A year later, Li Fuchen plans to leave.

There are a number of top-grade Shencao, he intends to refine a number of top-notch Shendan.

This is Nangong family, which is obviously not suitable for alchemy.

Farewell to Nangong feifeng, Li Fuchen left.

Three days later, on a fertile field, Li Fuchen stopped.

"After three days with me, it's time to show up." Li Fuchen to void road.

Three figures came out.

"It's amazing that we can be detected." These three figures are all Xuanshen, two lower Xuanshen and one middle Xuanshen.

"Are you here for my stone?" If Li Fuchen guesses correctly, the three Xuanshen are the Xuanshen of Nangong family or the Xuanshen of Yinyu Shenzong.

It's also true that he has more than one hundred trillion medium grade God stones, which is enough to make most of the Xuanshen moved. Even if he came to the upper Xuanshen, Li Fuchen was not surprised.

Fortunately, among the three, there was no superior Xuanshen.

It's estimated that the upper Xuanshen has its own pride. Although they don't have more than 100 trillion medium grade divine stones, they are also absolutely many. There is no need for some divine stones to kill a younger generation.

However, the lower Xuanshen is different from the middle Xuanshen. For them, the more than 100 trillion high-quality stone is a crazy number for them. If it can be obtained, it will be very comfortable for countless years to come. There is no need to go out and take risks and kill people.

"Yes, it's more than one hundred trillion high-quality stones. It's too much for you." The three mysterious gods acknowledged the way.

Li Fuchen nodded, "then come and grab it."

He was a little excited. His strength increased countless times. He thought that he could crush the lower Xuanshen and fight against the middle Xuanshen, but he did not fight. This is an opportunity.

"You are not afraid!"

The head of the middle Xuanshen is a man with a long beard and a pair of eyes shining. He is the middle Xuanshen of Yinyu Shenzong, named Liang Kun.

As for the other two lower Xuanshen, the pale one was named Feisi and the short one duanheng.

"Afraid, why afraid!" Li Fuchen grinned.

"Look for death. I'll see how I'll kill you." Fei Si's long gun trembled, and a gun shadow pierced Li's chest.

This shot is just an ordinary shot. When dealing with a superior spirit, FIS did not intend to use the next mysterious skill, which was to bully the other side.

The shadow of the gun broke, and Li Fuchen was unhurt.

"That's all you have."

Just now, Li Fuchen defeated the gun shadow with only one finger.

"If you have some skills, take me one more shot."

Fei si still did not display his next mysterious magic skill. If he did not do it before, he looked down on Li Fuchen. Now, if he didn't, he felt too ashamed. After all, Li Fuchen defeated his gun shadow with only one finger.

The fierce mysterious power poured into the spear. The spear in FES's hand sent out a palpitating breath, and stabbed Li Fuchen.


It's still a finger.

The shadow of the gun shattered.

Faith could not help but step back a dozen steps, his body was floating.

The Xuanshen's Xuanshen power index is 5 billion, but it will not be capped.

That is to say, as long as you integrate enough metaphysical skills, your mysterious power index can be infinitely improved.

Fei Si is only a common lower level Xuan Shen, and only integrates two lower level Xuanshen skills. The Xuanshen power index is 6.5 billion.

Li Fuchen's psychic index is as high as 15 billion, which is more than twice that of faith.

And Li Fuchen's divine power strength reached 10, which was not low compared with that of faith.

In other words, there is no difference between the supernatural power of Li Fuchen and that of faith. The only difference is the power index.

The general divine power index is doubled, and the strength is increased ten times.

Therefore, Li Fuchen is more than ten times as powerful as FIS. It is normal for him to defeat him with one finger.

"How strong!"

Duan Heng, another lower Xuanshen, exclaimed. He was much better than FIS and integrated three lower Xuanshen skills. However, he could not do as much as Li Fuchen, and his strength could not be increased ten times.

He majored in the rules of ordinary rules, Li Fuchen is a sword God, majoring in the top rules of Kendo rules.

"This son is so hidden that he must not be allowed to leave alive." Liang Kun said.

"Of course."

Once the Nangong family knew that they were after Li Fuchen, they didn't know how to die.

"Faith, don't play any more. Let's show you the next level of mystery."

Duan Hengdao.

Fei Si's basic strength is not as good as Li Fuchen, but once he shows his mysterious skills, Li Fuchen can't catch up with him.

They don't think that Li Fuchen can create the next level mysterious magic.

It is estimated that I have learned at most one or two lower mysterious skills.

"Don't worry, the boy is dead." Fiss grinned grimly, and his spear whirled, and a whirling tornado blew at Li Fuchen.Careful observation shows that the tornado is completely composed of countless gun shadows.

Ordinary level lower level mysterious magic skill -- tornado gun shadow.

"Good come, flying dragon."

Faith is still very strong, at least better than those who only integrate a lower level of metaphysics, or a lower level of metaphysical skills are not integrated.

If there is no fusion of the lower Xuanshen skills, Li Fuchen a divine shock can shock them to death.

After all, this kind of inferior Xuanshen is not only weak in Xuanshen power index, but also weak in Xuanshen strength, which is dozens times and nearly 100 times worse than Li Fuchen.

But strong is relative, in Li Fuchen's eyes, faith is not strong.

A long time ago, Li Fuchen raised the flying dragon chopper to the level of perfection, the lower level of Kendo metaphysics.

At the moment, the black dragon, which turned into a black sword, smashed the tornado and passed through faith's body.

"No way!"

The supernatural power of faith's body was annihilated by 90%, which shocked and frightened him.

"Not dead yet?" Li Fuchen frowned, and a black sword swept past.

"Stop it!"

Liang Kun roared.


FESS died, like a bubble, annihilated into nothingness.

"You killed faith. Do you know what you did?" Liang Kun can't believe his eyes, a superior spirit God, actually killed a lower Xuanshen.

Is there an insurmountable gap between the gods and the gods?

What's more, faith is a combination of two lower metaphysical skills, which is not the weaker one.

In this way, it is difficult to block Li Fuchen's sword.

What is the strength of Li Fuchen.

For a moment, Liang Kun was a little chilly.

The other side is too deep to hide, just hide from everyone.

It is estimated that even Nangong feifeng doesn't know the real strength of Li Fuchen.

"Kill and kill. It's no big deal." Li Fuchen hands a move, put up the space ring of faith.

"I'll meet you and see how you kill me." Duan Heng made a move.

He is not afraid of Li Fuchen.

He's not faith.

Firth only integrated into two lower metaphysical skills, he integrated into three.

Although there is only one difference, there is a huge difference in strength. Whether it is xuanshenli index or xuanshenli strength, there is a big gap.

In addition, one of the lower level supernatural skills that he integrated into was shenti Xuanji. It was impossible for Li Fuchen to annihilate his body with a sword.

"Lava claws."

Duanheng majored in the rules of lava. His right hand suddenly grabbed Li Fuzhen, and a lava claw was constantly expanding, covering him.

It's still a flying dragon. This time, Li Fuchen's long sword was replaced by a split soul sword.


Duanheng's Lava claws suddenly disintegrated. The momentum of the black dragon sword continued to blow towards duanheng.

"Lava does not die!"

Duanheng's body becomes a flowing lava body.


Split soul sword is too strong.

As the ultimate level lower level Xuanshen tool, the power of split soul sword is enough for medium level Xuanshen tool.

Under the attack of black dragon sword, duanheng's Lava immortal body failed to hold a breath at all, and it suddenly extinguished and collapsed and turned into fly ash.

Liang Kun is stupid.

He really didn't have time to rescue.

The main reason is that Duan Heng died so fast, faster than Fei Si.

Take a deep breath, Liang Kun's face is very gloomy.

This miscalculation, this boy, where is still the normal spirit God, is simply the top lower Xuanshen. If he had known this, he should have done it in person instead of letting Fei Si and Duan Heng die one by one.

However, it's not too late now. When they die, Li Fuchen's wealth will be his.

"Boy, I admit I underestimated you, but it's all over." Liang Kun pulled out a short knife and walked towards Li Fuchen step by step.

"Yes, it's all over."

Li Fuchen confidently said.

If he didn't come to Nangong family, he didn't think he was the opponent of the middle Xuanshen.


"Why, I still want to struggle." Liang Kun sneered.

It is also integrated with two or three lower metaphysical skills. The Xuanshen power index and strength of the middle Xuanshen are not comparable to those of the lower Xuanshen.

What's more, he was integrated into the blood of four lower level mysterious skills.

As for the middle metaphysics, he can't create it yet.

Those who can create the medium level mysterious skills are some powerful talents.

"Struggle, I don't think so. Just let it go." Li Fuchen's intention to fight broke out."Dao Qi flies in autumn!"

Liang Kun didn't want to talk nonsense with Li Fuchen. As soon as he came up, he was swept out with a knife spirit.

Ordinary level lower level mysterious magic skill -- Dao Qi hengqiu.

"Flying dragon chop!"

Li Fuchen's divine power broke out to the limit, and the black dragon sword Qi met Liang Kun's Sabre Qi.


From head to tail, black dragon sword Qi is penetrated by Dao Qi.

Liang Kun's Sabre spirit is too strong. Wei Neng is in a mess.

Seeing that the sabre Qi is about to come, Li Fuchen displays his sword method.


The sword method turns to collapse, and the sabre Qi is also scattered.

"It's good. It's blocking my weakest knife." Liang Kun didn't like it. His sword Qi was just his weakest move, and his lower level supernatural skill.

As soon as the short knife was upright and split, Liang Kun displayed the second lower level mysterious magic skill: Dao Qi breaking the waves!


This time, the Dao Qi is more than twice as powerful. The void is like a wave, which is directly split.

The fierce Sabre Qi is getting stronger and stronger, and he is going to cover Li Fuzhen.

"Good come, Yuanji chop."

Li Fuchen displays his own creation, the most powerful Kendo mysterious magic skill.

Excellent middle level Kendo mysterious magic skill -- yuanjijian!

The black sword Qi suddenly rolled out, tearing the Dao Qi and Liang Kun's Sabre power.

"Middle Metaphysics?"

Liang Kun was startled. Li Fuchen was able to perform the next level mysterious magic skill, but now he even knew the middle level Xuan skill. Is this still a spirit?

For a moment, Liang Kun was extremely jealous.

At the same time, he also had a little regret. He doubted whether he could kill Li Fuchen. Although he still had more powerful Xuanshen skills, who knew if Li Fuchen had more powerful Xuanshen skills.

Regret is quickly cut out, since things have been done, never regret, regret is useless.

As long as he can kill Li Fuchen, everything is worth it.

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