While practicing the rules of space, Li Fuchen did not give up creating Kendo magic.

After the rules of Kendo reached the perfect state of upper level God, Li Fuchen created the ultimate level lower level Kendo domain magic skills. I don't know how many times easier.

The 48th, 49th, 50th

With the integration of 50 extreme lower level Kendo magic skills, Li Fuchen still doesn't feel any sense of saturation in his body.

According to the truth, he is a superior Xuanshen, can not bear so much metaphysical power.

If the upper Xuanshen is compared to a bucket, Xuanshen power is the water in the bucket. When the water is full, it will overflow. If the lid is closed and the water is forced to fill, the bucket will explode.

But Li Fuchen's bucket seems to be a little big, thousands of times as big as other upper Xuanshen, and the water has not been filled up to now.

Li Fuchen speculates that this may be because he has understood the essence of Kendo and has been promoted to Xiaocheng state. Therefore, Kendo blood is particularly powerful and can integrate more magical skills and contain more mysterious powers.

In addition, the spirit of the upper level God level also allows him to easily control so many mysterious powers.

As for whether there are other reasons, Li Fuchen is not known.

"Maomao, you are advanced."

This day, God's pet bag opened automatically, and Maomao flew out of it.

Li Fuchen saw that Maomao had become a four-star high-level God virtual life, which was equivalent to the upper Xuanshen in the protoss, the same level as the tiger.

Maomao skimmed his lips. "If you don't advance, I won't mix."

Before, his combat power was far better than Li Fuchen. At that time, there was no tiger?

Later, he was overtaken by Li Fuchen, and he recognized him.

After all, Li Fuchen is too abnormal to be calculated by common sense.

But then, being overtaken by Xiaohu, he couldn't accept it.

Of course, he was able to advance so fast, mainly because Li Fuchen's spirit level was promoted so fast. Otherwise, he would not be able to become a four-star high-level Shenxu life in such a short time.

Another pet bag opened automatically, and the tiger flew out.

The face shows the color of provocation, Maomao way: "tiger, you and I fight again."

Tiger's strength is extremely strong, Maomao in the four-star medium level, although not lost to the other side, but also failed to win the other side.

"Good." Tiger is very belligerent, although he knows that he should not be a hairy opponent.

The descendants of the eight star God Xu life are worthy of being the descendants of the eight star God Xu life. Maomao's strength is too strong. The little tiger can't even catch Maomao's first move and is directly blasted out.

"Tiger, you can't accept it." Maomaodao.

"Come again," the tiger said in a loud voice

He can allow himself to lose, but never allow himself to lose so miserably.

The body burst out with a brilliant golden light. The tiger roared and attacked Maomao again.


The gap between the two is too big, and the tiger is blown out again.

"Still not satisfied?" Maomaodao.

"Not satisfied."


Xiaohu's seven orifices are bleeding.

"Not satisfied."

"Not satisfied."


The skin of the tiger is raw and raw.

On one side, Li Fuchen frowned, but he didn't stop him.

Maomao is not the kind of domineering person, can not bully the tiger for no reason.

There must be some reason.

Can he see that there is a more powerful animal blood hidden in the tiger.

Li Fuchen suddenly thought of a possibility.

There are countless kinds of blood vessels in every kind of god beast. However, in addition to the blood of the main one, some of them are very thin and almost negligible. Some have only a faint trace, which will never be activated. Some are relatively rich. Under certain circumstances, there is a certain possibility of activation Second only to the blood of the main god beast, it can be activated actively under strong stimulation.

It may be that after swallowing too many variant Shendan, the blood of the god beast, which is second only to the blood of the fighting split soul tiger, gradually becomes active. This was discovered by Li Fuchen later.

"Still not satisfied?"

Maomao's move makes the tiger's flesh and blood blurred. People who don't know think Maomao is going to kill the tiger.

"Not satisfied, ah!"

The light on the tiger began to change, from the original blazing gold, began to mix with a trace of black light.

The appearance of this trace of black light, let the tiger's momentum, become more domineering, at the same time, in the domineering, and more a point of darkness.


Maomao is even more merciless.

Bang Bang Bang

As the tiger's injury is getting more and more serious, the golden light on the tiger is getting darker and darker, replaced by a thick black light.

At the same time, the strength of the tiger is also rapidly improving.Of course, compared with Maomao, the gap is still some obvious.

Maomao is a virtual life of the eight star God. Although he has not yet grown up, his strength has already surpassed the level of Xuanshen. I'm afraid all of them have reached the level of domain God.

I don't know how many times I was blown by Maomao. The golden light on the tiger finally disappeared completely. The terrible black light broke out without restraint.

At the same time, the shape of the tiger began to change.

He grew a pair of black wings on his back. Most of the hair on his body turned black. Only a few of them were gold. His tail became longer. He looked like a black iron whip. At the end of the tail, there was a black flame burning. The black flame, which contains the characteristics of immortality, did not shrink no matter how the tiger moved.

"Dark split soul tiger!"

Li Fuchen recognized that the tiger evolved into a dark split soul tiger.

My heart is full of surprises.

The limit of growth is the upper level beast.

The growth limit of the dark split soul tiger is the superior wild beast.

Wild beast, this is the existence of terror beyond the world.

In the protoss, it corresponds to the God of famine.

In Shenxu life, it corresponds to seven star Shenxu life, which is only one level lower than Maomao.

The tiger, which evolved into a dark split soul tiger, is more powerful than ten times and a hundred times stronger. Maomao's one move suddenly catches him and starts to fight back.

I saw a fan of black flesh wings between his ribs, incarnated as a black light, diving to Maomao.

"Compare speed with me."

Maomao starts Shenxing and quickly fights with Xiaohu.


If it is not for Li Fuchen's strong strength, we can't see the shadow of both.

"Little tiger is still a little short."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

He clearly saw that Maomao did not go all out, but forced Xiaohu to do his best.


After several hundred rounds of war, the tiger suddenly opened his mouth and a black ball of light flashed towards Maomao.

"Good come."

One of Maomao's limbs radiated colorful light, and cut off the black light ball at once.

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand.

No matter how the tiger improves its strength, it can't do anything.

And with the passage of time, the momentum of the tiger, some of the malaise.

After all, he has just evolved, and his foundation is still unstable.

"Well, that's enough."

Li Fuchen prevents the two from fighting.


Maomao and Xiaohu both stop.

"Second brother, thank you very much." Xiaohu is sincere to maomaodao.

He didn't understand that Maomao was stimulating him in order to stimulate the blood of the dark split soul tiger.

Mao Mao said: "my brother, thank you for what, you hurry to consolidate the blood! Another 800 rounds in the next war. " The tiger, who has evolved into a dark split soul tiger, can still make him a little more serious. It's a good companion.

"Good." The tiger flew into the pet bag.

"I can't believe you can see that there are other supernatural animals hidden in the tiger's body." Li Fuchen on maomaodao.

Mao Mao said: "it's just intuition. After all, there is a secret connection between the three of us."

"So it is." Li Fuchen nodded.

His spirit is related to Maomao and Xiaohu.

As Li Fuchen expected, now Maomao's strength has been able to compete with the lower domain God, which is just advanced.

"Big brother, before I was young, I couldn't use external force to improve myself. Now I can use external force. Pay more attention to these things." Maomaodao.

After receiving the message from Maomao's spirit, Li Fuchen said: "five color broken Xu grass, what God grass is this? Where can I get it?"

Mao Mao said: "the five color broken empty grass generally grows in the Shenxu, or on a certain God star, or in some Shenxu dangerous places. Generally, a thousand low-level five color broken Xu grass can make me promoted to five-star low-level Shenxu life. If I can get intermediate five-color broken Xu grass, I can be promoted as long as ten plants. As for the high-level five color broken Xu grass, I can't be found The plant is enough to push me up to the five-star medium level of Shenxu life

"What about the crystal of life?" Li Fuchen asked again.

Mao Mao said: "Life Crystal exists in the spring of life. There are life crystals in the divine world and Shenxu. This is much easier to get than the five color broken Xu grass. However, in Shenxu, most of the life springs are dominated by powerful Shenxu life groups."

Li Fuchen nodded. He didn't know the crystal of life. He knew the spring of life. It was a treasure containing the rules of life.

"Don't worry, I'll pay special attention to it."

Now, no matter Maomao or Xiaohu, they can't help Li Fuchen in terms of strength.

However, the potential of the two is very huge. If the opportunity comes, they may not be able to keep up with Li Fuchen.Fifty fifth, fifty sixth

Yushenqi spacecraft, quiet and comfortable.

Li Fuchen practices Kendo and space together quietly.

Occasionally, a little eyed Yu Shen wants to snatch the domain artifact spaceship, and is blown into nothingness by Li Fuchen's sword.

Of course, Li Fuchen doesn't just know how to practice. Every time he passes through a sacred city, Li Fuchen will stop to repair it, go around the city, feel the local customs of each god City, and eat some of the special delicacies here. It's a wonderful life.

Fifty seventh, fifty eighth

The 60th gate.

On this day, Li Fuchen finally created the 60th ultimate level lower level Kendo magic skills. After integrating into the 60th ultimate lower level Kendo domain magic skills, Li Fuchen's Kendo mysterious power index soared to 1.8 trillion yuan.

If he only created the 60th ultimate level lower level Kendo magic, Li Fuchen didn't care very much. After all, at his level, there was not a big gap between 59 and 60, which could not play a decisive role.

This is mainly because the 60th ultimate level lower level Kendo domain magic is a Kendo domain magic skill.

Domain magic is one of the magic skills. When fighting the enemy, one domain magic skill is more effective than ten ordinary magic skills.

Li Fuchen named it Tianjian realm.

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