Only when the power of Kendo and the power of breaking through to the upper level of the true God, could Li Fuchen have time to observe the changes of spirits.

At this time, the spirit has completely transformed into a pale orange. In the soul sea, countless light orange electric currents are flashing and flying, which looks fantastic.

"It's a wonderful feeling."

Li Fuchen feels that his thinking has been raised many times again. His perception of broken rules, space rules and time rules accumulated in lingyunke's cave is now turning into his own details.

The soul sea is a special place in which the consciousness can hardly feel the change of time.

When Li Fuchen was immersed in the changes brought about by the transformation of the spirit, his space and time rules naturally broke through the original state.

The spatial rules have broken through from the peak state of the lower true God to the initial state of the middle true God.

The rule of time has broken through from the peak state in the early stage to the middle stage.

At the same time, the water God has finally broken through the high level of space-time.

"That's the breakthrough?"

Li Fuchen was a little surprised.

He didn't deliberately practice the rules of space and time, and the two rules broke through. If he took some time to practice, wouldn't he be able to continue to break through quickly?

In order to verify it, Li Fuchen began to organize the perception of space rules and time rules in the soul sea, so that they could be organically combined.

It has to be said that the effect of conscious cultivation and unconscious cultivation is quite different.

Under Li Fuchen's deliberate efforts, the perception of space rules and the perception of time rules have transformed into their own details at a faster and more amazing speed.

The space is regular, with the peak in the early stage and the middle stage in the middle stage.

According to the rule of time, the middle true God reached its peak in the middle and the middle true God in the later period.

Time and space rules, the upper God in the early peak, the upper God in the middle.

To the surprise of Li Fuchen, the rule of breaking has also been improved. Before that, he has been stuck in the later stage of the middle period of the upper Zhenshen period.

Now it has crossed the middle peak of the upper true God and reached the later stage of the upper true God.

However, this improvement also exhausted Li Fuchen's understanding of disillusionment stone and all his experience accumulated in lingyunke's cave. It is even more difficult for him to break through in the future. After all, no matter how high his understanding is, he can't imagine the destruction of charm.

Without any chance, he can only observe in his ordinary life the trace of disillusionment produced by the collapse of everything, and slowly accumulate and realize it.

"The power of time and space is about to break through."

Li Fuchen's consciousness withdrew from the soul sea. With a wave of his hand, a large number of inferior divine stones appeared.

As the regular state of time and space is not as good as that of kendo, the power of time and space breaks through to the upper level of true God, and the consumption of inferior divine stones is not much. For Li Fuchen, it is only a drizzle.

"In addition to destroying the divine power and pursuing the ultimate destruction, other divine powers do not pursue intensity. No, Kendo's divine power should pursue ultimate lethality. Unfortunately, I can't make Kendo rules reach the level of congenital top-level rules at present."

Each divine power has its own characteristics.

Destroy the divine power, pursue the ultimate destruction, if the intensity is not enough, how to destroy everything.

The divine power of time and space pursues the ultimate change, so it is more illusory and illusory.

Kendo's supernatural power pursues the ultimate lethality, which is different from destruction. The former pays attention to skills, while the latter is purely about reducing ten skills.

As for the divine power of the fire way, as an ordinary divine power, it is not qualified to be compared with the top divine power.

Due to the improvement of the state of breaking the rules, Li Fuchen can control more destructive powers. Therefore, Li Fuchen consumed 2 billion inferior divine stones, and raised the breaking divine power again.

In this way, in a short period of time, Li Fuchen consumed up to 5 billion inferior divine stones on the destruction of divine power.

This is just a breakthrough. In the future, Li Fuchen will consume the divine stone at a rate hundreds of times that of other powers.

Of course, at present, Li Fuchen is eager to destroy his divine power. The more he consumes, the better.

The more divine stones consumed by destroying divine power, the stronger it is.

In any case, he is not much now, that is, there are many divine stones, and there are millions of inferior divine stones. Li Fuchen thinks that he can break through the destructive power to the level of middle spirit and God.

As for the middle spirit God, Li Fuchen did not consider so much.

In the future, he can have so many inferior God stones. When he becomes a spirit God, the speed of making God stone will only be faster and faster.

Breaking the rules and breaking the divine power are both improved. Li Fuchen feels that he can destroy the unmanaged ultimate lower spirit artifact.

Of course, Li Fuchen did not.

The spirit artifact is extremely precious, he has not yet luxury to this degree.The inner destruction power is transformed into space-time divine power. Li Fuchen's figure is illusory, and another Li Fuchen appears outside the silver wing spaceship.

The speed of the silver winged spaceship is extremely fast, which is faster than that of the 99% of the middle gods. Li Fuchen from the outside world is soon thrown away, but the next moment, Li Fuchen from the outside world catches up again.

After catching up with the outside world, Li was unable to catch up with the outside until several times.

On the deck, Li Fuchen's face returned to vivid expression.

"The rules of time and space reach the upper level of the true God state. It's really powerful. With blinking, you can not be thrown away by the silver wing spaceship within a few breaths." Li Fuchen exclaimed.

He felt that once he cast his blink, many lower spirits may not be faster than himself.

However, blink also has its disadvantages, that is, it can't be cast for a long time. He doesn't know how many blinks have been cast, regardless of just a few breaths.

In other words, blinking just makes his explosive speed reach an extremely amazing point. If he is used to travel for a long time, it will definitely not work. He will die when he is tired.

Nevertheless, Li Fuchen is very satisfied.

We should know that his space-time rule realm is the middle level of the upper real God. If he reaches the peak and even the perfect state of the upper real God, it will be fine.

"There are also five Twilight stones and a superior space. The real magic skills are not practiced."

Nothing happened along the way. Li Fuchen plans to continue to improve the space-time rules. As for why he doesn't practice Kendo rules, Li Fuchen has his own consideration.

It's a long way to go to Ziyun. Even with the Amethyst miniature, it's only half the time. The time needed is likely to be more than a thousand years. This is because he has the middle spirit artifact spaceship, the silver wing spacecraft.

The journey is so far away that it is inevitable to encounter some crises. At this time, no matter how high the level of Kendo rules is, in fact, it can't play a very important role. Do you still want to defeat the spirit God?

That's impossible.

At least in dealing with the crisis, the space-time rules are more than ten times stronger than the Kendo rules. When meeting the next spirit God, Li Fuchen is not sure to escape, but the current grasp is not very big.

That's why he needs to improve the space-time rule realm. Let's put it back for a while.

The spirit transformed into pale orange, and Li Fuchen's understanding and thinking speed increased by an unknown number of times. He realized the twilight stone, which was extremely efficient.

With the consumption of the five Twilight stones, Li Fuchen's time rule finally reached the initial state of the upper God.

If you let Sihai Wuyuan know the entry of Li Fuchen, I'm afraid it will be more surprising.

After all, the boundless time rule realm of Si Hai is only the middle level of the upper real God.

The reason why Li Fuchen has made such rapid progress is that the perception of the time rules and the twilight stone of lingyunke's cave are secondary, and the real main thing is the understanding.

He often draws inferences from one instance because of his rebellious understanding.

A twilight stone, in Sihai boundless there, may only be able to make Sihai boundless time rule realm to enhance a little.

Li Fuchen here, but can let Li Fuchen a large section of ascension, this is the gap.

Next, Li Fuchen began to practice the real supernatural skills of upper space.

This space magic skill is called void barrier. After successful cultivation, you can arrange a layer of invisible void barrier in the surrounding void. The enemy's attack falls into the void barrier, which is equivalent to entering a vast void. Obviously, it is only one step away, but it takes ten times and ten times to reach Li Fuchen.

In Li Fuchen's opinion, this space is really magical, whether it is used to fight the enemy or to escape, it has a great effect.

In the dark void, a faint silver light flashed away.

On the deck, Li Fuchen brushed his hand, and the void fluctuated slightly and invisibly. It seemed that there was a layer of invisible things there.

Taking out a piece of metal fragment, Li Fuchen flicked his fingers.


The metal splintered into a black light and shot out.

But the next moment, the pieces of metal disappeared.

After a few breaths, the metal fragments appeared, but at a much slower rate.

Through the shield of the silver winged spacecraft, the metal fragments disappeared in the dark void.

"There's really a big difference in whether there's a real magic skill."

Li Fuchen's spatial rules are only the realm of the middle true God, but after exerting the upper space magic skills, the effect is so magical that the rules of time and space-time are far from comparable.

During the first World War, he Sihai Wuyuan also used time magic. However, the other party's time magic skill is estimated to be the middle real magic skill at most. If the opponent's time magic skill is superior, Li Fuchen, let alone defeat the other party, can ensure that he will not die is a miracle.

Li Fuchen got a lot of understanding of space rules when he successfully practiced the void barrier.

It is impossible to change the perception of these spatial rules into their own spatial rules.

Li Fuchen is not the same, his understanding is metaphysical level, easily absorbed these spatial rules of perception.In fact, Li Fuchen suspected that his understanding might be higher than he had imagined, and much higher.

For example, his spirit is at the lower level of Xuanshen, but he feels that his understanding should be more than that of the lower level.

Recently, he's getting that feeling.

The middle true God reached its peak in the middle period, and the middle true God peaked in the later period.

Half a month later, he digested and absorbed the perception of spatial rules brought about by the cultivation of void barriers. Li Fuchen's space rule realm remained at the peak state of the later stage of the middle true God.

Correspondingly, with the improvement of space rules and time rules, Li Fuchen's space-time rule realm has also been promoted to the later state of the upper God.

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