Breaking the rules reaches the later stage of the upper level of the true God, and the space-time rule reaches the peak state of the upper level God. Li Fuchen's details are completely exhausted. Next, unless there is any chance, there will be no breakthrough in the two top rules in a short time.

"It's time to concentrate on kendo."

The reason why he put Kendo in the last place is that, apart from the help of kendo, it can't be compared with the breaking rules and the rules of time and space. The main reason is that Li Fuchen wants to study Kendo wholeheartedly and put Kendo in front of him. He can't do it wholeheartedly.

Li Fuchen's level of Kendo rules is not very high. At present, he is only in the later stage of the upper level of the true God. However, Li Fuchen believes that it will not be long before his Kendo rules can reach the realm of the upper level true God and even the lower level spirit God. In lingyunke cave, he has obtained a lower level Kendo spirit skill and a lot of Kendo spirit artifacts.

Out of the wolframite group, Li Fuchen replaced the swift blue flame with a silver winged spaceship, and began to study Kendo spirit skills.

This lower level Kendo magic skill is called Jinghong.

It's a very simple name.

From the name, we can see that the person who created the Kendo magic skill should be a relatively pure swordsman.

Jinghong, as the name suggests, is a powerful sword skill. Once the sword is put out, the sword will be as powerful as a rainbow. If the enemy lacks the courage, he will be suppressed by the amazing sword power. Ten percent of his strength can only play 70 percent.

Pure swordsman, create pure Kendo magic.

Only a pure swordsman can learn pure Kendo skills.

It can be said that Jing Hong is very provocative.

He is not a pure swordsman. He often can't learn to startle Hong, because he doesn't have that momentum.

Is Li Fuchen a pure swordsman.

The answer, of course, is self-evident.

Li Fuchen is a pure swordsman. His purity is another kind of purity.

If we say that the man who created Jinghong is a swordsman who is extremely good at sword, Li Fuchen is a swordsman who is extremely superior to and detached from the sword.

Li Fuchen does not stick to the so-called Kendo in other people's eyes. He pursues his own kendo.

No one can define kendo.

Li Fuchen only knew that the Kendo he came out of must be unique Kendo, not the Kendo of predecessors.

In just one month, Li Fuchen became a startling rainbow.

On the deck, with Li Fuchen's sword, a dazzling sword light, like the most gorgeous rainbow, pours endless power toward the God void outside the shield.

"It is worthy of being the next Kendo spirit skill. Its power is more than ten times that of Yuanji and Wujian."

sword to sheath, Li floating dust closed eyes, carefully recall the essence of that sword just now.

Li Fuchen didn't care too much about the improvement of Kendo rules in two small levels within a month, from the later stage of the upper level to the perfection of the upper level God.

I'm kidding. His Kendo talent, however, is far above the talent of destroying and time and space. He has become a lower level Kendo spirit skill. If neither of them can improve the level of Kendo rules, it will be a joke.

"so that is what it is. The essence of the rainbow is the superposition of the rules of the kendo."

Li Fuchen knows it clearly.

though he is not the creator of the frightened rainbow, he can only understand the 80% essence of the rainbow, but it does not prevent him from speculating the real essence of the rainbow.

Give him time, he may not be able to complete his own Jing Hong.

However, this is not necessary. With this time, he might as well push Yuanji chop and Wujian chop to the next level of spiritual skills.


"Is this the shadow forest?"

Far away, Li Fuzhen saw an endless fuzzy forest, fuzzy forest around, but also filled with some fog.

With a slight frown on his brow, Li Fuchen controls the silver winged spaceship and slows down its speed.

Youying forest is very famous. It is one of the rare four-star dangerous places in Ziyun divine world system.

Since it is a four-star dangerous place, there is naturally a four-star God virtual life.

But the four-star God virtual life, but is equivalent to Xuanshen.

If he can, Li is willing to take a long way.

However, the shadow forest is too large. It will take at least thousands of years to make a detour. Moreover, there is no road map around the shadow forest on the Amethyst minigraph.

After repeated hesitation, Li Fuchen still chose to enter the Youying forest.

First, the Amethyst miniature has a road map through the shadow forest.

Second, detours are too time-consuming and may not be foolproof.

Third, Youying forest is a four-star dangerous place, which is good, but it is impossible to meet the four-star Shenxu life casually, and even the three-star Shenxu life is not so easy to meet.

The fog around the shadow forest looks thin, but when it really enters the fog range, Li Fuchen finds that the thin fog clearly contains a special fog rule, and the divine power exploration is weakened to the extreme. Fortunately, the power of the spirit is not weakened much and has no impact.Close, Li Fuchen finally saw the true face of Youying forest.

Too big, too high.

The trees in the shadow forest are so big that you can't see the whole tree, only part of it.

"This leaf is much bigger than some lakes in Yuguang's divine world. The drops of fog on it are almost the same as those of small lakes."

Li Fuchen exclaimed.

In Kunwu universe, the world tree is so big, but there is only one world tree, but there are countless here.

Compared with the shadow forest and the trees in the shadow forest, the Silverwing spacecraft is not even dust.

Quietly, the Silverwing spacecraft entered the shadow forest.

In the shadow forest, it's not dark and you can't see your fingers. On the contrary, it's brighter than the spirit void.

Because there are luminous plants and spiritual life here.

Among the luminous plants, some plants are similar to lighthouses, emitting endless soft light, even if they are far away, there will be light and shadow; some plants are a kind of luminous flowers, which will change color, sometimes red, sometimes purple, sometimes blue, beautiful round, intoxicating.

No matter what kind of luminous plants they are, they all have one thing in common: big, big, frightening.

In addition to the plants, some of the supernatural beings living in the shadow forest will also shine.

Usually, the level of this kind of luminescent Shenxu life is not high, such as a star of low-level Shenxu life stinky inflamed insect, one star medium level Shenxu life fluorescent borer, one star high-level Shenxu life Red Flamingo, etc.

However, there are a large number of them. Once they appear, they are a large area. Li Fuchen can see that there are several stinky insect nests on one branch of a big tree. They are obviously in a hostile state with each other. As soon as Li Fuchen passed by, hundreds of stinky inflammations were fighting together, and the war situation was very tragic.

"It's a strange world."

Li Fuzhen controls the silver winged spaceship and moves forward "slowly".

After a few days, Li Fuchen found that the shadow forest was not as dangerous as expected, so he covered the cover of the silver winged spaceship with the power of spirit and continued to study kendo.

This time, Li Fuchen's research object is Kendo spirit artifact.

In the resource Hall of lingyunke cave, he got many spirit artifacts, from lower spirit artifact to upper spirit artifact.

There is no lack of Kendo spirit artifact.

Although Li Fuchen has studied the grey shadow sword, the quality of the grey shadow sword is not too high. The Kendo rules contained in it are only at the upper level of the true God level. Therefore, Li Fuchen did not jump over directly, but chose a lower Kendo spirit artifact to study again.

This lower Kendo spirit artifact is called moon mark, which is of perfect quality. Its Kendo rules clearly reach the lower spirit level.

"It's a little interesting. The rules of swordsmanship contained in the grey shadow sword are not as high as those in the moon mark. However, the degree of sophistication of the moon mark is not comparable to that of the grey shadow sword."

Li Fuchen is very interested.

He speculated that the artificer who forged the grey shadow sword must be an artifact, while the one who forged the moon mark may not be an artifact God.

The spirit of utensils, often able to play supernormal, in their own rule realm is not high, forging beyond their own level of artifact.

Li Fuchen's understanding is so high and his Kendo talent is so strong. After studying several lower level Kendo spirit artifacts including the moon mark, the Kendo rule realm suddenly stepped into the lower spirit level.

At this moment, he felt that he had a higher degree of control over the rules of Kendo in Shenxu.

If he could only control a trace of Kendo rules in the past, now he can control one.

Don't underestimate this thread, it is a qualitative improvement.

Li Fuchen believes that with the same Kendo magic power, he can play several times his previous combat power.

This is the advantage of increased rule control.

"What's the matter? There seems to be more and more Shenxu life around

Li Fuchen's spirit force arranged on the shield of the silver wing spaceship has a warning effect. As long as any life is close to the warning area, Li Fuchen will be disturbed.

Want not to disturb Li Fuchen can also, unless the opponent's level reaches four star low level, or has some kind of fierce spirit talent.

These days, Li Fuchen obviously felt that there were more and more Shenxu life nearby, and the level was getting higher and higher.

At the beginning, there were only some one star God virtual life, but now there are a lot of two star God virtual life.

"It seems to be flying in that direction."

They say curiosity kills people. Now Li Fuchen feels his curiosity is very serious.

"Since we have met, we must go and have a look."

With a wave of Li's hand, a layer of space-time magic power covers the silver wing spaceship.

The next moment, the Silverwing ship disappeared.


Tens of thousands of miles away, there is a crystal clear blue light of the small lake, the middle of the small lake, there is a small island, the island, there is only a small tree.At the moment, on a leaf of the small tree, a multicolored insect egg is flickering, emitting five colors of light.

With the colorful insect eggs shining, a wave of pure life vitality is transmitted. Many of the Shenxu lives who come here are greedy.

Their intuition tells them that as long as they devour this colorful egg, they can evolve.

This kind of evolution is not morphological evolution, but the fundamental evolution of life. It is the ultimate evolution from low-level life to high-level life.

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