"It's not bad."

The old man with white hair is interested in red feather industry.

"That's good."

The handsome man nodded.

"You won't rob me again!" The old man with white hair is not calm.

Junwei man said: "don't worry, won't rob with you, he still has some gap from my standard."

"So it is." The old man with white hair nods. In fact, Chiyu industry is far away from his standard. He is diligent enough to be his own disciple. Of course, the premise is that the other party can pass the six Qiwu schools, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

The middle-aged beautiful woman said: "Qiwu liumen, you need to maintain your will for a period of time. As long as you pass this period of time, you can pass, and you don't know whether these two people can pass."

Although Li Fuchen has little hope of becoming her own disciple, she cherishes the talent and martial arts talents.

"The former should be OK, and the latter is a bit of a problem." Another strange warrior with gray hair opened his mouth.

With the passage of time, the will of the two people has been maintained.

In particular, Li Fuchen's will did not dissipate, on the contrary, there was a trend of cohesion.

"What a terrible will."

Old people with white hair are moved.

In the wind blade space, it is extremely difficult to maintain the will. There is no strength to gather the will. At least they have not seen anyone can do it.

Li Fuchen did.

This shows that he still has "spare power".

Will more and more strong, the wind, seems to be quiet some.

"Does he want to recover on his own?"

All of them were shocked.

The handsome man is also staring at the blade space where Li Fuchen is.

It's two concepts to survive a given period of time and to recover on your own.

Just like in the fire space, the difference between playing the Dragon level explosive force and playing the Dragon level explosive force is the same.

No, it's ten times bigger than that.

The will of the mind can be exercised.

But the original will, there is no way to exercise, at least the extraordinary martial arts can not.

It's on your own.

We can only rely on fate.

"Big brother, please give it to me." Old people with white hair are excited.

It is a matter of great achievement to teach such a disciple.


Jun Wei said.

With one point as the center, the wind in such a large area is still.

Yes, the wind is still.

The blade is no longer produced.

A little light is blooming.

"Is this son against heaven?" The middle-aged woman murmured.

"Already against the weather?"

The burly man was heartbroken.

"Compared with him, the former disciples are too weak." The gray haired old man shook his head.

He is the fourth martial artist, but he looks old, and his former disciple is Xia houchuan, the son of Douling family.

On the other hand, the will of Chiyu industry is very cohesive, there is no trace of dissipation, but there is no trace of cohesion.

He's insisting.

As the top Kendo genius in Donglin, he vowed to climb the top of Kendo and become the king of sword.

Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!

The blade of the wind flies back and forth, cutting his will wildly.

He felt like he was going to lose his grip.

But he didn't want to.

His goal is to become the true disciple of the first or the second martial arts master, and to do what others can't do.

This is his mission.

"Hold on to me."

Dissipated some of the will, like a candle in general, try to maintain.

"I set my life against the destiny and give me cohesion."

The light was shining everywhere, and the voice of Li Fushen suddenly rang out.

At the next moment, the body, broken into nothingness, began to condense.

After a while, a complete body came out.

Opening his eyes, Li Fuchen saw the blade space again.

However, there was no blade in the wind blade space at this time. As far as his eyes could reach, the wind blades in the distance were lax and could not bear his eyes.

The space of wind blade is also the space of will.

As long as your will is strong enough, the wind blade will not dare to make a mistake.

"He, did it?"

In addition to the handsome men, the other seven martial artists took a breath.

What kind of person is this!

Mingming can pass Qiwu liumen as long as he sticks to it for a period of time, but he goes beyond this rule and recovers himself, breaking the limitation of wind blade space.

"It's really a genius born and bred in Donglin mainland to play dragon level explosive power and recover body by primitive will?" The old man with white hair is uncertain.Jun Wei said with a serious look: "he is an anomaly, but I can't agree with you. Although Donglin is small, it's not impossible to create a genius against the sky. In a small place, there may be a real dragon."

They are not born out of the world, but beyond the birth of the martial arts. They are only limited to the rules of the secret place of Qi Wu. They can not leave the secret place without permission. Even if they pay the price, their strength will be suppressed to a very low level. They can only play the fighting power of the outbred martial arts. Therefore, their vision is broader than that of all the people in Donglin mainland, but Li Fuchen's The level of genius is really beyond their imagination.


Li Fuchen fingers to the front, a group of wind condenses to become a whirlwind portal.

Step up, Li Fuchen into the door of the cyclone.

The outside world is completely crazy.

"Qiwu's six gates have passed. Is he still a man?"

"In this era, only three people passed through Qiwu six gates, and he also passed."

Everyone's mood is up and down.

Through Qiwu liumen, this is a big thing. If Li Fuchen was unknown before, his fame will spread throughout Donglin mainland with the passage of time.

A year later, he will definitely have a place in the star list competition.

Li Fuchen passes through Qiwu six gates, and the most unhappy is the Tiansha gate.

The more Li Fuchen passes through the Qiwu gate, the greater the cost of the Tiansha gate to move him.

If they were lucky before, Li Fuchen could not be the disciple of the martial arts master, but now they have no luck at all.

If you pass the six gates of Qiwu, you will be able to pass on the disciples of Qiwu. This is the iron rule.

On the road, in front of Li Fuchen is the seventh stone gate.

Jun Wei man suddenly high voice way: "also please close the seventh stone gate shadow and the eighth stone gate empty shadow."

He felt that Li Fuchen had the hope to pass through Qiwu Qimen, but once Li Fuchen passed through Qiwu Qimen, it would be harmful to him but not beneficial. For their own interests, some sects would still take risks.

In addition, there are still some super powerful martial artists in Donglin mainland. If they can get out of the secret state of martial arts without paying a price, they are naturally not afraid. However, after paying the price, they do not have the confidence to win.

Too high profile, too low profile.

He didn't want Li Fuchen to meet any accident outside.

Xu Ying, who guards the secret place of Qiwu, seems to hear the voice of the handsome man. With a wave of his right hand, the shadow of the seventh and eighth stone gate on the left pillar of the palace gate disappears.

"What's going on?"

People don't understand.

"Disappear and disappear. No one can pass through Qiwu seven gates anyway." Although puzzled, but we did not care too much.

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