As a first-class peak demigod, Shuofeng Raytheon is undoubtedly rich. In the space ring, there are 700000 lower grade demigod stones, and there are also many middle grade demigod stones and top grade demigod stones.

However, compared with his three top demigods, these semidivine stones are nothing.

Of course, for Li Fuchen, the most important is the flying shuttle boots.

After refining the second flying shuttle boots, Li Fuchen's semi divine power in time and space has become stronger. The most important thing is that there is no flaw in the ability to stimulate the flying shuttle boots.

Li Fuchen's time and space have been satisfactory. Now, with the flying shuttle boots, Li Fuchen feels that his body is countless times lighter. He can enter the time stream at any time and shuttle through time. As for the space moving, it is just like eating and drinking water for Li Fuchen.

At this moment, if you want to kill Li Fuchen, you can either surpass him in time and space. For example, if someone reaches the realm of the most powerful emperor of time and space, he will naturally surpass Li Fuchen in time and space, or get a more powerful top demigod of time and space.

If we can't surpass Li Fuchen in time and space, we can only crush everything with absolute power.

No matter how powerful the Tao is, it will be declared to be disintegrated in front of the incomparable power.

"Light dance, attack me." Li Fuchen danced softly to the swallow.


Yan Qingwu understands Li Fuchen's intention and cuts it in the past.

The knife light flies, but can't touch Li Fuchen.

The victory aura of the set attribute was stimulated. Yan Qingwu's momentum soared, and Hongyan's sword was wielded. It seemed that the sword would stir up the time and space of the God's battlefield, and cut and kill Li Fuchen.

"Sure enough."

Li Fuchen feels his body shape, has been a trace of traction.

Although very weak, but on behalf of Yan Qingwu's power, has affected him.

"No, I can't catch you."

Yan Qingwu stops attacking.

Li Fuchen said: "although can't catch me, but slightly affected me, if your strength is several times stronger, the situation is not easy to say."

Li Fuchen doesn't know what level Yan Qingwu's strength belongs to, whether it's the third class or the second class. If it's the third class, it means that the second class is invincible. If it's the second class, then the first-class invincible and semi God can threaten Li Fuchen.

Of course, it's just a threat. Whether Li Fuchen can be left is still unknown.

"Unless I get my fourth victory kit, it's almost impossible to be a few times stronger."

Yan Qingwu is very aware of her own situation. She can have the strength she has now. She relies mostly on external forces. Unlike Li Fuchen, she completely depends on herself.

Without relying on the fourth victory set parts, if she wants to greatly improve her strength, there are only two ways. First, the Dao is perfect, and the second is that the Dao skill is perfect. However, it is too difficult and difficult for her to achieve these two goals. Even if she wants to speed up the cultivation of time and space in her heart, it is useless.

If Dao wants to be perfect, it's not a matter of time, but a matter of the limit of talent's understanding.

Many demigods, who have practiced for hundreds of millions of years or even a lifetime, have failed to achieve the perfection of their practices.

As for getting a top Dao semi artifact, to tell the truth, the strength of Yan Qingwu is limited. If it is amazing, it will double its strength. After all, Yan Qingwu's original semi divine weapon is a victory suit. Getting other top semi divine tools is just icing on the cake. After all, her victory demigod power is very strong. If you get the fourth victory set parts, her victory demigod power will be stronger. At that time, the peak Sabre tool that is not in the set will have less effect on her.

Both Wu Zhuo and the Immortal Emperor regret that it is too early to choose the original half artifact. If they bear with it, they can now choose the peak semi artifact as their own.

The Immortal Emperor is OK. The relationship between him and Li Fuchen is not too close. Li Fuchen can bring him to the battlefield of God, which has made him very grateful, so the thought of regret just flashed by.

After all, what about the top demigods and the peak demigods? In this way, he was satisfied to see the magnificent and mysterious battlefield of gods.

Compared with the Immortal Emperor, Wu Zhuo was a little unwilling.

He was not too obsessed with the power itself, but was obsessed with, unable to help Li Fuchen.

If he has the strength of the top demigod, he can fight with Li Fuchen side by side, which is his lifelong dream.

Li Fuchen couldn't see Wu Zhuo's idea. He patted the other side on the shoulder and said, "don't be in a hurry for a while. It's the right way to strive for the perfection of kendo."

For Li Fuchen, semi artifact is only external force after all. External force can make people enjoy a good time, but it can't be beautiful for a long time. If you want to become a God, you still need to improve your realm.

"Yes, master."

Wu Zhuo nodded.

In the following years, Yan Qingwu failed to sense the call of the fourth victory suit component, and Li Fuchen failed to sense the call of the fourth red flame suit component. They knew that it was not an easy thing to gather a complete set of suits. It is estimated that few of the elders in the iron and blood old people's Congress could gather the set.On this day, Li Fuchen and Yan dance to a bloody lake.

Yes, it's a bloody lake, a dead, bloody lake.

It is said that the blood lake is the blood of God, and there are many in the battlefield of God.

So the blood lake is also called Shenxue lake.

Seeing the Shenxue Lake means that they have come to the real depth of the God's battlefield.

It is said that the core of God's battlefield is a sea of blood, but no demigod has ever been able to penetrate there.

"The leader of the dark Council, the Lord of the dead."

Around the Shenxue lake, there are many demigods. Li Fuchen sees the three demigods of the dark Council.

The three demigods are the leader of the dark Council, the undead master, the two vice presidents of the dark Council, the deer worm God and the wolf God King.

The undead master is a truly invincible demigod, and the God of deer and insect and the king of wolf are also the top demigods.

In terms of the top combat power, the dark Council is undoubtedly better than the swordsman guild. This is mainly because the dark Council has the undead who dominate this invincible demigod and has more opportunities to get the top demigod.

"God blood island appeared."

The dead and silent Shenxue lake suddenly surged up.

In the center of Shenxue lake, there is an island. There are many peaks on the island. There are various kinds of semi divine tools on several peaks. The semi divine power is dazzling.

Shenxue island appears once every ten thousand years. Every time it appears, it brings out some semi divine objects.

Whenever Shenxue island is about to appear, there will be a large number of demigods nearby.

Fortunately, there are many Shenxue islands. Otherwise, the number of demigods will increase a thousand times.

"It's better to come early than to come at the right time. Let's go."

Li Fuchen releases the werewolf incarnation, and the three rush to Shenxue island.

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