"Has he touched the realm of God?"

Seeing all this in the eye, the light is dark, and the pupil of God shrinks.

Flying to God is the dream of all demigods, as well as the dream of God of light and darkness.

There are two ways to become a God.

The first method is to engulf enough divinity, condense the gods, and then raise the level of life to the level of divinity at one stroke. As for other aspects, we can gradually upgrade.

However, this method is limited to Protoss, and other races should not think about it.

The second method is to break through the realm to the divine level.

You should know that once a breakthrough is made in the realm, whether it is the level of life, strength, blood, true spirit or soul, they will break through together and reach the level of God.

"Light and dark abyss."

Light and dark God customers can not save the power of the demigod, the third time launched the strongest kill move, and this time the target is Li Fuchen.

At this time, Li Fuchen just sent out the boundless sword Qi. When the old force was gone and the new force was not born, he was instantly engulfed by the light and dark abyss.

But soon, a sword light was shining, and Li Fuchen swept out of the abyss of nothingness.

Light and dark god's strongest killing moves can trap the top ship class demigods, but obviously can't trap Li Fuchen.

"You hurt me. I want to die. I'll be buried with you forever."

The half god power in the main body of the green bone God broke out, and between heaven and earth, countless white bones came out quickly and shot at Li Fuchen like a sharp arrow.

Bang, bang, Bang

White bone power is huge, but it is difficult to break through Li Fuzhen's defense. In the process of impact, it quickly explodes into white powder.

For a while, the white powder gathered more and more, and in an instant formed a concrete white coffin, sealing Li Fuzhen inside.

In the white coffin, Li Fuchen felt a terrible force penetrating his body, which was similar to the force of robbery, but with the smell of decay.


The white coffin was broken and a sword light rushed out.

There is no doubt that Li Fuchen's swordsmanship has broken through the perfect state. Where can the green bone God seal it.

However, no matter whether it is the strongest killing moves of the God of light and darkness or the strongest killing moves of the God of green bone, Li Fuchen has consumed 50% of the semi divine power of Kendo in his body so far.

Naturally, the green bone God didn't expect to solve Li Fuchen with one move. It was impossible. His purpose was to consume more of Li's semi divine power. Without the semi divine power, he would become water without source. No matter how powerful his sword technique is, it will be useless.

"The demigod power of the Lord of light and darkness and the God of green bone should last longer than I do."

Li Fuchen roughly calculated the residual force of the demigods from the fluctuation of the demigod power of the God of light and darkness and the God of green bone, and calculated that he could not have consumed the two.

After all, no matter what, the level and quality of the semi divine power of the two are more than ten times that of his. Even though his sword technique has reached a more mysterious level, one and a half divine power can play a very 20% effect, but there are limits.

"First restore the semi divine power of kendo."

Li Fuchen's breath changed, and the half divine power of Kendo in his body instantly converged, and the semi divine power of huodao gushed out.

"Looking for death."

The God of light and dark and the God of green bone didn't know Li Fuchen's plan, so they rushed to kill him.

"The sea of Swords is boundless."

Red sword sea, instantly surrounded Li Fuchen.

It's not impossible to use the semi divine power of huodao to cast sword technique, but the effect will be greatly reduced.

If we say that the power of Kendo half god to activate sword technique is ten.

Then the power of using the semi divine power of huodao to activate the sword technique is only like one or two.

However, the semi divine power of huodao can only be used to activate Yuanji sword technique, but it can't motivate limitless sword Qi.

Boom, boom

With the red flame suit, the armor of the Yuan Dynasty, the immortal body and the tree of life, Li Fuchen's defense is several times stronger than the God of light and dark and the God of green bone. They can't do anything except consume Li Fuzhen's semi divine power of fire. Although it won't be long, they will be sure to exhaust Li's semi divine power.



When less than 30% of huodao's half divine power is left, Li Fuchen switches to Kendo's demigod power.

At this time, after absorbing the best semi divine stone, Li Fuchen's semi divine power of Kendo had recovered from 50% to 60%.

"Boundless sword spirit."

The sword spirit flashed over the God of light and dark and the God of green bone, and their half divine power instantly annihilated a part.


On the other side, Yan Qingwu's sailing boat broke through the light and dark abyss of the God of light and darkness.

"What a killing move."

Yan Qingwu has a lingering fear.

It is not hard to imagine that without the protection of the sailboat, they could not even hold a breath and would be annihilated in an instant.Then, the flying moon warship of Haoyue sword God also broke through the dark and light abyss.

At this time, the spirit of the sword, such as Haoyue, was exhausted.

Without any hesitation, at the invitation of Yan Qingwu, Haoyue sword God and others boarded the sailboat together.

In this way, the number of demigods on the sailboat has reached more than 70, which is a considerable number.

Seeing this scene in my eyes, the God of green bone said to the God of light and darkness: "withdraw!"

It is difficult for them to cope with a single Li Fuchen. In addition, the top ship demigods with more than 70 demigods no longer have any advantages. If they stay, they will only fall into decline.

"Let you go this time."

The God of light and darkness took a deep look at Li Fuchen and left quickly with the green bone God.

"It's close."

Haoyue sword God, who has recovered some semi divine power, is still in a state of palpitation.

This time is really too dangerous. Without Li Fuchen, the whole universe of Kunwu would be ruled by the God of light and darkness and the protoss, and other races would not have a chance to make a living.

After a look at the sailboat and Yan Qingwu, the sword God of Haoyue was very interested in not asking how many demigods Li Fuchen had. He actually produced so many demigods. You know, even the demigods of the protoss family, there are only 30 or so gods, while the number of demigods on the sailboat has exceeded 50.

It can be said that Li Fuchen's influence has surpassed the eight super powers including the swordsman guild, no matter whether it is the top combat power or the number of demigods. Only the protoss can compete with it.

A person, in such a short period of time to create a terrible super power, think about it is incredible.

After the return of terror, the light and dark god Lord successively destroyed the five major leagues, the Star Alliance, the Wanyao palace and the God of War Tower, and severely damaged the sword alliance. With its strong strength, the remaining super forces, the dark Council and the judge's eye, naturally want to form an alliance with the swordsman Association. After all, only Yuanji sword God can block the light and dark god, but the Lord undead, the chairman of the dark Council, is the undead There is an irreconcilable contradiction between Zai and Li Fuchen. If the undead master doesn't think that he is wrong, Li Fuchen will forgive him. As a result, the undead master leads all the demigods of the dark Council to leave the demigod realm, intending to see the wind.

The eye of judgment does not know for what purpose, and like the dark Council, it also leaves the demigods.

In this way, only the protoss temple and the swordsman guild remain in the semi divine realm connecting Kunwu universe. As for the sword alliance, it can only be regarded as the guest or vassal of the swordsman Association.

"Kill the five major leagues, the Star Alliance, the Wanyao palace and the war god tower, and kill a large number of sabre alliance demigods. There are a large number of demigods in the light and dark gods, which are enough to produce a large number of demigods. It will be extremely difficult to deal with them if they are combined with the semi gods on board ships." In the hall of shenjianfeng guild, Haoyue sword God expresses his worries.

Li Fuchen nodded, "this possibility is very big. When the light and dark gods return, we have to face at least hundreds of Protoss and semi gods, and we have to guard against them."

"There are not many emperors in the demigod realm. If you want to mass produce demigods, you have to go back to Kunwu universe."

"Therefore, the battlefield is not in the demigod realm, but the Kunwu universe."

The sword God of Haoyue sighed. The last war was also carried out in Kunwu universe. At that time, the war situation was too tragic, but this time, it will be even more tragic.

"There's going to be a war. The protoss' tumor should have been removed."

Li Fuchen is very clear that this war has determined the future direction of Kunwu universe. Whether the protoss dominate the world, or whether there are hundreds of tribes, or both are defeated, and return to the original situation, all depends on the outcome of this war.

After thinking about it, Li Fuchen said again: "Kunwu universe is going back, but not now. You wait for me in iron and blood city first."

For the time being, he is not sure to deal with Protoss. He has to prepare one or two more.

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