Along the original road, the five finally walked out of the cemetery.

Looking back at the metal gate of the cemetery, the five people are still in fear.

The road of martial arts is too dangerous. Who could have thought that they were nearly robbed.

Although they left the cemetery, the five people knew that the cemetery was only a small part of the land of fog. Only when they got out of the fog could they be regarded as real security.

On the way, the five met a giant bat beast again.

The giant bat beast, the top of the three high-level monsters, was solved by the joint efforts of 11 people before it came. At that time, it mainly relied on Su Muyu's power.

But now, Li Fuchen and Su Muyu have completely suppressed the giant bat beast.

This is still because Li Fuchen did not go all out.

In terms of attack power, Li Fuchen is much worse than Su Muyu, but in terms of strength, he at the moment undoubtedly surpasses Su Muyu.

"His strength?"

Su Mu rain is not stupid, she saw the strength change of Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen's speed and strength did not change much, but his fighting skills were extremely superb. During his leisurely walk, the sword in his hand made a series of cuts on the giant bat beast. Each opening seemed to have been measured with a ruler, no longer than a minute or an inch.

"If I fight him, I'm afraid I'll lose to him."

Although she is not willing to admit it, Su Muyu doesn't want to cheat herself. In terms of combat skills, she is a grade worse than Li Fuchen.

Each action of the other side has a purpose, not an instinctive response of the body, nor a temporary intention.

From the beginning to the end, the other side seems to be performing, everything is under his control.

"Terrible consciousness?"

Su Muyu couldn't help frowning.

After solving the giant bat beast, the five men move on.

Soon, the five came to the edge of the fog.

With only a slight hesitation, the five still walked into the thick fog.

In the thick fog, you can't see five fingers, only perception can be used.

In addition to Li Fuchen, the other four people's perception range is only tens of meters.

Li Fuchen is different. After releasing his consciousness, his perception range is hundreds of meters. Once any person or monster enters this area, he will immediately catch him.

After ten days, the fog gradually thinned out, and the naked eye could see tens of meters away, which was the scope of previous perception.

"Out of the fog."

Weishan river is very happy.

"It's our luck to be able to come out. This trip to the cemetery is worth remembering forever." Fan qiansong sighed.

After half a day, there was no fog in the place where they were.

And then, it's time to part.

Before leaving, Su Muyu voiced to Li Fuchen, "in the graveyard, I owe you a favor, and I will pay you back later."

She believes that Li Fuchen saved everyone.

Li Fuchen laughed and said nothing.

As Wei Shanhe and Su Muyu left, fan qiansong said to Li Fuchen, "let's find a city to live in."

"Yes." Li Fuchen nodded.

He did need time to digest what he got from the cemetery.

A few days later, the three came to the nearest city, Qiuyu.

This is an ownerless city. The order of the city is controlled by three families.

In Qiuyu City, a Courtyard Inn, Li Fuchen three people began to close.

The remnant part of sword pith secret method is powerful. Even if it is only practiced into black iron sword pith, it is enough to make Li Fuchen's strength soar.

The trip to the cemetery made Li Fuzhen understand that his strength is still too weak. If he does not improve his strength as soon as possible, he may not have such good luck if he takes another risk next time.

He vaguely knew that the true spirit of the owner of the tomb was destroyed by the golden amulet.

Only the golden Rune has this ability.

The inn, which covers an area of 100 mu, has hundreds of yards. Li Fuchen and his three people each chose a courtyard.

In one of the courtyards, Li Fuchen sat cross legged and was understanding the pith of black iron sword.

Sword marrow, with bone marrow as sword, condenses sword grain.

The sword pattern is a kind of tool pattern.

But if you want to condense the sword pattern, you must first understand the sword pattern.

There is a lot of knowledge of sword patterns in the black iron sword pith. Li Fuchen feels that if he can understand the black iron sword pith, he may be able to condense the sword grain for the sword and become a sword pattern master in the future.

The sword pattern master is related to the sword casting master, but they are not the same.

The sword pattern master can refine the sword pattern, but he does not necessarily know how to cast a sword.

The swordsman can not only cast swords, but also refine sword patterns.

Of course, there are only a few simple sword designers.

Some swordsmen can't make progress in kendo, so they will choose to learn sword pattern to see if they can get to a higher level.

"It's complicated."

In the black iron sword pulp chapter, there are more than 800 kinds of yellow low-level sword patterns.

If you want to understand the black iron sword pith, you must first master more than 800 kinds of yellow low-level sword patterns.After mastering more than 800 kinds of yellow level low-level sword patterns, we should combine them into more than 200 kinds of middle level yellow level sword patterns, and then combine these two hundred kinds of middle level yellow level sword patterns into 48 kinds of yellow level high-level sword patterns, nine kinds of yellow top level sword patterns and one kind of Xuan level low-level sword patterns.

This kind of dark low-level sword pattern is black iron sword pattern.

Li Fuchen has a strong sense of consciousness, excellent deduction ability, and amazing understanding. In a week, he finally mastered more than 800 kinds of low-level yellow sword patterns.

Now if he wants to, he can condense the sword pattern on a sword.

"First try to refine the sword pattern."

Li Fuchen broke off a branch from a big tree in the yard. He held the branch in his palm and poured his true Qi into it.

Two fingers thick branches, a straight lines spread, the lines emit a light light, making the branches become different, as if it has become a work of art.

In the blink of an eye, the lines on the branches disappear.


Holding the branch in hand, Li Fuchen stabbed at the void.

At this moment, Li Fuchen clearly felt that the branches contained a kind of edge.

It's a kind of sword.

It has the flavor of turning decay into magic.


The branches of the tree broke down and scattered into a pile of sawdust.

Li Fuchen didn't care. He said secretly, "the pattern of the weapon is very domineering. The material must be hard enough, otherwise it can't carry the pattern of the weapon. So is the sword pattern."

Breaking off a branch again, this time Li Fuchen changed into a yellow low-level sword pattern.

The sword pattern has been condensed.

The branches in the hand still have a sharp edge, but the edge is only secondary. The hardness of the branches is obviously several times harder than the previous branches, which is like an iron bar.


Hard as it is, it doesn't last, and the branches break down.

"There are more than 800 kinds of yellow level low-level sword patterns. In fact, the effect is only a few, but there are some differences in subtle places. I don't know what the Yellow level middle level sword patterns are?"

Li floating dust has a lot of interest in the sword pattern, as if seeing a new world.

It took another week for Li Fuchen to master more than 200 kinds of yellow medium level sword patterns.

Yellow level medium level sword pattern is a combination of several yellow level low-level sword patterns.

It is more perfect and more powerful than the Yellow low-level sword pattern.

But it's also more domineering.

The branches can't bear the yellow medium level sword pattern at all. Before the condensation is finished, the branches will collapse or even explode.

At this time, it is necessary to use harder wood or metal to refine the sword pattern.

Suddenly, Li Fuchen thought of a question. If he mastered the Xuan level low-level sword pattern and condensed it on the bone marrow, could the bone marrow stand it? Will it collapse?

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