This is a lush forest.

At the edge of the forest, Zheng Xuelong is miserable, and the dozens of spiritual masters of Nangong family with him are also miserable.

Not long ago, they saw a small animal with three colors of light, rushing into the forest.

They know that the three color animals are the young ones.

Tricolor beast is not a general superior domain god beast, but a very rare superior domain god beast.

Tricolor beast has three abilities. The first is healing ability. No matter how many wounds the superior God suffers, he can heal in a short time, even if it is the wound on the spirit.

The second ability is the ability to avoid danger. With the three color strange beast, you don't need to worry about encountering a crisis at all, because the three color strange beast will predict in advance. Of course, the premise is that the source of the crisis is not very strong. If it is a god of the world, the three color strange beast can not accurately predict the danger.

After all, the world God and the domain God are totally two levels of existence, one heaven and one earth.

The third capability is combat capability.

From the name point of view, the name of the three color strange beast seems to be quite mild, but if we really want to fight, the combat effectiveness of the three color strange beast is definitely not weaker than that of most of the superior domain deities.

These three abilities are of great value to the cubs.

It is ten times and ten times higher than the general superior domain.

The Nangong family didn't plan to kill the gods for them. They told them in advance that the general superior domain god beast cubs would reward one trillion medium grade God stone, and rare upper level God animal cubs like three color strange animals would be rewarded with 10 trillion medium level God stone. Of course, there are only a few rare upper level god beast cubs, which can't be too many.

It was a good thing to find the three color strange animal cubs. Unfortunately, they met the magic sword spirit Master.

The Lord of magic sword spirit, Cang Lanling ranked 15th in the list of masters. He is a powerful Kendo spirit Master.

Among the numerous Kendo spirit masters, no one can suppress him except Beiming saint.

Zheng Xuelong thought that he was the 78th Spirit Lord in the list, and with dozens of spiritual masters, he was enough to fight with the Spirit Lord of magic sword.

But after only a dozen breaths, Zheng Xuelong knew he was wrong.

Cang Lanling, the top 50, is basically some abnormal, the number of people is useless.

With only one sword, they killed and wounded more than a dozen people, and he himself was also annihilated a lot of spiritual power.

"How could it be so powerful."

Zheng Xuelong thinks of Li Fuchen. Li Fuchen is powerful, but also above the spirit Master of magic sword. There are several spiritual masters on his side, who have been sent to Li Fuchen.

I just don't know how far Li Fuchen is from them and when he can get there.

"It's no use. Die one by one."

The sword in the master's hand is a black sword with palpable power.

A sword comes out, and the black sword spirit interweaves into a net, covering all the people.

In an instant, more than a dozen people were killed and injured.

This is because Zheng Xuelong resisted most of the sword Qi. Otherwise, there would be more deaths and injuries, and it would not be impossible for Zheng Xuelong to be completely destroyed in a moment.

"His strength is absolutely not as strong as Li Fuchen."

Until this moment, Zheng Xuelong was more deeply aware of the power of Li Fuchen.

The other side fought with him, but he was on the verge of death by understatement, which was the result of the other side's leniency.

"It's kind of interesting."

Even a few swords did not kill Zheng Xuelong, the demon sword Spirit Lord frowned.

It seems to be more serious.

The black sword in the hand of the demon sword Spirit Lord is held high and splits down.

"The devil's sword is cut in ten directions!"

The master of the magic sword spirit displayed the supernatural skills of the upper level kendo.

This time, his sword spirit was more powerful than several times, at least about ten times.

"Not good."

The crisis of death flashed through Zheng Xuelong's heart.

At this moment, he realized that the other side did not take it seriously at all, and it is estimated that only 10% of the strength can be played.


"Three color strange animal cub."

Li Fuchen's eyes brightened.

Tricolor beast belongs to rare superior domain god beast, can meet but cannot seek.

A three color animal cub, worth 10 trillion, is worth a stone. What is this concept.

It is estimated that the vast majority of the middle and upper Xuanshen do not have so many intermediate Shenshi.

No one will dislike his own stone too much, and Li Fuchen is not surprised.

What's more, there are two big men who eat God stone in his cultivation rules.

When Kendo's spiritual power broke through, it consumed him 25 trillion medium grade divine stones.

You know, he is still only the upper spirit God, waiting for him to be promoted to the next Xuanshen? It is estimated that it will be increased by 100 times and hundreds of times, and at least it will be more than a trillion of medium grade divine stones.

In addition, the rule of destruction has not yet been promoted. Once it is promoted, it will consume the speed of the medium level spirit stone, but it must be above the Kendo rule.Therefore, for Li Fuchen, the more the better, how much he can earn.

This trip to the little secret place was an opportunity. If he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult for him to earn a magic stone, which was ten times and a hundred times more difficult.

Before he worked hard to make Shendan, he only made hundreds of billions of second-class divine stones. Now, it is a waste of time.

Instead of using Kendo rules, Li Fuchen uses the rules of time and space to drive.

The speed of space-time rules is too fast. A blink is a thousand times the distance.

After a while, he was near the forest.

Over a long distance, Li Fuzhen felt a strong sword spirit.

This sword spirit is not only powerful, but also contains the charm of killing.

The distance is too far. If you change it to other spiritual masters, there is nothing you can do.

However, for Li Fuchen, this distance is nothing at all. If he is willing to go further than ten times and a hundred times, his attack can arrive in an instant.

A sword blows out, and a black sword blows out.

The speed is so fast that space and time are folded.

The sword spirit of the demon sword spirit Master is about to scatter in the crowd.

At this time, an equally black sword Qi came in an instant.


The devil's sword will not be destroyed.

"What's going on?"

The people in the crisis of death raised their heads and looked bewildered.

Zheng Xuelong looks into the distance, where there is a vague shadow, very familiar.

"Help! Li Fuchen is here."

Zheng Xuelong breathed a sigh of relief and showed humanity to all.

"Heaven does not die me, Li Fuchen finally came."

For everyone, Li Fuchen is their backbone. With Li Fuchen, they are safer than ever before.

It seems that all crises can be resolved with Li Fuzhen.

"This sword spirit."

The demon sword Spirit Lord's face is dignified. From such a distance, he can destroy his magic sword with one sword. His strength is extremely strong.

What's more, the opponent is also the master of Kendo spirit.

On the list of spiritual masters, apart from Beiming saint, he doesn't remember any Kendo spirit Master who is so strong.

Unless the other side is a new Kendo player with no reputation.

The long distance, for Li Fuchen, is not the distance at all. Soon, Li Fuchen came to the scene.

"In the forest cubs?" Li asked.


Zheng Xuelong nodded.

Looking at the Nangong family, Li Fuchen finds that the dead and injured are very miserable.

"You can fix it first. I'll leave it to me." Li Fuchen was humane to Zheng Xuelong and others.

Taking a deep breath, the magic sword spirit Master said: "you are very strong. I really didn't expect that you would meet a Kendo spirit Master like you in a small secret place."

Sword God is a group with the most powerful attack power.

The master of magic sword did not dare to look down on Li Fuchen. He knew that if there was no big difference in strength, a little mistake would make the situation reverse.

"You're the best! Otherwise, you will not have a chance to use it in the future. "

There is no way for the dead to perform kendo.

"No shame, I will show you my strongest Kendo skills."

Just now, the magic sword decapitation was just the perfect upper level Kendo spirit skill, but he created seven extreme level upper level Kendo spirit skills.

If Li Fuchen thinks that he is only here, he will give the other party a lesson, a lesson of blood.

"Yes, I'll see."

Li Fuchen is still interested in the powerful Kendo spirit Master.

Watching other people's Kendo supernatural skills may bring him some inspiration and let him create more lower level Kendo supernatural skills.

If the demon sword spirit Master is not the Kendo spirit Master, he is not too lazy to talk nonsense and directly kill.

"Kill the earth."

The magic sword Spirit Lord came out of the sword, one sword came out, and the sword spirit flew close to the ground, and then the light pillars of sword Qi attacked Li Fuchen.

The perfect upper level Kendo spirit skill - kill the ground.

"That's what you want to win me." Li Fuchen didn't pull out the sword either. With a wave of his hand, the black sword Qi cut off all the light pillars of the sword spirit and flew towards the demon sword spirit Master. The speed was almost faster than the reaction speed of the demon sword spirit Master.

"Magic sword seal."

The spirit Master of the magic sword murmured, and there was a huge black magic sword in front of him.

The ultimate level upper level sword defense spirit skill - magic sword seal.


The black magic sword cracked, and the black sword spirit continued to attack the magic sword spirit Master.

"Kill the sword."

The spirit Master of the magic sword was astonished, and displayed the ultimate level of divine body and spirit skills. His body was covered with layers of sword Qi, and his body was also filled with compressed sword Qi. These compressed sword Qi were combined with special laws to form an impregnable defense.Poof!

The black sword spirit penetrates the body of the demon sword spirit Master and annihilates a lot of his spiritual power.

The power of a sword is so terrible.

"Take out all your means, or you won't have a chance."

In fact, the magic sword Spirit Lord met Li Fuchen, and he had no chance at all.

"Damn it, the sword of doom."

The magic sword spirit Master Shi displayed one of the three killing moves. Black sword Qi fell from the sky and cut Li Fuchen.

This sword is similar to Li Fuchen's burial sword.

But it's not as overbearing as burying sword, so it can't be resisted.


The black sword Qi can't hurt li Fuchen.

"Sword of destroying spirit!"

The demon sword Spirit Lord is crazy and displays the second killing move.

The black sword Qi changes from visible to invisible, leaving only a terrible power gathering.

The sword of destroying spirit can even destroy the spirits of killing people.

It's a killing move in the killing move. The spirit Master of the magic sword can't use it easily.

Because using this move, he will lose part of his spirit power.

"This sword is a bit interesting."

Li Fuchen pinches two fingers, and an invisible sword power is pinched on his fingers, unable to move.


The demon sword Spirit Lord widened his eyes and could not believe what he saw.

It was beyond his imagination that the sword of destroying spirit was held by someone.

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