The price of auctions is not going up all the way. Sometimes the price of the auction products in front of you will be higher, but the price of those at the back will be lower. This is mainly to make people not feel too bored and too distracted. Don't miss something you need if you don't pay attention.

"A stack of four-star high-level talismans, with a starting price of 1 trillion medium-sized divine stones."

In the middle, the Xuanshi didn't look at the God.

The four-star high-level talisman is most needed by the middle Xuanshen. It can save one's life in front of the upper Xuanshen at the critical moment.

As for the superior Xuanshen, he did not care.

The four-star high-level rune is equivalent to a full blow from the third rate superior Xuanshen. They don't need it at all.

"One Xuantian sword, an excellent superior Xuanshen long sword, has a starting price of 50 trillion yuan."

Finally, there was something that Li was interested in.

Without any suspense, Li Fuchen won Xuantian sword at a price of 10 billion yuan.

"After that you will be my sword." Xuantian sword and Black Dragon Armor are black. Coincidentally, the sword Qi inspired by Li Fuzhen is also black. This may be fate.

With the power of spirit infused into Xuantian sword, Li Fuchen began to be familiar with the mystery of Xuantian sword.

"Compared with the split soul sword, Xuantian sword contains dozens of times more mysterious power, and the two can not be compared at all."

Li Fuchen said in secret.

The auction has come to an end, and the last item has appeared.

"The ultimate level of high-level supernatural technology God anger seal stone, the starting price of five trillion grade God stone."

The price is the same as the five-star low-level flame puppet.

But this time, more people bid.

Foreign objects are always foreign objects, and their own strength is the king's way. This is the ultimate level of superior metaphysical skills. Once you practice them, you don't know how many times your strength can be increased. Moreover, you can enlighten yourself and create more and more powerful supernatural skills.

To tell you the truth, if Li Fuchen was the master of huodaoxuan, he would surely win the magic skill of God fury at all costs, but he was not.

Li Fuchen can't create the ultimate level superior metaphysical skills for the time being. It will take more time, and it is estimated that at most, he can only create excellent level superior metaphysical skills.

After all, his Kendo rules are now in the realm of Xuanshen.

Finally, God's anger was sold for 13 trillion yuan.

Second to last auction.

"Five star low-level runes ten, the starting price is 10 trillion medium grade divine stone."

Here comes the heavyweight auction.

Five star low level rune, which is a rune that has reached the level of lower level God.

The five-star low-level attack Rune has the same power as the ordinary blow of the lower level God.

The invincible low level defense rune is enough to resist several attacks of the lower domain God.

In addition, the other five-star low-level runes are also extremely useful.

For example, the great shift rune, this kind of rune, can let people escape for a long time, and it is difficult for the lower level gods to catch up with them.

"There are ten kinds of talismans."

Below, someone asked.

I can't shake my head and say, "the auctioneer can't smile." It's not worth money. The auction house is to let people bet. In addition to attack and defense runes, there are other kinds of runes.

Since it's gambling, there are times when you lose or win.

It's up to you to bet.

"I give 11 trillion."

"Twelve trillion."

"Thirteen trillion."


Xuanzhu's stone is not from the world, but is accumulated year by year.

Five star low level runes are really good things. Even if they are all five-star low-level attack runes, you can't say that you have lost.

After all, a five-star low-level rune is equivalent to the ordinary blow of the lower level God. It is enough to turn the situation around.

However, if they are all five-star low-level attack runes, compared with the five-star low-level flame puppets in front of them, they will lose again.

The five-star low-level flame puppet, as long as the divine stone is enough, can fight all the time, equal to countless five-star low-level attack runes.

But if there are five-star low-level defense runes in it, the situation will be different.

The five-star low-level puppet can't protect you all the time.

Five star low level defense runes are different. Once activated, as long as the power in the rune is not exhausted, you can always protect yourself.

Critical moment, enough to ensure their own lives.

For example, in some very dangerous and dangerous places, such as encountering irresistible enemies.

As for whether there are any other talismans, we are looking forward to it, but we are also very worried.

If there is a big shift in it, it will make a lot of money.

However, the great shift Rune can move out of the infinite distance in an instant. The domain gods can not catch up with them. At the moment of life and death, they can escape from the hands of the domain gods.

If there's a double in it, it's just as great.As like as two peas, you can make a substitute. This substitute is the same as you, whether it's the breath of the soul or the breath of life. You can completely replace the substitute, for example, exploring a resource rich dangerous place, such as entering the cemetery left behind by the most senior authorities.

In short, the double is your second life.

In addition to the double talisman, there is also the undead rune, in which a drop of blood is left. Even if you are killed outside, depending on this drop of blood, you can also revive.

In a word, the rarer the runes are, the more precious they are. Attack runes are relatively the cheapest. At the moment, it depends on whether you dare to gamble. If you win the bet, you will not lose a hundred trillion in the middle of the magic stone. If you lose, you will feel a loss.

"Fifteen trillion."

Everyone's gambling is still very big.

As a matter of fact, the protoss who often roam around outside do not have a bit of gambling. In ordinary times, they are just repressed.

"Eighteen trillion."

"Twenty trillion."

Soon, the price of ten five-star low-level runes came to 20 trillion.

Li Fuchen did not bid, he felt that the price was too high for him.

The five-star low-level attack rune is basically useless to him. Before long, he can almost achieve such attack power.

The five-star low-level defense Rune has some uses. Unfortunately, it can only block the ordinary attack of the lower domain God. If it is the domain magic attack of the lower level domain God, it can't block a single attack.

As for other kinds of talismans, Li Fuchen was sure that there were not a few, but one or two were good.

Although he has more than 130 trillion medium level magic stones, he is about to be promoted to the next level of Xuanshen. He needs a lot of divine stones and can't be used indiscriminately. It's unreasonable to buy ten five-star low-level runes with tens of megabytes.

Bidding continued for half an hour, a triangle head of xuanzhu, laugh to the end.

The VIP room is protected by divine array. At the moment, no one knows whether the mysterious master with triangular head is happy or angry.

The last auction item came out.

The auctioneer opened the cloth, revealing a gray stone, smiling, this gray stone is not simple.

It's not simple.

Li Fuchen exclaimed in his heart that the broken rules contained in the gray stone were so strong that they were just the difference between a drop of water and a lake.

"What's not easy?"

Someone asked.

As the last Asian auction, if it is simple, it will be too much fun.

The auctioneer said: "no matter small thousand gods, medium thousand gods or great thousand gods, there are moments of destruction. However, the time of destruction is very long, usually calculated in terms of 10 billion years and 100 billion years. At the moment of the destruction of the divine world, many magical treasures will be born. Even the gods of the world are not qualified to rob them. Only those who are beyond the boundaries are qualified to rob them To collect it. This Xiaoqian disillusionment stone is the product of the destruction of a Xiaoqian deity. Of course, it is only a small piece of it. The real Xiaoqian shattered stone is much larger than this one. "

"What's the advantage of breaking stone? You can understand the rules of breaking through it?"

Someone went on asking.

The auctioneer shook his head. "The breaking rules are the top rules among the top rules. It's too hard to understand. If you major in breaking rules, you will only waste time. Maybe you can cultivate to the God of the domain, but you will stop at the Xuan God. The advantage of the broken stone is that it can let you go in and out of the abyss freely without being polluted by the power of the abyss. It can make you evil Invasion, any adverse negative effects on you can be eliminated. For example, if someone uses the curse magic skill to curse you, he will return without success, and even suffer from reverse attack. In addition, he can also make the enemy's time backtracking ineffective. Of course, its biggest effect is to eliminate its own adverse effects, such as taking more Shendan, too much erysipelas in the body, and these erysipelas, The broken stone can be dispelled completely. For example, if you have a heart demon, the broken stone can also destroy the heart demon. "

"In a word, there are many wonderful functions of the broken stone. If you want to elaborate on it, there are still many functions. You have to dig it out slowly." The auctioneer's mouth is dry.

The starting price of Xiaoqian disillusionment stone is very high, reaching 30 trillion, but there are still some bidding.

As the auctioneer said, Xiaoqian shattering stone has too many functions. It is just a universal stone.

Don't say anything else, just dissolve erysipelas this effect, enough to make people excited.

Usually, they are afraid of the accumulation of erysipelas too deep, taking Shendan are very restrained.

If there is a small thousand broken stone is not the same, how to take Shendan if you want to.

"Good stuff."

Li Fuchen is not interested in other things, but the rules in Xiaoqian's broken stone.

Xiaoqian broken stone should have the effect, the rule can have, and more comprehensive, more application.

At present, his state of breaking the rules and his power of breaking the rules are only in the stage of being subordinate to the spirit. With this small stone, Li Fuchen is confident that he can cultivate the rule of breaking and the power of breaking down to the stage of lower and even middle Xuanshen.Therefore, Xiaoqian destroys the stone, he is likely to get, even if his family is ruined.

"Fifty trillion."

Li Fuchen's momentum is very strong. In addition to more than 130 trillion high-grade divine stones, he still has many top-grade divine stones.

Hearing this, many people were scared.

"Fifty one trillion." Someone is continuing to quote.

"60 trillion." Li Fuchen did not blink.

"61 trillion." The offer is Baoguang xingxuan master, xuanzhu xuanzhu, Shenfeng xuanzhu. He is very angry. Although breaking the rules is not his major rule, it is also a secondary rule. Moreover, he also found that breaking the rules has infinite magical effects. Last time he went to the abyss, other people were polluted. Only he was at peace and brought back a lot of wealth.

Now with this small thousand broken stone, his breaking rules can go further, and then they can go deeper into the abyss.

"Seventy trillion." Li Fuchen road.

"Damn it, don't let me know who you are." Shenfeng xuanzhu gnawed his teeth. Although he got countless wealth in the abyss, he did not have 70 trillion yuan.

Next, no one and Li Fuchen bid, Li Fuchen to 70 trillion price, won the small thousand broken stone.

With the small thousand broken stone to hand, Li Fuchen secretly called, made a lot of money.

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