The main election is over and the ranking competition begins.

There is no suspense, the initial ranking of the ranking competition, Li Fuchen ranked first, the score is 112 points.

The second place, Huang Xuan, was 99 points.

Third place in Mingguang, 97 percent.

Zhou Ming, fourth, 97 points.

Zhang Yangming, fifth, 96.

The sixth place, Murong feiwu, 96 points.

Wu Leng, the seventh place, was 95%.


The 15th place was huoxuan 1, 93%.


The 33rd snow moon, 90 points.

The further back, the more people there are between one point.

Huoxuanyi and XueYue were three points apart, but there were eighteen people between them.

As for situ dancai, there is no doubt that he is outside the hundred.

86 points is not a low score, but this is the four star Dan God meeting, too many strong.

"The ranking competition is divided into two rounds. In the first round, the designated four-star high-level divine elixir was refined by hand. In the second round, the full score of the first round and the second round were 100 points. Add the main score to calculate the total score. The first total score is the first place in this four-star Danshen conference." In front of the furnace hall, the old man whispered.

"It's a little difficult to refine Shendan by hand."

"No, there is no alchemy furnace. It is estimated that no one can refine the ultimate level divine elixir."

"The perfect elixir is hanging."

Everybody talked about it.

"Alchemy by hand?" Li Fuchen is very interested.

Without the help of alchemy furnace, the quality of Shendan will be greatly reduced.

Li Fuchen has never refined alchemy by hand, so I don't know whether he can refine the ultimate level divine pill.

The old man cleared his throat, "the first round, refining four-star high-level Shendan Xuanxue Dan, Xuanxue Dan, I believe everyone has refined it!"

Xuanxue pill, which can greatly restore the supernatural power of the upper Xuanshen, is a unique pill for exploring.

Smell speech, everybody is nodding.

The refining difficulty of Xuanxue pill is not high, it is only the Shendan of fifth class difficulty.

However, don't underestimate Xuanxue pills. High quality Xuanxue pills are extremely difficult to refine, especially the Xuanxue pills with the highest quality are no less difficult to refine than the Shendan with the ninth degree of difficulty.

It can be said that refining Xuanxue pill requires a higher level of Dan.

It is impossible to refine high-quality Xuanxue pill if the level of Dan Dao is slightly lower.

Xuanxue Dan Li Fushen refined, so he is not unfamiliar.

As far as he knows, Xuanxue pill is easy to explode, because there is too much energy in Xuanxue pill. These are pure energy that can directly restore Xuanshen power. If one is not properly controlled, it will explode with great power.

So this round, the test is not only the level of Dan Dao, but also the ability to control the energy.

The stronger the ability of energy control, the more able to refine high-quality Xuanxue pill.

This is why the four-star God Dan master or four-star Dan God is basically Xuanshen.

It's not Xuanshen. You can't control too much energy.

And even if you can control it, you can't be subtle.

At the beginning of the first round, people began to refine Xuanxue pill.

The terrible energy converged in the ancient Xuan alchemy furnace. The materials for refining Xuanxue pill basically contain huge pure energy. After removing impurities, these pure energy began to gather together. At this time, do not force these pure energy together. In that case, it is easy to cause a backlash and blow up the furnace. Instead, we should guide them to get familiar with each other, Get in touch with each other's breath.

When their attributes are similar, you can try to fuse them together to form a new energy, namely Xuanxue Dan energy.

This series of processes requires very high energy control.

Many people are careful at this level, for fear of explosion.

But who is Li Fuchen, his Kendo talent, but also above the Dan talent.

Kendo, on the other hand, requires ten times as much energy as Dandao.

Any Kendo magic skill is actually the embodiment of sword meaning and energy.

When the energy of Xuanxue Dan was formed, Li Fuzhen began to coagulate the pills, and the round prototypes of xuanxuedan began to appear in the alchemy furnace.

"Why, there is also a variation God pill?"

When Li Dan was about to change, he began to change his spirit.

Li Fuchen's Alchemy speed is fast, Yu Mingguang's Alchemy speed is not slow at all.

You know, he is the top Xuanshen peak, and Li Fuchen is just a lower Xuanshen.

When he was about to collect the pills, Yu Mingguang noticed that there was a change in Dan Qi in the alchemy furnace.

"This is the variation God Dan?"

Yu Mingguang looks happy.

Originally, he was ready to give up. After all, the score difference between him and Li Fuchen was too big to make up for.In addition, even without Li Fuchen, it is not easy for him to win Yuxuan.

But now, hope is rekindled.

As long as he can refine enough variation God Dan, he still has the hope to defeat Li Fuchen.

One, two, three

Li Fuchen is counting the number of variation pills.

This time, the variation of God Dan, the number is particularly large, if not so many, he would have given the Dan.

The vision appeared in the bright light, the black red light, turned into a giant wolf, roared up to the sky, the momentum was terrible.


Another howl of a giant wolf sounded, and a black red light turned into a giant wolf appeared above Zhou Ming's Alchemy furnace.

Then Zhang Yangming, Murong flying.

When Yu Mingguang's face changed, did everyone refine the variant God pill?

How did he know that under the stimulation of Li Fuzhen, including himself, he has burst out unprecedented Dan Dao strength, and the variant God pill, which values personal state most, will be easier to refine when you are in excellent condition.

Of course, there are too many secrets of the variation God pill, and it may not be in excellent condition to refine it. Some people, when refining the divine pill, are absent-minded and can also refine the variant divine pill.

In a word, there is no fixed number of refining variation God pills. The so-called success rate is just because you have found out a small part of the law.


The howl of the giant wolf was very frightening, but then came the roar of a tiger.

Following the reputation, they found a huge black and red tiger in the sky above Huang Xuan's Alchemy stove. The giant tiger's momentum was amazing and could not be compared with a giant wolf.

"That's it."

Yu Mingguang is dispirited. Let alone Li Fuchen. He can't even fight HuangXuan. The first one in this term is doomed to be not his.

And he, too, was doomed to be the first in three terms.

No wonder there are so few first in three terms in history.

Among them, I'm afraid there are many scenes that are the same as at present.


Huxiao is amazing, but compared with Longyin, it is not worth mentioning.

In the sky above Li Fuchen's Alchemy stove, a black and red dragon appeared. The Dragon coiled around his body and was so powerful that he looked down at the world. The momentum of the giant tiger and the giant wolf were suppressed.

There is no suspense, Li Fuchen got a first, this time he made a total of six variation God Dan.

One variation pill is one point, two three points, three ten points, four fifteen points, five twenty points, six twenty-five points.

And he refined out of the Xuanxue pill, are all the ultimate level nine God Dan, so it is full score.

That adds up to 125.

In the second place was Huang Xuan, who refined three variant elixirs with a score of 110.

The rest of them are basically above 100, either 103, 102 or 101.

"This year's number one, basically there is no suspense."

"Yes, I'm afraid this is the most free of suspense of the four star Danshen conference, but I like it."

"Yes, who among us didn't want Dandao to prosper and develop. According to records, in ancient times, Dandao was one of the main roads, which could either assist or fight. At that time, there were many king of Dandao. Now, Dandao has become a complete assistant and a profession of earning God stone."

The judges felt it.

Although there is no suspense in Li Fuchen's first place, the second round of unarmed alchemy still needs to be continued. After all, there is no suspense in the first place. From the second place to the 100th place, there is still a lot of suspense, especially from the second to the tenth place, but it is related to the reward, and no one does not pay attention to it.

Alchemy with bare hands is a great test of one's level of elixir.

At this time, it is clear whether it is a worm or a dragon. If you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

Some people shake their heads in the middle of the process, refining pills with their bare hands, not to mention refining the ultimate level divine elixir. Refining excellent level divine elixir can be regarded as stable play.

The loss of the alchemy furnace had a great impact on them.

A alchemy furnace was constructed with mysterious power. Li Fuchen's Alchemy speed was no slower than that when there was an alchemy furnace.

It is a good way to test the level of Dan for Li Fuchen.

It's like a sword God, a real sword God. Even if there is no sword in his hand, he is also a sword God, not a sword God or other gods.

For the sword is already in their hearts, in their spirits and in their lives.

What's more, swords are everywhere. There is no sword without sword.

For all things are my sword.

Even if there is no alchemy stove, he is also a Dan God. He can also refine high-quality divine elixir, and can do things that ordinary alchemy masters can't do.

If you lose the alchemy stove, just like the God Dan master, then it is not a Dan God at all, but a fake Dan God.It's not the furnace of alchemy that makes you become the God of Dan.

You are the real alchemy stove.

With the appearance of the vision, Li Fuchen once again refined the variation God pill.

It seems that after the breakthrough of spirit level, Li Fuchen can easily refine the variant divine pill.

However, he himself did not know the situation, because his talent of elixir was basically brought by the golden talisman. He never thought that he was a real God of elixir, such as Huang Xuan.

This time, Li Fuchen only refined two variant elixirs. However, this round, let alone the variant elixir, it is extremely difficult to achieve the ultimate quality of the divine elixir. However, this furnace of divine elixir refined by Li Fuchen, without accident, is all the ultimate level divine elixir, and is the ultimate level nine.

Even if Huang Xuan was excellent, she could not refine the ultimate level nine level magic pill, but refined the ultimate seventh level divine pill.

Yu Mingguang and Zhou Ming are the top five.

Zhang Yangming and Murong feiwu are the fourth class of the ultimate level.

Compared with the five people, Li Fuchen is simply a monster. As long as he refines Shendan, all of them are of the ultimate nine grade quality. There is no mistake. As long as he refines the divine pill, all of them can refine the variant divine pill.

This round of unarmed alchemy is so difficult that he can easily refine the ultimate nine grade divine elixir, and by the way, refine two variant divine elixirs. This level of Dan Dao is no longer better than them, but a higher realm.

If they are Dan gods, then Li Fuchen is the Dan God of Dan gods.

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