A point out, an illusory finger shadow appears in an instant.

This is a terrible, unreal root.

It does not exist in the present, in the past, or in the future.

It seems to drift between the past, the present and the future.

In the face of this, Li Fuchen felt powerless for the first time.

This feeling is not good, it will make Li Fuchen weak.


Li Fuchen roared, and the sword broke out in an endless and endless way.

The upper God domain, the later stage.

Under the intense stimulation, Li Fuchen's Kendo realm made a breakthrough again.

"Go! It's all over. "

The expression of the master of the heaven time boundary at this time is very cold.

The illusory finger shadow passes through the infinite sword meaning and directly enters Li Fuchen's body.

The next moment, illusory refers to the shadow with Li's body flying up, to the halo.

Ten steps.

Five steps.

One step.

Li Fuchen is about to enter the halo.

"If you want me to give up the struggle, don't think about it. You can swallow it for me."

Li Fuchen's sword sense is still surging, and the realm of Kendo has already risen to the realm of perfection of the upper God.

At the same time, Li Fuchen broke out in the lower level of Kendo and mixed hole sword field.

Now it's a perfect sword in the valley.

Driven by the rules of Kendo in the perfect realm of the upper God, unprecedented power broke out.

A black hole was born in Li's body.

This is Kendo black hole. Any existence in the black hole will be devoured and transformed into Kendo rules, and the time rule is no exception.

Therefore, the illusory finger shadow that the master of heaven and time blasted into Li Fushen's body was swallowed up by the black hole at the first time.

The next moment, the phantom shadow and the black hole collapse at the same time.

This is, after all, the divine skill of the master of heaven and time. Li Fuchen's Kendo black hole, the only thing that can be done is to die together.

When the black hole collapsed, Li's body exploded and was almost annihilated.

However, at the next moment, there is a trace of sword spirit condensing.

Condense into Li's body.

The lower level of the ultimate level is the magic skill of the Kendo realm - the sword spirit will last forever.

At the critical moment, not only the mixed hole sword field has broken through to the extreme level, but also the sword spirit has been broken through to the extreme level.

If the sword spirit does not break through to the extreme level, Li Fuchen will die.

It's no joke that the counterfeiting force produced by the simultaneous collapse of the illusory finger shadow and kendo black hole in the body is not a joke. It is a force that even ordinary gods can't bear.

At this time, Li Fuzhen is only half a step away from the halo.

"No way."

The Lord of the heaven time world couldn't believe his eyes and growled.

Where there was the cold look before.

He has accumulated countless years of time, which is almost exhausted at this moment, but it does not play its due role, which is unacceptable to him.

He hates himself and why he wants to enter the time corridor. If he does not enter the time corridor, he will not fall into the time cycle.

He hates this damn time corridor, this damn time cycle.

He is a master of heaven and time. He is trapped in the rules of time that he is best at, and a sleepiness is endless years.

In these endless years, he committed suicide, but he was sad to find that he could not kill himself at all, because the time here is cyclical. After a cycle, he will come back to life.

Later, he tried to infiltrate the power of his time to see if he could find a way to leave.

He succeeded and spent countless years. At last, he infiltrated the power of his time and turned into a huge gem of time.

And that halo is a magic skill of time world created by him, which is called time ring shadow.

Once anyone enters the shadow of time, he will immediately have a time connection with him and replace him.

But what he did not expect is that this time cycle, very overbearing, not strong willed people, the moment they come in, the spirit will collapse, he has no time to completely replace out.

If it can't be replaced completely, it can't go out completely. As long as there is a trace left in the time cycle, it will still be pulled in.

He hated Li Fuchen, and why his will to hate Li Fuchen was so firm that he was not tempted at all.

How he hates it!

The shadow of the master of heaven and time dissipated, and the film of time blocking the valley dissipated. Li Fuchen saw the entrance of the valley.

"Master of the heaven time world, you can stay in it!" Li Fuchen sighed that it was too dangerous this time. If he had not been alert enough and his will was not firm enough, he would have been in the way of the Lord of heaven and time.Of course, the most important thing is the continuous breakthrough of Kendo rules.

Li Fuchen has long found that the breakthrough of Kendo rule realm is different from other rule realm breakthrough.

Kendo pays more attention to the will of the soul.

If the mind will break through, the realm of Kendo rules will also break through. You don't need to understand like other rules.

Maybe that's the difference between the innate rule and the acquired rule.

Leaving the valley, Li Fuchen continues to wander the time corridor.

He was not frightened by the master of time and left the time corridor immediately.

If he left, he was afraid and had a shadow in his heart.

This is extremely disadvantageous for future Kendo cultivation.

After all, Kendo must be fearless and cut through the thorns.

Of course, if Li Fuchen was afraid, he would not have broken through the Kendo rules.

So, none of this is true.

Like a labyrinth of time corridors, no one can be seen for half a day.

With intuition, Li Fuchen turned three times and four times, and finally came to a vast cave half a month later.

There are many people in the cave, all of them are surrounded by a lake.

This lake is obviously not an ordinary lake. On the lake, there is a panic force of time.

In the middle of the lake, there is a small island a few meters in size.

On the small island, there are several sacred grasses.

"Time flies, grass, flowers and fruits."

Li Fuchen was surprised. He saw these kinds of God grass on the skin roll.

It's all made of materials for making time flies pills.

Time flies grass, six star medium level God grass.

Time flower, six star grass.

Time Road fruit, six star low-level God grass.

These three kinds of God grass, take, can enhance the understanding of the rules of time.

Especially time flies grass, he can let people in a moment, experience hundreds of millions of years.

"I don't believe that the power of time on the lake of time can make me die of old age for an instant." A superior God did not believe in evil, and his body flashed to the small island in the middle of the lake.

The speed of the superior God is very fast, but the power of time is faster.

When the upper God came to the lake, he had a few white hairs on his head.

After a distance of ten percent, several white hair turned into white hair, and the face was full of wrinkles.

After 20% of the distance, his white hair lost light, his back bent down, and his vitality was weak, like a candle in the wind, which was blown out.

Then it fell into the lake and melted into nothingness.

A superior God with a life span of up to two billion years died of old age in a short time that he could not breathe. This scene shocked and shocked everyone.

Now, no one dares to try to land on the island.

"I can see, but I can't get it. What am I still doing here? It's a waste of time." Most of the gods chose to leave, only five remained.

Li Fuchen can detect that four of these five people have practiced the time rules. Although the other one has not practiced the rules of time, he should have some treasures on his body.

"I'll try."

The speaker is a tall, thin, middle-aged man with a finger size hole on his forehead. Through this hole, you can see the scene behind him.

The power in the body is replaced by the power of time.

Tall, thin and middle-aged people have changed from a superior God to a medium time God.

Obviously, he had seen that in order to cross the lake and reach the island, it was necessary to resist the erosion of the force of time above the lake.

Only the power of time can resist the erosion of the force of time.

It has little to do with strength.

Unless you are a God, a powerful God.

Of course, even the God of the world may not be able to land safely on the island, or lose some life.

When the magic power of time broke out, the tall, thin and middle-aged man turned into the shadow of the road, and fell on the small island on the lake.

Ten percent of the distance.

20% of the distance.

30% of the distance.

Sure enough, his guess is right. Crossing the lake and landing on the island has little to do with strength.

He is now just a medium time God, which can not be compared with the previous superior God, but has crossed 30% of the distance.

40% of the distance.

Middle aged, a few thin hair.

50% distance, tall and thin, middle-aged, full of white hair, wrinkles.

60% of the distance, the middle-aged master suddenly fell into the lake, melting into nothingness.

"It seems that the rule of time can not reach the level of medium metaphysics."

Among the remaining four, a young man with a folding fan shook his head.

"Well, you go and fight! My rule of time is only the lower level of metaphysics. "

"I'm on the spiritual realm."Two more people quit. With Li Fuchen, there are only three left.

"Who are you going on?"

The white man who did not have the rules of practice time looked at the folding fan youth and Li Fuchen.

"I'll see it again."

The folding fan youth obviously did not have much confidence, but he was not willing to leave. Li Fuchen guessed that the other party's time rule realm should be at the level of the upper Xuanshen.

"I'll try."

Li Fuchen thinks he should be able to do it.

The transformation of mysterious power in the body makes Li Fuchen become a superior time Xuanshen in an instant.

In fact, Li Fuchen didn't upgrade time cultivation level. He just separated his space-time supernatural power into time supernatural power and space mysterious divine power.

"Is the superior time mysterious God?"

Folding fan young eyebrows a pick.

He is also the mysterious God of superior time. If Li Fuchen can succeed, he will undoubtedly succeed.

However, he did not dare to bet, who knows whether the upper time Xuanshen can safely land on the island, if not, it is the price of death.

He planned to have a look again. If Li Fuchen could land on the island safely, he would rush to grab Shencao immediately.

Without a sound, Li Fuchen came to the lake and rushed to the island.

10% distance, 20% distance, 30% distance

70% of the distance.

Soon, Li Fuzhen is only 30% away from the small island, and it seems that Li Fuzhen has not changed at all, and his head does not grow white hair.

"Damn it."

For the first time, the folding fan youth felt that he was too conservative and too careful.

It is 70% of the distance, and there is no white hair on his head. What does this mean? It shows that Li Fuchen has a great hope of landing on the island.

80% of the distance.

90% of the distance.

Li is only a small distance away from the island.

Folding fan youth can not help but, body shape flash, straight to the small island.

Without taking care of the folding fan youth, his feet fell to the ground, and Li Fuchen made a move, and the three sacred grasses fell into his hands.

"Put it down for me."

The speed of folding fan youth is very fast, and it is less than 40% away from the island.

But at this time, the folding fan youth's appearance, quickly grows old, the next moment, the folding fan youth falls from the air.

At this time, he was not dead, and said in a daze: "why? You are the superior time Xuanshen, and I am also the superior time Xuanshen. Why can you land on the island, but I can't? "

He doesn't understand.

Li Fuchen's voice was introduced into the ears of the folding fan youth, "because my time rule realm has reached the upper level God realm, but the time divine power level is low."

"I see."

A smile of self mockery flashed on the youth's face and fell into the lake.

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