"The strength of this man?"

Aides had a gloomy face.

He found that his attainments in the rules of conduct were not as good as his boundlessness.

This is not a gap in the realm, but a gap in the use of rules.

It's like the same power, some people can play 100% of the effect, others can play 12% of the effect, a truth.

"It's interesting to kill and steal treasure. I don't know how he's going to escape." The God of fire and wind is interested.

"Fortunately, no artifact was photographed."

Feng Lang was cold in his heart. At this moment, he simulated dozens of times in his mind. He found that if he replaced himself with Takeshi Kitano, the outcome would not change. How to die or how to die.

When did Twilight square come to such a top expert?

Feng langtian thinks that even the leader of huoyun sect can't kill him with one move.


No matter whether yiyuanzong doesn't care about the death of Takeshi Kitano, they can't tolerate that some people make trouble on their territory, and they still kill and steal treasure.

If they do not make a statement, yiyuanzong's prestige in twilight square will be greatly reduced. Who dares to bid for the auction in the future?

Therefore, although not willing to face such a top master, yiyuanzong still has to force himself to face it.

When the divine array was launched, a powerful binding force shrouded the boundless sea.

At the same time, eight real God masters of yiyuanzong killed Sihai Wuyuan from eight angles, blocking all escape routes of Sihai Wuyuan.

"Good come."

Put away the moon spirit artifact, Si Hai boundless grin, body rotation, hands gently waving.

The true magic of the wind - the wind leaves a mark.

Wind marks, like the sharpest blade, spread in all directions.

Puff, puff, puff

The eight real God masters of yiyuanzong couldn't even hold on to half a breath. The divine power was annihilated in an instant, and the spirits were scattered, and the dead could not die again.

"The murderer is boundless. Goodbye."

The voice reverberates in the auction site, the figure of Si Hai boundless has disappeared.

Outside the city of Twilight square, yiyuanzong, who has received the news, has been fully operating the two-star high-level divine array belonging to yiyuanzong, but it can't help. The boundless wind and magic skills of Si Hai boundless are extraordinary, coupled with the slow effect of time rules, which makes the divine array full of flaws. Sihai Wuyuan easily breaks through the siege of the divine array and leaves the twilight square city.

At the auction site, Si haiwuyuan left, completely boiling up.

"This is the top expert who came out. The vice chief of the Fengfeng Pavilion, Kitano Wusi, was killed with one move. He didn't have any resistance."

"Even the eight masters of yiyuanzong were killed by one move. It's too strong, and it's too strong."

"In my opinion, in twilight square, it is estimated that only the top ten independent experts can compete with it, the blood curse God ranking first."

"The heads of the three forces should also be able to contend with it."

"In any case, his strength, in twilight square city, can at least rank in the top five, even the top three, is not impossible."


The storm of the auction became more and more fierce, but it had nothing to do with Li Fuchen. He found a hotel with a single door and a single courtyard to live in it, ready to understand the twilight stone and disillusionment stone.

The twilight stone contains a very strong breath of time. When Li Fuchen used the power of the spirit to understand the rules of time, the breath of time also entered Li Fushen's body and integrated with Li's space-time magic power.

After absorbing the breath of time, Li Fuchen found that his power of time and space was more mysterious and had more time charm.

When a twilight stone is exhausted, Li Fuchen's space-time regular state has reached the limit of the lower true God, only a little less than that, he can break through to the middle true God state.

Taking advantage of the state has not subsided, Li Fuchen quickly took out the second Twilight stone.


The time around him seems to be slowing down, and the space seems to become soft. Li Fuchen's body is like a thousand times lighter in an instant, as if there is nothing in the world to hinder him.

The rule of time and space is the initial state of the middle true God.

"It's a breakthrough."

Li Fuchen opened his eyes and his face was full of confident smile.

In terms of strength, he has not changed much, but in terms of comprehensive ability, he has changed enormously.

In his sight, the whole inn is transparent, and nothing can hinder his eyes. All the buildings in twilight square have become transparent. Even the invisible square God array becomes visible in his eyes. He can easily find the nodes and flaws of the divine array.

In front of the rules of time and space, there is no meaning in the empty and the real, the real and the virtual.

"It's just a difference, but it's different. Is this the congenital top rule?"

Li Fuchen sighed.Although his Kendo is also a top-level rule, Kendo is the top-level rule of the day after tomorrow. You need to explore, use and improve yourself. Only when you reach a very high level, can it be comparable with the congenital top-level rules.

But the congenital top-level rule is not the same, first heaven is incomparably powerful.

Without taking out the third Twilight stone, Li Fuchen needs to consolidate the space-time rules.

A week later, Li Fuchen, who had consolidated the rule of time and space, began to understand the third Twilight stone.

And then there's the fourth.

Finally, Li Fuchen's space-time rule has broken through to the middle true God realm.

Li Fuchen did not understand the fifth because he knew that only with the twilight stone, he could not raise the rules of time and space to a higher level, and the middle true God was already the limit.

The rules of time and space contain rules of time and space, not separate rules of time. Therefore, it is impossible to break through the rules of time in twilight stone without understanding the rules of space.

At present, his rules of time and space are actually slightly unbalanced, which contains more time charm than space charm.

"It seems that we still need to find opportunities in the rules of space."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

Li Fuchen's attention began to focus on breaking the rules.

Twilight stone not only contains the rules of time, but also contains some rules of destruction and the atmosphere of destruction.

After consuming four Twilight stones, Li Fuchen's rule breaking state has broken through, and his unexpected joy has broken through to the later stage of the lower level true God. By breaking the divine power, he can easily destroy the lower level real artifact of excellent level, and the lower level true artifact of perfect level can not last long in his hand, which can be said to be extremely overbearing.

It's a bit wasteful to use Twilight stone to understand the breaking rules. Li Fuchen simply takes out the broken stone.

Time goes by.

The next true God is the highest state.

The initial state of the middle true God.

The middle level of true God.

The middle true God's later state.

The middle true God is the highest state.

In a blink of an eye, half a year later, when the broken stone broke in Li's hands, Li's rule of breaking was already consolidated in the peak of the middle true God.

This kind of cultivation speed greatly exceeded Li Fuchen's expectation.

Li Fuchen thought about it for a moment and understood the reason.

Only in the hands of those who practice the rule of breaking, can the breaking stone play its greatest role.

In other hands, even 10% of the role can not be played, only to make their own understanding of the rules, more offensive.

The rule of disillusionment has been promoted to the peak of the middle true God. However, Li Fuchen's breaking power has not been improved. There is no vitality to supplement the divine power in the spirit void. It is necessary to absorb the vitality in the divine stone to enhance the divine power.

However, at this time, Li Fuchen's destructive power was different from that of the past because it absorbed the breath of destruction in the broken stone.

If we say that the former destructive power is not really a destructive force, but only has the attribute of a little destructive force, then the present destructive divine power has taken a big step forward and is closer to the destructive power, and has obviously more destructive power attributes.

Taking out the inferior spirit stone, Li Fuchen began to absorb the vitality of the inferior spirit stone and enhance the power of destruction.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million

Good fellow, for promotion, huodao's divine power broke through from the lower true God level to the middle true God level, only consumed several hundred thousand inferior divine stones of Li Fushen, while the destruction of divine power consumed tens of millions of inferior divine stones of Li Fuchen, a hundred times difference between the two.

A hundred times, what's the concept.

At present, Li Fuchen's level is still low. When he is high, the stone needed to improve his destructive power is definitely a huge number.

After all, it takes tens of millions of stones to ascend to the middle true God, and hundreds of millions of stones are needed to ascend to the upper level.

If you are promoted to the next spirit God, I'm afraid billions of them will not be able to fight.

"It is estimated that the later the disillusionment power is, the more vitality it needs. Secondly, after absorbing the breath of disillusionment in the disillusionment stone, the more destructive power it contains, which leads to the improvement of quality. Correspondingly, with the breakthrough, the demand for vitality is greater."

Li Fuchen speculated.

The destruction power at the peak level of the middle level can easily destroy the medium level artifact of the perfect level. Even Li Fuchen has the feeling that even the medium level true artifact of the ultimate level can be easily destroyed at the moment. The upper level artifact of the ordinary level can not be damaged after a long time.

Of course, Li Fuchen can't bear to waste an extreme medium level artifact and an upper level artifact, just know it well.

"In addition to the absence of the corresponding destroying real magic power, I'm afraid that it has far exceeded the power of huodao and kendo."

Regardless of the rules of the fire path, there is a complete set of Shenhuo crack sky suit. After being inspired, it can make the divine power index exceed 10 million.

The level of Kendo rules has reached the upper level of the later stage of true gods, and the power of Kendo has also exceeded ten million.But when it comes to the supremacy and strength of divine power, both can't compare with the destruction of divine power, and they are far less.

If the huodao divine power is a fire and the Kendo divine power is a sword, then the breaking divine power is magma, which can easily destroy the flame and melt the sword.

However, because of this, the change of the broken rule is much worse than that of other rules.

In other words, breaking the rules does not pursue change at all, but pursues the ultimate lethality and destructive power.

No matter what changes you have, I hit the past, everything will be destroyed, everything will be destroyed.

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