These two real magic skills of huodao, one is called the body of true fire, the other is called fire dragon claw.

As the name implies, the body of true fire is the divine body skill, and the fire dragon claw is the attack skill.

Although it is a lower level real magic skill, it is not difficult to practice it with Li Fuchen's understanding and huodao rules. In just a few months, Li Fuchen successfully practiced the two real magic skills of huodao. Although its power is not as powerful as that of the original creator, it is at least much better than that of the ultimate level.

With two ordinary lower level huodao real magic skills as the foundation, Li Fuchen then exchanged two middle level lower level huodao real magic skills, which cost him 4 billion contribution value.

This time, it took a full year for Li Fuchen to cultivate the real magic skills of the two fire paths.

There is no luxury to exchange for two excellent lower level huodao magic skills. It is too expensive. One should contribute 10 billion yuan. Li Fuchen decided to save some money and exchange one first.

In two months, Li Fuchen successfully practiced the real magic skill of this fire path, and the speed was amazing.

It's not that Li Fuchen's understanding broke out. It's because in the past year and a half, Li Fuchen not only practiced the true magic skills of huodao, but also understood the spirits and spirits. Finally, his huodao regular state broke through from the peak of the lower true God to the initial state of the middle true God. The speed of practicing huodao's true magic skill was naturally much faster.

Unfortunately, all the spirits and blood crystals were taken, but Li Fuchen's life state still failed to break through to the lower true God. At present, he is in the peak stage of the upper God, and there is still a long way to go before the upper God is complete.

On the other hand, the degree of fusion between the gods and the huodao divine power has increased to 60% due to the dozens of top-grade spirit fruits, and the fusion degree of gods and kendo powers has increased to 55%.

Generally speaking, the fusion degree of the lower true God is about 50% to 60%, the middle true God is about 70% to 80%, and the upper true God is more than 90%.

Li Fuchen's divine spirit and the fire way divine power fusion degree, has no doubt reached the lower true God peak, is approaching toward the middle true God.

"It's time to create your own way of fire."

Li Fuchen already has a frame in his mind. Now what he has to do is to fill it with his own things.


"Iron hand."

Floating dust peak, Li Fuchen a palm shot, like a red iron like palm print fly out, the space is baking twist up.

"No, the temperature is not high enough."

Li Fuchen shook his head.

What he wants to create is a magic skill. The artistic conception is very simple, that is, the extreme high temperature.

But sometimes, the more simple things, the more terrifying, the more primitive.

Temperature is not something that you can rise if you want to. There must be a driving force to promote it. The generation of this power is the key to creating extreme high temperature.

"It looks like a trip to the lava Grand Canyon."

Li Fuchen used to be afraid of the lava Lord, but now Li Fuchen doesn't think it's necessary to be afraid of each other.


Lava Grand Canyon, as usual, hot and quiet.

When he came to the cave, Li Fuzhen found that the lava Lord had not gone to sleep, and was still walking back and forth.

When he saw Li Fuchen, the lava Lord's eyes flashed with fire. He did not forget Li Fuchen.


Wisdom is not too high, he slapped it.

"Fire dragon claw!"

Li Fuchen's right hand is claw like, and a claw meets him.


Although he was blown out, Li Fuchen was not hurt.

"Come on, fire."

The flaming fist of fire is on the lava Lord.

It's just that the lava Lord's defense is too strong. This blow does not even qualify the lava Lord to retreat.

After several hundred rounds, Li Fuzhen roughly understood his strength.

Compared with the lava Lord, the strength of your own fire path is poor, but the difference is limited. However, the lava Lord's defense is too strong. Even if you are ten times stronger, you can't kill the lava Lord.

Try to find out his own strength, Li Fuchen naturally will not waste time, flash into the cave.

Last time, he could see more of the rules of his way of fire.

"Iron hand!"

On this day, the endless power of the fire path converged on Li Fushen's right hand, and then sharply compressed and condensed. The next moment, Li Fuchen clapped his palm on the stone wall.


The impregnable stone wall, appeared a shallow burnt black palm print.


When the will of the divine world's fire path rules came, Li Fushen's body condensed a flame palm mark, which was the mark of true magic skill, and it was not the mark of ordinary lower level true magic skill, but the mark of middle level lower level true magic skill.

The power of a self-made medium level lower level real magic skill is stronger than learning other people's perfect lower level real magic skill. As for whether there is an extreme level lower level real magic skill, Li Fuchen doesn't know."The Hokkaido is almost at the bottleneck. Next, we should focus on kendo."

Li Fuchen is not a short-sighted person. He will not ignore Kendo because of its strong strength. Huodao is only used to protect his life. Kendo is his way.

Back in dongyangzong, Li Fuchen began to concentrate on kendo.

Consuming many spirits and spirits, Li Fuchen's regular state of Kendo is rising steadily.

When there were only a few spirits left, Li Fuchen's Kendo rules were finally promoted to the middle level of the next true God.

"The Kendo rules contained in it are too few."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

After understanding more than 50 spirit spirits, Li Fuchen found that the spirit God in the spirit God cemetery should major in the golden rule, followed by the space rule and the wind rule, and then the fire rule, wood rule, Taiyin rule and other rules. As for the Kendo rule, the opponent obviously only dabbled in it. If the opponent majored in kendo rules, his own Kendo rule realm, most of which can be promoted to the later state of the lower true God.

"But it's enough. You can't be greedy."

After the Kendo realm was improved, Li Fuchen went to the magic hall again.

Compared with the real Kendo magic, the price of Kendo real magic skill is about twice as expensive. One ordinary lower level Kendo real magic skill has a billion contribution value, a middle level lower level Kendo real magic skill is worth 5 billion, and the excellent level is 25 billion.

Without any hesitation, Li Fuchen chose two common level lower level Kendo real magic skills, two middle level lower level real Kendo magic skills, and one excellent lower level Kendo true magic skills. The total cost of his contribution value was 37 billion yuan. Plus the contribution value spent on the huodao real magic skill before, Li Fuchen has already spent 52 billion contribution value.

These five Kendo real magic skills, all of them are real attack skills.

In kendo, the main way to kill is to pay attention to the attack power. As for others, we should wait until the Kendo realm is high in the later stage.

Two common level lower level Kendo magic skills, practiced.

It's a real magic skill of Kendo at the lower level of two schools.

An excellent Kendo magic skill is also practiced.

It is not difficult for Li Fuchen to learn other people's real magic skills.

"It's really kendo. It's really frightening."

Compared with the lower level of huodao, the attack power of the lower Kendo is obviously stronger. No wonder the price is twice of it.

Taking a break, Li Fuchen also learned three perfect level superior space-time magic skills, a 200 million contribution value, for him now, it's nothing.

It's not that Li Fuchen doesn't want to learn more advanced space-time skills. In fact, the top-level spatiotemporal skills of dongyangzong are perfect level superior skills. There is no extreme level magic skill, and there is no real space-time magic skill.

The rule of time and space has always been one of the most difficult rules to understand. It is more difficult to understand than the top-level rules such as Kendo rule, five element rule and yin-yang rule. I'm afraid only the legendary causal rule of fate can slightly override it.

Of course, it can't be said that whoever is difficult to understand is stronger.

Kendo rules are easy to understand, but Kendo rules are not inferior to any rules when they are cultivated to the extreme. In terms of attack power, they are incomparable.

Li Fuchen's space-time rules have increased a lot, but not enough to improve the space-time rule realm.

After all, if the realm of space-time rules is improved so well, the whole Dongyang sect will not have no one to create the ultimate superior level of spatiotemporal magic and even the real time and space magic.

During Li Fuchen's practice in seclusion, an event happened in dongyangzong.

Trapped in the upper God for hundreds of years, after returning from the spirit God cemetery, he finally achieved the lower true God. Since then, dongyangzong has another lower true God elder, and there is a more carefree immortal.

According to the prevailing talent and understanding and the speed of practice in the past, believing that the next true God is not his limit, at least he can practice to the middle true God.


The years are long. Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Fuchen's huodao realm has not changed much. Kendo realm has gone further, breaking through from the middle stage of the lower Zhenshen to the later stage of the lower Zhenshen. At the same time, he also created his own Kendo true magic skill yuanjijian!

This lower level Kendo magic skill is a new sword move formed by Li Fuchen combining the four moves of Yuanji sword technique. Once issued, everything in heaven and earth is a sword, which can let Li Fuchen control more rules of Kendo in the divine world.

Like huodao real magic skill, Li Fuchen's real sword skill yuanjijian is also a lower level in the middle level.

In terms of power, it is at least equivalent to learning a perfect level lower level Kendo true magic skill, and may be comparable to the ultimate level lower level Kendo real magic skill.

After all, the real magic skills created by ourselves have divine rules and will power, but they can't learn from others.

After he created the Yuanji chopping skill, the breath of Li Fuzhen has changed a little. In the past, he seems to be light and light, and does not show the mountains and dew. However, if you observe carefully, you can still detect the fierce meaning in his bones, which can't be ignored.Now he is getting closer and closer to returning to nature. The whole person seems to be integrated with heaven and earth. The world is him, he is the world.

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