At the top of the floating dust peak, Li Fuchen stood in the wind, quietly feeling the rules of Kendo between heaven and earth.

His Kendo realm has already reached the level of half step true God, and the spirit understanding is the level of middle true God and even upper level true God. It is not difficult for him to break through Kendo skill as long as he takes some time.

Of course, who doesn't want his progress to be faster? If he can, Li Fuchen hopes to break through all the five Kendo skills to the top level in a short time.

Li Fuchen wants to practice meditation, but some people will not.

In the distant sky, a dark shadow came.

It's nekui.

"I don't know what elder martial brother niekui wants me to do?" As a last resort, Li Fuchen doesn't want to tear his face with niekui.

Falling on the top of the floating dust peak, niekui said with a smile, "younger martial brother Li, you and I are both disciples of Dongyang sect. It's reasonable to visit each other. Why don't you welcome me?"

"Of course not." Li Fuchen did not comment.

Niekui light smile, "I come to see you, there is something, I directly come to the point! I think you have a good talent. I don't know if you would like to join my faction. Don't rush to refuse. I won't let you join in for nothing. As long as you nod your head, you can immediately get an extreme medium artifact. In addition, you can also choose three three star magic pills. " He thinks that this condition is very generous, normal people will not refuse.

Unfortunately, he met Li Fuchen.

Shaking his head, Li Fuchen said, "elder martial brother niekui, I'm sorry, I won't join."

Let's not say that he and niekui don't deal with each other, even if he looks good to each other, he won't join the other party's faction.

"Ha ha, everyone has his own ambition. Although I'm a little sorry, I won't force you either." Niekui looked overcast for a moment, and then he said with a smile: "at the exchange meeting that day, I don't think that Li Shidi did his best. I think the opponent is too weak to let you play all your fighting power. I'm free today. I'm not as good as you and I have a duel."

Without waiting for Li Fuchen's consent, two purple thunder and lightning burst out from niekui's eyes, stabbing Li's eyes.

The ultimate medium magic skill - Purple electricity magic eye.

Although the purple electric magic eye is only the ultimate level medium level magic skill, it is more powerful than the ordinary core disciple's upper level magic skill when it is used in the hands of niekui. This is mainly because the magic power index of nekui is as high as 170000, and the degree of integration of gods and powers has reached 48%.


Although niekui launched the purple electric magic eye very fast, and some elements of sneak attack were in it. It would have been bad for him to change to other people. It is a pity that his luck was very bad. Li Fuchen, who promoted the broken spirit to the upper level, was not afraid of sneaking attack. The purple lightning hit his eyes, but he just jumped a few times and then burst out, leaving no trace Next.

"Body and skill?"

Neville was startled.

The purple electricity magic eye did not hurt li Fuchen, niekui some accident, but not too surprised.

After all, no matter how it is said, the purple electric magic eye is only the ultimate intermediate magic skill. It starts faster and conceals a little, which makes people unable to defend. In terms of pure power, it is always lacking, which is far from superior magic skill.

But Li Fuchen is unprepared, can hard resist a purple electricity magic eye, this let him be surprised.

In his opinion, Li Fuchen must be proficient in a divinity, and it is a superior divinity.

The difference between shenti and other magical skills lies in that even if they do not take the initiative to perform them, the spirit body of practitioners will also have the characteristics of Divine Body skills, but the effect is poor.

In other words, it is basically a waste of effort to attack the God who practices the spirit body skills.

There is only one way to defeat the God who cultivates his body skills, that is, frontal rout.

Of course, if you have a special means, that's the other two.

"Interesting, purple lightning Yin thunder knife."

One move failed, and nekui made a second move.

Ordinary level superior magic skill - Purple electricity Yin thunder sword.

He saw that his right hand was as straight as a knife, and a palm knife slashed Li Fuchen.

As the palm knife cleaved to Li Fuchen, a dark lightning knife light poured down like a lightning waterfall, hitting the peak of the floating dust peak.

It's no exaggeration to say that if Li Fuchen can't block this blow, the whole floating dust peak will be divided into two parts by one knife.

"The sea of Swords is boundless."

In the face of nekui's fierce attack, Li Fuchen has no reservation, and kendo strength breaks out in an all-round way.

In these days, Li Fuchen's Kendo magic power has reached 150000, which is not as good as that of nekui's 170000. However, the fusion degree of Li Fuchen's spirit and power is higher than that of the other side, reaching 49% as early as now.

Therefore, from the perspective of the explosion of divine power, Li Fuchen is not more than nequison.

As for magic.

Nekui's Zidian yinlei Dao is just a common upper level magic skill, while Li Fuchen's sword sea is boundless, but it is a medium level superior magic skill.

The terrible sword pressure filled the air, and the lightning knife fell from the sky like a waterfall. The speed of light became slower and slower. Finally, it seemed to be frozen and became a splendid spectacle."His power?"

Niekui found himself belittling Li Fuchen.

The power of the other side is ten times stronger than he imagined, and is not weaker than himself.

Is this still a new high God, a new core disciple?

Is there any adventure?

When he found that he underestimated Li Fuchen, niekui adjusted his mentality for the first time. Next, he would take Li Fuchen seriously, instead of just using ordinary magic tricks to test him.

It is not the style of Li Fuchen to be beaten passively all the time. As soon as the sword sea is boundless, the Qianyang sword in Li Fuchen's hand is closely followed by the scabbard. The shadow of the sword is like a storm, like thousands of arrows firing at the same time, like a thousand streams of returning to the sect and pouring towards nirkui.

Middle level superior magic skill -- ten thousand swords belong to the clan.

His body is shrouded in Li Fuchen's Kendo field. Both his reaction speed and his body movements are much slower than usual. However, there is no panic on his face. Some are confident and calm.

"You have the divine body skill, I also have the Divine Body divine skill, does not destroy the devil body."

His body suddenly turned black, just like metal black, even his clothes and hair were like this. A domineering breath came from his body.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

The shadow of ten thousand swords fell on nekui, just splashing countless sparks, which could not break the spirit of nekui.

"The rule of immortality?"

Li Fuchen frowned.

There are attributes of divine body and divine skill, such as fire way, thunder and lightning, and immortality.

Among them, the divine body skill with indestructible attribute is the most powerful, just as his broken spirit body contains the destruction attribute.

"Well, compared with your body and skill, how about my immortal body?"

He is very proud of his immortal body.

This is one of the means that he relies on very much, second only to blood skill.

However, it is a pity that the immortal body was not created by him, but a unique superior skill of Nirvana family.

If he didn't kill the devil, he created his own body. No one in the core disciples could break his defense, nor could Guangwu.

"Sword spirit returns to yuan."

Middle level upper level Kendo magic skill is not good, Li Fuchen immediately displays excellent level upper level Kendo magic skill, sword spirit returns to yuan.

The fierce sword Qi, centered on nekui, explodes wildly.

It's a pity that the sword Qi never penetrated into the body of nekui.

In the past, Li Fuchen used to deal with the enemy. With this sword, the enemy's body was like a hedgehog, and countless sword lights came out.

"It's no use. It's not to destroy the demon body, but it's a perfect superior skill. You can't break it. Now it's my turn to attack, bu Mie Lei Dao."

With a single hand of niekui, a black lightning knife flashed out, and slashed to Li Fuchen obliquely.

Before the light of the knife came, Li Fuchen had already felt a terrible thunder and lightning rule and the rule of immortality.

Obviously, this move is superior magic skill, which contains the dual attributes of lightning and immortality.

In the Kendo field, the speed of black lightning knife is not fast, even slow.

With one sword, the light of black lightning knife is broken.

But at the next moment, the light of the broken black thunder and lightning knife gathered again and chopped Li Fuchen again.

"Undeniable rule."

Li Fuchen is not surprised.

If the rule of immortality is so easy to deal with, it is not the rule of immortality.

"Hey, don't kill thunder blade storm."

And when Kuitun's body turns, the black sword pours out.

As a medium level superior magic skill, the power of Bu Mie thunder Sabre is nothing, but the rule of immortality contained in it makes it suddenly become tall and powerful.

To a certain extent, the undeniable thunder Sabre is more terrible than the excellent superior magic skill.

"I'm looking down on each other."

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed sharp meaning, hundreds of sword Qi burst out of Li Fuchen's body, toward the light of niekui and the black lightning knife, and the momentum was terrible.

Excellent level superior magic skill Guiyuan sword.

As the most powerful move of Yuanji sword, Guiyuan sword is not only very powerful, but also has no limit at all.

It is different from wanjian Guizong. Although wanjian Guizong can produce more sword Qi, the power of each sword Qi is weakened, only winning by quantity.

The sword Qi of Guiyuan sword phase is a complete power of Guiyuan sword phase, that is to say, every move is an excellent superior skill.

Puff, puff, puff

black knives came out of the black knives, and the sword was blowing like bubbles.

The gap between the two is too big. What's more, this is in Li Fuchen's Kendo field. The light of nenkui's black lightning knife has been weakened a lot. The rule of immortality in the light of black thunder and lightning knife is quickly consumed, and it can't play a significant role.After breaking the light of the black lightning knife, he submerged nekui.

Ding Ding Ding Ding

In the beginning, nekui's immortal body could hold on to one or two.

But after a few breaths, he had a wound.

Puff, puff

Under the cutting of sword Qi, the small wound is expanding and deepening, and it seems that it is about to penetrate into it.

"Asshole, wipe out the light."

Two dazzling white rays swept through, and all the sword Qi was eliminated.

"Is it blood magic again?"

Li Fuchen raised his head and his eyes were more dignified.

The same is the blood skill. Different people exert different powers. Whether it is the magic power index or the degree of the integration of the spirit and the divine power, nekui should be above the thousand rain of Dongyang. Naturally, the blood skill displayed should be above the thousand rain of Dongyang.

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