.

The Star River unicorn is said to be the most nimble creature in the universe. It is said that whoever can see the Star River Unicorn will be able to turn the tide of the times and bring prosperity to the sky.

But it's not easy to see the Star River unicorn.

The other side is like the embodiment of fate. If it doesn't want to see you, you can't see him at all, even if you are strong enough.

"I'm lucky to see the Star River unicorn."

Li Fuchen touched his nose and laughed.


A flash of Star River Unicorn appears beside Li Fuchen.

For some reason, the Star River unicorn is not afraid of Li Fuchen. Li Fuchen walks forward and follows him. Li Fuchen stops, and he also stops. Sometimes he rubs his head against Li Fuchen's shoulder.

Li Fuchen let the other side follow him, and he also had a companion along the way.

Several years later, Li Fuchen finally wanted to leave the Xinghe forest. Instead of following, the Star River Unicorn stood at the edge of the forest and watched him leave.

"Go back."

Li Fuchen waved and disappeared.


Time flies. It has been more than 300 years since Li Fuchen visited the universe and more than 500 years since he returned from his original place.

In the past three hundred years, Li Fuchen has been to many places. He has gone all over the ten wonders of the universe. He has also visited some famous wonders. Sometimes, he even hides his breath and becomes an ordinary person in a cosmopolitan city.

Without deliberate cultivation, Li Fuchen's state of mind improved by leaps and bounds.

"I see."

On a broken star, Li Fuchen naturally entered a mysterious and ethereal realm.

In order to break through the perfect state of Yuanji sword skill, in addition to the perfect state of kendo, the understanding of itself and the universe must also reach a very profound level.

But in fact, the understanding of oneself and the universe are only superficial things, and the real connotation is the state of mind.

His own structure, Li Fuchen has been familiar with can no longer be familiar with, all the mysteries of the human body, Li Fuchen has also been found.

The understanding of the universe varies from person to person. No one dares to say that he can fully understand the universe, but who can reach the realm of emperor has a profound understanding of the universe.

Therefore, in fact, Li Fuzhen meets the requirements, and the only one that does not meet the requirements is the mood.

The strongest monarch naturally needs the strongest mood.

Of course, we can't rule out that some states of mind have not arrived, but we know too much about ourselves and the universe, and become the strongest emperor by force.


The void where the broken stars and Li Fuchen are located is like a huge breathing heart. It shrinks indefinitely, and an immortal Kendo charm is diffused.

"What a strong fluctuation."

Hundreds of light years away from the broken stars, a purple streamer suddenly stopped.

The purple streamer disperses, a middle-aged man with purple crystal pupil looks at Li Fuchen's direction.

If there are well-informed people here, we can certainly recognize that the middle-aged man with purple crystal pupil is the semi God of the super family purple pupil family - the God of purple pupil.

There are many super powers in the universe. As long as there are demigods, they are all super forces.

Although there is only such a semi God as the God of Zitong, because the God of Zitong is a higher demigod, the Zitong clan is also a small level stronger than the ordinary super power. In the universe, it is still small and famous.

"The emperor of Yuanji."The eyes of the God of purple pupil brightened.

Now, almost all the demigods who come back from the demigod realm do not know Li Fuchen, and the God of Zitong naturally knows Li Fuchen.

"This Yuanji emperor has a high-level treasure in the universe. I can't win him, but I can call on the deputy leader. With the ability of the deputy leader, I'm sure I can win him."

In the universe, there are nine super powers. These nine super powers not only have a large number of demigods, but also have strong semi gods.

Other super powers, knowing that they can't compete with the nine superpowers, either choose to belong to the nine superpowers or form alliances with each other.

The alliance of Zitong nationality is the northern Xinjiang alliance, one of the five major alliances in the universe.

The northern Xinjiang alliance is composed of more than 20 super forces, with one chief, three deputy and four alliance leaders.

These four allies are all top demigods.

Among the demigods who came back this time, one of them was the steel claw ghost God, one of the three vice leaders of the northern Xinjiang alliance.

Here's the message from the purple claw.


"Jie Jie, my steel claw ghosts and gods have such good luck. If I stay in my own territory, there will be high-level cosmic treasures delivered to our door."

This is a secret place full of Yin Qi. In the dark Grand Canyon in the center of the secret place, a ghost figure suddenly rushes out, and the thick ghost spirit makes people feel cold.

It's hard to be unhappy with the steel claw ghost. Before that, the four top demigods, the God of golden light, the God of blood, the God of riot war and the God of waterfall and rain sword, failed to seize the high-level treasure of the universe, so that Li Fuchen escaped back to the dark blue plane. Later, the God of sky piercing sword came forward in person to repel three people and win over the God of waterfall rain sword.

As for the God of sky piercing sword, steel claw ghosts and gods naturally don't want to offend, but it depends on what happens. If it's for a high-level treasure of the universe, how about offending the God of sky piercing sword.

Normally, a high-level cosmic treasure is worth as much as a top demigod.

The top demigod of the steel claw ghost is a claw type demigod, belonging to the attack demigod. What is lacking is Li Fuchen's high-level cosmic treasure of the changeable heart type.

Silent, the steel claw ghosts and gods left the secret place and rushed to the position sent by the God of purple pupil.


There are 107 human mysteries and 108 human mysteries.

Human body, a total of 108 human mysteries, coincide with the number of Tiangang Disha, also coincide with the universe.

Li Fuchen has long found all the mysteries of his human body, but he has not been able to integrate them into Yuanji sword skill.

As 108 mysteries of human body are related and integrated with each other, a simple and original sword drawing is combined with Li Fuchen.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful, Li Fuchen feels as if he incarnates for Kendo, incarnates for the universe.

"Is this the perfect skill?"

Li Fuchen smiles at the corner of his mouth. The perfect skill is perfect.

with the Yuan Ji sword's work to achieve the star level level, the inexhaustible source of the original Dao of kendo, from the depths of the universe to the Li Fu dust body, at the same time, Li floating dust found that his strength reserve not only has been many times, but also has a great characteristic, that is, it can create strength itself.

You should know that even a demigod can't create his own power, or to draw strength from the outside world.

Once the contact with the outside world is broken, we can only rely on our own strength reserve to support. When the strength is exhausted, we will die.

Li Fuchen is different. Even if he is disconnected from the outside world, he can be self-sufficient and does not need to draw strength from the outside world.

Of course, if we can draw strength from the outside world, it will be better naturally. He can completely consume the existence of strength stronger than him.

"The strongest emperor deserves to be the strongest emperor, without any weakness or flaw."

Li Fuchen finally knew what was the strongest emperor.

Not only has the realm reached the perfect realm, but also has become without flaw.

Li Fuchen guessed that after the strongest emperor became a demigod, most of them could create their own demigod power, and there would be no embarrassment that the demigod power was not enough.

This is not to say, of course, that the power of the strongest monarch is inexhaustible.

There is also a limit to our own creative power. If the consumption exceeds the speed of creative power, the power will still be exhausted. However, compared with other people, the situation is much better.

came down too many sources of Kendo origin. Most of them are used to increase the reserve of Li's dust, and a small part is used to transform Li's body.

Li Fuchen feels that, with the passage of time, his physical strength has gradually approached the realm of robbery. That is to say, the strongest emperor, even his physical strength is very terrible, and there is no short board at all.


"The God of purple pupil."

Hundreds of light years away, a ghost appeared.

"Yes, deputy leader." The God of purple pupil is surprised and bows to the steel claw ghost.

The steel claw ghost God nodded his head and said: "the God of purple pupil, you are very good. As soon as you find the emperor Yuanji, you can choose to inform me. You can rest assured that as long as I get the high-level universe treasure, the benefits will not be without you.""I should be able to serve the vice leader."

There are also several factions in the northern Xinjiang alliance. The God of Zitong has always been a sect of steel claw ghosts and gods. The strength of steel claw ghosts and gods is strong, which is good for their faction and his purple pupil God.

"Is this the emperor of Yuanji? It's a little special. "

The steel claw ghost can't help wrinkling his brow. Li Fuchen on the broken stars hundreds of light years ago makes him feel very strange, which can't be described in words, but it affects him in the end.

"No matter, I'm a top demigod. I don't need to be afraid of an emperor."

The ghost of steel claw pounced on Li Fuzhen.

PS: speechless. I got urticaria. I've been itching since last night. I went to the hospital to prescribe an anti allergy drug. Now it has become a medicine jar, hormone medicine and anti allergy drug. I hope I won't get any more diseases.

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