Long Kun and meifete brought a lot of wealth to Li Fuchen. Roughly estimated, the two people's wealth together almost reached more than 200000 lower grade divine stones, and the pure inferior divine stones also had about 100000.

So many inferior divine stones are enough for Li Fuchen to raise his divine power to a very high level.

"This golden pupil is interesting."

Li Fuchen in the space ring of Longkun, found a pupil class under the magic skill.

This magic skill allows practitioners to easily see the light of metal deposits in the depths of the earth through the mountains and rocks.

According to the above, the more intense the divine light, the more precious the metal deposits.

"In some people's eyes, the value of the golden pupil is not inferior to the middle magic skill."

You know, even the lowest level of God level metal deposits, the value is very amazing, if it is a higher level of God level metal deposits, enough to make the upper God envious.

In only three days, Li Fuchen became a golden pupil.

When the golden pupil is activated, Li Fuchen's pupil becomes golden. As long as the metal is in sight, there will be light. The metal below the divine level emits very little light, which is almost invisible. The light of the divine metal is rich and bright.

In addition, Li Fuchen found that some of the top demigods and peak demigods also had brilliant divine light, which obviously contained divine metal.

70%, 80%.

With Li Fuchen's savvy, he easily practiced the golden pupil to 80%. Unfortunately, later, the difficulty of cultivation began to increase ten times and ten times.


City Lord's house.

The seven median gods come together.

"Lord, what is the origin of this Lord?

You don't know anything about it! " It was a strong man with a strong back and a strong back.

Qian Shi said, "what can I know? At that time, I dare to speak a little more. Whether I can sit here and talk to you is unknown."

"Longkun and meifett said that they would die. It's really changeable. In my opinion, no matter what the origin of this adult is, it has nothing to do with us. As long as we don't disturb him, he will not trouble us." Said another God.

Hearing the speech, the blood moon with a head of blood nodded, "it can easily defeat and even kill the city Lord, which shows that we can easily kill seven of us. It is indeed not to be provoked."

It is not easy for them to cultivate to the state of the middle God. If they die, they will die in vain.

Finally, Qianshi set the tone, not to provoke Li Fuchen, not to disturb Li Fuchen, if Li Fuchen has a request, at all costs to meet.


"It's thirteen thousand."

With plenty of inferior Shenshi, Li Fuchen's Kendo magic power improved rapidly, from 11000 to 13000 in three months.

Don't underestimate the promotion of the two thousand. It makes Li Fuchen's strength rise several times.

In addition, after he was promoted to the middle God, Li Fuchen's understanding of the rules of the divine world became more profound. Even if he did not reach the peak state of the middle God, he was afraid that it would not be far away.

In this case, there is no limit to the realm of magic sword. It is logical to upgrade it to the medium level magic skill, and the power is increased by unknown times.

"It's time to leave."

On the top floor of the castle, Li Fuchen looks down on the scenery below, and says in his heart.

For him, the wasteland city is still too small. He has never seen the scenery of the whole divine world. How can he stay in the wasteland city all the time.

Summon the city Lord Qianshi, Li Fuchen asked the other side about the situation.

Qian Shigong respectfully said: "the king of pale, the middle god beast in the gray wasteland, is stronger than me, but the strength is limited. It can't be the opponent of adults. Therefore, adults leave the gray wasteland without hindrance. After passing through the gray wasteland, it is the first level God City, the Eagle City has more than ten middle gods..."

Qianshi introduced the surrounding situation in detail.

When it comes to misty mountain, Qian Shi's face is much more dignified. "Misty mountain is very dangerous. Even if it is a middle God, it is difficult to walk in it. In addition to the existence of divine animals, there are also various kinds of strange god level life. Among them, one kind of God level life is called misty giant, whose strength has reached the level of upper God. In front of him, the middle God is only food rations, and this is also a kind of God level life It's the outside. If it's inside, nobody knows what's going on inside. "

"It's a little dangerous." Li Fuchen nodded.


The next day, Li Fuchen left.

He did not die, to the direction of the misty mountains, but chose the gray wasteland.

On the way, Li Fuchen met many supernatural animals.

However, under the influence of Li Fuchen's divine power, these lower deities trembled one by one. How dare they attack Li Fuchen.

Even if it was a medium level beast, sensing the breath of Li Fushen, they all fled far away and did not dare to approach.

In this way, Li Fuchen swaggered through the gray wasteland, came to the more vast Eagle grassland.On the eagle grassland, there is a first-class God City, Eagle City.

The city of eagle is more prosperous than that of the wasteland City, and the number of middle gods is almost twice as many as that of the wasteland City, with more than ten people.

After staying in Eagle City for a few days, Li Fuchen left again.

His goal is a secondary city.

No matter how prosperous the first level God city is, it is only suitable for the lower gods, and there are few resources for the middle gods.

Like Qianshi in the wasteland City, every few years, they go to the secondary God city and buy a lot of cultivation resources.

"Is this the divine scenery? As expected, it is strange, mysterious and magnificent. "

All the way, Li Fuchen's horizons widened, I don't know how many times.

In the divine world, there are three life camps, namely the protoss, the divine orcs and all kinds of strange divine life.

The protoss is the most intelligent ethnic group, which includes the Terran, Titan, demon, blood and other thousands of high wisdom races.

The orc family is a native of the divine world. It is very difficult for them to transform themselves into human beings. Generally, only when they reach the realm of true gods can they be transformed into human beings.

As for the strange god level life, it is relatively rare in the divine world. Generally, this kind of God level life only appears in some rare and dangerous places.

"I didn't expect that in the divine world, I became a Protoss."

Li Fuchen gave a bitter smile.

In Kunwu universe, he took the lead in destroying the Protoss.

Of course, he also knows that the protoss of Kunwu universe is not a specific race. As long as it is the blood left by God, it can be called a Protoss.

For example, if Li Fuchen left blood in Kunwu universe, then his descendants can naturally be called the Protoss.


The nearest second level God city is far away from the Eagle City. It took Li Fuzhen several months to get there.

The second level city is called ziyue City, which is dozens of times as prosperous as the wasteland city and more than ten times as much as that of the Eagle City.

Different from the first level God City, purple moon city has upper gods, although there are only three upper gods.

As for the median gods, there are many. There are not a thousand, but eight hundred.

The lower gods, not to mention, are all over the street.

"It's said that artifact will occasionally appear in the auction of the second level holy city. I don't know if I have this luck."

Entering the purple moon city, Li Fuchen was immediately attracted by the unique environment of purple moon city.

In the sky above the purple moon city, there is a purple moon hanging there.

Li Fuchen can see that the purple moon is the power of the divine array.

It is estimated that the level of the divine array is at least two-star level.

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