"Heaven frost sword meaning."

The ultimate cold sword, attacking Kavin.

Calvin stood there motionless. The cold sword turned his direction and attacked Bai Shuang himself.

"The heart is cold, the sword is cold."

A circle of icy sword idea revolves around, offsetting the cold sword meaning.

"Hand of nightmare, come here."

Calvin suddenly reached out a hand and swayed towards the frost. The frost felt the sky shaking and shaking, and her brain was not awake. At this moment, she wanted to sleep very much. She heard someone calling her, and she subconsciously walked over.

Calvin licked his lips. She must taste good.

"Take off your clothes."

Calvin continued to shake his hands.

Hearing this, Bai Shuang struggled for a while.

"Be obedient, take off your clothes, and you will be very comfortable."

Calvin's hand, his voice, has a terrible magic, in the twisted rules of the characteristics, directly transmitted to the Frost's subconscious.


Bai Shuang took off her first clothes, revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulder.

"Keep on taking off, and you'll be in bliss."

Calvin's voice is more and more magical.

Just at the moment, Baishuang struggled more violently, and seemed to wake up at any time.

"The will is really strong, but it's a pity that when I meet Calvin, no matter how strong the will is, it's the spirit of nightmare." Calvin's body also shook, and countless Calvin appeared. Each of them was using his nightmarish hand towards the frost. At the same time, Calvin's voice changed, and he became a man whom the white frost liked.

Who is Baishuang's favorite person?

Like a dream, a figure flashed in Bai Shuang's mind.

"The sword is cold in all directions!"

From the inside of the body, the frost breaks out.

"What's going on?"

Countless carvings disappeared, and their noumenon appeared.

He had some doubts. This was the first time that he failed.

"Shameless!" Seeing her own situation, Bai Shuang quickly put on her clothes.

"It's interesting, but if you get rid of it, I'm not a nightmare Spirit Lord. I'm twisted." Kavin exudes powerful distorted rules, which not only distort the void and the divine rules, but also distorts the surrounding environment and Bai Shuang's mind. For a time, Bai Shuang falls into a strange world, which is distorted. Obviously, she wants to move forward, but she is going backward. She wants to fight, but she is quite submissive At this moment, she felt that her heart was extremely fragile. She wanted to be comforted. Anyone can.

At this point, Calvin appeared, with a gentle smile on his face, and came step by step. "It's all over. Come on."


Bai Shuang walked along obediently.

"What a twisted rule."

A figure, suddenly came to the strange world, appeared between Calvin and frost.

His eyes, as if nothing can shake his will and soul, his breath, which is extremely fierce, dangerous and bizarre, is collapsing.

"How could it be!"

Calvin was surprised.

This is the spiritual world between him and Bai Shuang. How did the other party come in? Did the other party practice the twisted rules.

No, it's not likely.

Even if the other party practices the twisted rules, because he has already started the mind distortion, he can interfere in the spiritual world created by himself unless the other party's distorted rule realm is far beyond himself.

Before Calvin wants to understand, the spiritual world collapses, and Baishuang regains consciousness again.

Her face was full of anger and fear.

It's too terrible. This Calvin is definitely the most terrible person she has ever seen. It's not because his strength is terrible, but because his means are too terrible. He can easily distort his mind and make his own behavior uncontrollable.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Li did not come.

Seeing Li Fuchen's back, Bai Shuang feels an unprecedented sense of security and seems to have the other party in. Everything is not a problem.

"Who are you?" Calvin looks at Li Fuzhen.

This is a terrible person, a person he has to pay attention to.

By the other side can freely enter his own creation of the spiritual world, he will know that today, there will be a hard struggle.

"The one who killed you." Li Fuchen turned to Bai Shuang and said, "are you ok?"

After receiving Baishuang's summons, he immediately came.

And it came as fast as possible.

Although he didn't fight with Calvin, he knew how terrible it was to distort the rules. The other party was called the master of nightmare spirit, which was not a false name.

Once I come late, the consequences are unimaginable.

Fortunately, he didn't come too late and saved the frost in time.However, vaguely, he still saw the subtle changes of Bai Shuang. The other side seemed to be weak. The fluctuation of his will and soul was very big, which was not a good thing for a sword God.

Sword God, want to have the determination of indomitable, want to have indomitable will and spirit.

The sword God should go against the heaven. People should block killing and God should block killing God.

No matter who it is, as long as they block their own way, they will be killed with one sword.

I don't know how many evil people will be affected by this man.

"It's up to you to kill me." Calvin sneers, he admits, Li Fuchen is very strong, strong terrible.

However, his means have not been used at all. To deal with Bai Shuang, he uses some means to distort the will of the soul. Since distorting the will of mind is useless to Li Fuchen, he should use his method of killing people.

"Naturally, you can use whatever means I have! Otherwise, you won't get a chance later. " It's too cheap to kill the other party with one sword. Li Fuchen wants to let the other party feel despair, collapse of mind and destruction of will before he dies.

"Seek death, twist the earth."

With a wave of Calvin's palm, infinite rules of distortion sprang out. At the next moment, Li Fuchen and the earth and void where Li Fuchen were located were twisted into powder.

"No, that's what you do

In the sky above the pit, Li floating there, unharmed.

"Twisted sword!"

Calvin turns his right hand, and an invisible twisted sword appears in his hand.

As soon as the twisted sword was cut, countless twisted sword shadows appeared in all directions of Li Fuchen. Under the effect of the twisted rules, these sword shadows directly ignored the distance between Li and him, just like a poisonous snake, trying to get into Li Fuchen's body.


The twisted sword shadow collapses and the fragments are flying.

"No way."

Calvin knows the horror of the twisted sword. It is an extreme level twisted spirit skill. It can directly ignore the defense and attack the enemy's interior and mind.

He once played against a Spirit Lord list whose ranking was much higher than him. Although no one could do anything about it in the end, the other side still suffered a secret loss under his twisted sword.

"Nightmares call."

Calvin also displays another extreme level superior twist spirit magic skill, an incomparably huge figure, drills out from the void depth.

This is a devil with a pair of sharp horns on his head. The devil's body is full of chaotic power and has strong pollution.

"Abyss devil?"

Bai Shuang was surprised.

The devil, will only appear in the abyss, the other side can summon the devil to the divine world?

That's ridiculous!

Li Fuchen looked at the flame devil and said, "this is not the abyss devil itself, but the projection of the other side, which is not worth mentioning."

The roar of the will is enough to make the soul go crazy.

Bang, bang, Bang

With great strides, the flame devil rushed to Li Fuchen.

As he approached Li Fuchen, the fire devil hit him.


The flame devil starts with his fist and turns his body into fly ash inch by inch.

In the blink of an eye, the flame demons turn into ashes.

Li Fuchen did not even go out, the shadow of the abyss devil collapsed, and this strength made Calvin scared.

"You're proud to have twisted the rules to this point. Now it's my turn to attack." Step by step, Li Fuchen walks to Calvin.

Calvin's figure twinkles. Under the influence of twisted rules, his one step is equivalent to ten million steps under normal circumstances.

But no matter where he appears, Li Fuchen is always in front of him, slowly approaching.

"Don't come here, twist the earth." Calvin roars, distorts the earth, launches with all his strength, as if to twist the whole world.

Li Fuzhen's figure blurred for a moment, then gradually clear, continue to approach Kavin.

Close, Li Fuchen stretched out a finger and gently poked at Kavin.


There's a blood hole in Calvin's body.

The blood hole can't stop bleeding at all, the blood splashes unnecessarily, and the spiritual power doesn't need the leakage of money.


Another blood hole appears.

Then there is the third, the fourth

After a while, Calvin did not know how many blood holes appeared.

He felt that his will was a little fuzzy, and his mind fluctuated, especially his body, which was so weak that he couldn't lift his strength at all.

"Who are you?" Calvin was scared. He had never seen such a terrible Spirit Lord.

Is this still the Spirit Lord?

"I said, the one who killed you, but before you die, I'll give you a taste of fear."

Li Fuchen's eyes, as if with magic, just looked at Kavin, his eyes would be dull, in the depths of his soul sea, a trace of flame was burning his spirit.Although the Youneng fireball is only the real magic skill of the lower level, it has already reached the highest level in Li Fuchen's hands. It can not only attack the enemy with the spirit fireball, but also burn the enemy's spirit with the flame, which is no longer confined to the original form.

The spirit is burned, the body becomes very weak, and the seeds of fear are breeding in the will of the mind.

Finally, Calvin went crazy and his eyes turned red.

"Everything will be destroyed and twisted."

Calvin burned his spiritual power and wanted to die with Li Fuchen.


Li Fuchen pointed out that the card culture was the fly ash, and there was no trace of its existence.

Put away the other party's God's favorite bag and space ring, Li Fuchen turns around and walks to the white frost.

"To practice a sword, you should first practice your heart. Your sword seems cold and merciless, but in fact it is not integrated with the will of the soul. If today, your sword has been integrated with the will of the soul, it is not so easy for the other party to distort your spiritual will. Don't forget that the Kendo rules are the road, the top rules and the existence beyond the distorted rules." Li said.

Smell speech, Bai Shuang nodded, today, she just knew that she was not so strong, not so flawless.

"Thank you for your advice."

Baishuang decided to go back this time, she must practice her heart and not pursue her superficial strength.

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