This sound, to some extent, is more terrible than Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen simply defeated him.

He was humiliated in what he was best at.

Because the other side is also practicing twisted rules, and more powerful than him, more terrifying.

Following the voice, Zheng Xuelong looked.

A white haired young man grinned at him.

Carven, the master of nightmare spirit, ranks 440th in Cang Lanling's list. The twisted rules have reached a state of perfection in his hands, and even can distort people's hearts.

"Twist the rules?" Li Fuchen can see at a glance that the smell of the white haired youth is very similar to Zheng Xuelong.

But there is a difference between the two.

Zheng Xuelong's distorted rules are extremely domineering, but they are also lack of change.

The twisted rules of white haired youth are not only full of tyranny, but also weird, mysterious and dense.

"It's kind of interesting."

Li Fuchen smiles.

He found it interesting, not that he had met his opponent.

It's about seeing all kinds of rules.

Each rule has different practitioners and different effects.

In his opinion, the distorted rules should not only distort the material, but also distort the mind, the will and even the personality.

"That Beiming saint is also good. He has created nine top-level Kendo magic skills."

Li Fuchen listened to almost all the comments.

Jiumen ultimate level upper level Kendo spirit skills, far more than before Li Fuchen.

Of course, this is mainly because Li Fuchen's practice time is short, and the other party's training time is at least tens of thousands of years.

If Li Fuchen had been given tens of thousands of years, even if there was no later chance, not to mention the nine ultimate upper level Kendo magic skills, 90 of them had been created, and even the lower level Kendo mysterious skills could be created.

Not to mention that he is not the same as he used to be. He can easily create all the mysterious skills of kendo.

"But to say the most powerful, or that little gray boy, he seems to have created a lower level mysterious magic." Li Fuchen's eyes fell on a young man in gray between the four-star Royal beast family.

The young man in grey is too common. Li Fuchen doesn't hear anyone talking about him. It's estimated that the other party is not the Lord of spirit.

The reason why Li Fuchen can see that the other party has created the next level mysterious magic skill is that he inadvertently reveals a trace of mysterious magic skill. How sensitive is Li Fuchen's spirit? No one is stronger than him except the domain God, and the domain God will not stare at a deity to observe.

"It should have been created not long ago, and it can't converge perfectly."

Magic skills can also change a person's breath.

After all, if you master a powerful magic skill, your confidence will naturally increase. If you have a strong confidence, your breath will naturally increase.

"I don't know how he practiced it?"

Li Fuchen can easily create the lower level Kendo mystical skills because of the high level of spirit, high understanding and high level of Kendo rules.


The boy in grey felt that someone was watching him, but he didn't know where the observer was anyway.

It surprised him.

To be sure, the people who observe him are not metaphysical gods, not to mention domain gods.

That is to say, there is a spiritual Lord watching him.

"It seems that we can't underestimate the people in the world." The boy in grey said to himself.

"It's interesting. Does the other party have the blood of the God of the world?"

Li Fuchen guessed.

The cultivation of Xuanshen lies in the continuous integration of metaphysical skills. The more metaphysical skills are integrated, the stronger the strength is, and the stronger the Xuanshen power is.

Therefore, after reaching the Xuanshen stage, one's own blood will begin to degenerate, with the breath of divine skill.

Xuanshen's children, to a certain extent, can inherit Xuanshen's skills from their blood.

This inherited skill is called blood skill.

Blood skill can be upgraded. At first, it can't be blood mysterious skill, but blood magic skill. But with the improvement of cultivation level, blood skill can also be improved continuously, reaching the level of mysterious skill.

However, there are too many Xuanshen in Ziyun divine world, and Xuanshen's blood is not uncommon.

Even if it is the blood of God, it is not rare.

Only the blood of the world God is really powerful.

The children of the God of the world are born extraordinary, and their natural potential is more terrible than that of the top talents.

Of course, the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to give birth to children. This is restricted by the rules of the divine world. In general, if a god of the realm can give birth to a child in his lifetime, he can be thankful. Many gods of the world can not have children in their whole life.

After waiting for several hours, the interior of the big hole in the pit suddenly radiated light.

"The secret realm of the domain god beast has been opened. Go down."

The secret realm of domain gods and beasts restricts the access of domain gods. Therefore, each royal beast family is a group of mysterious gods with a large number of spiritual masters to rush into a large cave.The Nangong family chose a big hole in the northeast corner.

"Li Fuchen, it's very dangerous to be in the secret place of the wild animals. Please don't leave me too far." The voice of Nangong feifeng was introduced into Li Fuchen's ear.

The small secret realm is in the secret realm of the gods and beasts. People should first make their way in the secret realm of the gods and beasts.


Li Fuchen is not a man who tries to be brave. Even though he thinks that his strength is not inferior to that of most of the lower Xuanshen, he will not be foolishly resisting on his own. The Nangong family has so many Xuanshen, one by one, is not a hard worker. They can do a good job of hard work.

The rules of the secret realm of gods and beasts are very special. In addition to the rules of the divine world, there are also other rules.

Obviously, this secret land of gods and beasts has been transformed, and it is more suitable for the protozoans to live in.

As soon as they entered the secret realm of the domain, a large number of mysterious beasts rushed over.

This large number of Xuanshen beasts are led by five powerful Xuanshen beasts.

The protoss can enter the secret realm of the gods and beasts, and the protozoans can naturally enter the secret realm of the gods and beasts, and they have more means to enter the secret realm of the gods and beasts.

The first one was a giant tortoise with numerous sharp horns on its back, red eyes and a thick mountain breath.

The second Xuanshen beast is a jackal like beast with eight legs.

The third Xuanshen beast is a giant python with silver shining all over. Under its ribs, there are a pair of wings.

The fourth Xuanshen beast is a huge dark green frog. People feel dizzy just by looking at it. It is obvious that this huge dark green frog contains a lot of poison, and its blood contains the rules of poison.

The fifth Xuanshen beast is a colorful mosquito. It is only the size of its head. The breath it sends out makes people scared.

The upper Xuanshen beast is a sharp horned turtle.

The upper mysterious beast, the wind and the wolf.

On top of it is the mysterious beast flying silver python.

The upper Xuanshen beast eats the poisonous frog.

The upper Xuanshen beast kills the mosquito in five colors.

The five headed Xuanshen beasts are all superior Xuanshen beasts. The breath of these five upper Xuanshen beasts is strong and weak, but even the weakest one, the breath is ten times and ten times stronger than the upper Xuanshen of Nangong family.

As for the other Xuanshen beasts, they are the middle Xuanshen beasts and the lower Xuanshen beasts.

Seeing a large number of Xuanshen beasts rushing over, all the Xuanshen of Nangong family changed their faces.

Because of their huge size, the divine power of the protozoan is many times more than that of the Protoss. Generally, a Xuanshen beast needs several or even more than ten Xuanshen to deal with. If it is a Xuanshen beast with strong blood, dozens of Xuanshen may not be able to deal with it.

Of course, this is not to say that Protoss are inferior to orcs.

In various divine realms, the protoss can occupy a dominant position. The first is quantity, the second is strength.

Not to mention the number, the number of protoss is really large.

As for strength, we are talking about the top combat power.

Although the orcs are naturally strong, they are hard to produce real strong ones. However, the weak ones can be found everywhere, but they can produce some terrible strong ones.

Li Fuchen, for example, is clearly just a superior spirit God, but a thousand superior spirit gods are not his opponents, which is not enough to describe in terms of terror.

In short, in terms of average combat power, the protoss can't catch up with the Protoss. In terms of the top combat power, the protoss can't catch up with the Protoss.

Both sides have their own merits.

This is the situation at present. Most of the Xuanshen of Nangong family are just ordinary Xuanshen. It takes several or even more than a dozen to deal with one of them. With so many Xuanshen beasts, at least half of the Xuanshen of Nangong family can deal with it. This is more or less dangerous. After all, they have to protect the gods such as Li Fuchen.

"Li Fuchen, be careful."

Nangong feifeng is a little nervous. She is a rare genius in Nangong family for countless years. Unfortunately, her cultivation time is still short. She has only integrated three lower Xuanshen skills. It is very difficult to deal with a lower Xuanshen beast, let alone protect Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen nodded. He would never expose his real strength unless he had to.

But when it comes to the time of life and death crisis, he doesn't care too much.

Compared with life, exposing strength is not worth mentioning.

The roar of Xuanshen beast filled the heaven and earth. Many spiritual masters covered their ears and blood flowed along their fingers.

The power of Xuanshen beast is too terrible. A simple roar makes people feel irresistible.

"It can't be compared."

Li Fuchen shook his head.

Although his divine power is more terrifying than the gods and beasts, it is not as good as some super large ones.

Of course, the power strength of the super large beast is certainly not as strong as him.

You know, his power is ten. It's good to have three, four, four or five.

But he is a minority.

Some people, like him, practiced the rules of Kendo to the upper level of Xuanshen state in the stage of upper spirit, and some of them, like him, had spirits at the upper level of Xuanshen.Therefore, compared with other people, Xuanshen beast is really terrible. It is normal for several Xuanshen or even a dozen Xuanshen to deal with one Xuanshen beast.

The five powerful Xuanshen beasts are dealt with by the upper Xuanshen of Nangong family, and the rest are handed over to the middle Xuanshen. As for the lower Xuanshen, there are only a dozen of them. For example, Nangong feifeng comes here mainly to sharpen himself.

Boom, boom

The battle broke out soon. A rhinoceros like silver Xuanshen beast, one sprint, directly hit several Xuanshen in Nangong family. It was only when the number of Xuanshen in Nangong family who intercepted him reached 10, could it resist it.

For the time being, there is no Xuanshen beast rushing over here.

But looking at Nangong feifeng's eager appearance, she seems to want to fight Xuanshen beast.

Li Fuchen preached: "if you want to fight, fight. Why suppress yourself? As for our safety, you can rest assured. There are a large number of mysterious gods here."

The Nangong family came to hundreds of Xuanshen, and nearly a hundred of them were protected.


Nangong feifeng kills a lower Xuanshen beast. The opponent of the lower Xuanshen beast is the three lower Xuanshen of Nangong family.

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