Back in the room, Li Fuchen began to study the magic of the middle fire path.

His strength is not better than half fire.

On the realm of rules, his huodao rules reached the peak of the middle true God, and the Kendo rules came down to the later stage of Zhenshen.

In terms of the divine power index, the huodao divine power index is much higher than when it was just promoted to the next true God. It has risen from 1.5 million to 2.5 million, while the Kendo divine power index is only 1.5 million.

In terms of the fusion degree of gods and powers, huodao is 75% and kendo is 70%.

The vast and boundless Shenxu contains infinite risks. Even if this is the Shenxu within the Ziyun Shenjie system, it does not mean that the risk will be lower.

If anything happened to the merchant ship, Li Fuchen didn't want to have any self-protection.

Therefore, he will give priority to strengthening the strength of the fire channel.

There are all kinds of magic skills from the ordinary level to the extreme level. What Li Fuchen wants is a step-by-step process.

First of all, it's the normal level medium fire path magic skill.


"The difficulty of cultivation is almost the same as that of cultivating superior spirits and spirits."

Three months later, Li Fuchen practiced all the magic skills of the five Gate Middle huodao, and entered the country much faster than he expected.

He thought it would take half a year.

Next, Li Fuchen spent another seven months practicing five middle Kendo magic skills.

During this period, Li Fuchen's level of Kendo rules has been improved twice in a row, first from the later stage of the lower level true God to the peak of the lower level true God, and then from the peak of the lower level true God to the early stage of the middle true God. The speed of progress is as fast as that of the huodao rule state.

Li Fuchen knows that the main reason for his rapid promotion is that his spirit level has been upgraded. Otherwise, even if he has practiced five middle Kendo skills, he can only raise the level of Kendo rules to a small level at most.

The cultivation of middle level real magic skills is so fast. Li Fuchen's speed is naturally not slow.

After successfully practicing the third lower level real God skill of time and space, Li Fuchen's space-time rule realm finally broke through, from the upper God to the lower true God realm.

The power of time and space began to transform into reality.

"A lower real God of time and space, even if he meets a real God in the middle, he should have a great chance to escape."

The rules of time and space are incomparably powerful. There are no short boards in all aspects. All aspects are strong points.

In particular, the escape ability is called the second according to the space-time rule, and no rule dares to be the first.

With a faint ripple of time and space, Li Fuchen suddenly appeared at the other end of the training room. In the middle, there was no sound coming out, no shadow appeared, and there was no warning. It was as if Li Fuchen was at the other end of the training room.

"This is the blink."

Li Fuchen smiles on his face.

The rules of time and space have broken through to the lower level of true God, and he has been able to control a trace of space-time rules.

You know, control and help are two different things. With the ability to control a trace of space-time rules, he can move to another place in an instant. Of course, the moving distance is limited, and it is impossible to move infinitely. Perhaps only the God who controls a complete rule of time and space can move almost infinitely.

Li Fuchen has his own ideas. In addition to making his survival ability stronger, the most important reason is that the rules of time and space have the effect of reversing time and space and reversing life and death.

One day, the important people around him were killed, or died for various reasons. He could also reverse time and space through the rules of time and space, and rescue them.

The premise is that his space-time rules are high enough.

In addition to blinking, Li Fuchen can easily control one side of space-time, blocking one side of space-time, which is almost equivalent to the realm of magic.

Unfortunately, the current level of space-time rules is still a little low, whether in combat or in the ability to escape, can not help Li Fuchen too much.

Once again, he came to the real magic skill area. This time, Li Fuchen exchanged five upper huodao magic skills, five upper Kendo real magic skills, and five middle time and space real magic skills.

Although space-time magic is precious, flying eagle chamber of Commerce, as a first-class chamber of Commerce in Ziyun divine world, still has medium-sized space-time magic skills, but the price is very high, which is equivalent to the upper level real magic skills.

A total of 15 real magic tricks cost Li Fuchen $220 billion free quota.

Before and after, Li Fuchen has spent nearly 8 trillion yuan of free quota.


LAN Tingxuan.

Li Fuchen ate it up.

Unless it was a closed door practice, Li Fuchen would eat a big meal in lantingxuan every time he came out, sometimes for several days.

Li Fuchen can feel that his spirit of breaking up and the realm of breaking rules are improving. Although it is slow, it is not at least impossible to go.

If he is not busy improving his strength, Li Fuchen would like to eat here every day. Anyway, the minimum consumption here is 5 million. Even if he eats 20 million yuan a day, it will be only seven or eight billion yuan a year, and seven or eight hundred billion billion yuan in a hundred years. Compared with the promotion of breaking the rules, this inferior stone is nothing.In addition to Li Fuchen, LAN Tingxuan has three chamber of Commerce disciples who also have dinner here.

"Well, the inferior stone is not enough. Who of you can lend me some?"

"Lend you? We don't have enough of them ourselves. If we knew that there were so many good things on the merchant ship, we should try our best to bring more substandard stones. "

"No, I brought 500 billion substandard stones, plus the 100 billion given by the chamber of Commerce. It's still not enough. There are so many good things here that can improve our strength."

"What's 600 billion? I've got a trillion, but I haven't spent it."

Listening to their conversation, Li Fuchen smiles.

Indeed, in the interior of the merchant ship, the substandard God stone is not flowered at all.

If he can't spend more than 80 trillion yuan, he will not be able to spend more than 80 trillion yuan to buy things for free.

The other people don't have the same treatment. The disciples of the three-star chamber of commerce need to buy at the original price. There is no discount at all. As for the free quota, there is only four-star qualification.

In addition, many chamber of Commerce disciples have been in the merchant ship for hundreds of years and thousands of years. Even if they only consume one billion substandard divine stones every year, the cumulative amount is still a terrible number. If these disciples of the chamber of commerce can come to lantingxuan for dinner, the annual consumption number must be more than one billion.

"It seems that I have to go to the puppet tower. If I can pass through the fifth floor of a high-level puppet tower, I can get 160 billion substandard divine stones at once."

"Fifth floor, don't dream."

"That day water can pass, why can't I pass, I don't believe I'm worse than him."

"You compare with him? He has created a double attribute magic skill. What do you compare with him? "

A few people's voices grew louder.

"Puppet tower?"

Naturally, Li Fuchen knew about the puppet tower. In the disciple's Manual of the chamber of Commerce, there is an introduction to the puppet tower.

The puppet tower is specially designed for the chamber of Commerce disciples to break into the pagoda. According to the cultivation of the chamber of Commerce disciples, the puppet tower is divided into star levels. One star lower level puppet tower is for the lower God to enter the tower, one star medium level puppet tower is for the middle God to enter the tower, and the one star high-level puppet tower is for the upper God to enter the tower.

There is a reward for breaking through the puppet tower. When you cross the first floor of a low-level puppet tower, you will be rewarded with 100 million substandard divine stones. For each additional layer, the reward will be doubled.

One star medium-level puppet tower will be rewarded with one billion substandard magic stones if it breaks through the first level. The reward will be doubled for each additional layer.

One star high-level puppet tower will be rewarded with 10 billion substandard divine stones if they break through the first level. The reward will be doubled for each additional layer.

On top of the one star puppet tower, there are also two star puppet towers.

It's no longer a puppet tower, but a reward for the second God.

If you break through the first floor of the two-star low-level puppet tower, you will be rewarded with 10 million lower level divine stones. If you break through one more layer, the reward will be doubled.

If you break through the first floor of the two-star medium-level puppet tower, you will be rewarded with 100 million lower grade divine stones. For each additional layer, the reward will be doubled.

"I haven't been to the tower for such a long time. It's OK to go and have a look."

After dinner, Li Fuchen goes to the puppet tower.

Soon, Li Fuchen saw six towers.

The first tower on the left is a low-level puppet tower, followed by a star medium level, a star high-level

In front of each puppet tower, there is a stone tablet with names on it, and the number of floors of the tower is recorded behind the name.

For example, on the stone stele of a star puppet tower, qianyuliang ranks fifth, and the number of stories of breaking into the tower is the fourth.

On the stone tablet of a star high-level puppet tower, Tianshui ranks the second, and the number of layers of Chuang tower is the fifth.

On the stele of the two-star low-level puppet pagoda, Clara ranks the first, and the number of layers of the tower is the fourth.

On the stone stele of the two star puppet pagoda, Baitie ranks the first, and the number of floors of the tower is the third.

As for the stele of the two star high-level puppet tower, there is no name yet.

"It doesn't seem to be low."

Li Fuchen knows that although Clara's strength is far inferior to that of him, she is definitely a first-class master in the next true God. Even she can only break through the fourth floor. It can be imagined how difficult it is to break through the tower.

Without any hesitation, Li Fuchen walked into the two star low-level puppet tower.

The first floor.

With a flash of light in front of him, a fighting puppet no different from ordinary people appears in Li Fuchen's sight.


The lightning flashed wildly. As soon as the fighting puppet appeared, he broke out a real magic skill, and a blow hit Li Fuchen.


The battle puppet came and went quickly. He was shaken out by Li Fuchen's divine power, and even his divine power was scattered. He could not gather together for a long time.

"Ordinary lower level true magic skill, the power index is 600000, and the fusion degree of gods and powers is 55%. Ordinary lower level true gods are afraid that it is difficult to break through the first level."

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows.

The next true God who has just been promoted has a magic power index of about 50.6 million, which is not far from that of a combat puppet. However, the degree of integration of gods and powers must not reach 55%.The second floor.

Under the shock of Li Fuchen's divine power, the combat puppet lost its fighting power in an instant.

"The lower level true magic skill in the middle level has a power index of 750000, and the fusion degree of gods and powers is 58%. It is estimated that only the lower level true God of the old brand can fight with one of them."

Li Fuchen nodded secretly.

The third floor.

The results remain the same.

"Excellent level lower level true magic skill, the divine power index is 900000, the spirit and divine power fusion degree is 60%, this level needs the real lower true God strong person to be able to contend."

The fusion degree of the lower true God is 50% to 60%, and 60% is almost the peak. Few people can surpass this value.

The fourth floor.

The results remain unchanged.

I'm kidding. Clara, who broke through the fourth floor, couldn't resist the shock of Li Fuchen's power. Naturally, the fighting puppets on the fourth floor couldn't resist.

Of course, this is not to say that the puppets of the fourth layer are weak, but that Li Fuchen is too strong.

The fourth level combat puppet erupted is the perfect level lower level true magic skill, the divine power index is 1.1 million, the fusion degree of gods and powers exceeds 60%, reaching 62%.

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