No wonder the other side's life vitality is so pure. Can the eight star God's life vitality not be pure?

Even though he's just a baby.

"How could you appear in the shadow forest?" Li asked.

No matter how powerful the Youying forest is, it is only a four-star dangerous place, and there is no possibility of eight star Shenxu life.

The caterpillar shook his head. "I don't know. I only know that I was transported from a distant place."


Li Fuchen is not surprised. It is not difficult to transmit caterpillars, either seven or eight stars. With the strength of each other, let alone cross the thousand gods, it should not be difficult to transmit caterpillars.

It is a colorful butterfly.

Split sky.

It is estimated that the colorful Schizothorax should have the ability to tear space.

As for whether there is a spatial blood, it is not known.

"Is that multicolored halo that you display, is it your blood skill?" Li Fuchen asked again.

He was also curious about Shenxu life, which was quite different from the existence of divine life.

The caterpillar nodded, "yes, this is my first blood skill, and it is also the only blood skill I wake up at present. It is called five color divine light. It can not only brush away the life essence of the enemy, but also disperse the spirit of the enemy when it reaches a high level, and has the effect of protecting the body."

"That's pretty good."

Li Fuchen was speechless for a while.

The eight star God empty life is the eight star God empty life. The inherited blood skills are too abnormal.

This five color divine light, attack and defense integration, but also can attack the spirit, almost without flaws.

"When can you wake up to the second blood skill? Growing up? "

"That's not necessary. We have four growth stages, namely, infancy, growth, maturity and the whole. The infancy is divided into three small stages, namely, the newborn stage, the early childhood stage and the infancy stage. Generally speaking, we are two-star in the newborn stage, three-star in the early childhood stage, and four-star level in the infancy stage During this period, every time we reach a stage, we will awaken to a new blood skill... "

From the caterpillar's mouth, Li Fuchen learned that the stronger the Shenxu life, the more detailed the division of growth period.

However, correspondingly, the more powerful the divine void life is, the longer it takes to grow up.

Of course, in the early days, the powerful spiritual life grew up quickly.

Like the colorful Schizothorax, they can spend ten years at the birth stage and reach the early childhood stage.

In other words, without the help of external forces, caterpillars can be upgraded from two star level to three-star level in ten years.

But then, the time required will increase ten times and ten times.

From infancy to infancy, it takes a hundred years for the group to reach the stage of infancy, and a thousand years for them to grow up.

The growth stage of the butterfly can be divided into two stages: the first stage and the second stage.

The next stage is maturity.

"By the end of the whole, in a million years, it's fast." Li Fuchen road.

In a million years, you can get from two stars to eight stars, which can't be said to be slow. You know, the life span of the true God is more than one million years, the spiritual God is more than ten million years, and the mysterious God is more than 100 million years. It is not worth mentioning at all. For the virtual life of the eight star God, maybe it is just a blink of an eye.

"No Caterpillars explained: "the growth of young and growing stage is ten times and ten times, but from the growth stage to the mature stage, it is a hundred times increase, and from the mature stage to the end of the whole body, it is no longer a matter of time, because not every one of the hundred colorful Schizothorax butterflies can grow to the whole. Generally, one of a hundred Schizothorax species may not be able to achieve the whole, and wants to achieve the whole In the history of our colorful butterflies, the youngest of them is over 100 million years old, and one million years old is just reaching maturity. "

With the passage of time, more and more information has been inherited by caterpillars, and the communication of spirit consciousness has become more and more smooth.

However, he still did not know who sent him to the shadow forest, and why.

"100 million years, it can be accepted." Li Fuchen nodded.

100 million years seems long, but that is the end of the whole, is the eight star God empty life.

In fact, when the butterfly reaches its infancy stage, it can become his biggest help, and it only takes 10 years.

If we can get the treasure of accelerating growth, we won't need it for ten years.


A three-star medium-level God virtual life green snake stares at the silver winged spaceship and caterpillars.


The green devil snake's speed is extremely fast, its tail flicks on the tree, and its powerful explosive force makes him catch up with the silver wing spaceship in an instant.Boom!

Li Fuchen launched the Shenli gun and Shenneng gun, and drove the green devil snake back.

"All right."

The fluctuation of life vitality on the caterpillar completely converged. Even Li Fuchen could not feel the fluctuation of vitality on the caterpillar at the moment.

"All right." Li Fuchen breathes a sigh of relief. The three-star medium level Shenxu life silver wing spacecraft can cope with it. When they encounter Samsung high-level Shenxu life, they can't even escape.

Then, as expected, there was no divine life chasing the silver winged spaceship, and the crisis was completely lifted.

Looking at the caterpillars, Li Fuzhen opened the door to the mountain and said, "although I saved you, I will not force you to do anything. The fluctuation of your vital energy has been restrained. Now you can leave at any time. Of course, if you want to leave the shadow forest, I can also take you away. But before that, I want to ask you, are you willing to conclude an equal contract with me, and from then on Fight side by side, live and die together. "

Li Fuchen said he didn't expect it. It was false. After all, this is the future eight star God virtual life.

But he also knows that hope is slim.

First, the other party has broken the egg and the probability of signing a contract is greatly reduced.

Second, the other side is the eight star God virtual life, how proud, should not easily conclude a contract.

"I will." The caterpillar cocked its head and said.


Li Fuchen didn't return to consciousness.

He suspected that he was hearing things.

The other party agreed to conclude the contract without hesitation. Is it not as difficult to conclude a contract as it is recorded, but it is just a false message.

No, there is no mistake in the record. There must be something wrong with it.

Caterpillar next words, let Li Fuchen some understand the key to the problem.

"I don't know why, staying by your side, the spirit is very comfortable, I feel that in less than 10 years, I will be able to reach the early childhood stage." Caterpillar path.

Li Fuchen said: "in this case, let's exchange the power of the source of spirits and conclude an equal contract."

He speculated that the reason why the other party felt comfortable with the spirit should be the reason for the golden amulet.

As a result, Li Fuchen immediately proposed to conclude an equal contract.


It's very simple to conclude an equal contract. We only need to exchange the original power of the spirit. The next thing is to leave it to the rules of Shenxu.

Of course, the conclusion of an equal contract is not an arbitrary one.

The power of the spirit's origin is the essence of a spirit's life. Stripping out the power of the spirit's origin will do harm to itself, and the damage will be great. Fortunately, the equal contract can repair the damage, but it will take some time.

Almost instinctively, Li Fuchen peels a pale orange spirit from his own spirit.

Caterpillars also peel off a red spirit of the original power.

"Is spirit level two star higher?"

Li Fuchen can't see how the level of the spirit spirit of the caterpillar is comparable to that of the two star high-level Shenxu life, while the level of the caterpillar is only the lower level of the two stars.

"Your spirit level is so high."

The caterpillar opens its mouth wide.

Of the four spirits, he inherited the spirit of orange, which is the God of life.

And the other party's level is just equivalent to two star high-level Shenxu life.

"I am worthy of the contract."

The caterpillar is very proud.

The original power of the caterpillar's spirit is not integrated into the spirit of Li Fushen, but revolves around it, just like a small star.

Li Fuchen's original power of spirit is not integrated into the spirit of caterpillars, but also revolves around the spirit of caterpillars.

But Li Fuchen's spirit is too powerful and gorgeous. Compared with the spirit of caterpillar, it becomes a supporting role.

"So comfortable."

The caterpillar couldn't resist a low cry.

Li Fuchen's spirit source power, like a warm sun, nourishes his spirit.

"Is this the equal contract?"

Li Fuchen can feel that he has established a deep connection with the caterpillar.

Now, they can communicate with each other freely.

This kind of spirit consciousness communication is faster, simpler and clearer than the previous spirit and soul consciousness transmission, and does not need to spend time to understand each other's meaning.

In addition, he can sense the position of each other at any time, as if both of them had the top positioning artifact.

The most important thing is that he can feel each other's emotions and state. There is an invisible silk thread that binds the fate of the two people together. The person who controls this silk thread is the supreme rule of emptiness.

"Maomao, I'll call you Maomao from now on."The caterpillar's present appearance, takes too the elegant name to be too inconsistent.

Fortunately, the caterpillar didn't care about his name and said, "I'll call you big brother later."

The two people concluded an equal contract, and their identities were naturally equal.

"Good." Li Fuchen nodded.

"Maomao, is there any way to speed up your growth?" Li Fuchen has a lot of good things. Maybe there are some treasures that are useful to Maomao.

Mao Mao Tao: "childhood is the time to lay the foundation. Unless it is some extremely rare top-level treasures, such as life spring, such as Shenxu lingmu, otherwise, it is better not to take things that accelerate growth, which will pollute our blood."

"All right." Li Fuchen doesn't have any of these things.

Maomaodao: "in fact, after concluding an equal contract with you, I feel that in three years at most, I can reach the early childhood stage."

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