"Congratulations on taking the first place."

Murong flew up to congratulate.

Li Fuchen said: "it's just an accident. We didn't show all our strength."

Murong danced and said with a smile, "will you show all your strength? I see your alchemy skills. It's hard to take the first place. Your alchemy is like practicing sword. It's too sharp. "

Murong feiwu secretly observed Li Fuchen.

Although we can't see the strength of a person in the primary election, even the strength of Bai Yi, we can still see something, such as alchemy techniques, such as alchemy habits, such as mentality and so on.

"Is it? You have observed it very carefully Li Fuchen did not expect that the other side was also observing him in the dark.

On the other side, Yu Mingguang takes a look at Li Fuchen and frowns slightly.

His alchemy speed has been very fast, did not expect Li Fuchen's Alchemy speed is faster than him.

As the first of the two sessions of the four-star Danshen conference, he looked at the speed of a person's Alchemy, not only the time when he finished the alchemy, but also the alchemy techniques.

Li Fuchen's Alchemy technique is very simple, and because of its simplicity, he is extremely quick.

With the final determination of a thousand places, the main election began.

The main election is a scoring system, with a full score of 100, a passing score of 80, and those below 80 will be directly eliminated.

Sometimes when the development of Dandao withered, because the main selection was eliminated too much, not enough people gathered together to participate in the ranking competition.

However, the Danshen assembly has always been adhering to the concept of "better be short than excessive", but it does not care, and has continued this rule.

The main election has begun, and everyone's eyes are dignified.

The main election is very important. In the end, there are only one hundred people, and one of ten people will be selected.

Therefore, they must show their full strength and show their best state, otherwise, they may be eliminated.

As for the primary election, it is impossible to choose to refine the four-star high-level divine elixir with second and third degree of difficulty. I'm kidding. As long as they dare to choose, they will be eliminated.

It is a consensus that we should at least choose the four-star high-level divine pill with the difficulty of refining at least five levels.

As for what difficulty to choose, it will be different.

If you choose the fifth level of difficulty, the score will not be too high, but it will not be too low. If you are lucky, you may pass it.

If you're above five, you'll be able to easily pass the top five.

But if the play is not good, it may fail, directly eliminated.

It can be said that the latter tests a person's mentality more.

The mentality is not good, it is easy to be confused too much, play below normal.

"Be steady. I'll take the xuanmingdan of the sixth class." In the primary, Xiao Ming, the first one to hand in the pill, chose xuanming pill, which was the sixth grade difficulty, just like Yu Mingguang in the primary.

It has to be said that Xiao Ming, the God of Cao Xuan Dan, is very smart.

Xuanming pill of the sixth grade is not only higher than Shendan of the fifth grade, but also not too high. As long as there is no accident, there will be no abnormal things.

Choose a good Alchemy to refine, the next simple, that is to take out all the strength of alchemy.

Don't look, the final result, maybe everyone refined out is the ultimate level of God Dan.

But it is also the ultimate level magic pill, but there are some differences.

Good extreme level Shendan, natural efficacy is stronger, Dan Qi is more sufficient, Dan lines are more clear.

Poor extreme level magic pill, perhaps just exceeded the perfect level, barely reached the extreme level.

This kind of magic pill, the judges can see at a glance, do not need to taste.

"You say, Yu Mingguang, the child, can take another first place in this conference and achieve the first in three sessions." Unlike the primary, there are judges in the main election. At the moment, there are ten judges sitting in front of a long table.

The judges of the conference are responsible for marking the candidates and selecting an average score.

"In my opinion, he should be able to win the first place in two terms. The climate has become, and it is not so easy for others to waver."

"Yes, the Dandao climate seems unimportant, but in fact it is very important. It determines your on-the-spot performance. Sometimes, the reason why you lose may be that you are not so lucky."

"There is nothing to say about the Dandao climate in Mingguang. I'm afraid that there will be a strong dragon in this session. In front of absolute strength, Dandao climate is also useless."

"This is also true. This four-star Danshen conference is very special. I haven't seen it for a long time. When the four-star Danshen conference was held, Dan Qi became a cloud."

"There are so many prodigies of Dan Dao that even the people of Huang's family have come."

During the private conversation between the judges of the conference, Li Fuchen also selected the Shendan to be refined.

The magic pill he wanted to refine was a four-star high-level magic pill with eight levels of difficulty.

Shenlong pojing pill is an ordinary divine pill that can help people break through the domain God. Its efficacy is not as good as the best one, but the difficulty of refining is even higher than that of the best one.As for the nine degree difficulty of Shendan, Li Fuchen did not want to choose, the key is that he did not have Dan prescription, and he had not refined it at all.

Can't rely on their own imagination, refining the magic pill!

After opening the furnace cover, Li Fuzhen threw the alchemy materials of Shenlong pojing pill into it.

"Eh, it's a dragon breaking state pill with eight levels of difficulty, but I'm confident."

There was plenty of time for the selection. As soon as they came up, everyone was watching around to see what God pills others were refining.

As soon as Li Fuzhen's Alchemy materials were taken out, we all knew that what Li Fuchen wanted to refine was the Dragon breaking realm pill.

The eight level difficulty of Shendan is extremely difficult to refine, and few people dare to choose it.

All of us chose the magic pill with the difficulty of 567.

"Look, Heidan Xuanshen chose the purple blood crazy battle pill of the ninth grade difficulty. Is this the first time that a new person has participated in the Dan God conference?"

"It's amazing. Since people dare to choose the purple blood crazy battle pill with ninth grade difficulty, they must have their own confidence. And to tell the truth, although the eighth class difficulty is not low, it is difficult to get super high marks, but they can safely get a high score."

"We don't care about the primaries, but the primary candidates naturally have to show all their strength. After all, the primary scores will continue to the ranking competition. The higher your score is in the primary election, the greater the advantage of the ranking competition. Isn't it just a one or two point gap between the masters?"

In everyone's discussion, Zhou Ming, the mysterious God of Heidan, took a look at Li Fuchen and said, "I really don't know how to choose the divine pill with eight levels of difficulty. Do you want to refine a variant divine pill?" Refining the variation God pill, you can add points, that is, as long as your level of Dan is high enough, good luck, it is possible to surpass the full score.

Zhou Ming shakes his head and says that refining the variant divine pill can only rely on luck. Even if it is only refining four-star low-level divine pill, he only occasionally refines one in dozens of furnaces, and the success rate is very high.

"Tiandan Xuanshen chooses the nine degree difficulty Qiankun Shendan in Mingguang."

"The Wuji Dan God Zhang Yangming chose the nine turn Huayun pill with ninth grade difficulty."

"Fengdan Xuanshen HuangXuan chose the nine degree difficulty of bainiachaofeng pill."

"Miraculous elixir Murong flying chose the nine degree difficulty of heaven and earth miraculous elixir."

In addition to Li Fuchen, the rest of the people choose the nine degree difficulty of Shendan.

Even if it's Huo Dan Xuan Shen Huo Xuan 1, it's also the nine degree difficulty hundred refining Shen Huo Dan.

Some people roughly estimated that there were nearly dozens of candidates who chose the ninth class difficulty Shendan.

"What does this guy think? He doesn't really have enough level of elixir. He doesn't dare to refine the nine degree difficulty magic pill." Murong danced and frowned.

Seeing that others have chosen the nine degree difficulty of Shendan, Li Fuchen smiles bitterly.

After all, his internal knowledge of Dan Dao is still a little shallow, and there are less refined divine pills. Otherwise, you will not be able to refine only the eight degree difficulty Shendan.

But it doesn't matter. Li Fuchen is confident that he can get a super high score even if it's a magic pill of eighth degree difficulty.

It's confidence, and confidence comes from strength.

After a short time, everyone began to concentrate on alchemy.

For a moment, the colorful light of God's fire was shining in the hall of the stove. It looked very dazzling.

Although the Dragon breaking the realm pill is only a magic pill of eighth degree difficulty, Li Fuchen does not dare to be careless at all. If he wants to get a super high score, he is bound to be more difficult than others. Therefore, he must be perfect, and it is best to refine the top-grade divine Dragon breakthrough pill.

The so-called Extreme class, is Li Fuchen's own work out.

He found that there was a difference between the two.

The ultimate level of lower level Shendan, Dan lines are not clear, the efficacy is slightly weak, Dan Qi is also slightly insufficient.

It has medium extreme grade, clear Dan lines, normal efficacy and sufficient Dan Qi.

And the extreme class is rare, clear Dan lines, strong efficacy, Dan Qi is extraordinary.

He conjectured that there must be a classification of the ultimate level divine pills at the Dan God conference. Otherwise, it would be difficult to score scores. After all, all the ultimate level divine pills were refined by everyone.

"In addition, it would be better if we could refine the variant elixir."

One variation pill can add one point, two three points and three ten points. In short, the more variation elixir produced in a furnace, the more points it will add.

Li felt that it was very difficult for Li to make a kind of floating spirit before he wanted to make a spirit. He didn't think it would be very difficult for him to make a kind of spirit.

is like a dragons swimming in an alchemy stove. The alchemy material thrown by Li floating dust is rapidly refined and the impurities are removed by the alchemy furnace, and the essence enters the body of the dragon.

Gradually, the Dragon really has the charm of the dragon, and its shape is similar.

There is a blue dragon swimming in the magic pill when the ultimate level dragon breaking the realm pill becomes a pill. If there is no blue dragon, it means that the Shenlong breakthrough pill you refined is not the ultimate quality.

And the clearer and more flexible the blue dragon is, the higher the quality is. If it contains a trace of dragon power, it is the ultimate level of top-level Shenlong breakthrough pill.Li Fuchen's Alchemy speed is very fast, although the main selection time is abundant, but the refining time is too long, how much will affect the judge's scoring. Generally speaking, there are two or three controllable points in one hundred points. This depends on your time to become a pill, but also depends on your level of difficulty.

You should know, the same is the ninth degree of difficulty, there are also different levels of difficulty, you choose a slightly higher degree of difficulty, the higher the score will be.

In this respect, Li Fuchen suffered a lot. He chose the eighth grade magic pill instead of the ninth grade one, which was slightly lower than that of the others.

However, since the fact has been so, there is nothing to regret. Li Fuchen really does not believe that he can not get super high marks.

For him, there is a challenge to have motivation, there is no challenge at all, that is not interesting.

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