Handed in a poor quality yongyang stone, Li Fuchen into the city.

God city is very prosperous, there are many true gods coming and going.

Li Fuchen strolled around and found many yongyang stone trading places in the city.

But the price is too high, at least 130 million substandard stones, and more than 130 million.

However, there are still many people who go to exchange.

This is mainly because the yongyang stone in the trading place is limited in exchange. There is a certain amount of money every day. If you go late, it is useless to have the stone.

Some of the real gods who are in urgent need of yongyang stone have no choice but to pinch their noses.

"Get out of here. You don't want to drink without yongyang stone. You don't need to pee to take care of yourself." After a restaurant, a figure was thrown out, almost hit Li Fuchen.

This is a young man in grey, who has no eyes and is out of his wits. He is full of wine stains and stains. He obviously doesn't take care of himself.

Li Fuchen wanted to go around, but somehow he stopped.

In fact, the young man in grey clothes is very handsome, with a trace of pride remaining between his eyebrows.

This is a genius with a story.

Intuition tells Li Fuchen that the other party is a genius, a frustrated genius.

"Go in, and I'll buy you a drink." Li Fuchen is young and humane to grey clothes.

Hearing the speech, the young man in gray raised his head in surprise and looked at Li Fuchen.

"Why, don't you want to drink?" Li Fuchen smiles.

"If you have wine, you can do anything." The young man in grey stood up, patted the dust on his body and followed Li Fuchen.

"Why do you come in again? Do you want to die?"

Shop assistant angry way.

"He's my friend." Li Fuchen threw a bag of inferior yongyang stone to the other party, "I want a good private room."

"All right."

Although the shop assistant is a little suspicious, no one can get along with yongyang stone. This bag of poor yongyang stone has at least 100 pieces, which is enough for the room fee.

"It's too much. This restaurant is just a small restaurant, and the best private room is only 50 inferior yongyang stones." The young man in grey is heartache.

Li Fuchen said: "I do not lack this inferior yongyang stone."

The private room is very spacious. There are rockery, green water and bamboo inside. It looks like a small enclosed courtyard.

"Goo Doo."

The young man in grey clothes was not polite. He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it out.

"Good wine, worthy of being Yulou wine, is that a pot of 30 inferior yongyang stones is too expensive." The young man in grey smashed it, smashed his mouth, and thought about it.

Li Fuchen said: "I invite you, let go of it."

A pot of 30, a hundred pot is only 3000, not worth mentioning.

"I'm not welcome." The young man in gray drank one cup after another. After a long time, he put down his glass and said bitterly: "once, I used to drink Yulou wine. Now, I can't even afford to drink a small Yangchun with three pots of yongyang stone."

"You can afford it if you want to."

No matter how they say, the other party is also a superior real God, and also a genius. Although the upper God is not worth money here, if you want to earn some yongyang stone, you should still be able to earn, at least not so miserable.

"I wish it were so simple!" The young man in grey smiles.

Li Fuchen did not ask each other's past, "continue to drink, man, and then 30 pots of jade tower wine."


The shop assistant knew that he met a big customer. He ran very hard and looked at the young man in gray clothes.

Yulou has a lot of energy after drinking. After drinking more than ten pots, the young man in grey clothes is drunk.

"My name is Sikong chuixing. I come from a super small thousand god world, Kongyuan divine world. I am a worthy first genius in Kongyuan divine world. I practice the rare star rules. When Fengyun Pavilion of the five star sect of Ziyun divine world came to recruit talents, I was selected successfully. Do you know what my qualifications are? It's five stars. " Sikong chuixing has both pride and unwillingness on his face.

Li Fuchen nodded. The five-star talent is indeed very powerful, which means that the other party has the potential to cultivate to the realm of God. The top strong person in yongyang mainland is just the domain God.

Sikong chuixing then said: "because I am a five-star qualification, I can carry anyone to board the fengfengge spaceship. At that time, I chose my Taoist partner, bophyllia, who was a three-star high-level qualification and was not selected."

After drinking a sip of wine, Sikong Zhuoxing recalled: "everything was going well. Who knows, we will meet the star fire army which makes people scared. Fortunately, we should not die and escape to the yongyang continent all the way."

With that, Sikong chuixing suddenly poured three cups of wine.

"The spark corps?" Li Fuchen has heard of the name.

This is a super dark force wandering in the purple cloud divine world system. Let alone a Fengyun Pavilion spaceship, even the whole Fengyun Pavilion is just a mole ant in front of the Starfire army, and can trample to death at will.Next, Sikong Zhuoxing has not spoken, has been drinking. Obviously, the next thing is the cause of his decadence.

When he got drunk, Sikong chuixing finally said, "at that time, I had a lot of substandard divine stones, which amounted to tens of billions, and the inferior ones also had tens of billions. So I lived in yongyang very well. I didn't have to worry about life problems. Let alone this kind of jade house wine, better and more expensive wine, I used to drink it until When Wu Yutian, the son of Wu family, appeared, he fell in love with bophyllia and wanted her concubine. She refused him

Sikong chuixing, with a sad smile, "but how can such a big family's children give up easily? Seeing that conventional means are useless, he began to design and frame us up. In case of being unable to prevent, all my wealth was taken away, and I was almost jailed."

Li Fuchen nodded. Wu family is one of the 28 big four star forces in yongyang mainland. It's too simple to deal with a real God. It doesn't need to use force.

"Without the sacred stone, the yongyang stone and most of the resources and treasures, bophyllia and I began to sell the scraps left on our bodies. However, the consumption of yongyang mainland was too high, and the leftover debris was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

I also want to go out of the city to earn God stone, but every time I go out, I will be watched by the Wu family, and they won't kill me, but every time, I have to wait at the gate of the city for a long time, because I can't even afford to pay for a poor yongyang stone. I can only hope that a kind-hearted person can reward me with a poor yongyang stone.

I remember the longest time, I had to wait for decades before someone was willing to pay for my entrance fee. After that time, I never went out of the city again, because I knew that going out of the city would only make me more miserable. "

Sikong chuixing no longer drinks with wine cups, but drinks with wine jugs.

Li Fuchen asked, "how can you live in the city without yongyang stone?"

Here, everything needs yongyang stone.

"In fact, there are places in the city that can live without yongyang stone, but that place is not for people. Only those who are desperate can go there. There is no dignity to talk about. Bullying, killing and rape can be seen everywhere. There is no one to control. There is no fist It's hard truth. Fortunately, my strength is still strong enough. Otherwise, on the first day, bophyllia will be raped.

However, the beggars' den is not for you to live in vain. If you want to live there, you must first put a brand mark on your body. Then, you have to take part in a life and death war every year. The so-called life and death war must be ended only if one person dies. Otherwise, it will continue forever.

I'm ok. I can easily kill my opponent every time.

Bophyllia, however, was full of danger, extremely dangerous every time.

For a long time, bophyllia couldn't hold on. She promised Wu Yutian and decided to be his concubine.

To tell you the truth, I don't blame her. I can't stick to it.

I just hate that I am not strong enough, that Wu Yutian bullies others too much, that he does not give me a way to live, and that heaven is unfair, which makes me suffer such humiliation.

I hate it

Sikong Zhuoxing left two lines of clear tears.

Li Fuchen was silent.

This Sikong Zhuoxing has indeed suffered a lot of things that should not be borne.

Li Fuchen poured a glass of wine to the other party himself.

"You're the first person in all these years to listen to me talk nonsense. Thank you." Sikong chuixing fell to the ground and died.

Sipping wine, Li Fuchen decided to take Sikong Zhuoxing away from yongyang.

It's very risky to do so. It's really silly to do so for someone you don't know.

But since he met, if he didn't do anything, it would make him uncomfortable.

Who told him to mind his own business.

"It's your blessing to meet me. I'll help you!" Li Fuchen sighs that a person's fortune is too important. Some people have good talent and understanding, but their fortune is miserable. Then his life is miserable. A person with ordinary talent and understanding, but with good fortune and good fortune, his life is bright.

So, sometimes, luck is more important than your own efforts.

And what is the fate?

Li Fuchen thinks, this is the destiny in the world!

In the face of fate, there is no difference between the strong and the weak.

"Big brother, this wine is good to drink." Maomao crawled out of Li Fuzhen's clothes. He was not worldly minded. He didn't feel at all about Sikong chuixing's tragic experience. Instead, he was very interested in Yulou wine and drank it one pot after another.

"Drink more if you like."

Li Fuchen smiles.

Whether or not to take Sikong Zhuoxing to leave yongyang, depends on Maomao.

Wu family, as one of the twenty-eight big star forces in the Yong Yang mainland, is sure to have a large number of eyeliner. Now it is estimated that there are eye lines around him. So he wants to take Sikong Zhaixing away from Yung Yang mainland without any sound. That's impossible.The only place that can be used is that the other party doesn't understand him.

He and Sikong chuixing are both high level gods. Even if Wu Yutian sends people to follow them, he will probably send a group of powerful upper true gods or half step spirit gods at most, and send one or two lower spirit gods to suppress the battle.

According to normal thinking, it is impossible for the other party to send out the middle spirit God and the upper spirit God.

I'm kidding. Wu Yutian is just a superior God. Even if he is a direct descendant, he can't waste so much human and material resources to deal with the two gods.

So, the opportunity is really great.

If the chance is small, Li Fuchen will not decide to take the risk.

He is not good enough to save people regardless of his own safety.

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