Speed up slightly, Li Fuzhen gradually shake off the Xiahou stone.

Xia Houshi grinned, "if you can kill him, I should be able to make my martial faith and Qi Yun stronger."

It is said that killing a genius can rob the other party's luck. This statement can't be verified, but many people believe it.

Xiahoushi is one of them.

Donglin has a lot of potential as a king. If he wants to reach the top, he has to kill a talent with great potential. If he kills enough, he will be able to surpass those six-star and five-star root bones and become the king of genius sooner or later.

The terrible Xinglu gas field makes Li Fuzhen's speed more and more slow.

If we say the gale is graded.

At present, Xinglu gas field is a violent torrent like gale, which can blow people all over the place. It is almost impossible for the thin and weak people to climb all over the ground to catch up with the road.

Against the "strong wind", Li Fuchen jogged, every step is very firm, very powerful.

A little sweat began to wet his clothes.

Unconsciously, slightly tired Li Fuchen came to the third pass of Xinglu, the third isolated island.

The first level of star road is the sound of roar, the second level is the eye of dream, and the third level is the sword of will.

If the sword of will is cut off, those with weak will will will be in a coma immediately.

It's crisp and there's no room for struggle.

At the moment of stepping on the isolated island, a strong pressure rises and condenses together.

In Li Fuchen's telepathy, in the void, clearly appeared a knife, an illusory knife.


Under the knife, Li Fuchen's mind and will is violently twisted.

"Here, the level of cultivation seems to be useless. It depends on the will of the mind."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

The sword of will can't do anything to him, unless it is doubled again.

Resisting the sword of will, Li Fuchen saw the monument of the name again.

Like the stele of the second pass, only those who have broken into it for the first time are eligible to stay, while those who have broken into it for the second time can't see it at all.

There are more than half of the marks on the inscription of the third pass. None of the marks of the third camp on the stele of the second pass appear here, and many of the marks of the second camp do not appear here.

Although the marks are less, there are more camps, which are divided into five camps.

The first two camps are the first camp on the monument of the second pass, and the last three camps are the second camp on the monument of the second pass.

That is to say, the inscription of the third pass is more detailed. Here, it can reflect the gap between talents.

Li Fuchen outlines his sword mark in the void.

The sword mark takes shape and flies to the monument.






There is no suspense. Li Fuchen's sword mark flies to the first camp. In addition to the dark marks, there are only dozens of bright marks on the first camp. Among them, there are no more than 10 real young people.

It may be that he sensed the existence of Li Fuzhen and started to attack Li Fuchen's sword mark with no more than ten young marks.

It's just that Li Fuchen's sword marks are not easy to be provoked. After a powerful attack, he forced these marks to retreat.

Of course, this is not to say that Li Fuchen's potential is greater than the sum of the owners of these marks.

The main reason is that Li Fuchen's sword mark was branded on it, and he was still in the limelight.

The fight was just a moment.

A moment later, as Li Fuchen's sword mark returned to his place, the monument of his name was in full bloom. At the same time, lightning flashed and thunder thundered in the starry sky above the Star Road, and gold lightning came out.

These golden lightning are incredible. In the eyes of the people on the Star Road, each of them is hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles. Many golden lightning flashed across the star road. The cruel pressure makes everyone scared.

"What happened?"

Still struggling on the third star road, Han Feng looked up at the golden lightning all over the sky and was stunned.

"Is it him again?"

"It's impossible. It's not just us who are here to break the star road. There must be others, so it can't be him." Han Feng immediately shook his head and denied the idea.

Unlike Han Feng, Xia Houshi identified it as Li Fuchen.

"The star road vision, can cause the star road vision unexpectedly, this person, should kill."

Xiahoushi licked his lips, and his eyes flashed a terrible killing opportunity.

As far as he knows, as long as the mark can be branded in the first camp, it will inevitably lead to star road vision, that is to say, Li Fuchen's mark is in the first camp.

The first camp, xiahoushi, did not know whether he could be in the first camp.But it doesn't matter. After all, potential is potential. He will plunder it back.

Four star road power is bestowed on him, and Li Fuchen's star road power reaches seven.

The power of Qifen Xinglu is so magnificent that Li Fuchen feels that the bottleneck of the five levels of Disha realm has been loosened, while the bottleneck of the fourth level of Disha realm has produced a trace of cracks.

Cracks appear, which means Li Fuchen can break through at any time.

"Wait until you get out."

The star road is too dangerous. Li Fuchen doesn't want to break through here. Moreover, even if his cultivation is promoted to a higher level, it will not help him to break through the star road.

Spiritual will and cultivation, Li Fuchen's spiritual will accounts for too much, so cultivation is not very important, unless you can improve the two realms, it will help.

"The fourth star road, I don't know how violent it is!"

Li Fuchen looks at the fourth star road.

This star road, it looks a little different.

Dark and dark, the void seems to be twisted, like a road to hell.

For ordinary people, it takes courage to set foot on the fourth star road.

Shortly after Li Fuchen passed the third pass of Xinglu, xiahoushi came here.

Resisting the sword of will, xiahoushi began to leave a mark on the monument.

The mark takes shape and flies to the monument.

Xia Houshi's face is smiling, his mark, impressively imprinted on the second camp, failed to break into the first camp.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Xia Houshi looked up at the first camp.

In the first camp, there were only dozens of bright marks, one of which was a huge sword mark, which attracted Xia Houshi's attention.

Staring at the sword mark, Xia Houshi stretched out his right hand and wiped it on his neck.

"What a raging Star Road atmosphere."

Walking in the fourth hurricane, I feel like walking in the dust.

The wind is strong, but it is not strong enough to blow people away, but a hurricane can.

A terrible hurricane can not only blow people away, but also break trees and destroy houses.

The gas field intensity of the star path here is twice that of the later stage of the third star path and eight times that of the later stage of the first star path. However, the difference between the former and the later stages of the same star path is almost double.

Li Fuchen doesn't know if he can finish the fourth star road, but he will try his best.

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