After "sweeping" nine God battlefield cities, Li Fuchen got a total of 33 sets of semi artifact suits, including 12 sets of peak semi artifact suits and 21 sets of top-level semi artifact suits.

Other people don't know. Li Fuchen clearly knows that the semi divine weapon suit can re baptize the semi divine power of the demigod. However, before that, the level of the chosen demigod's semi divine weapon cannot exceed that of the demigod suit.

For example, if your original demigod is the peak demigod, and your demigod power is the peak demigod power, then you can't accept the baptism of the top demigod suit. You can only accept the baptism of the peak demigod set.

Of course, there is also a premise that the set must be complete, if not, everything is not discussed.

Thirty three sets of semi artifact suits are enough to arm the sword clan to the teeth. Although doing so will destroy the balance of the whole Kunwu universe and even the whole God battlefield, what does this have to do with Li Fuchen? He is not selfless enough to be responsible for the whole God battlefield of the whole universe. If he has the ability, he will naturally give priority to the people around him.

And to tell the truth, Li Fuchen is not averse to the ancestors of the Protoss. The other party's ideas must be the same as his own. He has become a God. His blood and people must be taken good care of. As for what will happen in the future, who can know.

If Jianzong becomes the public enemy of the whole universe, it is also the fate of Jianzong, not the original intention of Li Fuchen.

Thirty three sets of semi divine ware suits have added 33 invincible demigods to Jianzong. In particular, the parents, sisters and disciples who have obtained 12 sets of top-level semi gods have become the existence of super first-class invincible demigods or invincible demigods.

However, to say that the strongest strength, or to count Yan light dance.

With the spirit ball of the universe, Yan Qingwu's Dao has finally reached a perfect state. Its strength is only a little worse than that of the star exterminator. Among the many elders in the God's battlefield, the strength of the miexing demon is top-notch.

"It's time to go to the sea of blood again."

This time, Li Fuchen plans to go alone, but more people are a drag on him.


God blood sea.

Boundless, majestic and depressing.

A red streamer galloped in the sky above the sea of God's blood, a little bit unscrupulous.


A huge figure broke through the sea and attacked the red streamer.

The huge figure is the armored dragon beast. In terms of defense, the armored dragon beast can rank at least in the top three of many general level semi divine beasts in the shenxuehai.

"Good come."

With a faint smile, Li Fuchen blows at the armored dragon.


The blow was not very impressive, only some sparks splashed on the fist.

However, the armored dragon beast, which has been hit by this blow, starts from the middle fist point, and its body is rapidly charred. The impregnable armor can not stop the erosion of the hot fist force.


With a long hiss from the sky, most of the body of the armored dragon turned into ashes, and sparks were flying over the sea of God's blood.

"It's really the top nine piece set. If it's the top nine piece set, I'm afraid we can fight with God!"

If someone else has a top nine piece suit, he will still not be the opponent of God. But Li Fuchen has already possessed the spirit, and what he lacks is realm. The top nine piece set is enough to force his semi divine power to the level of divine power.

With a red flame suit, Li Fuchen is in the sea of blood. He is almost a god blocking and killing God. He is a general level semi divine beast. No one can block his fist.

The only pity is that the half gods that were hit by the semi divine power of the fire path were all reduced to ashes, which was very wasteful.

In the distance, Li Fuchen saw an island, a magnificent island.

Vaguely, Li Fuchen saw the traces of the city.

Sure enough, Li Fuchen, who boarded the island, found a city in the northwest of the island.

However, this city has been abandoned for a long time. Not only has the city wall collapsed, but also the array has not been saved.

However, on a flat land in the west of the city, Li Fuchen found a transmission platform.

This conveyor is not defective, there is still light flow.

After finding the groove, Li Fuchen threw a pile of superb demigod stones into it.

After several breaths, there was no movement on the conveyor.

"Not enough energy?"

Li Fuchen threw all the best demigod stones into it.

It's just that the teleport is still unresponsive.

Li Fuchen thought of something and said with a wry smile: "the city of God's battlefield is the city of God. Since it's the city of God, the semi divine stone can't start the array naturally. You must have the divine stone to do it."

From the Vatican pass, Li Fuchen learned that there was a divine stone there, but there was only one stone, so he could not start the transmission station at all.

There is only one way to get enough God stone, that is to resist the pressure of the God corpse, and take the space ring from the finger bone of the other party. I believe that there must be a god stone in the space ring of the God corpse.However, it is not easy to resist the oppression of the corpse.

In fact, it's more difficult than it is.

Even if the God died for countless years, there is still a trace of divine power in his bones, and this trace of divine power can crush any demigod.

"Try it first."

Leaving a space-time mark on the island, Li Fuchen began to return on his original way.


On the land of God's battlefield, Li Fuchen, with a solemn look, approached the God's corpse in the air.

The pressure of the God corpse is more terrible than Li Fuchen imagined. With the gradual approach, the semi divine power of the fire path in Li Fuchen's body is consumed rapidly.

At this speed, Li Fuchen couldn't get to the God corpse, let alone take the space ring from the finger bone of the God corpse.

"No, this corpse is too powerful."

Li Fuchen gives up the goal.

After trying again and again, Li Fuzhen gradually realized that the hierarchy of gods was also very strict.

The most powerful God corpse, even a hundred miles away, Li Fuchen can not get close to it, but this kind of God corpse is usually in the depth of the God's battlefield or some very dangerous places.

The second-class God corpse, ten miles apart, Li Fuchen can not continue.

Once again, Li Fuchen can barely get close.

At the last time, Li Fuchen can basically walk within 10 meters or even a few meters.

The most important target of corpse is Li.

However, the most common God corpse, on the contrary, occasionally encountered one, always close to contact.

Ten meters.

Eight meters.

Five meters.

Three meters.

Close, close

Li Fuchen's face showed a glimmer of joy. At this time, he was only one step away from the divine corpse, and the half divine power of the fire path in his body was probably more than 10%.

The God corpse is very big, the palm is several times bigger than Li's body.

On one of the finger bones, a huge space ring is worn on it.

"Come down."

The semi divine force of the fire path agitates to the limit, and Li Fuchen suddenly pulls the space ring down.

It may be the reason for touching the God corpse. The power of Li Fuzhen's fire path is more powerful, and the semi divine power of Li Fuchen's fire path is consumed by many times.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Fuchen has withdrawn to a certain distance.

"Is this the ring of God's space?"

Since there is no refining space ring, this ring still maintains its original size. It is not like a ring in your hand, but a circle of heaven and earth.

First of all, Li Fuchen injects the semi divine power of the fire path into the space ring.

The space ring didn't respond.

Next, Li Fuchen infuses the power of spirit.


The ring of space emits a glittering light, an illusory space, which appears in Li Fuchen's sight.

"It seems that only with the spirit, can we open the space ring of God, and change it to other people. Even if we give him the space ring of God, he can't open it."

The unreal space is not big, but it is very strong. It is countless times stronger than Li Fuchen's space ring.

In the illusory space, there are not many things, but the value of each piece is amazing.

The first thing to see is a piece of red metal the size of a palm.

"Divine metal?"

From this red metal, Li Fuchen felt the rich rules of the divine world. Compared with this red metal, the gold in Kunwu universe is not worth mentioning, just like soil.

"Ordinary demigods do not seem to be doped with divine metals or materials. Only the top demigods and the top demigods are doped with some divine metals and materials." The reason why the semi artifact is indestructible is not how good the materials are, but the people who refine the semi artifact are very skillful in their means, and have depicted many patterns of divine level utensils on them.

If you don't break the divine level weapon pattern, you can't destroy the semi artifact.

Beside the red metal, there is a flowerpot. In the flowerpot, there is some purple sand soil. A strong special vitality is contained in the purple sand soil. If it was not for Li Fuchen's spirit, it could not be detected.

Finally, beside the flowerpot, there are six sacred stones.

The reason why they are identified as divine stones is that the energy contained in them is too vast and pure. Compared with the best semi divine stones, it is the difference between sewage tanks and the Yangtze River.

"Just six stones? It seems that the divine stone is also very precious in the divine world. "

Li Fuchen didn't go to see other sundries, which were discarded in the corner of the illusory space. I don't think it's anything valuable. I can take a look at it later.

Afraid that the six sacred stones are not enough, Li Fuchen continues to look for the most important god corpse.

During this period, Li Fuchen's luck was good, and he found a super first-class peak space-time semiartifact.

In terms of the degree of rarity, although the super first-class peak semi artifact suit is not as good as the peak semi artifact suit, its rarity is enough to kill the latter.With this semi artifact of time and space, Li Fuchen's strength in time and space is at least no worse than that of Brahma.

Ten, twenty, thirty

It took tens of thousands of years to collect nearly 50 sacred stones.

The main and the second God corpse is too difficult to find, and only a small part of the last God corpse can be contacted by Li Fuchen, and the other pressure exceeds the endurance limit of Li Fuchen.

Following the time and space mark left before, Li Fuchen came to the island.

"I don't know if it will succeed this time."

Li Fuchen throws a magic stone into the slot of the conveyor.

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