Li Fuchen and Nangong feifeng are not in a hurry to leave Huangfeng city. They still live in Huangfeng city.

But Nangong Fengfei moved to the inn where Li Fuchen was and lived next door to Li Fuchen.

In the following days, Li Fuchen either attended various gatherings or studied split soul sword and kendo, and his life was quite substantial.

"It is worthy of being the ultimate level of the lower level xuanshenqi, which is so mysterious that it is hard to imagine."

Within a few days, Li Fuchen mastered the split soul sword.

Split soul sword, as the ultimate level lower level mysterious artifact, is more magical than batian Silver Hammer. I don't know how many times.

If batian silver hammer is only rough iron, then split soul sword is a sword. There is a difference between them.

What's more, the power of xuanshenqi in Li Fuchen's hand is many times greater than that in the hands of other spiritual masters.

This is because Li Fuchen's Kendo divine power index is as high as 8 billion, which is four or five times higher than that of most spiritual masters.

The index of spiritual power is four or five times higher, and the level of spiritual power is at least 20 times higher.

Only with strong spiritual power can the power of xuanshenqi be really stimulated.

"What is my strength now?"

Li Fuchen is looking forward to his own strength and also wants to fight with a lower Xuanshen.

Only by fighting with the lower Xuanshen, can he know his limit.

Holding the split soul sword in his hand, Li Fuchen's sword power was infused into it. Soon, Li Fuchen found the mysterious power of the split soul sword in the core pattern of the split soul sword.

Xuanshen has Xuanshen power, and xuanshenqi also has Xuanshen power.

It's just that the mysterious power of xuanshenqi comes from the design of the device.

The more powerful the artifact master is, the more perfect and powerful the patterns are. Like the deep vein of human body, these patterns have their own life and unique characteristics. Although they can not be cultivated, they can constantly supplement the consumed strength.

Of course, the premise is that the holder can activate these forces.

Xuanshenqi is so powerful that even the spiritual master can only barely attract a small part of the mysterious divine power. No matter how much, you can't control it. After all, if you let an ordinary person to control a dragon, isn't it hard to force people?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the spirit and God will only pour their own spiritual power into the xuanshenqi. With the increase of the Xuanshen tool pattern, the power of the spiritual power can be increased by more than ten times. In this way, the strength is also increased by more than ten times.

However, xuanshenqi is not so easy to use. If you use Xuanshen weapon to fight, the speed of spiritual power consumption will be 100 times and 1000 times higher than that under normal conditions, and it can not last for a long time.

A large number of Kendo supernatural powers poured into the core design of the split soul sword, and Li Fuchen began to arouse the mysterious power of the split soul sword.


The split soul sword trembled, and the mysterious power of green was aroused.

At the next moment, the split soul sword breathes the green sword awn, which is the real mysterious power. It is not inferior to the mysterious power of the lower Xuanshen, and even stronger than most of the lower Xuanshen, chasing the middle Xuanshen.

After all, the split soul sword is a lower level Xuanshen tool at the extreme level, and its power is comparable to the medium level Xuanshen tool.

"It's terrible."

Li Fuchen felt the charm of tearing everything from the green sword. Obviously, this is the characteristic of split soul sword.

It may be that his own Kendo power is very strong, or his spirit level has reached the upper level of Xuanshen level. It is not very difficult for Li Fuchen to induce the mysterious power of split soul sword. If he wants to, he can even arouse most of the supernatural power of split soul sword.

However, he didn't do so. It was so noisy that it was likely to destroy the space God array in the courtyard.

"Now I can only use the mysterious power of the split soul sword. When I am promoted to Xuanshen, I should be able to integrate the mysterious power of the split soul sword."

When Li Fuchen is promoted to Xuanshen, the supernatural power in his body will be transformed into Xuanshen power. With Li Fuchen's natural strength, the transformed supernatural power must be very strong, and may not be lost to the Xuanshen power of the split soul sword. At that time, there is no need to induce the mysterious power of the split soul sword, and directly use its own mysterious power to fuse the mysterious power of the split soul sword.

Of course, at that time, the help of split soul sword will be greatly reduced, and it is estimated that the strength will increase by several percent at most.

The green sword awn is like a green poisonous snake. Sometimes it shrinks, sometimes it soars. The void in the courtyard makes a hissing sound. It seems that it can not bear the power of the green sword.

Green sword light convergence, Li Fuzhen put away the split soul sword.

From now on, the split soul sword will be his biggest killer mace, and also the biggest dependence on which he will fight in the greater realm.

"Next, we'd better try to upgrade Yuanji chop to the next level Xuanshen skill!"

After all, the split soul sword is only a foreign object. It is not as reliable as the magic skill. Li Fuchen did not intend to put all his life on the split soul sword.

To upgrade yuanjijian, Li Fuchen has already had a lot of inspiration. Now he needs a thread to string these inspirations together.

If it's before gambling, Li Fuchen can only slowly improve yuanjijian. With his understanding, give him a little time, and it's not difficult to upgrade yuanjijian to the next level.But now, he has a better choice.

Heaven and earth are cut down.

It's a very domineering lower level Kendo magic skill.

Close his eyes, Li Fuchen seems to see a great sword Xuanshen, a sword force to split the earth into two pieces.


"The heaven and the earth are cutting!"

Deep in the courtyard space-time, in a vast space-time, Li Fuchen holds a long sword and splits furiously.


This sword is so domineering. In the vast space-time, there is a huge unreal sword shadow. The sword shadow flashes, which directly destroys the vast space-time.

The next moment, Li Fuchen retreated from the vast space-time and came to the courtyard.

The vast space-time was created by him with the rules of space-time and the power of space-time spirit. Unfortunately, the power of cutting the sky and earth is too powerful, and one sword will destroy the vast space-time created by him.

"It's just that the heaven and the earth can't be divided into eight parts. It's just that the heaven and the earth can't be divided into two parts, I just don't know how strong it is."

To cultivate other people's magic skills, one can only practice to eight points at most. It is impossible to master all the essence, let alone to be recognized by the rules of the divine world.

However, eight points doesn't mean that you have mastered 80% of the power of this magic skill. In fact, at most, you can master one or two percent of the power. Maybe you don't have any.

After all, it is too important to be recognized by the rules of the divine world. Otherwise, who will work hard to create magic skills and learn to practice others' skills one by one, which will save time and effort.

It didn't take Li Fuzhen too much time to cultivate Tiandi's domineering Qi to eight Fen. With Tiandi's domineering chop as a reference, Li Fuchen's inspiration about Yuanji chop became more and more active and regular.

This day.

"I see."

As soon as Li Fuchen's eyes lit up, a black sword light swept through his eyes. The terrible sword power, like a monster, wanted to destroy everything in the courtyard.

With a wave of his hand, a vast space-time appeared, and Li Fuchen stepped into it.

"Yuanji chop!"

As soon as he entered the time and space of creation, Li Fuchen pulled out his long sword and swung it.

In a flash, the black sword light soared and filled the vast space and time.

Click! CLICK!

Time and space are broken, and they can't bear the power of Yuanji chop.

Then Li Fuchen retreated.

At this time, a unique sword shaped mark fell into Li Fuzhen's body and swallowed another sword shaped mark similar to it.

This is the mark of Yuanji chop, which means that Yuanji chop has been recognized by the rules of the divine world. As for the sword shaped mark that was swallowed, it is the mark of Yuanji chop at the level of supernatural skill.

"It's not bad to be a good master."

Yuanjijian, which is promoted to the lower level of Xuanshen skill, is not the ordinary level, nor the medium level, but the excellent level.

Li Fuchen was very satisfied.

Even if he doesn't want to be perfect, it's hard for him to create perfect.

Once anything reaches the perfect level, there will be a qualitative leap.

Now Li Fuchen is still only the upper spirit God. It is already a miracle among the miracles that he can create an excellent lower level supernatural skill. What else can you expect.

What's more, Li Fuchen has the opportunity to upgrade yuanjijian's grade to the perfect level and even the ultimate level.

A day later, Li Fuchen completely mastered yuanjijian, and his breath was no longer so strong.

Otherwise, he would not dare to go out of the house. The fluctuation of yuanjijian was a little frightening. If he didn't grasp it thoroughly, people with weaker strength would turn into dust as soon as they touched his breath.

Yuanji chop and Wujian chop are both attack skills. Next, Li Fuchen plans to upgrade the sword spirit to the next level.

As for the mixed hole sword field, it is too difficult to upgrade. Li Fuchen decided to put it behind and accumulate some experience first.

With the passage of time, Li Fuchen had some inspiration about the persistence of sword spirit in his mind, but it was not too much, which could not be compared with yuanjijian.

Li Fuchen guessed that this should be the reason why he and yuanjijian are most familiar.

After all, the sword spirit was created later.

Li Fuchen is not in a hurry. Now his strength is strong enough. He can upgrade the sword Qi to the next level as soon as possible. If not, there is no need to worry.

In kendo practice, impatience is a taboo.

"Brother floating dust, you must help me, or I will lose miserably. It's a hundred trillion high-quality stone. Besides, I'm afraid I'll lose all my face, and I won't get green e's favor." A fat man came to Li Fuchen's courtyard.

This fat man, named Yuan Wei, is the young patriarch of the yuan family of the five-star higher family. He and Yan Beishan are best friends, and they are also very close friends with Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen likes the straightforward character of the other party.

"What's going on?" He can help as long as it's not a big deal.

Yuan Wei told the story.Li Fuchen couldn't laugh or cry, but it was a disaster caused by jealousy.

It turned out that Yuan Wei and the young patriarch of another five-star family had a crush on a woman named lu'e. for the sake of this woman, the two fought openly and secretly for many times. This time, they had a direct and aboveboard gambling fight. The loser should not only give up pursuing lu'e, but also pay each other 100 trillion yuan of medium grade divine stone.

Yuan Wei had already invited three powerful spiritual masters. However, he did not know that the other party had invited a more powerful spiritual master, which seemed to be the spiritual master on the list of spiritual masters.

Yuan Wei was not willing to lose the bet, so he thought about it and thought that only Li Fuchen could help him.

"As long as you can win the bet, I don't want a cent of the other party's 100 trillion medium grade stone, all for you." My brother will settle accounts and ask Li Fuchen to do it. He can't give him any reward. In that case, who will be his friend in the future.

"Well, don't worry, there won't be any twists and turns in this game."

Li Fuchen is still very happy when he thinks that he will get another 100 trillion Zhongpin Shenshi.

You know, Nangong feifeng's side, after the success, he can only get 50 trillion medium grade God stone.

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