"Appeared, Jiao Kun's superior magic skill - swallow God."

There are two kinds of core disciples, one is to create the upper level magic, the other is not to create the upper level magic.

Jiao Kun can create superior magic skills. Among the core disciples, he is also a strong one.

Swallowing God is obviously a magic skill of time and space. With the giant beast opening its mouth, a terrifying force of time and space shrouds Li Fuchen.

"No more."

The crowd shook their heads.

They have seen Jiao Kun display swallowing God, and they are very clear in their hearts that once they are swallowed, unless their strength exceeds that of Jiao Kun, otherwise, they will never escape, or they will not give each other a chance to swallow God.

Time and space magic has always been more difficult to deal with, and only one or two of the same level of domain God skills can be suppressed.

"Fortunately, I've also created a high-level pyrotechnics." Li Fuchen's right hand surface magma flow, and then suddenly a claw out.

The upper huodao magic skill - burning God claw.

Silent, there is a hot claw mark in the void, which seems to have been branded into the depth of time and space, and the force of space and time can not affect it at all.


The void between the two people ups and downs, as if the calm lake set off the waves.


A claw mark suddenly appeared on the giant beast on the top of the horn Kun, and its momentum was one ton.

Soon more claw marks appeared on the beast.

Finally, the beast turned to ashes and disintegrated.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jiao Kun flew out with his face full of disbelief.

The other side has created a medium upper level magic skill.

He became a superior God for thousands of years, but he failed to create a medium level of superior skills. People are really angry than people.

"It's really amazing to be in the middle level."

"Yes, we all underestimate him. Among the core disciples, there are a lot of people who have created medium and high level magic skills, but they all take time to grind them out."

"Jiao Kun was not unjustly defeated. Li Fuchen was better than Jiao Kun in terms of the degree of integration of gods and powers, or upper level magic skills, and his divine power index was lower."

People look at Li Fuchen's eyes, there are a lot of changes, perhaps this Li Fuchen, talent and understanding is really not inferior to the dongyangzong's top ten talents.

After defeating Jiao Kun, Li Fuchen did not make any more moves.

This medium upper huodao magic skill, burning God claw, was created by him a few days ago, mainly to exchange contribution value.

After all, if you exchange more than 3 million ordinary skills, you can contribute about 4 million.

Of course, he didn't expect that the first high-level magic skill created by him was actually a medium-sized upper level magic skill, rather than an ordinary upper level magic skill.

"When he broke through that day, it was Kendo power. What was the matter with huodao power and huodao magic skill?" Dongyang Qianyu vaguely guessed that Li Fuchen should be clumsy. The real means of the other party should be Kendo, not huodao.

However, the fire path is so powerful, what level should the opponent's Kendo reach.

Dongyang thousand rain unimaginable.

"It seems that I have found treasure this time. If I go to the spirit graveyard next time, I will get more." Dongyang Qianyu's eyes are shining.

Seeing Li Fuchen defeat Jiao Kun, niekui's face was gloomy for a moment, and then he said with a smile: "younger martial sister Qianyu, I'm my word. I won't disturb you in the exchange meeting. However, if other people want to challenge him, I can't control it."

"It won't bother you."

Dongyang Qianyu frowned. To tell the truth, she regretted bringing Li Fuchen to the exchange meeting. However, the exchange meeting invited by elder martial brother Guangwu could not come. After all, elder martial brother Guangwu was destined to be promoted to Zhenshen within 100 years, and his status was extraordinary.

"Ha ha, I've kept you waiting."

At this time, a loud voice spread throughout the audience.

The crowd looked up, and in mid air, a bald young man with light all over his body fell down.

"The power index is 200000."

Li Fuchen eyebrows a pick, the other party's divine power index, actually reached 200000, and the spirit and divine power fusion degree seems to be very high, not under himself.

"Here comes elder martial brother Guangwu."

"What a terrible pressure. It's like the sun in the sky."

The pressure brought about by the 200000 divine power index is incomparable. It is like ordinary people facing the sun. The sun just gives off light and heat, which makes people feel awe and small.

"According to the old rules, everyone who comes to the exchange meeting will get a lower grade spirit fruit." With a wave of Guangwu's hand, yellow fruits the size of longan fly to the public.

Take the yellow fruit, everyone's face is happy.

"There are only spirit and God cemeteries. Although this is only the inferior spirit fruit, it is of great value because it can accelerate the process of the integration of the spirit and the divine power. The key is that there is no outside world except the spirit and God cemetery. Only 20 places in Dongyang sect enter the spirit and God cemetery every 50 years.""All of a sudden, only elder martial brother Guangwu has the confidence to take out so many inferior spiritual fruits."

Listening to people's comments, Li Fuchen looked down at the fruit.

The whole body of this holy fruit is like yellow jade. After careful observation, we can find that there is an orange yellow thin line running around inside the fruit, which looks quite spiritual.

"The inferior spirit fruit belongs to the two star God fruit, which is very helpful to the upper gods whose fusion degree of gods and divine power is less than 40%. It has little effect if it exceeds four achievements, and has no effect at all if it exceeds 45% Dongyang Qianyu's spirit and power fusion degree is exactly 45%.

"Is it? I don't know how it tastes Li Fuchen swallowed the spirit fruit.

At the entrance of the spirit fruit, it melted into a warm current and scattered into Li Fushen's four limbs and hundreds of bones.

"It's delicious. The effect is really negligible."

Li Fuchen's spirit and power fusion degree is 49%, and only Guangwu can match him.

"I have a middle-class spirit fruit here, which may be helpful to you." Dongyang Qianyu turns his hand and a dark yellow holy fruit appears in his hand and hands it to Li Fuchen.

"Middle grade spirit fruit?"

Li Fuchen looked at the past.

Dongyang Qianyu explained: "the middle grade spirit fruit corresponds to the three star divine fruit, which has a trace of help to the next true God."

Li Fuchen did not take over the spirit of the fruit, said: "you need it more, I will not please."

Dongyang Qianyu said: "in fact, I am selfish. Next time the spirit cemetery opens, I hope you can join my team." In exchange for an expert, Dongyang Qianyu thinks it's worth it. The key is that it's still some time before the tomb is opened. In this period of time, who knows what progress Li Fuchen has made.

"Where is the spirit cemetery? Can you take people in as you like?" Li asked.

Dongyang Qianyu said: "the spirit and God cemetery is not in the Yuguang divine world, but in the nearby small thousand deities Bohai god world. The transmission array that our dongyangzong and Qianyu Kingdom compete for leads to the Bohai god world.

As for the spirit God graveyard, it is a dangerous place formed by a spirit God falling into the Bohai sea god world after his death. You should know that the spirit God is the super existence above the true God. They are not allowed to enter the small thousand god world before they are alive. The main reason is that their strength is too strong. The spirit and the divine power have already been fully integrated. Just the breath of divine power can change the environment of Xiaoqian god world 。

Influenced by the breath of the corpses, there are both dangers and opportunities in the cemetery, such as inferior, middle and even top grade fruits.

However, after all, the spirit and God cemetery is only a dangerous place formed by the corpses of spirits and gods, and the time and space is not so stable. If the real God enters, it will cause the space-time collapse of the spirit and God cemetery, causing unpredictable consequences. Moreover, the spirit and God cemetery in Bohai Sea is in a state of dilapidation. The real God can't enter, and the upper God can't go in too much at once.

There are 20 upper gods in Dongyang sect, 24 in Qianyu Kingdom, and 5 in Bohai Kingdom, with 256 upper gods.

Therefore, the total number of people entering the spirit cemetery is 300.

"Three hundred?" Li Fuchen nodded.

Dongyang Qianyu then said, "before the next spiritual cemetery is opened, there will be a martial arts competition among the core disciples. The top 20 are the candidates to enter the spirit cemetery. I believe you will be one of them." If Li Fuchen can't get into the top 20, it's no use joining her team.

"I try my best." Li Fuchen is very interested in the spirit cemetery.

After handing out the second grade spirit fruit, Guangwu continued: "the purpose of my exchange meeting is to let everyone exchange skills and make progress together. The best way to exchange skills is to exchange skills. In addition to inferior spirit fruits, I also prepared ten spirit blood crystals. Those who win three games in a row can get one spirit blood crystal. The losers should not be discouraged. I'm inferior here There are so many gods and gods that the loser can get a second grade spirit fruit. "

Guangwu voice just fell, the peak boiling.

the crystal of spirit is good stuff, it is the blood of the soul after long years, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

If we say that the inferior spirit fruit can speed up the fusion process of the spirit and the divine power, then the spirit God blood crystal can make the God's life level progress, and once the life level evolves, it will also drive the state progress.

What is the biggest difference between ordinary God and true God? Is it not the difference of life level?

It's no exaggeration to say that if a lower god gets a spirit blood crystal, he can be promoted to the middle God in an instant. If a middle god gets the blood crystal of the lower spirit God, it is not difficult to be promoted to the upper God as long as a little accumulation is needed.

The high, the high, and even the lower gods can help if the gods are high enough.

Of course, people also know that the ten spirit blood crystals taken out by Guangwu can not be the middle level spirit blood crystals, but should be the lower level spirit God blood crystals. If there is a middle level spirit blood crystal, Guangwu will only keep them for their own use. Who would be stupid to take them out.As for whether Guangwu has the blood crystal of the spirit God, it is not known.

With the lottery, the exchange meeting suddenly became lively, and everyone was eager to try.

"I'm the first to come."

A chubby core disciple jumped into the open space.

"I'll meet you."

Seeing someone go up, the others can't help it.

In the open space, the two fight.

It can be seen that the strength of both men is very strong, which is no less than that of Jiao Kun, and the intermediate magic skills of the extreme level frequently fight against each other.

"A thunderbolt."

"Infinite blade."

In the end, both of them broke out the ordinary level superior magic skill.

After a moment of stalemate, the short and plump core disciple was better at skills, and a thunderbolt flew the opponent and won the first victory.

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