I don't know how long in the past, the information of the remains of sword marrow is finally complete.

Li Fuchen found that there were only complete black iron and bronze sword pith, and only a small part of silver.

According to the above records, the value of black iron sword pith is no less than any four-star secret method.

The bronze sword pith chapter has reached the level of six star secret method.

What's more, the most important function of sword pith secret method is not to attack, but to assist attack.

It's like a sword. It can't kill itself, but it can kill if it's in the swordsman's hand.

The principle of sword pith is similar to it.

Once Li Fuchen has become a sword pith, he can use the bone marrow as the sword to force the sword Qi at will. There is no need to use the sword to stimulate it. If combined with the sword, the power of the sword Qi can be increased again, which is extremely terrifying.

Of course, it's very difficult to cultivate sword pith. Even if it's bronze sword pith, the cultivation difficulty must reach the level of five-star secret method. If you want to practice it in a short time, it's impossible. You can only practice it gradually over time.

Opening his eyes, Li Fuchen found that he was the first to wake up.

And in the moment Li Fuchen opened his eyes, Su Muyu also woke up.

She didn't go to see Li Fuchen. She said in her heart, "the six star secret law is enough to break the rules of Donglin mainland. However, she must not disclose to anyone that I have the six star secret law.".

You know, even Changchun Valley doesn't have six star secret.

Once leaked out, enough to trigger the Donglin mainland each big door crazy.

"I don't know what secret the man got?"

Su Muyu looks at Li Fuchen.

In her opinion, Li Fuchen's secret method should also be the six star secret method, maybe even better than her. We can see the clue from some signs before.

As for others, it is estimated that they are all four or five star secret methods.

After getting the remains of the sword pith secret method, Li Fuchen plans to pursue other light spots, but soon he finds that these light spots are scattered one by one and integrated into the wall of the hall.

"It seems that a person can only get one secret method inheritance."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

"Jie Jie, are here, eat you, should be able to make our body more powerful."

When everyone wakes up, the main hall door, a familiar figure came in.

They are Fu Chongshan, Xu Heishan and dihuomen's two true disciples and Li Wuxue.

The pupils of these five people are quite different from those of ordinary people. The white places of their eyes are black, and the pupils are white, which is very strange.

"What's the matter? Aren't they dead? "

Fan qiansong and fan Qianyu were surprised.

"It's not right." Li Fuchen frowned.

"Brother Gao, younger brother Lu, what's the matter with you?" Song Qinghe looked at two of the true disciples of dihuomen and immediately asked.

The two wanted to come, but they couldn't cross the bridge at all.

"Who is your senior brother?" The young man named Gao Shidi licked his lips. His forked tongue looked very strange and disgusting.

Su Mu rain congchong way: "their bodies are occupied by evil things."

She is well-informed and has a broader vision than everyone else.

"Evil things?"

Li Fuchen was thoughtful.

It seems that after Li Wuxue flees, the ending is not very good, but it saves him from killing each other.

However, Li Fuchen is not very happy. Although Li Wuxue no longer exists, compared with Li Wuxue, these evil things are more difficult to deal with. It is not easy to occupy the existence of other people's bodies or bodies.

"Get out of my senior brother's body."

Song Qinghe angrily drinks and blows at each other.

"Jie Jie, you can't measure your strength."

The shadow behind "Gao Shidi" squirmed and snapped. The air was torn. A long black shadow was drawn on songqinghe, and the song Qinghe was taken away.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the song Qinghe was shocked.

Although his strength is not top-notch, it is not weak. He was beaten away by the other side. What is the strength of the other side?


Li Fuchen's pupils shrank. He clearly saw that the young man named Gao Shidi had a tail behind him. It was a huge snake tail full of scales, just like the tail of a python. It was powerful.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

"Senior brother Gao" wagged his tail, and the sound of tearing the air sounded.

"I see. It's the spirit."

Fan qiansong shouts.

Wen Yan, Li Fuchen and others look at fan qiansong.

Fan qiansong explained: "there are demons born in the six level monsters. Even if they are destroyed, they can be reborn, or occupy the bodies of the people who have just died. The warriors who have been occupied will be eroded by the evil spirit and become the existence of no one and no ghost."

"I see."Su nodded in the rain.

She also felt that these people were possessed by demons.

The one who attacked song Qinghe just now is clearly the spirit of a snake monster.

"Well, I'm a little bit knowledgeable. I thought that only those born out of martial arts would know these things in Donglin now." "Xu Heishan" has a wide open mouth. His mouth is full of sharp teeth. A half foot long tongue is very thick, and there are many sarcomas on it.

"If it's a demon, it's in trouble."

Wei Shanhe looks very ugly.

There are six levels of monsters in front of them. Even if only demons are left, they are extremely powerful. At least, their fighting skills are very strong. If they return to their peak state, all of them will not be able to move together.

"Although the demons were fierce in their lifetime, their strength was closely related to the strength of their bodies after they were reborn." Su Muyu road.

"That's right. That's why we're going to eat you and strengthen our strength."

Tear it!

Xu Heishan's clothes were broken and his body swelled in an instant. After a breath, a lizard man appeared in public view.

"How can there be demons in this cemetery? Isn't level 6 monster extinct in Donglin Fan Qianyu was very anxious.

"Be good food!"

"Xu Heishan" roared violently and rushed to several people.

"Go back."

Su Muyu in the hands of a sickle, sickle waving, green light blade skyrocketing.


When the air exploded, Su Muyu and Xu Heishan flew upside down.

"It's interesting. It's powerful." Xu Heishan licked his lips.


A strong vibration sound rang out. Behind the "Li Wu Xue", a pair of transparent wings appeared. The wings vibrated, and his body soared into the sky. His mouth was also rapidly lengthened and pointed. In the blink of an eye, he became a needle tube.

This is a mosquito monster.

"Enter the side hall."

Li Fuchen didn't mean to fight with these demons at all. He said hello to fan qiansong and fan Qianyu and plundered to the side hall beside the main hall.

The rest of them woke up and ran to the side hall one by one.

"Where to go."

Among them, Li Wuxue is the fastest one. In a flash, he catches up with song Qinghe, the slowest one. The needle pierces the body protecting Qi and pierces song Qinghe's body. As soon as he inhales it, song Qinghe's body shrinks rapidly, while Li's body expands and his body is filled with blood red light.

PS: the first chapter is late. The second chapter is more than ten o'clock.

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