The star road is long and lonely.

Walking on the Star Road, Li Fuchen can feel his insignificance all the time.

Compared with the vast starry sky, Donglin is just a dust!

Brilliant light shining.

In the starry sky, a large meteor burst, one of which was passing by the star road. At that moment, Li Fuchen clearly felt the heat of the meteor, like a huge fireball burning.

"Is it real or illusory?"

At this moment, Li Fuchen did not understand.

Walking on, Li Fuchen finally saw the figure.

He's about twenty years old. He's about three years old.

He was walking with difficulty step by step, and his clothes were wet with sweat.

"It's hard enough."

Li Fuchen did not gloat, there was no reference before, so he did not know the strength of Xinglu gas field.

Now seeing that the other party is so hard, and then comparing his leisurely walk, Li Fuchen confirms that Xinglu is indeed the stronger the potential, the farther he goes.


After a few steps, the young man couldn't hold on any longer. He fell to the ground. The next moment, the star road was shining, and the young man was sent out of the secret place of Xinglu.

Soon after, Li Fuchen saw a figure again. He didn't think about it too much. He directly surpassed each other.

Not far ahead of the Star Road, a group of young people are walking together.

The head of the young man, like a jade face, broad shoulders and long legs, eyes open and close, there is a sharp and domineering light flash.

"Elder martial brother Han, you are still good. You have gone so far, and there is still nothing wrong with you." The young man next to him flattered.

"Elder martial brother Han is one of the seven sons of Tianxing sect. He is not a mortal. Let alone such a little road, he can easily break through even the first level."

"That's right. Elder martial brother Han is suffering from the disadvantage of his age. If he has more than one or two years of practice, he will be top-notch in the whole young generation."

Several people flattered.

In the whole Donglin continent, there are so many strong people. Although they are nothing, they will become strong in the near future, and their elder martial brother Han will become a top one. Now we have a good relationship and we will have some friendship in the future.

Han Feng is one of the seven sons of Tianxing sect. He is twenty-three years old. He has five levels of Disha realm. Among the seven sons of Tianxing, his talent and potential are outstanding. He laughs, "the secret place of Xinglu is really magical. It has been closed to the clan before. I should have come earlier."

If he could come earlier, he might have been promoted to six levels of Disha realm.

"No, I can't hold on. Elder martial brother Han, my name is Lan Guanglong. I'll invite elder martial brother han to have dinner and drink in the future." The young man named LAN Guanglong lies on the ground, turns into a blue light and disappears.

Seeing this, the rest of the people are very sad. There is still a distance from the first pass of Xinglu. It is very difficult for them to get there.

"Well, who is that? It's so fast. It's catching up."

Suddenly, one of them pointed to the rear, startled.

Hearing the speech, the crowd turned to look.

Thousands of meters away, a figure is coming fast, with flowing clothes and extraordinary temperament. It is not Li Fuchen who is it.

Li Fuchen's speed is too fast. If people are jogging, he is sprinting.

To be able to sprint, said that the star road atmosphere on his oppression is not big, far from his endurance limit.

We should know that the Xinglu aura is not unchangeable. With the distance, the star road Aura will gradually increase. Although the increase is small and can't be felt in a short time, the sprint is still a great pressure for most people. If it is not good, it may not be able to hold on in advance.

Li Fuchen in the sprint, really can not feel the pressure.

Now he has adapted to Xinglu aura. If he leaves Xinglu suddenly, he may not adapt to it.

One thousand meters.

800 meters.

Five hundred meters.

Li Fuchen is getting closer and closer to Han Feng and others.

Han Feng frowned. As the seventh son of Tianxing, he thought that he was the second echelon among the younger generation in Donglin mainland. As for those in the first echelon, they were either six-star or five-star.

However, the number of the first echelon is very small, and there are several in Donglin.

As for the five star root bone, the number is less than the six star root bone.

It can be called the five stars against the sky, one by one the understanding is terrible in a mess, to a certain extent, more terrible than the six star root bone.

Han Feng has all the information about the six stars and the five stars against the sky, but he can be sure that Li Fuchen is definitely not one of these people.

What's more, Li Fuchen's accomplishments are too low, and there are only three realms of Disha realm.

The speed of the three levels of Disha realm can be so fast.

This aroused Han Feng's fighting spirit."Ladies and gentlemen, we need to mention our speed." While speaking, Han Feng speeds up.

"Follow elder martial brother Han."

Several people bit their teeth and the speed increased.

In this way, the two sides maintain a distance of 500 meters, one in front of the other, running at a high speed.

Li Fuchen naturally noticed that the speed of several people suddenly accelerated, but he didn't like it and continued to keep his rhythm.

He came to Xinglu secret place, not to compete, but to test his own limits.

He wanted to see how far he could go.

"No, I can't hold on."

A blue light surged and one disappeared on the star road.

Half an hour later, another person disappeared.

Ahead, an island appears, which is the location of the first pass.

In the end, only four people came to the first level, namely Han Feng and Li Fuchen.

The two men beside Han Feng have already crossed the star road and passed the first level. After all, their accomplishments are not low. They are either seven or eight. It is not too difficult for them to pass the first level.

Of course, because of running too fast, they were still panting and pale.

"The roar of the first level is aimed at the will of the soul. If the mind is weak, he will be in a coma. Elder martial brother Han, even if he can break through, he can't bear it. When he gets to the second star road, his speed will be at least ten times slower." One of them was a burly young man.

Han Feng did not speak and began to cross the island.


The whole island is like a huge monster, burst out with amazing roar.

In this roar, Han Feng next to two people in the body shaking, pale face incomparable.

Roaring sound, aiming at the will of the soul, they have a relatively high level of cultivation, and their spiritual will has been strengthened a lot. Moreover, they came once and thought they had psychological preparation.

But at this moment, still feel a bit unbearable, not much worse than the first time.

Han Feng, on the other hand, looks as usual. Obviously, the roaring voice can't help him.

In the rear, Li Fuchen looked around curiously. He was observing where the roar came from.

Finally, he came to the conclusion that the roar was coming from the void on the island, as if the whole void was roaring.

"It's amazing."

Li Fuchen continued to walk, and soon passed through the island.

"He's nothing." The big young man had an incredible face.

"It's a little tricky."

Han Feng faint smile, he would like to see, the other side can go which step.

At the moment of crossing the island, there is an invisible wave rising on the island. The wave is divided into two parts and enters into Han Feng and Li Fuchen respectively.

When he moved into the body, he subconsciously told Li Fuchen that his cultivation talent had increased a lot, and that kind of feeling was like the improvement of his bone.

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