The secret place was closed, and the shadows were transmitted out.

"Why are so many gods missing?" A royal beast family found that only less than 30% of the number of spiritual masters sent in, and less than 10% of the more miserable ones.

"What's the situation?"

The mysterious gods of the Royal beast family began to ask about the situation.

Smell the speech, these Spirit Lord you a word I say a word.

Finally, the supernatural gods of the Royal beast family knew that the spiritual masters on the list of spiritual masters were too cruel. They killed a large number of spiritual masters.

Shake your head, these Royal beast family have no way.

What can be done.

It's their fault that they didn't invite the powerful spiritual masters to list the spiritual masters. We can't blame these hard working spiritual masters.

Some people are happy, others are worried.

Among the thousand and four star Royal beast family, many have actually obtained the domain god beast young animal.

This is the future domain god beast.

It can be imagined that once they are brought up to adulthood, the strength of their family will be greatly increased, and it is not impossible to be promoted to the five-star Royal beast family at one stroke.

"Li Fuchen, you can get the domain god beast cub." Nangong feifeng is full of expectation. Although she has promised to pay Li Fuchen 50 trillion medium grade God stone, 3 billion top grade God stone and a lower level Xuanshen artifact ship that reaches at least excellent level, she does not regret at all. She knows that the Jedi can use one as a hundred. Among the more than 200 gods sent by the Nangong family this time, only Li Fuchen is most likely to get the domain god beast cub.

"It's not a shame."

Li Fuchen handed all the bags to Nangong feifeng.

Nangong feifeng opened it one by one. She was stunned and didn't believe her eyes at all.

At this moment, she felt her breath stop.

There are more than two thousand Xuanshen animal cubs and hundreds of domain god beast cubs. How did the other party do it? It can't be described as astonishing, but it's shocking.

Nangong feifeng can imagine how powerful the Nangong family will be once the more than 2000 Xuanshen beast cubs are trained to adulthood and the hundreds of them are brought up to adulthood. At that time, not to mention the first imperial animal family in canglan City, it can become one of the top five-star imperial animal families in the northern part of the bloodstained continent. Only six stars can suppress the Nangong family The Royal beast family, and even the six star Royal beast family, it is estimated that there are not so many Xuanshen beast and domain god beast.

In other words, the Nangong family will definitely become the first in the northern land in the future.

And who knows, these domain gods have no hope to evolve into realm gods in the future.

The level of gods and beasts is not unchangeable. Each animal contains a variety of blood vessels. Some are hidden and some are very rich. Once stimulated, they may evolve to a higher level.

Of course, at that time, the name of the beast would change.

For example, her purple light bird, in its adult stage, is a superior Xuanshen beast. In the future, it will not be called purple light bird if it is organically evolved into a lower level god beast.

"How did you do it?" Nangong feifeng tried to control her emotions, but she couldn't control it. Her heart beat even faster and faster. As the first genius of the family for countless years, the family promised her that she would be the first choice to bring out this time, even if she chose the superior domain.

Nangong feifeng has already selected the target, that is, the three color monster cub.

This kind of three color strange beast, the purple cloud divine world almost disappeared, only a few super strong world gods there have raised.

Li Fuchen said: "I said that with me, everything doesn't need to worry. As for how I do it, naturally it depends on strength."

Li Fuchen thinks that he is worthy of the reward paid by Nangong feifeng. It is no exaggeration to say that if he sells these rare animals, he will definitely get tens of millions of trillion medium grade divine stones, top-grade divine stones, xuanshenqi spaceships, and even yushenqi spaceships.

But he won't do that. It's against his kendo.

If you take money for others, you can't go back on good things.

And to tell you the truth, the mythical beast, the young beast, the God stone, the artifact spaceship are all foreign objects that can be discarded.

If he can cultivate to the realm of God, nothing can be achieved.

In short, strength is everything. When he is strong enough to a certain extent, he will take whatever he wants, whether it is in the divine world or in the void.

At the beginning, Yuguang divine world was chopped off by the divine king, which was what he really yearned for.

Compared with strength, everything else is illusory.

Therefore, Li Fuchen is not distressed at all, and will not feel that the payoff is not proportional.

To say the least, he was able to enter the small secret place because of the Nangong family. Without the Nangong family, these miraculous animals and young animals could not be collected by him.

"At first, I thought that I paid you a lot of money, but now it seems that it is too little. I have decided to increase your reward temporarily. You can rest assured that the reward is at least ten times that of the present." Nangong feifeng made her own way.Not to mention anything else, Nangong feifeng felt that she had taken advantage of a three color animal.

Li Fuchen said: "it's unnecessary. The reward of Nangong family is enough."

If there is no such reward, it is indeed a little unreasonable.

Soon, the other members of the Nangong family also learned about Li Fuchen's harvest. They were stunned, and immediately they were in a state of surprise and joy. They were eager to fly back to the family and tell the clan leader and the family leaders the good news.

"Yes, we must give him more rewards."

Everyone agrees.

At the beginning, Nangong family was able to rise because it enslaved a superior domain god beast cub zilei Dapeng bird and upper domain god beast young animal golden three headed birds. Now there are hundreds of domain god beast cubs. Although there are not many upper domain God beasts, they can make Nangong family strong many times, and lay a deep foundation for becoming the first royal beast family in canglan city in the future.

"I'll talk about it later." The upper Xuanshen, headed by the Nangong family, was worried. Li Fuchen got too many young animals of the domain gods. Once the news leaked, the Nangong family would become the target of public criticism, which was not good.

Sure enough, there was a royal beast family who knew the harvest of Nangong family.

"Nangong family, you are so ungrateful. There are only so many domain gods and young animals in the small secret place. Your family will get hundreds of them. How can we live?" The Xuan God of a five-star Royal beast family envied and envied, and his voice was very loud. Obviously, he hoped that everyone would hear it.

Li Fuchen saw that among the spiritual masters invited by the other party, there was an extraordinary figure.

Mitian also saw Li Fuchen and grinned.

"It seems that I am still too kind." Li Fuchen shook his head. He didn't kill five people because they didn't kill him, or they didn't plan to kill him at that time. If these five people had a chance to kill him, he would have killed five people.

In any case, Li Fuchen decides to kill Mitian because the other party, Nangong family, is in crisis, which is unforgivable.

"What, hundreds of domain god beast cubs."

All the Xuan gods of the domain god beast family were dumbfounded. Just now, they were proud to have obtained a few of them for the family. Now, it seems that they can't compare with Nangong family, but they can't catch up with them even after they get hundreds.

For a moment, everyone was very jealous, and then one by one revealed their murderous intentions.

As long as the Nangong family is wiped out, the four-star imperial beast family is not qualified to take a share, and the five-star Royal animal family can completely share the share of these domain god beast cubs.

Just in a word, the atmosphere on the field immediately became tense and tense.

"What are you talking about?" The Xuanshen of Nangong family strongly denied it.

They won't take the initiative to admit that, in that case, there will be no room for turnover.

No matter how strong his Nangong family is, he can't defeat so many royal beast families.

"Nangong family, don't hide it. The Spirit Lord invited by my Rong family, but I have seen with my own eyes that there are hundreds of young animals of the domain living in the big valley. If you hand them over, you will have a chance to live. Otherwise, you will have no place to bury your Nangong family." Rongjia Xuanshen threatened.

But in the Lord's camp, there is an empty spirit.

"Hand over the young beast of the domain, or die."

The Royal beast family, which only got a few of the domain's sacred animals, was very jealous. What they didn't get was afraid that the world would be in chaos.

"These people are shameless." Nangong feifeng said angrily.

"Give you ten breaths. If you do not, you will be happy." A family of mysterious gods yelled.






Just as the ten breaths were about to pass, Xuanshen, the head of the Nangong family, suddenly patted the God's pet bag, and a head of Xuanshen appeared, which was filled with air.

"Space transfer."

A force of space enveloped all the mysterious gods and spiritual masters of Nangong family, and then disappeared instantly.

"Damn it, it's a mysterious beast in space. Chase it."

It's very rare to have the spirit beast containing the blood of space, which is just like the protoss who has cultivated the top rules of nature.

What's more, the protoss who practice the congenital top-level rules may not be able to cultivate the congenital top-level rules to a very high level of attainments. Unlike the gods and beasts, as long as they stimulate the blood of space, they can play a great role.

After a while, the Nangong family and his party came to the exit of the secret realm of the gods and beasts.

Immediately, everyone rushed out of the secret realm of the domain god beast.

However, the scene outside is more dangerous than that inside. The gods of the imperial animal family who were summoned knew that the Nangong family had hundreds of young animals. How could they not be envious and surround the gods of Nangong family one by one.

"Do you have to kill them all?"

Nangong family a domain God cold voice way.

"As long as you hand over the young animals of the domain gods, everyone will be happy. How can we drive them all away?"

"That's right. How can your Nangong family have hundreds of domain animals?""Hand over all the young animals of the domain, and forgive you not to die, or you will be killed by the Nangong family from now on."

All the gods of the family are full of murderous spirit.

"It's impossible. My Nangong family will bring out at most 50 young animals of the domain."

"Fifty, you send the beggar."

"Yes, all of them."

"Kill, talk to them

Seeing that most of the domain gods were about to start, the domain gods headed by the Nangong family suddenly took out a token and inspired them!

The next moment, a god like virtual shadow appeared. The virtual shadow was too large, it was a middle-aged appearance, occupying almost half of the venue.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give me a face to the God of Southern heaven. Leave quickly. Don't embarrass Nangong family."

Middle aged appearance virtual shadow sound like thunder, open a way.

"What, God of the world?"

Everyone is so stupid that they stop.

World God, that is the top strong one in Ziyun divine world. No matter how many domain gods there are, they can't resist the random attack of the world God.

This gap is a hundred times and a thousand times greater than that between Xuanshen and Yushen.

They didn't expect that Nangong family still had a connection with a world God, which was really incredible.

"It's just an empty shadow of the God of the world. Don't be afraid. You won't kill people." There is a realm of God to raise the voice.

Hearing this, the middle-aged virtual shadow stares at the domain God. In an instant, the domain God melts completely like a candle, and all the spirits are extinguished.

At a glance, Yu Shen died.

And this is just the shadow of the God of the world.

If it is the God of the world, how terrible it should be.

"I said, give me a face to the God of Southern heaven, don't embarrass Nangong family." The spirit of the southern heaven is empty and indifferent.

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