What is 800 billion.

Usually, the lower Xuanshen, which is integrated with several lower Xuanshen skills, has a Xuanshen power index of 10 billion.

Li Fuchen is 80 times as much as theirs, and 79 times more.

The power index doubled, the strength increased 10 times, the divine power index increased 79 times, and the strength increased 700 times.

It's just a mysterious power index.

With the strength of Xuanshen power, Li Fuchen's divine power is at least 100 times higher than that of the lower Xuanshen.

The superposition of the two is more than 80000 times, or even more than 100000 times.

There is no need for divine power shock. Li Fuchen can kill a large number of lower Xuanshen by blowing his breath casually.

As for the mysterious power of time and space, it is relatively ordinary, only tens of billions of metaphysical power index.

Baoguang star ship to ship, this day, Li Fuchen in the spaceship square, saw Wu's spaceship.

Wu family and Sikong Zhuoxing have a big feud, and Li Fuchen also have a lot of enmity.

At the beginning, Wu Shuangtian had chased and killed him. If he had not had the four-star talisman, he would have died.

"Wu family keeps Sikong Zhuoxing to deal with them. Leave them to me." Li Fuchen's secret way.

Within a few days, the Wujia spaceship left.

What they didn't know was that a figure followed.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, Li Fuchen stopped the Wu family spaceship.

"Sir, who is it?" Wujia spaceship is xuanshenqi spaceship. More than 20 Wujia Xuanshen flies out, of which three are on the upper level.

Obviously, there are big things to be done this time.

"It's you."

Wu Shuangtian recognized Li Fuchen at a glance.

At first, he chased and killed Li Fuchen. Later, Li Fuchen boarded the spaceship of Jinwu chamber of Commerce, and he invited the Xuanshen of the seven kill organization to pursue and kill him.

Between the two people, it can be said that there is no small resentment.

"It's me. You didn't expect us to meet so soon." Li Fuchen smiles faintly.

Up to now, he has not put black frost day in the eye, the other side is just a small lower Xuanshen.

"Black frost day hey hey a smile," is did not expect, it seems that you are specially come to die. "

Only a few years ago, he didn't think Li Fuchen could do much.

"Talk to him, Wuhu. Go and kill him." One of the Wu family's upper Xuanshen Wu Zhitian opened his mouth.

"Well, just one move."

Black tiger, the middle Xuanshen, integrated into the four lower Xuanshen skills.


The black tiger flies out of the spaceship, the whip in his hand is swung, and a dragon shaped virtual shadow draws to Li Fuzhen.


Li Fuchen just let out a little momentum, the black tiger exploded, the mysterious power annihilated clean.

"What?" All the mysterious gods of Wu family are stunned. What's going on?

"Eat me."

Wu Zhitian made a move. His mysterious artifact was a machete, which was opened with a knife. The Qi of the sword was vertical and horizontal, and the spirit was empty.


Wu Zhitian also exploded. This time, Li Fuzhen put some mysterious powers outside.

"This man is xuanzhu, and he is a very powerful one."

The other two upper Xuanshen finally reacted and roared.

Bang Bang Bang

On the deck, all the wujiaxuan gods all exploded and annihilated, leaving Wu Shuangtian alone.

"Black frost day, are you afraid?" Li Fuchen asked Wu Shuangtian.

"Don't kill me."

Wu Shuangtian is afraid. He is the mysterious God of the Wu family. He has to have background and strength. He has not lived enough. There is still a lot of wonderful life waiting for him.


Black frost also exploded.

Without any effort, Li Fuchen killed all the Xuanshen on the Wujia spaceship.

"Little friend, it's too much to kill more than 20 Xuanshen at one breath." At this time, a figure flew over from the distance of Shenxu.

He is an old man. Xuanshenqi is a green bamboo stick.

Bamboo stick xuanzhu is one of the ordinary xuanzhu of baoguangxing.

"You are here to play the autumn wind!"

Li Fuchen didn't believe that the other side was fighting against injustice.

The Wu family's coming to baoguangxing this time must be doing a big business. It happened to be noticed by the master of bamboo stick. So they came all the way. What did you expect? Li Fuchen took the lead.

"Little friend, this is a gentleman's stomach with the heart of a villain. I'm the master of bamboo stick." Of course, the master of bamboo stick didn't admit it. As a master, he still wanted his face.

"I don't care who you are. The Wu family once chased me, and now it's just one report for another. Goodbye." Li Fuchen did not intend to kill the master of bamboo stick unless the other party wanted to die himself.

"Hold on, little friend."

The bamboo stick xuanzhu's body flashed, blocking Li Fuchen's way.

Li Fuchen said coldly, "you want to die.""I have an old relationship with Wu family. Please give me the Xuan artifact spaceship and their space ring," said the master

"Well, do you think it's possible?"

Li Fuchen was happy.

"That will offend me. Bamboo sticks are all over the sky."

The master of bamboo stick doesn't want to talk too much nonsense with Li Fuchen. The green bamboo stick shakes in his hand, and the shadow of infinite bamboo stick hits Li Fuchen.

As soon as he came up, the master of the bamboo stick broke out his supernatural skills. Obviously, he didn't want to waste too much time with Li Fuzhen.

"If you want to die, I will help you."

Li Fuchen did not move and let the green bamboo stick chop on his body.

Master Xuan of bamboo stick is very happy. He has carried out this stick. Ordinary xuanzhu can't stand it. Li Fuchen is dead.

But where did you know that Li Fuchen, who was hit by the green bamboo stick, was motionless and had no trace on his body.

Li Fuchen sneered, and xuanshenli was shocked.


The master of bamboo stick was shocked into nothingness.

As if to do a trivial thing, Li Fuchen left.

Wu family did a big business this time. In the space ring of wuzhitian, there are more than ten trillion medium grade God stones and several trillion top grade God stones.

This is not the wealth of a superior metaphysical God.

As for the bamboo stick xuanzhu's wealth is also quite a few trillion high-quality God stone.

In this way, Li Fuchen's second grade God stone, there are 20 trillion.

He did not return to Ziyun divine world or Baoguang star. Li Fuchen went to a mineral God star.

Ore God star, as the name suggests, is rich in ore.

This mineral God Star is called Dragon grain golden star.

Longwen gold is a five-star high-level divine metal, which is one of the top metal materials for refining upper level artifact.

Longwen Jinshen is very large, and the gravity on it is also very strong, which is much stronger than most gravity gods. If you want to destroy Longwen Jinshen, you can't even do it.

Because of this, there are a lot of Xuanshen and Yushen here. Everyone wants to get some Longwen gold ore.

If Xuanshen gets it, it's enough to make a fortune. If you get it, you can ask a powerful artifact master to help forge the upper domain artifact. If you don't get enough, just add it to the lower domain artifact or the middle level artifact, it will increase the power of the domain artifact.

However, Longwen gold ore is not so easy to obtain. For countless years, the surface of Longwen gold God star has been almost searched once. If you want to get Longwen gold ore, you have to go deep into the ground.

The reason why Li Fuchen chose to go to Longwen jinshenxing was that he got a special Xuanjin divine eye from the xuanzhu of bamboo stick.

This is a mysterious magic skill of pupil. It is useless for fighting, but it is relatively easy to find divine metal or things containing divine metal.

However, it was very difficult to cultivate Xuanjin God eye. Along the way, when Li Fuchen was about to reach the Dragon grain golden God star, he could cultivate Xuanjin God eye to the entrance.

This is still because Li Fuchen has the understanding of God level, otherwise, I'm afraid that he has not yet started.

In Longwen jinshenxing, there is no pupil magic skill, so it is basically impossible to find Longwen gold ore, so the pupil magic seal stone is very popular in Longwen Jinshen star.

Jinfeng City, one of the gods in Longwen golden star.

In addition to a variety of shops, the major trading squares are also full of stalls.

"The next pupil is the cross silver pupil. Come here quickly. If you miss it, you will not have it."

"You can find the gold eye with the magic skill of pupil. With it, you can find the gold ore of dragon pattern in the near future."


Li Fuchen found that the pupil skill seal stone on the stall is basically the lower spirit skill, and the middle spirit skill is very few, let alone the upper one.

However, it's normal to think about it. Pupil magic has always been very rare, and it's more common here.

In the shop, there are only a few seal stones for pupil skill, and all of them are at high price. It's hard to afford them.

"I don't know where the master of the bamboo stick got Xuanjin's eye."

Li Fuchen is very curious.

Xuanjin God eye is a medium level magic skill. Once you practice it to seven or eight minutes, your eyes will be able to see the metal light of tens of thousands of miles underground.

It's too difficult to practice. Li Fuchen hasn't cultivated to Xiaocheng.

Nevertheless, the eye of Xuanjin God can see the metal light of a thousand miles underground.

"Fortunately, this Longwen gold mine is tens of meters in size and worth hundreds of millions of high-grade divine stones." Longwen gold ore is very precious. It is only a piece of Longwen gold ore. if it is a small Longwen gold vein, it is worth at least one trillion of top grade Shenshi.

The top grade stone is more effective than the middle grade one. Many good things can only be bought with the top grade stone.

If it is a medium-sized Longwen gold vein, it is 100 trillion of shangpinshen stone, equivalent to 1 million trillion of medium grade Shenshi.Not to mention large, super large, and giant.

Li Fuchen didn't expect to get Longwen gold vein of medium or above. His target was small Longwen gold vein.

Of course, if the discovery of medium-sized or even large-scale Longwen gold vein, it would be better, enough to make him rich instantly.

Longwen Jinshen is very large, coupled with the super gravity, so that the gods can't make their way here.

Some people have calculated that it will take a year for a lower level God to make a circle around the Dragon grain golden star if he is on his way at full speed.

It will take at least several million years and tens of millions of years if you want to travel all over the Dragon grain golden star.

What's more, the veins of Longwen gold mine are basically underground, which makes it more difficult to find them.

So we don't worry about the situation of Yu Shen. Many Xuanshen are lucky. They found a Longwen gold vein and moved away slowly.

The depth of 1000 Li is too low, and Li Fuchen only occasionally finds one or two Longwen gold ores.

Some Longwen gold ores are too small for Li Fuchen to dig.

However, this situation did not last long. Soon, Li Fuchen cultivated Xuanjin God's eye to a small stage, and his eyes could see tens of thousands of miles of metal light underground.

One, two

As far as you can see, the underground is full of Longwen gold ore. there are large and small ones, large ones are 100 meters large, and the small ones are only as big as fists.

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