From the mouth of sakuang, the four men had a deep understanding of the demigod realm.

"By the way, what is this?"

Li Fuchen pulled out a round stone from the space ring.

Although it is just a round stone, it contains amazing demigod power, and it has no attribute. Any demigod can absorb and use it.

This stone was discovered by Li Fuchen under the ground with the power of his soul. He was not stupid and immediately knew that it was a good thing.

It's hard for you to recover the half god's stone, whether it's a half god's stone or a half god's stone Stone, under normal circumstances, can supplement all the demigod power of an ordinary demigod. If it is a medium grade semi divine stone, it can supplement all the semi divine power of the higher demigod. The top semi divine stone corresponds to the top demigod stone, and there is also the best demigod stone on the top of the semi divine stone. "

As a high demigod, he has no inferior semi divine stone on his body. Generally, only the eight superpowers can hope to dig up the demigod stone. There are few bases for the five major leagues.

"What's the use of the best spirit stone here?" Li Fuchen continued to ask.

He has several trillion of the best spirit stones on him.

SA Guang said: "the best spirit stones are also useful. As long as there are a large number of the best spirit stones, they can be used to arrange the best supreme array. One of the best spirit stones is enough to resist the attack of ordinary demigods. The double supreme spirit stones can resist the attack of the higher demigods. With this push, it is like the temple of the God family, which has fully arranged seven supreme supreme supreme arrays. In addition, through the God The bridge to the God's battlefield also needs the best spirit stones. It seems that there are not many of the best spirit stones at a time, but there are still a lot of them accumulated. "

A trillion a time, 100 times is a hundred trillion.

"So." Li Fuchen nodded and said to sa Guang, "thank you very much. If you have anything in the future, you can go to the swordsman's guild to find me."

"Well, may I go?" Facing three top demigods and one top demigod, saguang's pressure is still great.

"Of course."

Li Fuchen smiles.

Smell speech, SA Guanghua as a streamer, quickly leave, look at his appearance, as if to go to the God bridge.

"Let's go to the swordsmen guild first." Li Fuchen, after all, is an elder of swordsman's guild. When he comes to the demigod realm, he must go to the swordsman's guild.

The swordsman guild is established in a mountain range, where there are many dangerous peaks. The fierce sword spirit can be felt from a distance.

The main peak of swordsman association is called Shenjian peak.

Li Fuchen, vice president of jiankeng guild, is entertaining Shenxu God.

At this time, Li Fuchen has already taken Yan Qingwu into the heart of each other, so as not to be misunderstood by the swordsman Association. After all, in the absence of the president and many powerful men, two top demigods and one top demigods will appear all at once. Whether the other party will let them in or not is a matter.

"Emperor Yuanji, if you can come to the swordsman's guild, you are already a demigod. I don't know what level of demigod is your life's demigod?" The demigod of this life is the first demigod to be baptized and the most important one.

Li Fushen raised his hand to reveal the red flame gloves, and said: "it is the top of the fire way semi divine."

There are three demigods in his life, but it is not necessary to reveal them all.

"The top demigod Xuhe sword God is a little pity. He has learned from the sword God that Li Fuchen's swordsmanship has reached the highest level of emperor. If he gets a top-notch sword tool, his strength will be enough to reach the peak semi God level.

Of course, the top-notch semi artifact is also good, not to say bad.

"Then I will call you Yuanji sword God." The tone of Xuhe sword God has changed a little. Whether it is in the semi divine realm or in the swordsman Association, it is still about strength. The top half god is in the semi divine realm, belonging to the backbone. The peak demigod, as the name suggests, is the peak power.

When the president did not come back, Xuhe Jianshen first arranged for Li Fuchen to live in a surrounding mountain. After the president came back, he arranged for a specific post and residence.

"It's a demigod."

After practicing Kendo for a few days, Li Fuchen found that his Kendo had a little looseness, which meant that as long as he had enough time, he could raise Kendo to a higher level in the semi divine realm, and the higher level was the realm of God.

The swordsman guild has its own stone mines. The so-called stone mines are naturally demigods.

Of course, a mine is actually a super large valley, and whether you can dig a demigod stone or not depends on luck.

As a member of the swordsman Association, anyone is entitled to enter the stone mine, and Li Fuchen is no exception.

In the stone mine, Li Fuchen saw many members of the swordsman Association, but they were all emperors, including the Taiji Sword ancestor and the yuan and Ming sword ancestor.

This is the advantage of joining the nine superpowers or the five major leagues. After entering the demigod realm, you don't have to stay outside. Under the protection of the garrison array, the natural environment of the inner circle will not harm the emperor."Emperor Yuanji."

Taiji Jianzu and Yuanming Jianzu saw Li Fuchen and rushed to meet him.

"Are you digging a demigod stone?" Li asked.

Yuanming Jianzu said: "this is one of our tasks. Every 10000 years, we have to dig semi divine stones from the stone mines for 500 years. No matter whether they have dug them or not, they will be rewarded with 1.30 God value, and 5000.30 God value can be exchanged for an ordinary demigod tool."

That is to say, it will take 2.5 million years to dig a semi divine stone to exchange for an ordinary semi artifact. Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows, and the semi artifact was more precious than he thought.

"What if you dig a demigod stone?" Li Fuchen asked again.

Taiji Jianzu said: "if you dig a low-grade semi divine stone, you will be rewarded with 500.30 divine value. If you dig a middle-class demigod stone, you will be rewarded with 5000.30 divine value. The top grade will be 50000 points, and the best will be 500000 points."

From the two populations, Li Fuchen learned that the members of the swordsman guild who are below the demigods need to complete many tasks here. Basically, every 10000 years, there are 3000 years to do tasks, and the remaining 7000 years are their own.

In addition, an ordinary artifact needs 5000 and a half divine value, so there are not so many pieces of semi artifact. If you have a demigod value of more than 100, you can exchange one piece of ordinary semi artifact. Of course, unless you decide to go to the God's battlefield, no one is willing to exchange semi artifact fragments. After all, demigods are not easy to come and can't be easily squandered.

In the semi divine realm, Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness can only penetrate ten feet below the earth, and nothing can be sensed.

Li Fuchen is so, the spirit of other demigods is naturally more unbearable.

As far as Li Fuchen knows, Banshen stones are generally deep in the earth. Only by digging down and sensing with the spirit sense all the time, can they have a chance to obtain the semi divine stones.

However, in addition to spiritual awareness, Li Fuchen also has the power of soul.

Compared with spiritual consciousness, Li Fuchen's soul power can penetrate a thousand feet under the ground, which is why he found a demigod stone when he first came to the demigod realm.

"The swordsman guild is the swordsman guild."

The stone mine is very large. Li Fuchen finds an empty place and begins to release his soul's power to look for the demigod stone.

A few days later, Li Fuchen's lower grade Banshen stone reached 12, and there was also a middle grade Banshen stone.

"I don't know how long it will take for others to dig up these demigods." All of these 13 semi divine stones were found in the places below tens of feet below the ground, especially the middle-grade semi divine stone, which means that other people have to dig down tens of feet and hundreds of feet to detect them with their spirit sense, and also ensure that the deviation is not too large.

Li Fuchen is the top demigod. The lower and middle grade semi divine stones are of little use to him, so he plans to spend more days in the stone mine.

As for Yan Qingwu and others, Li Fuchen did not let them out.

First, it's not good to be seen by others. After all, this is the swordsman guild.

Second, it's no use for them to come out. It's better to stay in front of them and practice.

One hundred years later, Li Fuchen had more than 80000 semi divine stones, more than 5000 medium grade semi divine stones, and more than 100 top-grade semi divine stones, and several of the best spirit stones were found.

Fortunately, the stone mine is large enough. Li Fuchen has explored less than one thousand of the whole stone mine in the past ten years. Otherwise, the whole rock mine will become a dead mine within a thousand feet of the ground, and there will be no demigod stone.

"With these demigod stones, even in the face of invincible demigods, I should also have the strength to fight."

Li Fuchen smiles at the corners of his mouth.

Invincible demigods are very strong, but they can not easily kill the top demigods.

Therefore, as long as Li Fuchen's demigod power can keep up with the invincible demigod, if the opponent's demigod's power is exhausted, he may have a chance to fight back.

Of course, the premise is that the other party does not have enough demigod stones.

If the other side's demigod stone is more, it still has to run away.

"Keep digging!"

Li Fuchen was not in a hurry to go to the God's battlefield. He still understood this truth.

More than 800 years later, Li Fuchen's lower grade semi divine stones have increased to more than 500000, more than 40000 medium grade semi divine stones, nearly 1000 top-grade semi divine stones, and more than a dozen top-grade spirit stones.

You know, in the demigod realm, it is extremely rare for ordinary and high demigods to have one or two lower or medium semi divine stones for use. Certainly, there are not too many semi divine stones on top demigods. It is estimated that only the top demigods and invincible demigods can really control a large number of demigods. But do they have hundreds of thousands of semi gods?

Li Fuchen grinned.

Other people dig the demigod stone by luck. When he digs the demigod stone, he just sweeps it with the power of his soul. The efficiency is increased by more than a million times.

It was destined that it would be a million times easier for him to obtain the demigod stone than for others.

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