The artifact hall is divided into many areas, including huodao artifact area, waterway artifact area, Kendo artifact area, Dao artifact area, and of course, multi-attribute artifact area and special artifact area.

Li Fuchen's huodao strength is the strongest, naturally came to the huodao artifact area first.

The fire way artifact area is subdivided into attack fire artifact area, defense fire artifact area and so on.

"The blue flame glove, the ultimate medium fire path attack artifact, is worth 10 million contribution points, and requires three star contribution level."

"Dragon Tattoo armor, extreme level medium fire path defense artifact, worth 15 million contribution value, requires three stars contribution level."

"The flame cloak, the ultimate level medium level artifact of huodao, is worth 12 million contribution value, which requires three stars to contribute."

In one breath, Li Fuchen exchanged three extreme level medium fire Dao artifact, which cost him 37 million contribution value.

Next, Li Fuchen came to the Kendo artifact area and chose an extreme medium Kendo artifact emperor Yang Sword, which cost him 13 million contribution value.

Finally, the space-time artifact area.

Space time artifact is a rare artifact. The higher the artifact is, the less rare it is.

Li Fuchen took a look at it. The number of space-time artifact in the space-time artifact area is similar to that in other regions. There are not many middle artifact. Moreover, the price of each artifact is extremely expensive, which is several times or even ten times that of other artifacts in the same level.

"Flying shadow boots, excellent level medium space-time artifact, worth 8 million contribution value, need three-star contribution level."

Seeing the price of an excellent medium space-time artifact, Li Fuchen couldn't help but wink.

It's too expensive. It's just an excellent medium space-time artifact, and its price is catching up with that of the extreme level.

But after thinking about it for a while, Li Fuchen was relieved.

In the divine world, there are too few people who can practice the spirit of time and space. Fewer forgers can refine the artifact of time and space. The rarity of things is more expensive, which naturally leads to the high price of space-time artifact.

In addition, the materials for refining the artifact of time and space are rare in the divine world, unlike other artifacts with other properties, they can be seen everywhere.

There are few people to practice, few people to refine, and few materials. There is no reason why the artifact of time and space is not expensive.

There are not many space-time artifacts for Li Fuchen to choose from. There are only seven or eight space-time artifacts in the extreme level.

"The air sweeping ring, the ultimate level medium space-time artifact, is worth 80 million contribution value, and requires three-star contribution level."

"The empty necklace, the ultimate level medium space-time artifact, is worth 150 million contribution value, which requires three-star contribution level."

Without any hesitation, Li Fuchen won two ultimate level medium space-time artifact.

In this way, together with the huodao and kendo artifacts, Li Fuchen spent a total of 280 million contribution value, leaving 124 million contribution value.

It can be said that contribution value comes and goes quickly.

Of course, Li Fuchen doesn't care at all.

The contribution value is not inferior to the God stone. The more you accumulate, the better. You should use it to increase your own strength. You don't have to go out. The contribution value is actually a pile of numbers, which has no meaning.

Leaving the artifact hall, Li Fuchen came to the magic hall again.

Last time he didn't contribute value to exchange for high-level space-time magic skills. This time, he has.

The upper level space-time magic skill has about one million contribution value of ordinary level, more than five million of medium level, more than 30 million of excellent level, and more than 200 million of perfect level. As for the upper level space-time magic skill of extreme level, there is none.

What Li Fuchen doesn't know is that at this stage, only a few of the core disciples of Dongyang sect can create ordinary level upper level spatiotemporal magic skills. Above ordinary level, all of them are created by the former core disciples, even the true God elder.

And the ultimate level of superior time and space magic, the true God elders can not create, in the history of Dongyang sect, no one has achieved great achievements in time and space together.

"Let's choose two excellent superior spatiotemporal skills first!"

Li Fuchen's space-time wings are excellent superior spatiotemporal skills. He wants to see what difference there is between other people's excellent level superior space-time magic skills and his own, and whose attainments are higher.

Li Fuchen spent another 80 million yuan on his two skills of time and space, and he still had more than 44 million yuan left.


Floating dust peak.

Li Fuchen refined the artifact he exchanged one by one.

The blue flame glove, as the name suggests, is a glove that increases the fire path attack.

Dragon Tattoo armor can not only provide defense, but also increase the power of fire path.

The flame can increase the speed of the cloak.

Diyang sword, increase sword attack.

Skimming ring can increase the space-time attack, and can retrieve things quietly from the air.

Empty necklace, body virtual, into time and space.

These six extreme level intermediate artifact are extremely useful to Li Fuchen, which greatly improves Li's strength.

Next, Li Fuchen began to understand the magic of time and space in exchange.

These two excellent level superior time and space magic skills, one is called Flying illusion, the other is called time and space wheel.Flying mirage is similar to the wings of space and time. It is a kind of space-time magic skill of body method and speed.

The space-time wheel is a multi-purpose space-time magic skill, which can be used to attack and defend, and can also affect the surrounding space-time and generate space-time force field.

Floating dust peak, breeze blowing.

Li Fuchen's body rose up in a vertical direction. Without a sound, he turned into three illusions. These three illusions flew in different directions, only one flicker, then disappeared. After a while, Li Fuchen's figure reappeared in the same place.

The first part of the mirage in the sky.

"More mysterious than my wings of time and space."

Li Fuchen praised.

The illusion of flying in the sky is too mysterious. Although Li Fuchen's wings of time and space are magic skills of time and space, they actually contain more space rules and less time rules, which are somewhat unbalanced.

But the flying mirage is different, it contains almost the same rules of space and time.

As a result, although Li's wings of time and space are very fast on the road, and a flicker can move them far away, they are easy to crack in front of real experts.

In comparison, the flying phantom is much more difficult to crack. The three illusions just now are actually Li Fuchen's real body, and at the same time, all of them are Li Fuchen's body.

It's the result of different timelines.

In other words, unless we can intercept three illusions at once, it is impossible to leave Li Fuchen.

This is only the first level of the flying phantom.

There are three levels of illusion in the sky.

The first level is three illusions, the second level is nine illusions, the third level, that is, the highest level, is a mirage. However, this illusion is very mysterious. If the attack power is not strong enough, we can't attack this illusion at all.

Of course, it is impossible for people who study flying illusions to reach the highest level. Only those who create them can cultivate them to the highest level. This has nothing to do with savvy.

As the days went by, Li Fuchen's understanding of the illusion of flying into the sky became deeper and deeper. He admired the people who created the illusion of flying, and the space-time accomplishments of the other party were obviously above him.

What Li Fuchen didn't know was that the man who created the illusion of flying into the sky was a true God elder of Dongyang sect. Although the elder of true God was not majoring in space and time, the real God was after all the true God. It was not easy to create the superior space-time magic skill.

At the same time, Li Fuchen did not forget to study Kendo magic.

At present, although his Kendo strength is not comparable to the strength of the fire, but in terms of talent, huodao talent is far less than Kendo talent.

As the saying goes, gathering sand into a tower, accumulating water into an abyss, and accumulating martial arts are actually in ordinary times. One day, when his Kendo accumulation reaches an extremely strong level, he will surely accumulate a lot.

Three months later.

"The four moves Yuanji sword technique has reached the perfect level, and the level of the upper level skill has also improved a little. It is not too far away from the lower level true God realm. In addition, the second level of Feikong phantom has finally been practiced."

In three months, Li Fuchen successfully became the second level of flying mirage. In one instant, he turned out nine illusions. In addition to being slower than the wings of time and space, everything else was above the wings of space and time.

Now, Li Fuchen has begun to practice another excellent level of space-time magic wheel.

Compared with taking off the air mirage, the training difficulty of the wheel of time and space is higher, and the degree of mystery is also higher.

As soon as the wheel of space-time rotates, the space-time in the area where it is located will produce a freeze frame in an instant.

The deeper the fire, the longer the freeze time.

Of course, this long time, in the eyes of the outside world, is estimated to be a blink of an eye, but for people trapped in this space-time, it is enough to drive people crazy.

The time from the opening of Lingshen cemetery is getting closer and closer. All the core disciples of dongyangzong rush back.

The spirit and God cemetery is a place of opportunity. Even the real God is very envious. If it is not impossible to enter, it will not be the core disciple of the upper God realm.

Dongyangzong, Nirvana family.

"Niekui, the family has spent a lot of money to upgrade your blood skill Nirvana light from the perfect level to the extreme level. This time you enter the spirit graveyard, you must bring enough benefits for the family." The man who spoke was NESHAN, the father of nekui, a lower true God.

"Father, don't worry. You know the power of the nirvana light of my Nirvana family. Moreover, the fusion degree of my gods and powers has reached 49%, which is not inferior to anyone else." Niekui is confident.

Hearing the speech, Nie Shan nods.

Although niekui's talent and understanding are not so top-notch, with the full training of his family, he can rank at least in the top three among the core disciples and enter the spirit graveyard, so as not to gain nothing.

When he thinks about the spirits and spirits in the spirit tomb, he is full of longing. If he can get a spirit spirit, he can at least save thousands of years of hard work. If he can get enough spirits and spirits, he can step into the middle true God state in the future.

"Li Fuchen, I hope you don't meet me in the spirit cemetery."While Nishan is thinking about his mind, he is also thinking about his mind.

However, the thought that he had lost two upper artifact made nekui angry again.

He didn't have two upper artifact himself. He borrowed them from his family.

Fortunately, the family will lend him some upper artifact once again when he enters the spirit graveyard. If he performs well, the upper artifact will not be returned.

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