The battlefield is very wide. Cang Lan City and its surrounding areas are the battlefields of demon army and Cang Lan City Protoss.

Gradually, Li Fuchen found that the number of demons was much less.

Originally, the number of demon army was far more than that of canglan City Protoss. Now it is less than half of canglan City Protoss.

The reason why they die so fast is not that canglan City Protoss has strong strength. They can use one enemy two, one enemy three and so on.

The main reason is that in fact, the largest number of demons in the army are first-class demons and second-class demons, which are more than dozens of times more than ordinary gods and true gods in canglan City, which is overwhelming.

But starting with the third level demons, the number began to drop sharply.

The number of level 4 demons is almost the same as the Xuanshen of canglan city.

Level five demons are less than half of canglan City God.

In this way, the more to the back, the more canglan City Protoss on the contrary.

"There should be no problem defeating the demons." Li Fuchen's secret way.

A few days later, the demon army finally began to retreat, retreating into the great chasm.

However, at this time, the number of demons fell sharply by more than 90%. The demons of level 3 or above were really retreated. The first level demons and the second level demons were almost all dead and became the nutrients for the transformation of the divine world.

Blue city, the crowd cheered.

They won.

They beat back the demons.

Everyone was excited.

It's the thrill of living.

It's the thrill of victory.

But after the excitement, we still have to accept the fact.

The loss of canglan city is too serious.

Ordinary gods and true gods are dead by 34%, while spirit gods are nearly half dead, which means that Xuanshen and Yushen die a little less. As for the boundary gods, they don't see them at all. However, since the demon army has retreated, the boundary gods should be OK.

"Damned devil, my family, it's all destroyed."

"My brothers and sisters, they are just ordinary gods

The people were gnashing their teeth, or their grief was inexplicable.

"Elder Li."

On the street, Li Fuchen and Lu Kang meet.

Li Fuchen asked, "how about the LV family?"

LV family is one of the top 100 five-star families in Cang Lan City. It has a domain leader and is very powerful.

But in front of the demon army, the six star family is nothing, let alone the five-star family.

Lu Kang said with a bitter smile: "the casualties are very serious. The specific number of deaths and injuries is still being counted."

After a few words, they separated. At this time, we were not in the mood to chat.

"Take advantage of the gap, or to improve Kendo magic skills!"

Li Fuchen has created 12 superior Kendo mystical skills, all of which have reached the level of perfection, and are now marching towards the ultimate level.

Once the March is successful, his strength can be improved several times. When he meets wuerji, a five level demon, one-on-one, he can completely abuse each other.

Maybe it's just finished a long-lasting war, Li Fuchen is in an excited state.

Within one month, the twelve superior Kendo mystical skills have broken through to the extreme level.

If you break through again, it will be Kendo magic.


The five gods of canglan city are talking about things.

The five gods are four men and one woman.

"This is only the first wave of demon army, which is to test us. The next wave of demon army is not so easy to deal with." It was the Lord of canglan City, the God of canglan Kingdom, a middle-aged man in blue.

"The abyss is well prepared, but we have no preparation. When those guys come back one by one, the abyss may not be able to take advantage of much," said the God in the world of gold and stone wearing gray armor

In fact, many gods are in the void of God, and it takes time to drive back from the void.

"Yes, in this period of time, we must hold on." Karina, the only female God, nodded.

They don't care about the demons below level 6. It's useless to come any more.

They are worried that there will be more level 6 demons. In that case, they can't hold on to them.

If they can't hold on to it, they will definitely retreat, and they can't fight to death.

That's not what they should do.



In the dark blue city, someone was eroded by the power of the abyss and became the abyss demon.

Once you become an abyss demon, it is irreversible. Even the God of the world can't do it. Maybe some people can do it. But there are so many Protoss who become abyssal demon gods. Even if there are ways, they are only the way of a few people.

All the people around me have killed the abyss demon with tears.

But some people just can't accept it.

"She is my Taoist companion. You can't kill her. You can't kill her."

A young man protects the female abyss behind him.Poof!

The female abyss God was still dead, and was killed by a small leader of the city guard. He said in a loud voice: "as long as you find the abyss demon and kill them all, if you don't kill them, you may also be injured, infected and eroded, and become the abyss demon."

This scene, constantly occurred, canglan city streets, everywhere there are the shadow of the city guards.


Not waiting for canglan City Protoss to cultivate and recuperate, the second wave of demons came.

Outside the city, there are demons everywhere.

This time, the number of first level demons and second level demons is much less, but the third level demons and fourth level demons are several times more.

In addition, there are more trolls in the demon army.

These trolls, one by one, are as high as the city wall. Their breath is stronger than the same level demons. I don't know how many times.


Without any nonsense, the demon army and canglan City Protoss were killed together.

"Tianluo style!"

The ultimate level of the upper level Kendo xuanshenji Tianluo style is now displayed, which is several times stronger than before.

In the void, black sword Qi interweaved into a net, covering the area several times larger than before.

Silent, all demons are cut and annihilated.

One by one four level demons killed Li Fuchen, including ordinary four level demons, powerful four level demons, and top four level demons.

However, no matter what the devil is, as long as it is at level 4, Li Fuchen can't hold a sword.

Come on, kill one.

Two, kill one.

Come on, kill.

From the beginning to the end, only one sword is needed.

It's still Li Fuchen who saves the mysterious power. Otherwise, he doesn't need to make a sword, and a divine power concussion can shock these four level demons to death.

Dong Dong Dong

The heavy and rapid footstep sounds, a fourth level Troll raised his axe and chopped at Li Fuchen.

The Demon power of troll is too strong, which is many times stronger than the top four level demons.

Like the divine world, in the abyss, the bigger the size, the more powerful the demons are.

Li Fuchen turns around and stabs out.

The sword was too fast. The troll waved his axe first, but when he hit the sword, his axe moved a few feet.

Under normal circumstances, even if the body is pierced by a sword, the troll will not care, unless the other side can annihilate all his demonic power with one sword.

What the troll didn't expect was that Li Fuchen was the mysterious God who could annihilate all his demonic powers with one sword.

Like killing a chicken, Li Fuchen didn't care and continued to run on the battlefield.

There are too many level 4 demons this time. If you don't kill more, the Xuanshen of canglan city will be killed and injured seriously.

As for the level five demons, you'd better give them to the domain gods!

If you kill level 5 demons, you will only have 100 million devil points, which is equivalent to killing 100 level 4 demons.

By comparison, it's ten times easier to kill a hundred level Four demons.

Unfortunately, Li Fuchen didn't look for the fifth level devil, but the fifth level devil found him.

Of course, this is mainly because he is too conspicuous.

This five level demon has the same strength as urki.

If it was the last time, one-on-one, unless using the sky sword and stars, Li Fuchen could not deal with each other.

But this time, he created 12 superior Kendo magic skills, all reached the extreme level, the power increased several times.

"Sword killing."

After dozens of swords annihilated more than 90% of the opponent's Demon power, Li Fuchen killed the other party with one move.

50 billion, 60 billion

Unknowingly, Li Fuchen's devil point is heading for hundreds of billions.

Among them, most of the demon points come from the third level demons, and the fourth level demons are relatively few and not concentrated enough. Li Fuchen can only kill one by one, which is very difficult to kill happily.

However, occasionally, Li Fuchen also has the feat of killing dozens of level 4 demons with one sword. Who let the other party just gather together gives him a chance.

Deep in time and space near canglan city.

The Lord of canglan City, canglan God, blows out a fist, and the power of the God rushes forward, killing a female level six demon.

"No, Eliza."

Seeing the tragic death of his lover, another male level 6 demon went crazy and killed him towards the God of the blue world.

The God of the blue world sneered, but he was a middle God, not afraid at all.

"Antilles, come back, retreat."

An old level 6 demon stopped anles. With a wave of his hand, a space-time gap appeared, and the rest of the level 6 demons plundered in.

The gap between time and space is closed.

"Wait, the next time my demon army comes, it will be your death." The voice of Antilles came out.

The God of the blue world didn't speak, just a touch of sadness on his face.The second wave of demons came several times faster than he imagined. The third wave was just about to arrive soon. Can canglan city hold on?

"Back so soon?"

Li Fuchen was a little surprised.

This time the demons retreated a little faster.

Is it the demon army that killed and wounded the sixth level demon?

I can't blame Li Fuchen for thinking so.

Although they are fighting with great momentum, they are still the six level demons and the world God who really decide the victory or defeat.

If your opponent's level 6 demons are killed or injured, it's normal to retreat.

Once again, the dark blue Protoss were overjoyed by the victory. They are now more and more confident that they can defeat the invasion of the demon army.

What's more, fighting with demons is not without any benefits. The devil points they get can go to the devil store to exchange things. Some things they can't afford, such as artifact and puppet.

"Haha, I've finally got enough demons. I'll go and buy a high-level three-star puppet." A superior spirit can't wait for the word.

In this war, he saw with his own eyes that one of his friends was carrying a three-star high-level God puppet, which was not only powerful, but also impregnable. He was hit by the third level demons for countless times without any damage.

If it had not been for the God puppet, his friend, he would have died.

So he regretted that he didn't buy the God puppet last time, but bought a seal stone of the superior spirit skill.

If you buy God puppets earlier, you can earn more demons.

As for the seal stone, although it is a good thing, it is difficult to increase his too much strength in a short period of time. After all, his understanding is just ordinary, not a genius.

Fortunately, he was lucky and killed many weak level three demons one after another, and finally got enough devil points.

There are a lot of people who think together. This time they can win. First, the demon army retreats a little fast. Obviously, there are still so many people. Second, many of them have exchanged for puppets.

A puppet of the same rank is not only as powerful as them, but also indestructible. He can protect himself at critical moments and resist the enemy's harm to himself.

Central Plaza, devil shop.

Countless people went to the devil's shop.

Li Fuchen also went to the devil shop.

His evil point has reached more than 80 billion, which can be exchanged for good things.

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